I'm Impressed, USMB

you wouldn't know what intel they'd have gotten if he did his job. that's the point.

clinton tried to get bin laden. you know that. but keep toeing the right's line.

is there blame to pass around? not much. though i know the right doesn't like talking about it.

thank you though for not pretending that if 9/11 happened on this president's watch the right wouldn't be saying he orchestrated the attacks himself. because we already know they would
Oh please, Bill would've took Laden out if he needed to cover up one of his scandals. Luckily he had Saddam to launch missiles to, so he could cover his scandals.

Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
You think trump is really a conservative?
He must be to convince true conservatives to vote for him over conservatives like Cruz, Santorum or Paul

< hint: yes true conservatives are really that dumb>

Ideology wasnt the reason trump became the nominee. Maybe youre the one that needs to get a clue.
You're right. People selling out their values is the reason Trump became the nominee.

Wrong. People felt bretrayed by the establishment, and trump was the most anti-establishment candidate.
He was not.

Both Fioria and Cruz were anti-establishment long before it became posh to be so.

My feelings of being betrayed by the GOP during the Obama administration is no justification for abandoning lifelong principles and values just because one guy comes along and says things against the establishment that sound good, but in fact, are just him saying what he needs to in order to get the nomination.

There was a real conservative candidate in the race who HAS a track record of taking it to both parties. You guys opted for the foul-mouthed progressive whose narcissism is even larger than Bill Clinton's.

I didnt support trump in the primaries, i supported cruz, but i understand the reasoning behined electing trump. He was never a politican before, didnt talk like a politican, was a succesful business man. We could argue whether or not hes really different from the typical politican all day. What we cant argue about is whether or not he rode the anti-establishment wave. He did.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Great to hear from you. Now go back to your room and GFY.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
What are you talking about? Work together for what? Jobs? Nope me smells another "social justice" Democrat.
Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Poor black guy. Poor tattered race card.

Jillian only has the race card for that disaster of a President, so she's going to keep playing it. She's also dumb as a pile of bricks.

Now for Hillary it will be the woman card.

LOL, the OP still cracks me up, complimenting the right while he fails to see the historically horrible candidate his party nominated

Hey pal, you'd have to be blind to not see the blantant racism coming from the right in both houses of congress.

Just saying.

Just saying you're a mindless Democrat zombie.

The less race is an actual issue in this country, the more hysterical you flamers get
He must be to convince true conservatives to vote for him over conservatives like Cruz, Santorum or Paul

< hint: yes true conservatives are really that dumb>

Ideology wasnt the reason trump became the nominee. Maybe youre the one that needs to get a clue.
You're right. People selling out their values is the reason Trump became the nominee.

Wrong. People felt bretrayed by the establishment, and trump was the most anti-establishment candidate.
He was not.

Both Fioria and Cruz were anti-establishment long before it became posh to be so.

My feelings of being betrayed by the GOP during the Obama administration is no justification for abandoning lifelong principles and values just because one guy comes along and says things against the establishment that sound good, but in fact, are just him saying what he needs to in order to get the nomination.

There was a real conservative candidate in the race who HAS a track record of taking it to both parties. You guys opted for the foul-mouthed progressive whose narcissism is even larger than Bill Clinton's.

I didnt support trump in the primaries, i supported cruz, but i understand the reasoning behined electing trump. He was never a politican before, didnt talk like a politican, was a succesful business man. We could argue whether or not hes really different from the typical politican all day. What we cant argue about is whether or not he rode the anti-establishment wave. He did.
It may be true that he caught the anti-establishment wave and rode it to the nomination, but I simply cannot understand the reasoning for wanting to vote for him.

There simply is not a candidate who could have been a worst choice than Donald Trump.
Oh please, Bill would've took Laden out if he needed to cover up one of his scandals. Luckily he had Saddam to launch missiles to, so he could cover his scandals.

Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
No. They stopped reporting the numbers when Obama was elected. They still count them.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Poor black guy. Poor tattered race card.

Jillian only has the race card for that disaster of a President, so she's going to keep playing it. She's also dumb as a pile of bricks.

Now for Hillary it will be the woman card.

LOL, the OP still cracks me up, complimenting the right while he fails to see the historically horrible candidate his party nominated

Hey pal, you'd have to be blind to not see the blantant racism coming from the right in both houses of congress.

Just saying.

Just saying you're a mindless Democrat zombie.

The less race is an actual issue in this country, the more hysterical you flamers get

Your comment, in its entirety, closely resembles hay that's already been through the horse one time
Ideology wasnt the reason trump became the nominee. Maybe youre the one that needs to get a clue.
You're right. People selling out their values is the reason Trump became the nominee.

Wrong. People felt bretrayed by the establishment, and trump was the most anti-establishment candidate.
He was not.

Both Fioria and Cruz were anti-establishment long before it became posh to be so.

My feelings of being betrayed by the GOP during the Obama administration is no justification for abandoning lifelong principles and values just because one guy comes along and says things against the establishment that sound good, but in fact, are just him saying what he needs to in order to get the nomination.

