I'm halfway through the book, The Controversy of Zion, and it's blowing me away

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

George Orwell, who disagreed with Douglas Reed strongly on many points, viewed him as a "persuasive writer" who was "capable of doing a lot of harm among the large public for which he caters".​

The enemies of zionism are surfacing now like never before and their assault on Jews in America is increasing in numbers of incidents and violence as never before and the fact it is happening whilst the illegitimate biben regime is in power is no small matter.

Progressivesā€”those who view mainstream liberals as too centrist and moderateā€”have a bizarre, illogical obsession with Israel and Zionism, one that causes them to invoke conspiracy theories about the Jewish state controlling media, banks, even American foreign policy, and to portray Israel as the most wicked country on earth. The core feature of anti-Semitism is accusing Jews of cosmic evil. How is accusing the only Jewish state of cosmic evil not anti-Semitic when that state is, in reality, a vibrant, tolerant democracy and when, by all relevant standards, other countries are far more deserving of such condemnation? History shows that anti-Semitism is a virus that mutates with time to conform to what is socially and culturally acceptable: Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today, but describing the Jewish state in such terms is fineā€”in some circles, even woke and intellectual. And the best part for anti-Semites: One can actually describe Jews in blatantly anti-Semitic terms; they just need to use the word "Zionist" as a disguise.

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Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
What founding documents?

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Who are you trying to kid? You've never read a book in your life.
Who are you trying to kid? You've never read a book in your life.
I don't blame kids so much these days.

After all, they spend their school time protesting guns, the climate, and learning that they could be another gender. They are more indoctrinated that Hitler youth ever were and are taught to worship the DNC.
For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

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Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
What founding documents?

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Deuteronomy, Numbers, Leviticus...
For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

George Orwell, who disagreed with Douglas Reed strongly on many points, viewed him as a "persuasive writer" who was "capable of doing a lot of harm among the large public for which he caters".​

The enemies of zionism are surfacing now like never before and their assault on Jews in America is increasing in numbers of incidents and violence as never before and the fact it is happening whilst the illegitimate biben regime is in power is no small matter.

Progressivesā€”those who view mainstream liberals as too centrist and moderateā€”have a bizarre, illogical obsession with Israel and Zionism, one that causes them to invoke conspiracy theories about the Jewish state controlling media, banks, even American foreign policy, and to portray Israel as the most wicked country on earth. The core feature of anti-Semitism is accusing Jews of cosmic evil. How is accusing the only Jewish state of cosmic evil not anti-Semitic when that state is, in reality, a vibrant, tolerant democracy and when, by all relevant standards, other countries are far more deserving of such condemnation? History shows that anti-Semitism is a virus that mutates with time to conform to what is socially and culturally acceptable: Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today, but describing the Jewish state in such terms is fineā€”in some circles, even woke and intellectual. And the best part for anti-Semites: One can actually describe Jews in blatantly anti-Semitic terms; they just need to use the word "Zionist" as a disguise.

Zionism set out to change Christianity and they have.
For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

George Orwell, who disagreed with Douglas Reed strongly on many points, viewed him as a "persuasive writer" who was "capable of doing a lot of harm among the large public for which he caters".​

The enemies of zionism are surfacing now like never before and their assault on Jews in America is increasing in numbers of incidents and violence as never before and the fact it is happening whilst the illegitimate biben regime is in power is no small matter.

Progressivesā€”those who view mainstream liberals as too centrist and moderateā€”have a bizarre, illogical obsession with Israel and Zionism, one that causes them to invoke conspiracy theories about the Jewish state controlling media, banks, even American foreign policy, and to portray Israel as the most wicked country on earth. The core feature of anti-Semitism is accusing Jews of cosmic evil. How is accusing the only Jewish state of cosmic evil not anti-Semitic when that state is, in reality, a vibrant, tolerant democracy and when, by all relevant standards, other countries are far more deserving of such condemnation? History shows that anti-Semitism is a virus that mutates with time to conform to what is socially and culturally acceptable: Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today, but describing the Jewish state in such terms is fineā€”in some circles, even woke and intellectual. And the best part for anti-Semites: One can actually describe Jews in blatantly anti-Semitic terms; they just need to use the word "Zionist" as a disguise.

Bret Stephens is a foaming-at-the-mouth Gentile-hater. What a dirty phony that guy is.

