I'm just guessing..she is a snowflake...‘It’s Disgusting!’Woman Screams About Veteran’s service dog

After all this the establishment owners are too retarded to get it.

"It is unfortunate that some of the public are not familiar with federal regulations regarding service animals, which, in fact, do permit service animals into establishments such as grocery stores, public buildings and restaurants, giving aid and comfort to their masters in their time of need."

She didnt have an issue with the law. She was leaving because she didnt want to sit next to a dog. The whole confrontation stemmed from them trying to explain a law that had nothing to do with her opinion. Its like telling someone they have to stay in a gay club when they dont particularly care for gays.

Only she didn't leave, she stayed their for minutes screaming like a deranged lunatic because other people wouldn't conform to her particular Snowflake syndrome.
she was screaming because the white bitch confronted her in the presence of her child.

Confronted her about what?
Dont ask me stupid questions when you can listen to the video just like I did.

Didn't see any woman "confronting" the black bitch, just her screaming.

If black bitch didn't like the service, she should had left.
After all this the establishment owners are too retarded to get it.

"It is unfortunate that some of the public are not familiar with federal regulations regarding service animals, which, in fact, do permit service animals into establishments such as grocery stores, public buildings and restaurants, giving aid and comfort to their masters in their time of need."

She didnt have an issue with the law. She was leaving because she didnt want to sit next to a dog. The whole confrontation stemmed from them trying to explain a law that had nothing to do with her opinion. Its like telling someone they have to stay in a gay club when they dont particularly care for gays.

Only she didn't leave, she stayed their for minutes screaming like a deranged lunatic because other people wouldn't conform to her particular Snowflake syndrome.
she was screaming because the white bitch confronted her in the presence of her child.

Confronted her about what?
Dont ask me stupid questions when you can listen to the video just like I did.

Didn't see any woman "confronting" the black bitch, just her screaming.

If black bitch didn't like the service, she should had left.
The white bitch confronted the Black woman. If youre too dumb to listen and watch the video at the same time just take my word for it.
If she would have just left without her snide comments nothing would have happened but she had to be the center of attention
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

The dog owner didn't do anything from what I saw. And she didn't have to sit by the dog there were plenty of other tables in that place.
She flew off the handle because someone told her to keep her opinion to herself
If she would have just left without her snide comments nothing would have happened but she had to be the center of attention
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

So what did black bitch want? The dog owner to be thrown out?
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

So what did black bitch want? The dog owner to be thrown out?
the Black woman wanted the white bitch to stop lecturing her on the law when the law wasnt the issue.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

So what did black bitch want? The dog owner to be thrown out?
the Black woman wanted the white bitch to stop lecturing her on the law when the law wasnt the issue.

Oh and that was why she was screaming at the top of her lungs that she will not keep her opinion to herself

Face it she made a snide comment from what she was screaming about and her use of foul language (in front of the kid she is supposed to care so much about btw) I can guess she said something on the order of "That fucking dog is disgusting and shouldn't be here" to which someone responded to by telling her to keep her opinion to herself.

We have no idea how long she was screaming and carrying on before the video began.
If she would have just left without her snide comments nothing would have happened but she had to be the center of attention
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

She can go to another establishment without making it about her.

It was nice to see her thank the veteran for his service, though. That was a classy move.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.
Telling a person to keep their opinions to herself is not a confrontation. She should be more worried about setting an example to her kid on how to behave like a sane adult
Thats not what the dog owner did moron. She tried to explain the law about service animals when that wasnt the issue. The Black woman didnt want to sit by a dog and eat.

So what did black bitch want? The dog owner to be thrown out?
the Black woman wanted the white bitch to stop lecturing her on the law when the law wasnt the issue.

The law says the dog can be there, so it was the issue. She was put in her place and didn't like it so she started acting up like dumb black people do.
The black bitch's husband or boyfriend looks embarrassed as hell. Bet his life sucks being with her.
You ain't worth the skin off my fists pal.
Your skin is recessive so even a microscopic portion of my skin is infinitely more valuable than yours. More to the point why did your punk ass tell me to do something you wouldnt be able to do if someone gave you a million dollars to complete?

Look fuckhead, try some reading comprehension.
I didn't tell you to do squat. I suggested you get the fuck out of here since you're so fucking obnoxious. Trust me boy, everyone here would be a lot more happier without your smellyass face around.
Look pale boy.
I suggest you go get some sun and up your melanin count. I'm not here to give two fucks what everyone here would want. I'm here to post my opinion regardless of if your wet dog smelling ass approves or not.

Pale boy? LOL...having a rough year...aren't ya? Even your insults are getting weak, Milk Weed!
Whats a rough year? I didn't insult you....unless you were insulted vicariously which lets me know I made you emotional so it must have been a very strong insult to prompt you to respond. Why else would you respond to a post insulting someone else as if you had been insulted?

