I'm just raising the question ... could the polls be wrong?

Obviously they could be wrong. Anyone who puts faith in polls after 2016 is not very bright.

Yeah, the polls in 2016 were just terrible...Clinton only won the popular vote (which is what polls predict) by 2.4%, not the 2 to 4 percent that most polls were predicting...:290968001256257790-final:

View attachment 223724
Yeah, from what I've seen, the polls were not far off at all.

The issue was that they don't break it down into electoral votes.

And, Senate & House races obviously don't use the EC.

That's pretty much it.

One exception though. They were using a National Poll to compute
the EC vote. You can only do that by state to state.

The National Poll was proven correct because HRC beat Trump by 4.4
million votes in Calif. (2.8 million overall) If you do the math then DJT
won the PV in the other 49 states by 1.6 million votes.

Too many National Polls, right now, reflecting on an election that is
not decided in any race by a National Poll...just state-wide or even reduced
down to just a District.

One such is generic favorite candidate...done nationwide. 49% say they
prefer Dems 42% say they prefer GOP...9% don't respond.

Well...then you have to break down how many Calif voters were polled
and how many NYC voter were polled. Then look at those averages
if both of those states were 65% Dems and 35% Gop...the rest of the
country's choices may very well be hidden.

It's like living in a High-rise apartment. "One man's ceiling is another man's
floor." It just depends on where you are standing at the time.

What he said is true!

The generic ballot says Democrats ahead, with which I agree. But question----------------> What % of votes do you need to win a seat? 50% plus 1, or 90%?

That is the dirty little secret that the Democrats won't tell you. Most Democrats are in big cities, huddled together. Republicans are fanned out. And so, using my state of Indiana as an example, Indianapolis might vote 85% for their representative, and all collar counties may vote 51% for the Republican, meaning you get 4 or 5 Democrats from Indy, and 12 from the collar counties that are Republican.

Let me put it this way--------------> 16 years ago in Illinois, a Republican ran for governor and won EVERY county but 1. And what was that county? Why the county of Cook where Chicago is. What happened? The Republican LOST!

And so, the point is---------> in Representative races, only internal polls are taken for the most part. Senate races, the polls are much more accurate. Problem is, for Representative races, only the people in that district count towards the representatives election or defeat. Sooooooooooooo, when the polls tell you that the generic poll says the Democrats are plus 6, look back in history and see when the Democrats weren't ever up 5 or 6, lol. It is always that way for the House of Reps.

So what is the real answer? Who is going to control the House!

Anyone who tells you they know, is just guessing, and that is a FACT, now more than ever! Remember--------> Many Dems voted for Trump, so the question is----------> with Trumps urging, will they now vote for Republicans locally? No one knows! If the Democratic base is fired up, and 20% of them vote Trumps way, then their win is a landslide the other way. Yet, in the polls, they are counted as voting for the Democrat; see what I mean!

Same goes for the never Trumpers. Will they vote for Republicans, vote for Democrats to embarrass Trump, or maybe not vote at all?

And still, I am telling everyone that things that will have an affect on this election, have not even been played/come out yet. Things could swing wildly tomorrow with some revelation, and swing wildly back the next day with something new; such is the nature of politics.

But, for the Republicans, at least you have the correct person at the wheel as far as Trump. He is as mean and nasty as the far Left is; which is exactly why they want to get rid of him so badly. You have never seen a Republican stand up to them as he has, and when slapped, bitch slap them back.

And so, if you are interested, I predict the Republicans will pick 2 to 5 seats in the Senate, and the House will be controlled by 5 seats in either direction, meaning the Far Left will pick up some seats, either getting close to control, but if over to actually control, just barely.
Be respectful of the silent minority and their rath, they never respond to public opinion polls, too busy earning a living, paying bills, taxes, raising a family, to dress up with a mask, protest, and intimidate those that hold differing opinions.
I am not here to be your teacher, everyone knows about those polls.

better quit here gator, you are embarrassing yourself.

In other words you are just making shit up and cannot support a single thing you say.

Well, some things never change I suppose.

I don't feel the need to post cites for things that are common knowledge, sorry if the facts don't support your left wing rhetoric.

BTW, Hillary will NEVER be president and will always be a criminal who should be in a jail cell.

Common knowledge is very often wrong. It is a common logical fallacy known as "argument to the people".