Bret Stephens, former editor of the Jerusalem Post, wrote in his New York Times column about the Unite the Right rally:

ā€¦ The presidentā€™s newfound (or long-hidden) Confederate sympathies are an extension of his other ethnic antipathies, just as the rallyā€™s anti-Semitic chants of ā€œJews will not replace usā€ are an extension of the alt-rightā€™s other hatreds.

President Jabberwock and the Jewish Right
Bret Stephens AUG. 18, 2017

But, just two months earlier, the Jew wrote:

In the matter of immigration, mark this conservative columnist down as strongly pro-deportation. The United States has too many people who donā€™t work hard, donā€™t believe in God, donā€™t contribute much to society and donā€™t appreciate the greatness of the American system.

They need to return whence they came.

I speak of Americans whose families have been in this country for a few generations. Complacent, entitled and often shockingly ignorant on basic points of American law and history, they are the stagnant pool in which our national prospects risk drowning.

On point after point, Americaā€™s nonimmigrants are failing our country. ā€¦

Because Iā€™m the child of immigrants and grew up abroad, I have always thought of the United States as a country that belongs first to its newcomers ā€¦

Weā€™re a country of immigrants ā€” by and for them, too. Americans who donā€™t get it should get out.
Only Mass Deportation Can Save America
Bret Stephens JUNE 16, 2017
For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and inheritance, in spiritual isolation from the rest of mankind. The singular paradox remains: though their enchainment was devised by the Levites the chains were Persian. On that day as ever since, though the fanatical sect has dictated their continuing captivity, foreign arms and foreign money have kept them in it.

George Orwell, who disagreed with Douglas Reed strongly on many points, viewed him as a "persuasive writer" who was "capable of doing a lot of harm among the large public for which he caters".​

The enemies of zionism are surfacing now like never before and their assault on Jews in America is increasing in numbers of incidents and violence as never before and the fact it is happening whilst the illegitimate biben regime is in power is no small matter.

Progressivesā€”those who view mainstream liberals as too centrist and moderateā€”have a bizarre, illogical obsession with Israel and Zionism, one that causes them to invoke conspiracy theories about the Jewish state controlling media, banks, even American foreign policy, and to portray Israel as the most wicked country on earth. The core feature of anti-Semitism is accusing Jews of cosmic evil. How is accusing the only Jewish state of cosmic evil not anti-Semitic when that state is, in reality, a vibrant, tolerant democracy and when, by all relevant standards, other countries are far more deserving of such condemnation? History shows that anti-Semitism is a virus that mutates with time to conform to what is socially and culturally acceptable: Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today, but describing the Jewish state in such terms is fineā€”in some circles, even woke and intellectual. And the best part for anti-Semites: One can actually describe Jews in blatantly anti-Semitic terms; they just need to use the word "Zionist" as a disguise.

Zionism set out to change Christianity and they have.
"Zionism set out to change Christianity and they have."
Exemplified by all the churches festooned with gay pride flags and BLM signs and that bishop for the Covington High kids who raced to publicly condemn Nick Sandman on behalf of a Native American white-hating con man, liar, and coward, and then had to apologize. If the Church had any balls left, he would have been defrocked as demonstrating he was unfit to lead his flock.
Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
You want them destroyed? Join the long, battered line of losers and wait your turn. You'd think with 3 millennia of examples, Jew-haters would get the idea that they are the ultimate survivors. Apparently, it's the hate that makes them unfixably stupid. Carry-on, Ace...
Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
You really are a sick and twisted creature with you Jew venom
I just hope you donā€™t own any guns
Falsely describing the Jewish people as devilish and guilty of mass slaughter is deplorable today,
Dude, your founding documents are full of stories of Jews (not Israelites) exterminating people. They boast of it. Your sick, blood-thirsty, malevolent God, invented by the Levite tyrant priests in Babylon, demands it.

anti-Semitism (n) 1) noticing what Jews do; 2) saying what Jews did; 3) a necessary and defensive Gentile survival strategy
You really are a sick and twisted creature with you Jew venom
I just hope you donā€™t own any guns
It's your fucking holy book, chump. If it embarrasses you, take it up with Yahweh. I'd be fine with it never having existed. Jews need to take a look in the mirror for a change.

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