I'm Impressed, USMB

I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
The problem is - the left is completely incapable of the same thing. Most of us admit that Donald Trump is a nightmare. Not a single liberal can admit that Hitlery Clinton is even worse.
How can you say that the center has moved to the left when the republican party has had such success in blocking the very movement of government over ideology?
It's easy to say - because the left has moved so far bat-shit crazy to the left, they now believe anyone who obeys the U.S. Constitution is "radical".

That is all the Tea Party has ever advocated for. Constitutional government. And yet the left screams that they are "dangerous radicals". It would make for a hilarious Saturday Night Live skit if it wasn't for the fact that the left's extreme radicalization is destroying this nation ($19 trillion in debt, record number of people on food stamps, record number of people out of the labor force, etc.).
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly remarkable.

Conservatives waste their time demonizing and vilifying Clinton, deluding themselves that by doing so will garner votes for the likes of Trump.

At least the liberals in the MSM and on USMB don't demonize and vilify Trump 24/7. LMFAO
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly remarkable.

Conservatives waste their time demonizing and vilifying Clinton, deluding themselves that by doing so will garner votes for the likes of Trump.

At least the liberals in the MSM and on USMB don't demonize and vilify Trump 24/7. LMFAO

Trump isn't demonized. He's described.
Walls work. Ask Hitlery. She's constructed a pretty big one around her lavish estate...


And with this post those planning on voting for Clinton will instead vote for Trump because the Clinton family took appropriate security measures to protect themselves.

Too funny.

Our country should do the same.
Walls work. Ask Hitlery. She's constructed a pretty big one around her lavish estate...


And with this post those planning on voting for Clinton will instead vote for Trump because the Clinton family took appropriate security measures to protect themselves.

Too funny.

It smacks of hypocrisy to anyone with common sense. A wall for my house, but no wall at the border for the rest of the peons.

Limousine Liberals. Hypocrite douches.
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly remarkable.

Conservatives waste their time demonizing and vilifying Clinton, deluding themselves that by doing so will garner votes for the likes of Trump.

At least the liberals in the MSM and on USMB don't demonize and vilify Trump 24/7. LMFAO

Trump isn't demonized. He's described.
Same is true of both Clinton's and Obama.
Walls work. Ask Hitlery. She's constructed a pretty big one around her lavish estate...


And with this post those planning on voting for Clinton will instead vote for Trump because the Clinton family took appropriate security measures to protect themselves.

Too funny.

It smacks of hypocrisy to anyone with common sense. A wall for my house, but no wall at the border for the rest of the peons.

Limousine Liberals. Hypocrite douches.
Yep. Elitist snob's in every way from food to politics.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Now that Bitch Boehner is gone, I foresee an era of cooperation between McConnell, Ryan, and Hillary for the next 4 years or so.

Of course that still depends on if the GOP filibuster boyz can be reigned in also.

Best way to reign in a filibuster from your own party is threaten to take away their committee memberships.
Boehner did exactly that. He stripped members from committees. It didn't turn out well for him.
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly remarkable.

Conservatives waste their time demonizing and vilifying Clinton, deluding themselves that by doing so will garner votes for the likes of Trump.

At least the liberals in the MSM and on USMB don't demonize and vilify Trump 24/7. LMFAO

Trump isn't demonized. He's described.
Same is true of both Clinton's and Obama.

Obama is the anti-Christ? Prove it.
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly remarkable.

Conservatives waste their time demonizing and vilifying Clinton, deluding themselves that by doing so will garner votes for the likes of Trump.

At least the liberals in the MSM and on USMB don't demonize and vilify Trump 24/7. LMFAO

Trump isn't demonized. He's described.
Same is true of both Clinton's and Obama.

Obama is the anti-Christ? Prove it.
^^^Look out the lib is getting hysterical again
The lack of political acumen common to most on the right is truly
^^^Look out the lib is getting hysterical again

Okay, so you can't prove Obama is the anti-Christ but you know he's been called that.

That is demonization by definition. Would you like to move on to whether or not it's demonization to call Hillary or President Obama, the Devil, aka Satan?

Okay, so you can't prove Obama is the anti-Christ but you know he's been called that.

That is demonization by definition. Would you like to move on to whether or not it's demonization to call Hillary or President Obama, the Devil, aka Satan?

So by your own definition you should be proving why Trump is the "anti Christ".


Okay, so you can't prove Obama is the anti-Christ but you know he's been called that.

That is demonization by definition. Would you like to move on to whether or not it's demonization to call Hillary or President Obama, the Devil, aka Satan?

So by your own definition you should be proving why Trump is the "anti Christ".


Why? You fell for it.

Okay, so you can't prove Obama is the anti-Christ but you know he's been called that.

That is demonization by definition. Would you like to move on to whether or not it's demonization to call Hillary or President Obama, the Devil, aka Satan?

So by your own definition you should be proving why Trump is the "anti Christ".


Are you referring to conservative Christians like this guy calling Trump 'anti-christ'?

