I'm liking Lindsay Graham more and more.....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Full disclosure: Among the GOP candidates in 2016, Lindsay Graham was one of the Republicans I liked best. I do because though I don't agree with all his policy positions, I do trust him.

I have the Lindsay Graham (LG) and John McCain's CNN/George Washington Univ. town hall on in the background. I just heard LG say something I really liked. I have no idea what topic he was discussing, but it really doesn't matter. I rewound to see what he did say and I heard more I liked. Here are some excerpts:
  • "Do you know anything about N. Korea? This guy's nuts. He just killed his half brother. Shot his uncle with an anti-aircraft gun." LG went on to describe how Kim Jong Un comes from a long paternity of nuts (I don't know how much of it is true; but it sounded good. I'm not from SC, so I'm not likely to bother to fact check him. If I were and SC voter, I would):
    • Grandfather
      • claimed to beat the Japanese singlehandedly
      • claimed to have been born inside of a volcano
    • Father
      • claimed to have shot -38 the first time he played golf with 11 holes in one (Okay...that's just entertaining, but it is crazy to claim that.)
  • "An education to a poor young (Muslim) girl in Afghanistan is far more damaging to radicals than is any bomb." -- LG was referring to the importance of diplomacy and the fact that Trump wants to cut the State Department's budget by 30%. (I didn't know Trump was proposing to go that far.... Did he mention that in his speech last night? He should have...maybe I missed it.)
  • "Here's what you can expect from me....what you've gotten for the last 20 years. I want to help Trump, but when I don't agree with him, I'm okay with saying I don't....My biggest fear is not losing my job....[it's] not standing up for what I think is right" -- (I may have missed a word in there, but I don't believe I've misrepresented his statements....I can't rewind any farther to catch it.)
  • "The best way to serve the Republican party is to serve the country and it all works out." -- He was remarking on why he voted for Obama's SCOTUS nominees....He said he did because they were qualified.
  • "There's a difference between his mother [pointing at a Muslim immigrant in the audience] and the guy who killed his son [pointing at an audience member who lost his son, presumably either a Muslim terrorist or radical...I don't know which]. I've seen that for decades." -- LG was commenting on immigration, safety and terrorism.
  • "About the enemy [ISIS]...You may be tired of fighting them. They're not tired of fighting you."
  • "It's not a war against Islam. It's a war against nutjobs."
  • JM --"Military commanders on site in Iraq, A-stan, etc. should be given the authority to prosecute the war based on their judgment" -- Don't take the quotes on this one to mean it's literally what he said; I paraphrased this one.
  • "You are never going to win [the war on ISIS/terrorism] with just military force."
  • "John asked me to support him for President. You know I did? Because he asked. Nobody ever asked me before."
  • "If JM has to stand up to his party for the country, so be it."

And here's what inspired this post:

"Fix Medicaid by making sure that a Medicaid person doesn't have to go to an emergency room when they get sick. If you smoke, you ought to pay a bit more.I want to tie outcomes to our own behavior. Here's how you fix "it" [not sure which "it" he meant, there were quite a few nouns in the intervening sentences]. Younger people you're going to have to work a little longer because we all live longer. People in my age group, you're going to have to pay a little more and take a little less."
The italicized part of that is what caught my ear and made me look up and create this thread. The italicized comments are among the hard but honest truths that Trump should be telling people instead of the pandering, vague and ambiguous "happy path -- it's all going to be perfect and the best you've ever seen" BS that Trump has been spewing.

At one point in the discussion, LG and JM remarked that we've been cutting back on our military. Now I know they should know better than anyone, but I know they are both "hawks." I also know that when I look at the spending over the past few years, all I see is the amounts being spent increasing, so I'm not as keen on their comments about military spending. Indeed, I think "Lucy got some 'splain' to do in that regard." Maybe they will clarify their comments on a later date. I'm good with their comments on how to use and how not to use the military.and on what they describe as the limit of what the military can accomplish.

