I'm going to be sick - Liz Warren Announces Run 4 Prez

She's not even a good punching bag anymore...….her time has slipped away...….all that's left is trying to sweep up as much money from idiots as possible before that too vanishes
Oh, the Dems always say it, but then don’t do a single thing, except maybe offer a few breadcrumbs.
Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President in 2020

The Massachusetts senator is the most prominent Democrat to have announced a run against President Trump in 2020. The two already have a long history of trading barbs, and it’s likely to get even nastier. Published On Dec. 31, 2018

Michael Dwyer/Associated Press

Warren says that she would help the Middle Class as president.
That would be a 180 degree change of course for the Democrats.
Obammy assaulted the middle class for 8 years.
The Left has made it obvious that they regard the middle class as their opposition.
This is the real reason why the Liberals are so fanatically opposed to protecting our borders.
The Democratic Party needs more poor uneducated anti-American voters.

View attachment 237693
Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President in 2020

The Massachusetts senator is the most prominent Democrat to have announced a run against President Trump in 2020. The two already have a long history of trading barbs, and it’s likely to get even nastier. Published On Dec. 31, 2018

Michael Dwyer/Associated Press

Warren says that she would help the Middle Class as president.
That would be a 180 degree change of course for the Democrats.
Obammy assaulted the middle class for 8 years.
The Left has made it obvious that they regard the middle class as their opposition.
This is the real reason why the Liberals are so fanatically opposed to protecting our borders.
The Democratic Party needs more poor uneducated anti-American voters.

View attachment 237693
Oh please, I know she'd be better than Trump


Trump is the lowest bar

I'm sick because too many like her will jump in and , that is how Trump walked in over the GOP candidates in 2016. Elizabeth was a great bureaucrat, a so so Senator and would be almost as much a disaster as Trump as prez
She's not even a good punching bag anymore...….her time has slipped away...….all that's left is trying to sweep up as much money from idiots as possible before that too vanishes
she'd do well in gutter shit with Trump, but that only feeds his pathetic ego
Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President in 2020

The Massachusetts senator is the most prominent Democrat to have announced a run against President Trump in 2020. The two already have a long history of trading barbs, and it’s likely to get even nastier. Published On Dec. 31, 2018

Michael Dwyer/Associated Press

Warren says that she would help the Middle Class as president.
That would be a 180 degree change of course for the Democrats.
Obammy assaulted the middle class for 8 years.
The Left has made it obvious that they regard the middle class as their opposition.
This is the real reason why the Liberals are so fanatically opposed to protecting our borders.
The Democratic Party needs more poor uneducated anti-American voters.

View attachment 237693
Oh please, I know she'd be better than Trump


Trump is the lowest bar

I'm sick because too many like her will jump in and , that is how Trump walked in over the GOP candidates in 2016. Elizabeth was a great bureaucrat, a so so Senator and would be almost as much a disaster as Trump as prez
I figured she'd do this--it's going to take a heavy hitter who goes below the belt to run against Trump. I hope they come up with someone more moderate, though. I really do.
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She's not even a good punching bag anymore...….her time has slipped away...….all that's left is trying to sweep up as much money from idiots as possible before that too vanishes
she'd do well in gutter shit with Trump, but that only feeds his pathetic ego
She's alrdy lost multiple times to Trump...….dont you know your new know nothing shining god is BETO....why he's the next Robert Kennedy
I see the Leningrad post farm is once again wetting its collective pants over a potential candidate in an election that hasn't happened yet.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Yawn.
Leningrad? Wetting? No, we are laughing, as you probably are, oh maybe you are cringing, knowing she would fail the Dems miserably.
If looney Elizabeth lie-a-watha Warren is the best candidate the Democrats can field.

2020 will be a cake walk for the Republicans. ... :thup:
If looney Elizabeth lie-a-watha Warren is the best candidate the Democrats can field.

2020 will be a cake walk for the Republicans. ... :thup:

Familiarity of Famous Last Words is ironical.

They say the memory is the second thing to go.
Middle Class is bigger of America than France.

But Warren is best women to rule of the D.C.

Trump or Bannon or Pence meets Warren.

The U.S. need smaller immigration by Trump wanted wall.

Wall in southern will be clear job about max 2 years.

Warren will introduce smaller immigration she too.

If she winning presential election the next one.
There is very little comparison between Clinton and Warren. Clinton is dumb, angry, partisan, and opportunistic. Warren is (mostly) smart, passionate, idealistic, and misguided. Warren truly believes in her political stances, where Clinton only believes in pandering to polls.

… and you know this how? because she says she is?

Guess what? Clinton claimed the same thing, just like every other power hungry, egomaniac running for the Presidency has, just because they keep repeating the same slogans doesn't mean they actually believe in what they say.
"after a decade of big profits on credit cards, the banks got an even more delicious idea. credit cards had become kid stuff, why not target the real money & go after home mortgages? new, much bigger bottles, but it was the same wine" - Pocahontas
"after a decade of big profits on credit cards, the banks got an even more delicious idea. credit cards had become kid stuff, why not target the real money & go after home mortgages? new, much bigger bottles, but it was the same wine" - Pocahontas

She is a Pocahontas.
Oh please. give it up.

Want more? Sure. This is going to be comedy gold to have Harvard's "first woman of color" in the run.

Fordham piece called Warren Harvard Law's 'first woman of color'

"There are few women of color who hold important positions in the academy, Fortune 500 companies, or other prominent fields or industries," the piece says. "This is not inconsequential. Diversifying these arenas, in part by adding qualified women of color to their ranks, remains important for many reaons. For one, there are scant women of color as role models. In my three years at Stanford Law School, there were no professors who were women of color. Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995."


Oh please. give it up.

Want more? Sure. This is going to be comedy gold to have Harvard's "first woman of color" in the run.

Fordham piece called Warren Harvard Law's 'first woman of color'

"There are few women of color who hold important positions in the academy, Fortune 500 companies, or other prominent fields or industries," the piece says. "This is not inconsequential. Diversifying these arenas, in part by adding qualified women of color to their ranks, remains important for many reaons. For one, there are scant women of color as role models. In my three years at Stanford Law School, there were no professors who were women of color. Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995."


please, mocking her is silly. Better mockery photos of Trump

get with it, step up your game.

I'm no fan of her, but that childish nonsense
I'm no fan of her, but that childish nonsense

Yet you keep responding. It gets under your skin that you lefties are going to have to defend this joke. I'd just ignore the mockery rather than try to defend her. It would be more effective but you guys just can't help yourselves. So please, carry on. It's hilarious.

Warren is a fine candidate.

What I really like is her willingness to hold the banks and corporations accountable and her knowledge in that regard.

That said there are plenty of great candidates that I would support. There's a long way to go yet
Like her voting NO on auditing the fed? Lol that huckster aint no better than any of the other asswipe politicians.
To some sheep rhetoric is all that is needed... smh

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