You can TRY to insult me, Milk Weed but that only works if I'm offended by what you're doing! If your attempts to insult become absolutely pathetic...like "pale boy"...then the response you're going to get from me is laughter. Quite frankly...I've always found you to be a blow hard. Lots of wind...with little substance. It's reached the stage now where it's become laughable.
It seemed to bother other people in the restaurant that she had no regard for a vet having his dog with him. She should not have made him feel uncomfortable or ashamed, which seems to be her goal.
Too bad it bothered other people. She was leaving. if they had simply ignored her distaste for the dog being in the restaraunt there wouldnt have been any problems. Its not their job to change her mind.
If she would have just left without her snide comments nothing would have happened but she had to be the center of attention
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.

The fact that she was with her child...and acting in that manner...tells you everything you need to know about her "parenting skills"! That was quite a teaching moment! The kind of behavior you want your youngster to emulate! (eye roll)
Your skin is recessive so even a microscopic portion of my skin is infinitely more valuable than yours. More to the point why did your punk ass tell me to do something you wouldnt be able to do if someone gave you a million dollars to complete?

Look fuckhead, try some reading comprehension.
I didn't tell you to do squat. I suggested you get the fuck out of here since you're so fucking obnoxious. Trust me boy, everyone here would be a lot more happier without your smellyass face around.
Look pale boy.
I suggest you go get some sun and up your melanin count. I'm not here to give two fucks what everyone here would want. I'm here to post my opinion regardless of if your wet dog smelling ass approves or not.

Pale boy? LOL...having a rough year...aren't ya? Even your insults are getting weak, Milk Weed!
Whats a rough year? I didn't insult you....unless you were insulted vicariously which lets me know I made you emotional so it must have been a very strong insult to prompt you to respond. Why else would you respond to a post insulting someone else as if you had been insulted?

You can TRY to insult me, Milk Weed but that only works if I'm offended by what you're doing! If your attempts to insult become absolutely pathetic...like "pale boy"...then the response you're going to get from me is laughter. Quite frankly...I've always found you to be a blow hard. Lots of wind...with little substance. It's reached the stage now where it's become laughable.
A little slow today huh? I just said I wasnt even talking to you so could I be insulting you? Obviously this has become an emotional issue for you. You didnt even take the time to not I was replying to someone else when I said "pale boy". I like the brave facade you put up but youre really transparent.
Too bad it bothered other people. She was leaving. if they had simply ignored her distaste for the dog being in the restaraunt there wouldnt have been any problems. Its not their job to change her mind.
If she would have just left without her snide comments nothing would have happened but she had to be the center of attention
She has the right to make a snide comment. The dog owner shouldnt have confronted her. As a dog owner your responsibility is to be a good ambassador not a confrontational asshole.
The owner of the dog has the right to tell her to keep her opinion to herself as well.

Shes the one who flew off the handle and started screaming at the top of her lungs.
Thats typically what happens when you confront someone in the presence of their child. The dumb white bitch should have just ignored her comment.

The fact that she was with her child...and acting in that manner...tells you everything you need to know about her "parenting skills"! That was quite a teaching moment! The kind of behavior you want your youngster to emulate! (eye roll)
Who told you the child was with her when she went off?
Look fuckhead, try some reading comprehension.
I didn't tell you to do squat. I suggested you get the fuck out of here since you're so fucking obnoxious. Trust me boy, everyone here would be a lot more happier without your smellyass face around.
Look pale boy.
I suggest you go get some sun and up your melanin count. I'm not here to give two fucks what everyone here would want. I'm here to post my opinion regardless of if your wet dog smelling ass approves or not.

Pale boy? LOL...having a rough year...aren't ya? Even your insults are getting weak, Milk Weed!
Whats a rough year? I didn't insult you....unless you were insulted vicariously which lets me know I made you emotional so it must have been a very strong insult to prompt you to respond. Why else would you respond to a post insulting someone else as if you had been insulted?

You can TRY to insult me, Milk Weed but that only works if I'm offended by what you're doing! If your attempts to insult become absolutely pathetic...like "pale boy"...then the response you're going to get from me is laughter. Quite frankly...I've always found you to be a blow hard. Lots of wind...with little substance. It's reached the stage now where it's become laughable.
A little slow today huh? I just said I wasnt even talking to you so could I be insulting you? Obviously this has become an emotional issue for you. You didnt even take the time to not I was replying to someone else when I said "pale boy". I like the brave facade you put up but youre really transparent.

Actually...YOU'RE the slow one, Milk Weed! I never said you were insulting me...I simply said that your insult was pathetic. It was and you defending that idiot of a woman's behavior simply because she's black...shows what a knee jerk racist you really are! But then...anyone who's seen your posts here already knew THAT...didn't they?
Look pale boy.
I suggest you go get some sun and up your melanin count. I'm not here to give two fucks what everyone here would want. I'm here to post my opinion regardless of if your wet dog smelling ass approves or not.

Pale boy? LOL...having a rough year...aren't ya? Even your insults are getting weak, Milk Weed!
Whats a rough year? I didn't insult you....unless you were insulted vicariously which lets me know I made you emotional so it must have been a very strong insult to prompt you to respond. Why else would you respond to a post insulting someone else as if you had been insulted?