Why do I think it worth bothering to create this thread and share what I heard? Because what I heard from LG is my idea of "straight talk" and because he had the integrity to say things that I know damn well most people don't want to hear but that they need to hear. That's what we need in a POTUS, not that guileful, self-centered, self-aggrandizing and just plain selfish SoS that we got. Truly, it galls, embarrasses and disappoints me to no end that the American people put that man in the WH. LG's not as entertaining as DJT, but he's a man of integrity, and that matters more than everything else.
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Full disclosure: Among the GOP candidates in 2016, Lindsay Graham was one of the Republicans I liked best. I do because though I don't agree with all his policy positions, I do trust him.

I have the Lindsay Graham (LG) and John McCain's CNN/George Washington Univ. town hall on in the background. I just hear LG say something I really liked. I have no idea what topic he was discussing, but it really doesn't matter. I rewound to see what he did say and I heard more I liked. Here are some excerpts:
  • "Do you know anything about N. Korea? This guy's nuts. He just killed his half brother. Shot his uncle with an anti-aircraft gun." LG went on to describe how Kim Jong Un comes from a long paternity of nuts (I don't know how much of it is true; but it sounded good. I'm not from SC, so I'm not likely to bother to fact check him. If I were and SC voter, I would):
    • Grandfather
      • claimed to beat the Japanese singlehandedly
      • claimed to have been born inside of a volcano
    • Father
      • claimed to have shot -38 the first time he played golf with 11 holes in one (Okay...that's just entertaining, but it is crazy to claim that.)
  • "An education to a poor young (Muslim) girl in Afghanistan is far more damaging to radicals than is any bomb." -- LG was referring to the importance of diplomacy and the fact that Trump wants to cut the State Department's budget by 30%. (I didn't know Trump was proposing to go that far.... Did he mention that in his speech last night? He should have...maybe I missed it.)
  • "Here's what you can expect from me....what you've gotten for the last 20 years. I want to help Trump, but when I don't agree with him, I'm okay with saying I don't....My biggest fear is not losing my job....[it's] not standing up for what I think is right" -- (I may have missed a word in there, but I don't believe I've misrepresented his statements....I can't rewind any farther to catch it.)
  • "The best way to serve the Republican party is to serve the country and it all works out." -- He was remarking on why he voted for Obama's SCOTUS nominees....He said he did because they were qualified.
  • "There's a difference between his mother [pointing at a Muslim immigrant in the audience] and the guy who killed his son [pointing at an audience member who lost his son, presumably either a Muslim terrorist or radical...I don't know which]. I've seen that for decades." -- LG was commenting on immigration, safety and terrorism.
  • "About the enemy [ISIS]...You may be tired of fighting them. They're not tired of fighting you."
  • "It's not a war against Islam. It's a war against nutjobs."
  • JM --"Military commanders on site in Iraq, A-stan, etc. should be given the authority to prosecute the war based on their judgment" -- Don't take the quotes on this one to mean it's literally what he said; I paraphrased this one.
  • "You are never going to win [the war on ISIS/terrorism] with just military force."
  • "John asked me to support him for President. You know I did? Because he asked. Nobody ever asked me before."
  • "If JM has to stand up to his party for the country, so be it."

And here's what inspired this post:

"Fix Medicaid by making sure that a Medicaid person doesn't have to go to an emergency room when they get sick. If you smoke, you ought to pay a bit more.I want to tie outcomes to our own behavior. Here's how you fix "it" [not sure which "it" he meant, there were quite a few nouns in the intervening sentences]. Younger people you're going to have to work a little longer because we all live longer. People in my age group, you're going to have to pay a little more and take a little less."
The italicized part of that is what caught my ear and made me look up and create this thread. The italicized comments are among the hard but honest truths that Trump should be telling people instead of the pandering, vague and ambiguous "happy path -- it's all going to be perfect and the best you've ever seen" BS that Trump has been spewing.

At one point in the discussion, LG and JM remarked that we've been cutting back on our military. Now I know they should know better than anyone, but I know they are both "hawks." I also know that when I look at the spending over the past few years, all I see is the amounts being spent increasing, so I'm not as keen on their comments about military spending. Indeed, I think "Lucy got some 'splain' to do in that regard." Maybe they will clarify their comments on a later date. I'm good with their comments on how to use and how not to use the military.and on what they describe as the limit of what the military can accomplish.

