I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
Did the United States become a nation without military force?

What does that have to do with the celebration of certain holidays. Did we have a military prior to the revolutionary war?

Ok let's go your way and play like a moron..

So how did we become a nation, by butt Fucking?

They formed the military & defeated the English. It was the people coming together. That is why we shopuld celebrate the spirit of 1776. The people joining together to win our independence.

Not big corporate military that we have today.

So now you finally admitted independence day was about guns?
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.

Everything the people want eh ?? Have you checked what the people want lately ??? No rational minded government as is run by the people in the world today, would agree with such idiocy that is being demanded today.

It is a want that destroys the merit system, and then breeds government dependency in which those who are seeking power over the government, will then use that dependency to abuse the citizens who would by then be slaves to that newly formed government.

All people have to do is look into the ideologies and thinking of those who are voicing their ideas and opinions of what they are wanting today, and for most it will be case closed. Another thing that happens, is that when the heat gets turned up on the issues, the outward push will go into a lull until another time is ripe to attempt the lunacy again.

Hopefully people don't fall for the bullcrap, and slowly climb one by one aboard the crazy train to their destruction found in a government that will be out of control under certain rulers who would then control it.

Old Rome seems to be raising it's ugly head in similarities of today.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.
This is so fucked up. How can you celebrate our Independence with kids in cages? My god man, where is your morality?
We did it in 2006 and nobody bitched about it, also 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 etc. So what has changed to make it a big deal?

Jesus fuck You can't possibly be this fucking stupid not top know how Trump policies have made this far far far worse.

Well assuming your sentence that makes no sense can be translated accurately, Trump's policies have

--Kick started a stalled, stagnant economy to an amazing degree.

--Trillions of dollars of operating and venture capital that had been sidelined here or sheltered overseas to protect it from Obama's oppressive policies have been put back into the economy that helped promote that kick start.

--Wages are rising comfortably without noticeable inflation for the first time in quite a while.

--People are going back to work and in spite of the retiring baby boomers now exiting the labor market in record numbers, the labor participation rate ticked up a bit last month.

--People who were struggling with two or three jobs with little or no benefits are now able to secure permanent full time jobs with benefits. That is due to small business being relieved of the Obamacare mandate that forced them to either not expand their work forces or utilize only part time and/or temporary labor.

--Our allies who had been leeching off of us for years are starting to pay more of their fair share in return for the security we provide them.

--Bad trade deals that had been bleeding jobs and manufacturing capability from the USA are being renegotiated, and because of that, plus a more equitable tax policy and more reasonable regulation policies, more businesses are returning to the USA than are leaving. Our manufacturing base is increasing for the first time in a very long time.

--Unemployment is at record or near record levels not only overall, but for essentially every American demographic including black people, Hispanics, women, youth, the hard core unemployed, etc. etc. etc.

--Family wealth is increasing for the first time in a long time due to increased earnings and also due to home values increasing.

--We are negotiating with countries that are the most dangerous to the USA and/or their neighbors, militarily and/or economically and seeing progress, though slow, being made. Progress is being made in areas in which there was a lot of grumbling and blustering by previous administrations, but were otherwise ignored.

--We are energy independent which frees us from being held hostage by OPEC or anybody else.

You have to look really hard to find any metric that has not improved under the Trump policies. But the TDS crowd doesn't care. They hunt and scratch to find something, anything, to hold up as something that isn't good and therefore say it has all failed. I don't know how people that intellectually dishonest sleep at night.
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The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.

What quality education you have?

Find a cure for cancer yet?
No. I never lie. I have been mistaken before, but I freely acknowledge that as soon as proof is presented. You said we fought for independence from socialism. That's bat-shit crazy.

We fought for independence from imperialism, not socialism.

True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:
Who are they? I know of none.
True, but for right wingers, socialism has become a catch all word meaning anything they don't like. One right wing family member even complained the socialist reduction of the speed limit in a school zone was the reason he got a ticket. Now, even you have to see that's nuts, and a little bit sad/funny too.

My brother complains about socialism all the way to the bank to deposit his SS check, and to the doctor's office that is covered by Medicare.

Republicans have sold, sold, sold their bankrupt notions to the American public like mother's milk ever since the Fairness Doctrine was overturned. But most damaging of all was the politicalization of the Christian right. Republicans have flocks of evangelicals who are convinced that the Democratic Party is head by the Devil himself and that all of their religious rights will be stripped and the country will be pure evil if Democrats are elected.

These notions are coming from evangelical pulpits and leaders. This is the EXACT reason why the Founding Fathers wanted religion kept out of politics. They saw how the Catholic Church was corrupted and manipulated by its political machinations in Europe leading up to the Reformation. The Reformation happened because of the Pope's political manipulations of various European governments throughout the Middle Ages.