You can TRY to insult me, Milk Weed but that only works if I'm offended by what you're doing! If your attempts to insult become absolutely pathetic...like "pale boy"...then the response you're going to get from me is laughter. Quite frankly...I've always found you to be a blow hard. Lots of wind...with little substance. It's reached the stage now where it's become laughable.
A little slow today huh? I just said I wasnt even talking to you so could I be insulting you? Obviously this has become an emotional issue for you. You didnt even take the time to not I was replying to someone else when I said "pale boy". I like the brave facade you put up but youre really transparent.

Actually...YOU'RE the slow one, Milk Weed! I never said you were insulting me...I simply said that your insult was pathetic. It was and you defending that idiot of a woman's behavior simply because she's black...shows what a knee jerk racist you really are! But then...anyone who's seen your posts here already knew THAT...didn't they?
No. Its pretty obvious you are the slow one. You obviously forgot you said this....

"You can TRY to insult me...."
This isn't a racial issue. It's an issue of class. If you've been brought up with manners you ask to speak to a manager, calmly voice your displeasure at being sat near a dog and ask to be seated at another table. If you've been raised with no manners you start screaming at the top of your lungs, cursing and making a scene. I could care less what color that woman was...it's her BEHAVIOR that disgusts me and I would feel the same towards her if she were white or PURPLE!!!
This isn't a racial issue. It's an issue of class. If you've been brought up with manners you ask to speak to a manager, calmly voice your displeasure at being sat near a dog and ask to be seated at another table. If you've been raised with no manners you start screaming at the top of your lungs, cursing and making a scene. I could care less what color that woman was...it's her BEHAVIOR that disgusts me and I would feel the same towards her if she were white or PURPLE!!!
Tell that to the white people that were screaming at her.
Pale boy? LOL...having a rough year...aren't ya? Even your insults are getting weak, Milk Weed!
Whats a rough year? I didn't insult you....unless you were insulted vicariously which lets me know I made you emotional so it must have been a very strong insult to prompt you to respond. Why else would you respond to a post insulting someone else as if you had been insulted?

You can TRY to insult me, Milk Weed but that only works if I'm offended by what you're doing! If your attempts to insult become absolutely pathetic...like "pale boy"...then the response you're going to get from me is laughter. Quite frankly...I've always found you to be a blow hard. Lots of wind...with little substance. It's reached the stage now where it's become laughable.
A little slow today huh? I just said I wasnt even talking to you so could I be insulting you? Obviously this has become an emotional issue for you. You didnt even take the time to not I was replying to someone else when I said "pale boy". I like the brave facade you put up but youre really transparent.

Actually...YOU'RE the slow one, Milk Weed! I never said you were insulting me...I simply said that your insult was pathetic. It was and you defending that idiot of a woman's behavior simply because she's black...shows what a knee jerk racist you really are! But then...anyone who's seen your posts here already knew THAT...didn't they?
No. Its pretty obvious you are the slow one. You obviously forgot you said this....

"You can TRY to insult me...."

I said that because after seeing you in "action" so many times...it's simply a matter of time before you DO resort to insults! It's what you DO! You get on here and start calling everyone that doesn't agree with your world view a racist. You're a one trick pony and that's your "trick"! It's why I find you so pathetic.
This isn't a racial issue. It's an issue of class. If you've been brought up with manners you ask to speak to a manager, calmly voice your displeasure at being sat near a dog and ask to be seated at another table. If you've been raised with no manners you start screaming at the top of your lungs, cursing and making a scene. I could care less what color that woman was...it's her BEHAVIOR that disgusts me and I would feel the same towards her if she were white or PURPLE!!!
Tell that to the white people that were screaming at her.

If anyone else raised their voices it was simply them trying to be heard over HER screaming, Milk Weed! She's an idiot! Anyone that goes THAT ballistic over a service dog being in the same restaurant as they are has some serious issues!

Go back and look at the expression on her husband's face. He KNOWS that she's an idiot! He KNOWS that she's out of control! All he wants is to get her out of the place before she starts a fight. My guess is that it wasn't the first time...nor will it be the last time! People like her have anger issues and long histories of confrontations over small petty things that get turned into major controversies.
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This isn't a racial issue. It's an issue of class. If you've been brought up with manners you ask to speak to a manager, calmly voice your displeasure at being sat near a dog and ask to be seated at another table. If you've been raised with no manners you start screaming at the top of your lungs, cursing and making a scene. I could care less what color that woman was...it's her BEHAVIOR that disgusts me and I would feel the same towards her if she were white or PURPLE!!!
Tell that to the white people that were screaming at her.

If anyone else raised their voices it was simply them trying to be heard over HER screaming, Milk Weed! She's an idiot! Anyone that goes THAT ballistic over a service dog being in the same restaurant as they are has some serious issues!
Anyone that keeps thinking she went ballistic over the dog instead of the dog owner confronting her has a faulty thinking process and they are an idiot.

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