Why do I think it worth bothering to create this thread and share what I heard? Because what I heard from LG is my idea of "straight talk" and because he had the integrity to say things that I know damn well most people don't want to hear but that they need to hear. That's what we need in a POTUS, not that guileful, self-centered, self-aggrandizing and just plain selfish SoS that we got. Truly, it galls, embarrasses and disappoints me to no end that the American people put that man in the WH. LG's not as entertaining as DJT, but he's a man of integrity, and that matters more than everything else.

Graham is two-faced. I don't trust him - even when he's saying things I agree with.
Full disclosure: Among the GOP candidates in 2016, Lindsay Graham was one of the Republicans I liked best. I do because though I don't agree with all his policy positions, I do trust him.

I have the Lindsay Graham (LG) and John McCain's CNN/George Washington Univ. town hall on in the background. I just hear LG say something I really liked. I have no idea what topic he was discussing, but it really doesn't matter. I rewound to see what he did say and I heard more I liked. Here are some excerpts:
  • "Do you know anything about N. Korea? This guy's nuts. He just killed his half brother. Shot his uncle with an anti-aircraft gun." LG went on to describe how Kim Jong Un comes from a long paternity of nuts (I don't know how much of it is true; but it sounded good. I'm not from SC, so I'm not likely to bother to fact check him. If I were and SC voter, I would):
    • Grandfather
      • claimed to beat the Japanese singlehandedly
      • claimed to have been born inside of a volcano
    • Father
      • claimed to have shot -38 the first time he played golf with 11 holes in one (Okay...that's just entertaining, but it is crazy to claim that.)
  • "An education to a poor young (Muslim) girl in Afghanistan is far more damaging to radicals than is any bomb." -- LG was referring to the importance of diplomacy and the fact that Trump wants to cut the State Department's budget by 30%. (I didn't know Trump was proposing to go that far.... Did he mention that in his speech last night? He should have...maybe I missed it.)
  • "Here's what you can expect from me....what you've gotten for the last 20 years. I want to help Trump, but when I don't agree with him, I'm okay with saying I don't....My biggest fear is not losing my job....[it's] not standing up for what I think is right" -- (I may have missed a word in there, but I don't believe I've misrepresented his statements....I can't rewind any farther to catch it.)
  • "The best way to serve the Republican party is to serve the country and it all works out." -- He was remarking on why he voted for Obama's SCOTUS nominees....He said he did because they were qualified.
  • "There's a difference between his mother [pointing at a Muslim immigrant in the audience] and the guy who killed his son [pointing at an audience member who lost his son, presumably either a Muslim terrorist or radical...I don't know which]. I've seen that for decades." -- LG was commenting on immigration, safety and terrorism.
  • "About the enemy [ISIS]...You may be tired of fighting them. They're not tired of fighting you."
  • "It's not a war against Islam. It's a war against nutjobs."
  • JM --"Military commanders on site in Iraq, A-stan, etc. should be given the authority to prosecute the war based on their judgment" -- Don't take the quotes on this one to mean it's literally what he said; I paraphrased this one.
  • "You are never going to win [the war on ISIS/terrorism] with just military force."
  • "John asked me to support him for President. You know I did? Because he asked. Nobody ever asked me before."
  • "If JM has to stand up to his party for the country, so be it."

And here's what inspired this post:

"Fix Medicaid by making sure that a Medicaid person doesn't have to go to an emergency room when they get sick. If you smoke, you ought to pay a bit more.I want to tie outcomes to our own behavior. Here's how you fix "it" [not sure which "it" he meant, there were quite a few nouns in the intervening sentences]. Younger people you're going to have to work a little longer because we all live longer. People in my age group, you're going to have to pay a little more and take a little less."
The italicized part of that is what caught my ear and made me look up and create this thread. The italicized comments are among the hard but honest truths that Trump should be telling people instead of the pandering, vague and ambiguous "happy path -- it's all going to be perfect and the best you've ever seen" BS that Trump has been spewing.

