I'm just raising the question ... could the polls be wrong?

I know. The pollsters are all against Trump and the Republicans. The fact is that Fox News and IBD are Trump supporters and their polls are not that different from everybody else's. The fight will be in the suburbs.

Republicans are in trouble and they know it. Some Republicans are pledging to keep the protections in Obamacare that they have been trying to kill for nearly 2 years. Do they really think people are that stupid to believe them.

Rasmussen puts the generic ballot at even between Democrats and Republicans. The more left wing organizations give the Democrats a strong edge just as they gave Hillary a strong edge in the 2016 election.

So I don't have a clue how the vote is going to go in November. I suppose if the Democrats terrorize, bribe, push, entice enough people to go vote as they order them to vote, yes the Republicans, who don't do that, could lose the House and maybe the Senate next month.

But think what losing both will mean:
--no chance that tax reform will be completed or that we already have will be made permanent
--the President will have little or no chance to get his appointments confirmed
--near certainty that the economic boom we are enjoying will lose much momentum or even be stopped
--no chance to get a handle on illegal immigration
--endless investigations to find something to accuse the President and/or members of his administration
--possible impeachment moves on the President and Supreme Court
--pretty much crushing consumer and business enthusiasm and confidence
--roll back of spending to strengthen the military and national security and a lot of push for more social programs.

In other words a whole lot of the good stuff that is happening will pretty well go away.

Rasmussen had a tie in the Virginia Governor's race. Democrats won by 9. They were really close.
- We need the tax reform to be reformed and not the way Republicans want it.
- Maybe he needs to make better appointments instead of coal lobbyists
- Neither Obama nor Trump are responsible for the better economy so neither can undo it
- putting white nationalists out of power
- investigations that should be happening now
- there are grounds for impeachment and the investigation of Kavanaugh should be opened
- neither Obama or Trump have anything to do with it
- we need reform in military procurement. We are being bled dry by defense contractors with cost overruns.

Rasmussen puts the generic ballot at even between Democrats and Republicans. The more left wing organizations give the Democrats a strong edge just as they gave Hillary a strong edge in the 2016 election.

So I don't have a clue how the vote is going to go in November. I suppose if the Democrats terrorize, bribe, push, entice enough people to go vote as they order them to vote, yes the Republicans, who don't do that, could lose the House and maybe the Senate next month.

But think what losing both will mean:
--no chance that tax reform will be completed or that we already have will be made permanent
--the President will have little or no chance to get his appointments confirmed
--near certainty that the economic boom we are enjoying will lose much momentum or even be stopped
--no chance to get a handle on illegal immigration
--endless investigations to find something to accuse the President and/or members of his administration
--possible impeachment moves on the President and Supreme Court
--pretty much crushing consumer and business enthusiasm and confidence
--roll back of spending to strengthen the military and national security and a lot of push for more social programs.

In other words a whole lot of the good stuff that is happening will pretty well go away.

Rasmussen had a tie in the Virginia Governor's race. Democrats won by 9. They were really close.
- We need the tax reform to be reformed and not the way Republicans want it.
- Maybe he needs to make better appointments instead of coal lobbyists
- Neither Obama nor Trump are responsible for the better economy so neither can undo it
- putting white nationalists out of power
- investigations that should be happening now
- there are grounds for impeachment and the investigation of Kavanaugh should be opened
- neither Obama or Trump have anything to do with it
- we need reform in military procurement. We are being bled dry by defense contractors with cost overruns.

I'm sure you believe all that. My condolences but have a pleasant evening.
we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails. occasionally the majority is wrong, as it was when it elected Obama twice, but mostly the majority gets it right.

would you prefer minority rule? what point are you trying to make?

Seems the majority did not rule in 2016.

Also, we are not talking about ruling, we are talking about knowledge. Just because most people think something is true does not make it so.

Something that is common knowledge can be and often is false.

you are again mixing topics, the electoral college is how we chose presidents and Trump won the EC. in California and new York there were more votes for Clinton which created a PV delta for her, would you like for a few counties in NY and CA to choose our presidents?

You are the one that brought up the majority voting for Obama, now you bash me for responding to your own words.

No wonder you are a such a Trump sheep.

in a representative republic the majority does not rule. that's the point you seem to be having trouble with.

You are the one that just posted this...we live in a democratic republic where the majority opinion prevails

You need to make up your mind

no contradiction there at all. the majority in each state selects the members of congress and senators who will represent them. so the majority opinion does prevail but the majority does not rule. I know its a confusing concept for someone of your limited intellect, but give it some thought.
In the age of cell phones, polling has become more of an art than a science. The very task of identifying a "random sampling" of likely voters is extremely problematic, then getting that random sampling to answer the poll questions, then hoping that they are not queering their answers...in total, it's almost impossible to do.

Almost every election narrows in the last week or two, as people who don't pay attention to politics start to give their votes some thought.

Like it or not, there is no national election for the H.R. There are 435 individual elections, with individual candidates who may or may not be more or less popular than their party is nationally. In my own Congressional district, we have two incumbents running against one another due to a court-ordered re-districting. The district would normally lean Republican, but the R candidate is a rather colorless, competent legislator, and the Democrat candidate is a figurative rock star with a Republican resume...former Marine and prosecutor. The Democrat will win, even though a "generic" Republican would normally be favored.

Multiply that by 435.

Go figure.

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