There was a real conservative candidate in the race who HAS a track record of taking it to both parties. You guys opted for the foul-mouthed progressive whose narcissism is even larger than Bill Clinton's.

I didnt support trump in the primaries, i supported cruz, but i understand the reasoning behined electing trump. He was never a politican before, didnt talk like a politican, was a succesful business man. We could argue whether or not hes really different from the typical politican all day. What we cant argue about is whether or not he rode the anti-establishment wave. He did.
It may be true that he caught the anti-establishment wave and rode it to the nomination, but I simply cannot understand the reasoning for wanting to vote for him.

There simply is not a candidate who could have been a worst choice than Donald Trump.

He was the worst of the republican field, yes.
No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Poor black guy. Poor tattered race card.

Jillian only has the race card for that disaster of a President, so she's going to keep playing it. She's also dumb as a pile of bricks.

Now for Hillary it will be the woman card.

LOL, the OP still cracks me up, complimenting the right while he fails to see the historically horrible candidate his party nominated

Hey pal, you'd have to be blind to not see the blantant racism coming from the right in both houses of congress.

Just saying.

Just saying you're a mindless Democrat zombie.

The less race is an actual issue in this country, the more hysterical you flamers get

Your comment, in its entirety, closely resembles hay that's already been through the horse one time
Can you show the blatant racism or not doofus?
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.
Then you must not date much.

All the girls and gays in California love Hillary.
I don't know why queers are for Hillary, because she will side with Muslims before them. Orlando is proof.

Gays are for Hillary because Trumptards call them queers. It's not complicated.

Trump is polling higher than any other modern Republican candidate among gays. BOOM! Hillary Loses ONE-THIRD of Gay Support Since #Orlando Massacre - Trump Gay Support SOARS

You conceptualize everything in simplistic terms of identity politics. You fail to see that the gay community has historically been one of pushing boundaries, both free speech and societal. The constricting, speech police the left has morphed into is contradictory to what the gay community has historically embraced.

That and a lot of them woke up to the fact that 11 Islamic countries publicly execute gays, and the Democrat party has decided Muslims are higher up on the victim pyramid then them. Gays created the mockery of the Catholic church, you don't think they will show that same fierce satire at the expense of Muslims--they can't because then they are racist.
What s Trumps position on gay marriage and gays serving our country?
Again not 3000 people died when this president was in office the right would be calling him a Muslim traitor.

Oh wait.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
No. They stopped reporting the numbers when Obama was elected. They still count them.
What? They don't scroll each and every name every night or film the caskets coming home? Damn.
No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Poor black guy. Poor tattered race card.

Jillian only has the race card for that disaster of a President, so she's going to keep playing it. She's also dumb as a pile of bricks.

Now for Hillary it will be the woman card.

LOL, the OP still cracks me up, complimenting the right while he fails to see the historically horrible candidate his party nominated

Hey pal, you'd have to be blind to not see the blantant racism coming from the right in both houses of congress.

Just saying.

Just saying you're a mindless Democrat zombie.

The less race is an actual issue in this country, the more hysterical you flamers get

Your comment, in its entirety, closely resembles hay that's already been through the horse one time

Say what race whore?

Democrat policies are illogical and fail every time. That's why you keep have to keep going back to, oh yeah, well, you're a racist.

Sure it's tired, but you've got nothing else
Poor black guy. Poor tattered race card.

Jillian only has the race card for that disaster of a President, so she's going to keep playing it. She's also dumb as a pile of bricks.

Now for Hillary it will be the woman card.

LOL, the OP still cracks me up, complimenting the right while he fails to see the historically horrible candidate his party nominated

Hey pal, you'd have to be blind to not see the blantant racism coming from the right in both houses of congress.

Just saying.

Just saying you're a mindless Democrat zombie.

The less race is an actual issue in this country, the more hysterical you flamers get

Your comment, in its entirety, closely resembles hay that's already been through the horse one time
Can you show the blatant racism or not doofus?

He's answering ... not
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.
Your theory is totally absurd

Only low information conservatives would support Trump
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.
Your theory is totally absurd

Only low information conservatives would support Trump
Oh my rightie, if Trump had d beside his name. You would suck him off, don't lie.
What did Bush do after 911? He united us. What does Obama do? Divide us.

No democrats stood by him because we're not treasonous.

Rightwingnuts hate the black guy more than they love their country and decided to screw him the day he was sworn in.
Yeah and two weeks after 911 you turned back to hating Bush. Started counting soldiers deaths daily. Now you support the treasonous bitch Hillary. Oh yeah Obama got what all he wanted, so what's your point?
But they stopped counting dead soldiers when the black guy got elected didn't they?
No. They stopped reporting the numbers when Obama was elected. They still count them.
What? They don't scroll each and every name every night or film the caskets coming home? Damn.
Yeah, imagine that.....
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.

That's nutty. Democrats aren't bigoted misogynists.
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.

That's nutty. Democrats aren't bigoted misogynists.
Then why do you choose Muslims over queers? Because Obama tells you to?
1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.
Your theory is totally absurd

Only low information conservatives would support Trump
Oh my rightie, if Trump had d beside his name. You would suck him off, don't lie.

That's the job of insane trumpsters

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