I'm Impressed, USMB

Which is why America needs an intervention between your 2 corporate tribes. And why a team like Johnson/Weld would HALT this gang warfare by appointing qualified NEUTRAL people to posts like AG and FBI director. Would put America in a partisan time-out for four years --- rather than the INEVITABLE AMPING UP of the rhetoric and dysfunction. Do it now -- or things WILL get astronomically worse.

Why would the Liberal Johnson ticket be any better than the Liberal Clinton ticket? No thanks.
Oh please, Bill would've took Laden out if he needed to cover up one of his scandals. Luckily he had Saddam to launch missiles to, so he could cover his scandals.

Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
Yep. And all of a sudden they don't need to photograph flag draped coffins any more. Go figure.
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Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
Yep. And all of a sudden they don't need to photograph flag strapped coffins any more. Go figure.
Yet it is still done..
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

And is 'the left' out in the open about what a corrupt, dishonest, criminal psycho-bitch hillary is? Can you make it out of the woods?
Which is why America needs an intervention between your 2 corporate tribes. And why a team like Johnson/Weld would HALT this gang warfare by appointing qualified NEUTRAL people to posts like AG and FBI director. Would put America in a partisan time-out for four years --- rather than the INEVITABLE AMPING UP of the rhetoric and dysfunction. Do it now -- or things WILL get astronomically worse.

Why would the Liberal Johnson ticket be any better than the Liberal Clinton ticket? No thanks.

Because the LParty is not leftist. Does not believe the Fed Govt is a candy store for buying votes from voters or corporations. Because the LParty has been correct about MEast policy for about 25 years and the power whore Dem candidate is more of the same. Because the LParty does not believe in sloppy interpretation of Constitution.

Because the LParty would appoint NEUTRAL QUALIFIED candidates to all the major posts and STOP the fucking childish partisan pranks and deviance. Need more Anathema?
Because the LParty is not leftist. Does not believe the Fed Govt is a candy store for buying votes from voters or corporations. Because the LParty has been correct about MEast policy for about 25 years and the power whore Dem candidate is more of the same. Because the LParty does not believe in sloppy interpretation of Constitution.

Because the LParty would appoint NEUTRAL QUALIFIED candidates to all the major posts and STOP the fucking childish partisan pranks and deviance. Need more Anathema?

In my view of the world there are two types of people... 100% Conservatives (aka Anericans) and Liberals. Even a slight variance from Conservatism makes one a Liberal. The LParty is not Conservative. Therefore it is Liberal, and by the definition I work from, un-American; just like every POTUS candidate I've found this year. Darien Castle of the Constitution Party being the closest to passing the Conservative test.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

Which government is going to solve this problems?

Ours, of course...

The question is not which government will lead our children to the stars, my bet remains on The United States Constitution, the question is 'when'...

* sigh *​
Carbie and Moon I hope you guys are in good health!

They didn't work together well but at least they worked together.

I think this election is America bottoming out. We'll see.

Your keyboard to (insert your preferred Deity here)'s screen, Bro'. :thup:
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Welcome back

I think you are too optimistic. conservatives will only double down on obstruction after Trump is humiliated in November

Trump was not really conservative
Trump was forced on us
We never supported his views

so true-----Trump is not really a REPUBLICAN----which is why
I----will find myself----LOOKING RIGHT ----for the first time in
my long voting life---come election day.

Trump is very adept at pointing his finger at real Republicans be saying......you are not a REAL Republican

And his minions flock to drive them from the fold
This isn't new to the republican party... it started in the late 60's when the religious right began their take over.

Trump is the direct result of the Gerrymandered extremism implemented by the self proclaimed 'Moral Majority' in the 70's and 80's.

Had they really had a majority, they wouldn't have needed to use tactics like voter suppression and Gerrymandering, but there you have it.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

Which government is going to solve this problems?

Ours, of course...

The question is not which government will lead our children to the stars, my bet remains on The United States Constitution, the question is 'when'...

* sigh *​
Of course, the US government is the only one charged with solving the problems in the US. In the past, however, the governments and their supporters were busy praising the greatness of the country while they didn´t lift a finger to maintain it. This is not limited to the USA, by the way. Most of the western countries currently consume their bankruptcy assets (as private persons, they wouldn´t get the smallest loan), what´s thereafter seems not to be their problem. My wish is, that governments come to power that stop the downtrend, our countries, economies and societies are undergoing.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

Which government is going to solve this problems?

Ours, of course...

The question is not which government will lead our children to the stars, my bet remains on The United States Constitution, the question is 'when'...

* sigh *​
Of course, the US government is the only one charged with solving the problems in the US. In the past, however, the governments and their supporters were busy to praise the greatness of the country while they didn´t lift a finger to maintain it. This is not limited to the USA, by the way. Most of the western countries currently consume their bankruptcy assets (as private persons, they wouldn´t get the smallest loan), what´s thereafter seems not be their problem. My wish is, that governments come to power that stop the downtrend, our countries, economies and societies are undergoing.

could you translate that one into English? What does
"consume their bankruptcy assets" mean? What "downtrend" is bothering you?
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Welcome back

I think you are too optimistic. conservatives will only double down on obstruction after Trump is humiliated in November

Trump was not really conservative
Trump was forced on us
We never supported his views

You think trump is really a conservative?

Good point. The left screamed that even Romney wasn't liberal enough, too conservative, what a joke. That is after they smeared McCain with the same BS. Now Trump is more liberal than Hillary but they say the same damnable things.

