I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
Did the United States become a nation without military force?
Are we Canada?
There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

Who is taken this country down?

You'll have to ask Mary about that one. It's his claim.
I don't know Pogo is making a claim in another thread he got shot by cops..

Pogo used to be smart until 11/9/2016. Then the TDS starting eating away at his brain, and realistically, this is 2+ years later, and he's FUBAR.

Ph34r the TDS, it's a real thing. Trump is your president, he wants to do good for you as best a human can.

in other news, Trump is the best president in at least 4 decades, pay no mind to the leftist media slamming him every day as hard as they can.

That's mostly bullshit. I think TDS is terminal, be afraid.

I have witnessed the decline of all the TDS-afflicted here, sad.

It's very sad and scary, they degenerate in babbling nincompoops that lack a sense of humor.
Exactly he became care 4 all
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
Did the United States become a nation without military force?
Are we Canada?

Nope. Canada probably still uses 3 MOA .303s while we in the US use M4s for the military now. M4s have to be at least 1 MOA. AND are semi or full automatic. That 16 inch barrel and them itty bitty bullets don't give me a woody, though. However, they do fire faster than most of my guns while being slightly less accurate and smaller bullets.
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My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

Who is taken this country down?

You'll have to ask Mary about that one. It's his claim.

Pew pew pew?

You all are becoming nuts.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
Did the United States become a nation without military force?
Are we Canada?

Nope. Canada probably still uses 3 MOA .303s while we in the US use M4s for the military now. M4s have to be at least 1 MOA.

We need to buy the latest stuff

Oh yeah we make it.
True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

Who is taken this country down?

No one, because Americans will not allow it. Would you?
My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

Who is taken this country down?

No one, because Americans will not allow it. Would you?

We need to be like more American..

And fight for our independence..

Maybe one day..

I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to scope some old military rifle from the UK that's not as accurate? All numbers match, too. I keep it for nostalgia. It's all oiled up and put away.
I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.
I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.
I bet you even open up a door for some one
I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.

Yeah well, unless they're breaking into my home or assaulting me to where I fear for my life, I really don't want to kill anybody. I will if I have to, but really I just like to target shoot. I'm really not sure if I could pull a trigger on a human if I had to. If it's to protect family or something, in a heartbeat. With just myself? ehh, IDK.
I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.
I bet you even open up a door for some one

I do! A nice black guy held the door open for me today. It's like it's not so bad around here! :) I told him "Thank you, sir." too. Because that's what you're supposed to do.
I'm not even gonna ask if I'm right because I know damn well I'm not wrong.
I never liked tea anyways

America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.

Yeah well, unless they're breaking into my home or assaulting me to where I fear for my life, I really don't want to kill anybody. I will if I have to, but really I just like to target shoot. I'm really not sure if I could a trigger on a human if I had to. If it's to protect family or something, in a heartbeat. With just myself? ehh, IDK.

I have my knifes..I just never pulled them out in anger.

Everyone sees them my point is made
America is a coffee nation. ;)

We should invent some guns or something.

Does the UK make any guns now, or no?

I have a Lee Enfield #1 Mark 3 that I think is well above minimum requirements.
10 round mag, probably shoots 1-1/2 MOA. Open sights only, I'm not going to scope that, I have a Savage .06 that's dead nuts, why would I want to do that?
You know what's amazing is you don't even kill a person.

Yeah well, unless they're breaking into my home or assaulting me to where I fear for my life, I really don't want to kill anybody. I will if I have to, but really I just like to target shoot. I'm really not sure if I could a trigger on a human if I had to. If it's to protect family or something, in a heartbeat. With just myself? ehh, IDK.

I have my knifes..I just never pulled them out in anger.

Everyone sees them my point is made

Me either, but one time this guy had a bad look in his eye and went to put his hands on me.

He was a bouncer at a bar, I wasn't bothering anybody.

I saw that look in his eye and next thing I know the knife was out and I said "Bitch, you go to put your hands on me and I'm gonna cut you deep and wide" and I meant it.

I felt he was a killer. I saw this weird dead look in his eye. I walked out of there and never went back. Not a place for me to be.

That guy? Either he's dead or gonna do life, not sure which, I never really studied it.

I think he's the one that killed somebody the next week, either that or he's the one that got killed. I know he meant to do an unsuspecting cracker bad harm, he got the wrong one that night. At least he knew it. 2 cuts on either of the neck and a stab in the spine and he'd be done and I'd be trying to explain to the man. Thank God it didn't go like that. I was not trying to cause anyone any harm whatsoever.
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