I’m glad Gilespy lost.

In the beginning he was losing. He said Trump a few times and expected to win. Now Republicans and Democrats still don’t get it I guess.
Huh? Trump lost VA, and the guy who embraced Trump lost the VA primary.

He did not embrace Trump, and none of you get it. Trump isn’t the issue. Trump was not elected his message was (what little missive there was). Gilespy lost by like 9 points. And the democrat winner had a massive protest at his victory speech. He had to back off removing statues, and he had to back off sanctuary states and cities. So really, the winner DID embrace the ideas trump ran on. In the end, Neither were a win for. Virginia.
No......they weren't protesting......they were cussing out Trump cuz he's a big, fat, orange, poopyhead.
It depends on where you live in FL. Coming from. Tx, no income tax either, we pay less for electric, local taxes, etc. here. The property taxes are high to us where we are, but we still find overall it is below where we were living in Tx, which was decent.
He did not embrace Trump, and none of you get it. Trump isn’t the issue. Trump was not elected his message was (what little missive there was). Gilespy lost by like 9 points. And the democrat winner had a massive protest at his victory speech. He had to back off removing statues, and he had to back off sanctuary states and cities. So really, the winner DID embrace the ideas trump ran on. In the end, Neither were a win for. Virginia.
when the taxes go up again, to pay for all the anchor babies going to school, you can bet the liberals will flee back to Maryland. Just a matter of time, which I will be in Florida not having to pay a state tax basically getting a $10,000 pay raise... You libs left will have to pick up the tab, ROTFLMAO.....

First off, congratulations. That’s awesome. If you like to hunt send me a PM and I’ll refer you to my bub Carney. He will get you on hogs and gators all day, and even does onife hunts if you want. Now, tax’s, abortion, Black people, wet backs, guns, all those big issues are background noise. Your tax’s will remain the same. You buy food right? You buy gas right? Got a school in your area ? Got a fire department? Police department ? You will pay all the same tax’s, trannys will still be crapping in the shitter right next to you and illegal Mexicans will still mow your lawn. Look past the freak and look at his platform. Even in Florida you will see the same until you get it. Republicans and democrats are finished as they were. Those who stick to the old play book will continue to lose be it against a tranny or a bible thumping republican.
I wont pay the same, as the state income tax in Florida is 0%. I am paying right now city and state over 10 grand....

I hear ya, but I promise, Florida will help you spend that $10,000. Other then that, I recommend a boat and a decent selection of inshore and fresh water fishing gear. Florida is an awesome spot to forget all this political upset and just have fun. I’m jealous.

It’s the one issues. Every six months the school districts might hike owners to pay for free lunches for hood rats and illegals and 6,000,000 dollar high school football stadiums. They get their taxes here. Google cyfare bond issue and you will understand.
Sounds about like ours. Our school district is awful as well.
It depends on where you live in FL. Coming from. Tx, no income tax either, we pay less for electric, local taxes, etc. here. The property taxes are high to us where we are, but we still find overall it is below where we were living in Tx, which was decent.
when the taxes go up again, to pay for all the anchor babies going to school, you can bet the liberals will flee back to Maryland. Just a matter of time, which I will be in Florida not having to pay a state tax basically getting a $10,000 pay raise... You libs left will have to pick up the tab, ROTFLMAO.....

First off, congratulations. That’s awesome. If you like to hunt send me a PM and I’ll refer you to my bub Carney. He will get you on hogs and gators all day, and even does onife hunts if you want. Now, tax’s, abortion, Black people, wet backs, guns, all those big issues are background noise. Your tax’s will remain the same. You buy food right? You buy gas right? Got a school in your area ? Got a fire department? Police department ? You will pay all the same tax’s, trannys will still be crapping in the shitter right next to you and illegal Mexicans will still mow your lawn. Look past the freak and look at his platform. Even in Florida you will see the same until you get it. Republicans and democrats are finished as they were. Those who stick to the old play book will continue to lose be it against a tranny or a bible thumping republican.
I wont pay the same, as the state income tax in Florida is 0%. I am paying right now city and state over 10 grand....

I hear ya, but I promise, Florida will help you spend that $10,000. Other then that, I recommend a boat and a decent selection of inshore and fresh water fishing gear. Florida is an awesome spot to forget all this political upset and just have fun. I’m jealous.