And I agree 100% with your last sentence.

common knowledge = something that is commonly known to be true by all members of a society. Knowledge and beliefs are two completely different things.

Once again, common knowledge is almost always wrong.

you are confusing common beliefs with common knowledge. but I fully understand, you are a left leaner and that explains it completely.
If memory serves me well......everyone of GatorMacs' MSM outlets were predicting 400+ EV win for their candidate (Beast).

My candidate was Johnson, so you are mistaken there.

And instead of going from "memory" how about a link or two to back up what you are peddling?

so you supported a pothead with no platform or ideas beyond legalizing pot? wow, how brilliant.

I supported the one candidate that was for smaller government, more personal freedoms and a non-deficit spending.

Three things that you are opposed to.

Trump is actually giving us two of those things, the spending is done by the congress, the president only has a minor influence on it, however, his policies have greatly improved the economy which will result in more revenue to the govt and lessen the need for deficit spending. A balanced budget can be achieved, but not as long as the liberal democrats have a significant voice. Just another reason to vote R next month.


The deficit for FY-18 was 1.27 trillion dollars!

But I am sure you will blame that on the Libs and not the party that controls Congress and the White House which has to sign off on spending bills.

I blame it on the congress, both parties. your laughing faces confirm you as the resident fool.
My candidate was Johnson, so you are mistaken there.

And instead of going from "memory" how about a link or two to back up what you are peddling?

so you supported a pothead with no platform or ideas beyond legalizing pot? wow, how brilliant.

I supported the one candidate that was for smaller government, more personal freedoms and a non-deficit spending.

Three things that you are opposed to.

Trump is actually giving us two of those things, the spending is done by the congress, the president only has a minor influence on it, however, his policies have greatly improved the economy which will result in more revenue to the govt and lessen the need for deficit spending. A balanced budget can be achieved, but not as long as the liberal democrats have a significant voice. Just another reason to vote R next month.


The deficit for FY-18 was 1.27 trillion dollars!

But I am sure you will blame that on the Libs and not the party that controls Congress and the White House which has to sign off on spending bills.

I blame it on the congress, both parties. your laughing faces confirm you as the resident fool.

Oct 5, 2018 · The federal deficit rose to $782 billion for fiscal year 2018, the

Not that less than $1T is good? But I can't find the number Gator posted?
In other words you are just making shit up and cannot support a single thing you say.

Well, some things never change I suppose.

I don't feel the need to post cites for things that are common knowledge, sorry if the facts don't support your left wing rhetoric.

BTW, Hillary will NEVER be president and will always be a criminal who should be in a jail cell.

Common knowledge is very often wrong. It is a common logical fallacy known as "argument to the people".

And I agree 100% with your last sentence.

common knowledge = something that is commonly known to be true by all members of a society. Knowledge and beliefs are two completely different things.

Once again, common knowledge is almost always wrong.

you are confusing common beliefs with common knowledge. but I fully understand, you are a left leaner and that explains it completely.

I am not confused at all. Your appeal to the majority is just a common tool of the weak minded.
so you supported a pothead with no platform or ideas beyond legalizing pot? wow, how brilliant.

I supported the one candidate that was for smaller government, more personal freedoms and a non-deficit spending.

Three things that you are opposed to.

Trump is actually giving us two of those things, the spending is done by the congress, the president only has a minor influence on it, however, his policies have greatly improved the economy which will result in more revenue to the govt and lessen the need for deficit spending. A balanced budget can be achieved, but not as long as the liberal democrats have a significant voice. Just another reason to vote R next month.


The deficit for FY-18 was 1.27 trillion dollars!

But I am sure you will blame that on the Libs and not the party that controls Congress and the White House which has to sign off on spending bills.

I blame it on the congress, both parties. your laughing faces confirm you as the resident fool.

Oct 5, 2018 · The federal deficit rose to $782 billion for fiscal year 2018, the

Not that less than $1T is good? But I can't find the number Gator posted?

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

This site is from the Treasury Dept, and it tracks the debt down to the penny.

On 1 Oct 2017, the start of the FY, debt was at $20,244,900,016,053.51
On 30 Sept 2018, the end of the FY, debt was at $21,516,058,183,180.23

That comes out to 1.272 trillion dollars added to the debt, which is what the deficit is.
I don't feel the need to post cites for things that are common knowledge, sorry if the facts don't support your left wing rhetoric.

BTW, Hillary will NEVER be president and will always be a criminal who should be in a jail cell.