Trump is Antichrist | RedState

Okay, so you can't prove Obama is the anti-Christ but you know he's been called that.

That is demonization by definition. Would you like to move on to whether or not it's demonization to call Hillary or President Obama, the Devil, aka Satan?

So by your own definition you should be proving why Trump is the "anti Christ".


Are you referring to conservative Christians like this guy calling Trump 'anti-christ'?

Trump is Antichrist | RedState
Did I quote that link? If not what do you think?
Because the LParty is not leftist. Does not believe the Fed Govt is a candy store for buying votes from voters or corporations. Because the LParty has been correct about MEast policy for about 25 years and the power whore Dem candidate is more of the same. Because the LParty does not believe in sloppy interpretation of Constitution.

Because the LParty would appoint NEUTRAL QUALIFIED candidates to all the major posts and STOP the fucking childish partisan pranks and deviance. Need more Anathema?

In my view of the world there are two types of people... 100% Conservatives (aka Anericans) and Liberals. Even a slight variance from Conservatism makes one a Liberal. The LParty is not Conservative. Therefore it is Liberal, and by the definition I work from, un-American; just like every POTUS candidate I've found this year. Darien Castle of the Constitution Party being the closest to passing the Conservative test.

Today JFK is FAR more Conservative than most elected Repubs and virtually EVERY Dem..

But here's the problem with a simple ass left-right view of the political spectrum. It's NOT one dimensional. From the perspective of any freedom loving libertine -- There are TWO important dimensions to liberty.

One is personal Social Liberty --- civil liberties, freedom to associate and choose pleasure and biz partners, freedom to consume 24 oz Big Gulps, etc.

Two is Economic Liberty -- which is control of your time and wages and pocket book, free markets, product choice, govt fiscal sanity power, etc.

When you compare the modern pseudo liberal (leftist) to the modern pseudo conservative (rightist) --- THERE IS NO CLEAR WINNER for Liberty and freedom. They both consistently nag and meddle in one variable or the other.

So it's simple. Libertarians drive all issues and solutions thru the filter of MAXIMIZING both Social and Economic liberty. Don't tell people you cannot be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Because the MAJORITY of America already is... And the LParty was that way 30 years ago..
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Which is why America needs an intervention between your 2 corporate tribes. And why a team like Johnson/Weld would HALT this gang warfare by appointing qualified NEUTRAL people to posts like AG and FBI director. Would put America in a partisan time-out for four years --- rather than the INEVITABLE AMPING UP of the rhetoric and dysfunction. Do it now -- or things WILL get astronomically worse.

Why would the Liberal Johnson ticket be any better than the Liberal Clinton ticket? No thanks.

Because the LParty is not leftist. Does not believe the Fed Govt is a candy store for buying votes from voters or corporations. Because the LParty has been correct about MEast policy for about 25 years and the power whore Dem candidate is more of the same. Because the LParty does not believe in sloppy interpretation of Constitution.

Because the LParty would appoint NEUTRAL QUALIFIED candidates to all the major posts and STOP the fucking childish partisan pranks and deviance. Need more Anathema?
The libertarian party, not to be confused with real libertarians, is insane.....

I believe johnsons VP just came out against guns......speaking of liberal I mean.....

Nothing of the sort happened. And Weld is STAUNCH advocate of the Constitution and ALL the amends in the BoRights.
How can you say that the center has moved to the left when the republican party has had such success in blocking the very movement of government over ideology?
It's easy to say - because the left has moved so far bat-shit crazy to the left, they now believe anyone who obeys the U.S. Constitution is "radical".

That is all the Tea Party has ever advocated for. Constitutional government. And yet the left screams that they are "dangerous radicals". It would make for a hilarious Saturday Night Live skit if it wasn't for the fact that the left's extreme radicalization is destroying this nation ($19 trillion in debt, record number of people on food stamps, record number of people out of the labor force, etc.).

With the Trumpster now declaring that America should take on a lot more debt -- one wonders WHY Conservatives are selling out. The 2 sides have colluded on MOST of territory and spoils of power. They have perfected the art of cross-blaming so that no evil deed gets punished.

You have the left going after Big sodas and what you drive and how your toilet works. The right is playing defense against an increasingly socially liberal America. But in truth, not only is America becoming socially liberal, they are waking up to all the COLLUSION and abuses of power. Like Corporate Welfare -- that COULD and SHOULD end tomorrow. No entity should receive Fed help for products already on the market. Libertarians would do that as a priority.

Same with the Southern border. It's a problem CREATED by both parties. There is an existing law that prohibits hiring of UNDOCUMENTED workers. Can any of you party animals tell me WHY this is not fixed overnight?
Take away the "dreamer streamers, the welfare, the handouts, and the freebies". Enforce the EXISTING law and start generous program to document the workers you DO WANT. Libertarians would do that as a priority.

The partisan war gets exponentially GREATER if ClinTrump is elected. The noise level will incapacitate the country. It's time for a mediation team to step in for 4 years. Johnson/Weld...

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