It’s the one issues. Every six months the school districts might hike owners to pay for free lunches for hood rats and illegals and 6,000,000 dollar high school football stadiums. They get their taxes here. Google cyfare bond issue and you will understand.
Suddenly republicans deployed the "elections mean nothing" talking points while reminding everyone they won elections!

They do mean stuff. Especially this one, but you sheep are to fucking dense to grasp it.

Let me guess, and you're the smart one that gets it. Right?

Don’t have to be smart to get it. You, like a typical slave only see red and blue. You are to fucking ignorant to understand that they are all the same in politics. The democrat who won embraced Trumps ban on sanctuary cities. That’s why his victory speech was cancelled when it got going by protesters. A candidate did not win last night a sentiment did.

Hey, as soon as youre done with character readings online feel free to what I don't get about elections meaning things. Which is an amazing observation btw. Congrats
Sounds about like ours. Our school district is awful as well.
It depends on where you live in FL. Coming from. Tx, no income tax either, we pay less for electric, local taxes, etc. here. The property taxes are high to us where we are, but we still find overall it is below where we were living in Tx, which was decent.
First off, congratulations. That’s awesome. If you like to hunt send me a PM and I’ll refer you to my bub Carney. He will get you on hogs and gators all day, and even does onife hunts if you want. Now, tax’s, abortion, Black people, wet backs, guns, all those big issues are background noise. Your tax’s will remain the same. You buy food right? You buy gas right? Got a school in your area ? Got a fire department? Police department ? You will pay all the same tax’s, trannys will still be crapping in the shitter right next to you and illegal Mexicans will still mow your lawn. Look past the freak and look at his platform. Even in Florida you will see the same until you get it. Republicans and democrats are finished as they were. Those who stick to the old play book will continue to lose be it against a tranny or a bible thumping republican.
I wont pay the same, as the state income tax in Florida is 0%. I am paying right now city and state over 10 grand....

I hear ya, but I promise, Florida will help you spend that $10,000. Other then that, I recommend a boat and a decent selection of inshore and fresh water fishing gear. Florida is an awesome spot to forget all this political upset and just have fun. I’m jealous.

It’s the one issues. Every six months the school districts might hike owners to pay for free lunches for hood rats and illegals and 6,000,000 dollar high school football stadiums. They get their taxes here. Google cyfare bond issue and you will understand.

Yup, and it’s getting that way all over. We own a house over towards Beoumont that went down during Harvy. We we’re elated! But then we saw the “Bond issue” signes infront of the school in a Mont Bellview and that kind of killed it for us.
Sounds about like ours. Our school district is awful as well.
It depends on where you live in FL. Coming from. Tx, no income tax either, we pay less for electric, local taxes, etc. here. The property taxes are high to us where we are, but we still find overall it is below where we were living in Tx, which was decent.
First off, congratulations. That’s awesome. If you like to hunt send me a PM and I’ll refer you to my bub Carney. He will get you on hogs and gators all day, and even does onife hunts if you want. Now, tax’s, abortion, Black people, wet backs, guns, all those big issues are background noise. Your tax’s will remain the same. You buy food right? You buy gas right? Got a school in your area ? Got a fire department? Police department ? You will pay all the same tax’s, trannys will still be crapping in the shitter right next to you and illegal Mexicans will still mow your lawn. Look past the freak and look at his platform. Even in Florida you will see the same until you get it. Republicans and democrats are finished as they were. Those who stick to the old play book will continue to lose be it against a tranny or a bible thumping republican.
I wont pay the same, as the state income tax in Florida is 0%. I am paying right now city and state over 10 grand....

I hear ya, but I promise, Florida will help you spend that $10,000. Other then that, I recommend a boat and a decent selection of inshore and fresh water fishing gear. Florida is an awesome spot to forget all this political upset and just have fun. I’m jealous.

It’s the one issues. Every six months the school districts might hike owners to pay for free lunches for hood rats and illegals and 6,000,000 dollar high school football stadiums. They get their taxes here. Google cyfare bond issue and you will understand.
Wasn't the State Lotto monies all suppose to go to Education so they wouldn't need those kinds of bonds for football fields etc?

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