They can't come up with new talking points they just keep playing the same ones over and over and over and over.

the LEFT of today is not the LEFT of yesteryear------it has turned STOOOOPID. <<< progressively over about the
past 20 years

The left has been absorbing what the right has discarded over the last 50 years... Extremism is bad... it ruins the balance on BOTH sides.

2020 is a new chance to un-Gerrymander the congress and begin to bring balance and sanity back to both sides of the aisle.

The cost will be a loss of influence by the extreme right.

Fuck 'em.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Welcome back

I think you are too optimistic. conservatives will only double down on obstruction after Trump is humiliated in November

Trump was not really conservative
Trump was forced on us
We never supported his views

You think trump is really a conservative?

Good point. The left screamed that even Romney wasn't liberal enough, too conservative, what a joke. That is after they smeared McCain with the same BS. Now Trump is more liberal than Hillary but they say the same damnable things.

They can't come up with new talking points they just keep playing the same ones over and over and over and over.

the LEFT of today is not the LEFT of yesteryear------it has turned STOOOOPID. <<< progressively over about the
past 20 years

The left has been absorbing what the right has discarded over the last 50 years... Extremism is bad... it ruins the balance on BOTH sides.

2020 is a new chance to un-Gerrymander the congress and begin to bring balance and sanity back to both sides of the aisle.

The cost will be a loss of influence by the extreme right.

Fuck 'em.
What's funny is that you don't think the democrats embrace their extremism.

Hello... They support terrorists... Both domestic and foreign.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

Which government is going to solve this problems?

Ours, of course...

The question is not which government will lead our children to the stars, my bet remains on The United States Constitution, the question is 'when'...

* sigh *​
Of course, the US government is the only one charged with solving the problems in the US. In the past, however, the governments and their supporters were busy to praise the greatness of the country while they didn´t lift a finger to maintain it. This is not limited to the USA, by the way. Most of the western countries currently consume their bankruptcy assets (as private persons, they wouldn´t get the smallest loan), what´s thereafter seems not be their problem. My wish is, that governments come to power that stop the downtrend, our countries, economies and societies are undergoing.

could you translate that one into English? What does
"consume their bankruptcy assets" mean? What "downtrend" is bothering you?
In my explanation that covers your both questions I am comparing our countries with air liners whose engines failed and that are currently driven by the momentum.
Which is why America needs an intervention between your 2 corporate tribes. And why a team like Johnson/Weld would HALT this gang warfare by appointing qualified NEUTRAL people to posts like AG and FBI director. Would put America in a partisan time-out for four years --- rather than the INEVITABLE AMPING UP of the rhetoric and dysfunction. Do it now -- or things WILL get astronomically worse.

Why would the Liberal Johnson ticket be any better than the Liberal Clinton ticket? No thanks.

Because the LParty is not leftist. Does not believe the Fed Govt is a candy store for buying votes from voters or corporations. Because the LParty has been correct about MEast policy for about 25 years and the power whore Dem candidate is more of the same. Because the LParty does not believe in sloppy interpretation of Constitution.

Because the LParty would appoint NEUTRAL QUALIFIED candidates to all the major posts and STOP the fucking childish partisan pranks and deviance. Need more Anathema?
The libertarian party, not to be confused with real libertarians, is insane.....

I believe johnsons VP just came out against guns......speaking of liberal I mean.....
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Welcome back

I think you are too optimistic. conservatives will only double down on obstruction after Trump is humiliated in November

Trump was not really conservative
Trump was forced on us
We never supported his views

You think trump is really a conservative?

Good point. The left screamed that even Romney wasn't liberal enough, too conservative, what a joke. That is after they smeared McCain with the same BS. Now Trump is more liberal than Hillary but they say the same damnable things.

They can't come up with new talking points they just keep playing the same ones over and over and over and over.

the LEFT of today is not the LEFT of yesteryear------it has turned STOOOOPID. <<< progressively over about the
past 20 years

Being what I would call a moderate my entire life puts me on the radical right by today's measure. Why? Because the center has moved so far to the left. I have not move nor has the Republican party. Is that good? Is that bad? Looking at the state of the country I would say it is not good that the country has swung so far left.

How can you say that the center has moved to the left when the republican party has had such success in blocking the very movement of government over ideology?

The classic 'tail wagging the dog' meme comes to mind.
Welcome back

I think you are too optimistic. conservatives will only double down on obstruction after Trump is humiliated in November

Trump was not really conservative
Trump was forced on us
We never supported his views

You think trump is really a conservative?

Good point. The left screamed that even Romney wasn't liberal enough, too conservative, what a joke. That is after they smeared McCain with the same BS. Now Trump is more liberal than Hillary but they say the same damnable things.

They can't come up with new talking points they just keep playing the same ones over and over and over and over.

the LEFT of today is not the LEFT of yesteryear------it has turned STOOOOPID. <<< progressively over about the
past 20 years

Being what I would call a moderate my entire life puts me on the radical right by today's measure. Why? Because the center has moved so far to the left. I have not move nor has the Republican party. Is that good? Is that bad? Looking at the state of the country I would say it is not good that the country has swung so far left.

How can you say that the center has moved to the left when the republican party has had such success in blocking the very movement of government over ideology?

The classic 'tail wagging the dog' meme comes to mind.

How can you deny it? Gay marriage, millions on welfare, abortion, the war on religion(other than Islam), allowing felons to vote, blocking voter id laws. The Republicans have won almost nothing on ideology the left has all the victories.

Clearly the political spectrum has swung wildly left.

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