I'm going to be sick - Liz Warren Announces Run 4 Prez

her message about the dignity of work will be especially effective in the heartland, the states that will decide 2020
The asshole thought if she came clean on that stupid lie about being an Indian early on then everybody would forget about it when the election came.
Source: CNBC
Sen. Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced on Monday that she had formally launched an exploratory committee for a 2020 presidential bid.

The former Harvard professor made the announcement in a video emailed to supporters. In the four-minute video, Warren promoted a message of economic fairness, while targeting corruption and racial inequity.

"Our government is supposed to work for all of us, but instead, it has become a tool for the wealthy and well-connected," Warren said in the video.

She said corruption is "poisoning our democracy," warned that "America's middle class is under attack," and cited the obstacles facing minority groups.

Buckle up Democrats, here comes Hillary Clinton-Lite. :cool:

She’s a terrible orator and will not have my support in the primaries. But If she wins the nomination, I’ll vote for her.

Who do you want at the top of your ticket?
Warren is a fine candidate.

What I really like is her willingness to hold the banks and corporations accountable and her knowledge in that regard.

That said there are plenty of great candidates that I would support. There's a long way to go yet
Perhaps the Democratic Party wants to hand another term to the current President.
Without an alternative to the two party strangle hold, it hardly matters which holds what positions, America remains in position to be, er, 'loved' by them.
Source: CNBC
Sen. Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced on Monday that she had formally launched an exploratory committee for a 2020 presidential bid.

The former Harvard professor made the announcement in a video emailed to supporters. In the four-minute video, Warren promoted a message of economic fairness, while targeting corruption and racial inequity.

"Our government is supposed to work for all of us, but instead, it has become a tool for the wealthy and well-connected," Warren said in the video.

She said corruption is "poisoning our democracy," warned that "America's middle class is under attack," and cited the obstacles facing minority groups.

Buckle up Democrats, here comes Hillary Clinton-Lite. :cool:

Normally, when Native Americans commence a great undertaking....they participate in a Sweat Lodge...did she do this?
Our first black President. Then, our first retarded President. And now, our first Native American President!

Isn't America wonderful?
I look forward to our first female, Native American, lesbian President.

She is a lesbian, right?
Source: CNBC
Sen. Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced on Monday that she had formally launched an exploratory committee for a 2020 presidential bid.

The former Harvard professor made the announcement in a video emailed to supporters. In the four-minute video, Warren promoted a message of economic fairness, while targeting corruption and racial inequity.

"Our government is supposed to work for all of us, but instead, it has become a tool for the wealthy and well-connected," Warren said in the video.

She said corruption is "poisoning our democracy," warned that "America's middle class is under attack," and cited the obstacles facing minority groups.

Buckle up Democrats, here comes Hillary Clinton-Lite. :cool:

Normally, when Native Americans commence a great undertaking....they participate in a Sweat Lodge...did she do this?

Yep, she's been out sweating donors for money for months.
Source: CNBC
Sen. Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced on Monday that she had formally launched an exploratory committee for a 2020 presidential bid.

The former Harvard professor made the announcement in a video emailed to supporters. In the four-minute video, Warren promoted a message of economic fairness, while targeting corruption and racial inequity.

"Our government is supposed to work for all of us, but instead, it has become a tool for the wealthy and well-connected," Warren said in the video.

She said corruption is "poisoning our democracy," warned that "America's middle class is under attack," and cited the obstacles facing minority groups.

Buckle up Democrats, here comes Hillary Clinton-Lite. :cool:

When Trump beats her will she go on a two year crying spree?
So who, RaTz, will you put on the under card of the Lizzie "Lies With Straight Face" Warren's raid on the White House ticket?
When Trump beats her will she go on a two year crying spree?

Probably not but based on recent history the Democrat Rank and File will, the only difference I imagine will be that they'll have to find some other country to blame since the Russia, Russia, Russia! scapegoat is just about all played out.

Personally I think a repeat of those 2016 post election Ding Bats-D freaking the fuck out videos would be worth another 4 years of King Dickweed in the White House.
Taking on Hillary, to whom the nomination rightly belongs?

If she's not on suicide watch then somebody's having intimate relations with the proverbial pooch......

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