1776 wasn't that far from removed from the Reformation, and the religious corruption that lead to it. How is this any different from Donald Trump supressing dirty pictures of the Franklins, in return for which Rev. Franklin tells his flock to vote for Trump. Not much God in there for that preacher, is there?

There are Communists actively trying to take down/take over America. That's a no-no. :eusa_naughty:

That doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communist who is trying to take down our country, does it?

No, but you're a leftist commie shill. What is your point? You are, Olde Europe is, DragonLady is, and RealDave is too.

Commie leftist shills, all of you. :1peleas::fu:
Put an intelligent argument to your claim that they are Communists. Do you know what a Communist is? Put some context to your claim or shut the fuck up.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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President Trump would have been criticized just as much if he had cancelled or not scheduled an event on the Washington Mall, and instead just left town for the long weekend.

He couldn't have done it right, in the eyes of the Far Left.

All he does is play Golf, something he said he would never have time to do. Remember? So why would the Left think anything else?
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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View attachment 267841

If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.

Shit for brains, Wasteful spending on socialist entitlement programs Dorfs all other spending.
Political correctness has no appeal to normal people, so take your fuckking political correctness and shove it up your ass
Just don't thank Trump. He fought for a deferment his daddy paid for so he wouldn't have to fight for anything but his own fat, sorry, criminal, coward, ass.
Day 4...still not one single mention of trump's self fellation event to be heard, even here in trump armpit...err, country. Though the veterans I spoke to (a handful) all said beforehand that it is nauseating. And these are some trump voting people.

I wonder how far the babyman president has to go to get a lot of these people to stay home in 2020? I say give him all the rope he wants.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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View attachment 267841

If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.

Shit for brains, Wasteful spending on socialist entitlement programs Dorfs all other spending.
Political correctness has no appeal to normal people, so take your fuckking political correctness and shove it up your ass

"Shit for brains?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: "Wasteful spending on socialist entitlement programs"? OMG! How can people be this fucking stupid? Do you even know what socialist entitlement programs even are? It's your money that "you"earned while working that comes back to you. There was never anything wasteful of something that was already yours. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID?
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.
This is so fucked up. How can you celebrate our Independence with kids in cages? My god man, where is your morality?
Illegal aliens deserve to be in cages
Why? What did they do to the US that we didn't already do to them? Are you capable of intelligent/ honest debate? If you were, you would admit to some of the most vile immorality and evil known to mankind.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.
This is so fucked up. How can you celebrate our Independence with kids in cages? My god man, where is your morality?
Illegal aliens deserve to be in cages
Why? What did they do to the US that we didn't already do to them? Are you capable of intelligent/ honest debate? If you were, you would admit to some of the most vile immorality and evil known to mankind.
Illegal aliens are just that.... illegal
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The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.
This is so fucked up. How can you celebrate our Independence with kids in cages? My god man, where is your morality?
Illegal aliens deserve to be in cages
Why? What did they do to the US that we didn't already do to them? Are you capable of intelligent/ honest debate? If you were, you would admit to some of the most vile immorality and evil known to mankind.
Illegal aliens or just that.... illegal
You offer nothing that remotely resembles coherent debate. What a real loser.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.
This is so fucked up. How can you celebrate our Independence with kids in cages? My god man, where is your morality?

I think you've hit your head. Kid you need to learn reading comprehension.
Sorry, I interpreted your post wrong. I read too fast for my own good sometime to actually save time, when it can backfire. My apologies!
Too funny. The Canadian Clueless DragonBitch embarrasses herself yet again with her slathering nonsense.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression,
Tell us what other kinds of war there are? Oh yeah, the countless wars the USA engaged in to save and protect other nations at our own expense, just to name a few: Kuwait, South Korea, Vietnam, WWII (Hitler was no threat to us). Absolute idiot.
hostility to immigration,
You mean hostility to ILLEGAL migration, which is a crime, like in most other countries. Tell us all the countries which INVITE rampant infiltration of their borders with absolutely no vetting or documentation, DragonLady, go ahead!
a government run by special interests
Tell us what governments AREN'T run by lobbyists and special interests? BTW, your DNC is nothing BUT special interest groups! HaHa!
was hardly what the Founders had in mind.
Oh do give us the list of things the DNC is doing right now that the Founders wanted and intended!
They wanted limited government
And yet all the DNC ever tries to do is GROW more government. Obama alone fantastically grew the bureaucracy f Washington!
you have the worlds largest most expensive army
The most powerful military necessary for the free world. You betcha, sweetheart.
while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.
No quality education or healthcare. Is that why we produce many of the smartest people and all you jackass Canadians come down here for your operations?
I'll give you our infrastructure needs work and that was one of Trump's greatest wishes. Too bad Congress won't go along!
The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars.
Tell us just where the Founders said that and said they could predict the needs of a country centuries in the future in a world they could not even imagine? Go ahead, show us!
That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination.
The pilgrims left Europe for freedom and autonomy.
you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.
So our Army is an army of slaves? Thanks for letting us know. Either way, we could kick Canada's ass to Kingdom Come without even breaking a sweat. And if Canada is ever attacked, we would be the one's to save your sorry, worthless asses! Though I'm not sure who would bother invading a country that has nothing worth taking.
There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose.
Apparently the people want Trump because 30 of the states elected him by a wide margin, and many of the blue states were just barely over the 50% mark for Hillary.
Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.
I live here and don't know anyone who wants gun registration and confiscation, government medicine (what you have), and wages are controlled by market forces not government, Fool, and the only injustice of rights we have is that politicians never seem held to the same standards as the rest of us. Other than that, we all have the same rights and opportunity.
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So, Democrats did it.