Common knowledge is very often wrong. It is a common logical fallacy known as "argument to the people".

And I agree 100% with your last sentence.

common knowledge = something that is commonly known to be true by all members of a society. Knowledge and beliefs are two completely different things.

Once again, common knowledge is almost always wrong.

you are confusing common beliefs with common knowledge. but I fully understand, you are a left leaner and that explains it completely.

I am not confused at all. Your appeal to the majority is just a common tool of the weak minded.

we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.
I supported the one candidate that was for smaller government, more personal freedoms and a non-deficit spending.

Three things that you are opposed to.

Trump is actually giving us two of those things, the spending is done by the congress, the president only has a minor influence on it, however, his policies have greatly improved the economy which will result in more revenue to the govt and lessen the need for deficit spending. A balanced budget can be achieved, but not as long as the liberal democrats have a significant voice. Just another reason to vote R next month.


The deficit for FY-18 was 1.27 trillion dollars!

But I am sure you will blame that on the Libs and not the party that controls Congress and the White House which has to sign off on spending bills.

I blame it on the congress, both parties. your laughing faces confirm you as the resident fool.

Oct 5, 2018 · The federal deficit rose to $782 billion for fiscal year 2018, the

Not that less than $1T is good? But I can't find the number Gator posted?

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

This site is from the Treasury Dept, and it tracks the debt down to the penny.

On 1 Oct 2017, the start of the FY, debt was at $20,244,900,016,053.51
On 30 Sept 2018, the end of the FY, debt was at $21,516,058,183,180.23

That comes out to 1.272 trillion dollars added to the debt, which is what the deficit is.

wrong, the annual deficit and the total national debt are two different things. related, but different.

in the 8 Obama years the national debt went from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion. the annual deficit is the difference between government revenue and government spending, and yes, deficit spending increases the debt.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?
wrong, the annual deficit and the total national debt are two different things. related, but different.

in the 8 Obama years the national debt went from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion. the annual deficit is the difference between government revenue and government spending, and yes, deficit spending increases the debt.

I did not say the the annual deficit and the total national debt are the same thing.

The change in the total national debt in one year is the annual deficit.

The change in the total national debt this past FY was 1.272 trillion dollars.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?

You are the one that brought up the majority voting for Obama, now you bash me for responding to your own words.

No wonder you are a such a Trump sheep.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

come on. common KNOWLEDGE, something everyone KNOWS. common OPINION or common BELIEF is not common knowledge. maybe you need to pull out your websters.
wrong, the annual deficit and the total national debt are two different things. related, but different.

in the 8 Obama years the national debt went from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion. the annual deficit is the difference between government revenue and government spending, and yes, deficit spending increases the debt.

I did not say the the annual deficit and the total national debt are the same thing.

The change in the total national debt in one year is the annual deficit.

The change in the total national debt this past FY was 1.272 trillion dollars.

yes, but your 1.272 is in question.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?

You are the one that brought up the majority voting for Obama, now you bash me for responding to your own words.

No wonder you are a such a Trump sheep.

in a representative republic the majority does not rule. that's the point you seem to be having trouble with.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?

You are the one that brought up the majority voting for Obama, now you bash me for responding to your own words.

No wonder you are a such a Trump sheep.

I believe that Trump is doing a very good job, he is doing what I wanted him to do. If that makes me a sheep, so be it.
wrong, the annual deficit and the total national debt are two different things. related, but different.

in the 8 Obama years the national debt went from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion. the annual deficit is the difference between government revenue and government spending, and yes, deficit spending increases the debt.

I did not say the the annual deficit and the total national debt are the same thing.

The change in the total national debt in one year is the annual deficit.

The change in the total national debt this past FY was 1.272 trillion dollars.

yes, but your 1.272 is in question.

I gave a link to the exact numbers.

I posted each of the numbers.

If you need me to do the math for you, just let know and I will explain how subtraction works for you.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?

You are the one that brought up the majority voting for Obama, now you bash me for responding to your own words.

No wonder you are a such a Trump sheep.

in a representative republic the majority does not rule. that's the point you seem to be having trouble with.

You are the one that just posted this...we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails

You need to make up your mind

I got called on one the other day and rather than hanging up I went ahead and answered each question just as if I were the biggest progressive/lib/dimwitocrat on the planet. Hope it skewed the hell out of the result.

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