Not slavery.

Not the treasonous slave owners in the South.

Not Jim Crow.

Not Viet Nam.

Not the criminal war of aggression on Iraq.

Not torture.

Ashamed because you couldn't see Trump's militaristic vanity spectacle - ordering the troops to work overtime so that he could share the troops' glory, as opposed to granting them a day off so that they, too, could celebrate Independence Day - on all five of your network channels.

There is nothing, or so Trump told us, that America couldn't do. Just making sure that every American has access to health care, and when disaster strikes they aren't bankrupted, that America cannot do. There's a reason to be ashamed.

You may now resume the spluttering apoplexy.
Wow, excellent comment and a fantastic USMB bitch slap.

The list of things America “can’t” do is endless.

Universal health care
$15 minimum wage
Quality public school education for ALL, not just schools in wealthy neighbourhoods
Safe and secure drinking water for all
Clean cities
End homelessness
Retraining for unskilled workers
Maternity leave and job security for pregnant women

All things that every other First World country provides for its people. Americans provide for the military, the corporations and the wealthy. The remaining 75% of the populations have to make do on the scraps the oligarchs throw them: earned income credits, instead of a living wage: food stamps; stigmatizing and shaming them with every purchase, and Medicaid, which many hospitals and doctors can refuse.
Other countries can afford this shit because they don't maintain military might to defend themselves in case of being attacked. They rely on the US to defend them. We need to pull our troops out of countries they shouldn't be in and force those countries to defend themselves. It is time we stop supplementing the defense of our allies with our troops. If they want our troops then they need to pay for their cost plus profit for having them.

Who is going to attack us? Canada hasn't BEEN attacked since 1812
For God's sake, what has Canada anything to be attacked over? You can't GIVE the place away. The USA could have TAKEN "Canada" if it wanted, but all you have up there is snow, bad weather and boreal forests and lakes! 90% of your country is vacant. It is the Western Siberia. That's why anyone who is anything comes south to America.

I mean REALLY. Just about everyone in Canada is crowded along the southern border so that they are right next to the USA!

The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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View attachment 267840
View attachment 267841

If you are ashamed of your country, change it, get out, or STFU

Dear Flop-sweat, if you actually had enough whereforeall to actually read my OP as you obviously didn't, you'd know that it was just a sarcasm to say that I'm really just ashamed of the minority faction of people like you allowed to walk freely in my country protected by your scum kind who dare call themselves "Americans" and have so badly damaged it with your delusional mental illness you call "progress."

You dare to want to tear the greatest country in the history of the planet apart so that you can "fix it" by making it again just like everything our Founders broke away from at the cost of millions of brave lives to be better than.

The USA is already everything the Founding Fathers broke away from at great cost. Wars of aggression, hostility to immigration, a government run by special interests to benefit corporations and the wealthy, was hardly what the Founders had in mind.

They wanted limited government and instead you have the worlds largest most expensive army, while the people go without quality education, health care and infrastructure.

The Founding Fathers wanted a peaceful nation that avoided foreign entanglements and wars. That’s why the Pilgrims left Europe. War and discrimination. Instead of leaving it all behind, you’ve enslaved your workers to build an army.

There is no government “for the people”. Everything the people want, Republicans oppose. Sensible gun control, universal health care, living wages, equal rights for all people.

Shit for brains, Wasteful spending on socialist entitlement programs Dorfs all other spending.
Political correctness has no appeal to normal people, so take your fuckking political correctness and shove it up your ass

"Shit for brains?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: "Wasteful spending on socialist entitlement programs"? OMG! How can people be this fucking stupid? Do you even know what socialist entitlement programs even are? It's your money that "you"earned while working that comes back to you. There was never anything wasteful of something that was already yours. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID?

Fact: Entitlement programs go the most to people who contribute to them the LEAST. That is WHY they call them entitlement programs! Those that contribute the most don't need them. That is why they contribute the most. If they NEEDED them, they COULDN'T contribute to them! So it's NOT for the most part you're own money coming back to you but a lot of somebody else's. You know, it took a while, but I finally figured out what "BWK" really stands for! :auiqs.jpg:

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