At one point in the discussion, LG and JM remarked that we've been cutting back on our military. Now I know they should know better than anyone, but I know they are both "hawks." I also know that when I look at the spending over the past few years, all I see is the amounts being spent increasing, so I'm not as keen on their comments about military spending. Indeed, I think "Lucy got some 'splain' to do in that regard." Maybe they will clarify their comments on a later date. I'm good with their comments on how to use and how not to use the military.and on what they describe as the limit of what the military can accomplish.

Why do I think it worth bothering to create this thread and share what I heard? Because what I heard from LG is my idea of "straight talk" and because he had the integrity to say things that I know damn well most people don't want to hear but that they need to hear. That's what we need in a POTUS, not that guileful, self-centered, self-aggrandizing and just plain selfish SoS that we got. Truly, it galls, embarrasses and disappoints me to no end that the American people put that man in the WH. LG's not as entertaining as DJT, but he's a man of integrity, and that matters more than everything else.

Graham is two-faced. I don't trust him - even when he's saying things I agree with.

Maybe he is. I've been known in the past to favor politicians and later observe things that completely change my mind about them. Donald Trump is the most recent example of that. I was quite keen on him back in 2012 to late 2015. When he uttered that "they send their rapists and whatnot" crap, I was willing to "hold my nose" and let that go. Then he just kept on and on with one vulgar invective and childish remark/argument, etc. after another, and that was when I decided he was little but really rich "trailer trash." [1] I had to "come up for air" and look elsewhere, so to speak.

Maybe that shift will occur re: LG. I don't know.

  1. No, I don't mean that folks who live in trailers are trashy. I'm referring to the stereotype, not to the reality because I don't actually know a damn thing about people who live in. If you were to ask me what I think about trailer parks, I'd have to tell you that I think they seem to be "tornado magnets"....That only because it sounds sort of funny, not because I actually believe it to be so .... And I know damn well it's not funny when a tornado hits one.
Thanks for the thread, I will look up the video and watch.

I didn't like a lot of his positions because I'm a progressive, but I actually felt that Graham was one of the better GOP candidates and was disappointed to see him pushed out of the race so soon - he's very smart and could have keep putting pressure on the others to discuss substantive policy issues in mature ways.
Liberals like Graham because he's a liberal and a homosexual (even though they will use it against him if he says something they don't like). Two faced bastards.
Oh my -- this is the Twilight Zone. All these progressives just creaming themselves over the 2 biggest bloviators and War Hawks of our Era... They are an Endangered Species. Show them some love while you can.
Full disclosure: Among the GOP candidates in 2016, Lindsay Graham was one of the Republicans I liked best. I do because though I don't agree with all his policy positions, I do trust him.

I have the Lindsay Graham (LG) and John McCain's CNN/George Washington Univ. town hall on in the background. I just hear LG say something I really liked. I have no idea what topic he was discussing, but it really doesn't matter. I rewound to see what he did say and I heard more I liked. Here are some excerpts:
  • "Do you know anything about N. Korea? This guy's nuts. He just killed his half brother. Shot his uncle with an anti-aircraft gun." LG went on to describe how Kim Jong Un comes from a long paternity of nuts (I don't know how much of it is true; but it sounded good. I'm not from SC, so I'm not likely to bother to fact check him. If I were and SC voter, I would):
    • Grandfather
      • claimed to beat the Japanese singlehandedly
      • claimed to have been born inside of a volcano
    • Father
      • claimed to have shot -38 the first time he played golf with 11 holes in one (Okay...that's just entertaining, but it is crazy to claim that.)
  • "An education to a poor young (Muslim) girl in Afghanistan is far more damaging to radicals than is any bomb." -- LG was referring to the importance of diplomacy and the fact that Trump wants to cut the State Department's budget by 30%. (I didn't know Trump was proposing to go that far.... Did he mention that in his speech last night? He should have...maybe I missed it.)
  • "Here's what you can expect from me....what you've gotten for the last 20 years. I want to help Trump, but when I don't agree with him, I'm okay with saying I don't....My biggest fear is not losing my job....[it's] not standing up for what I think is right" -- (I may have missed a word in there, but I don't believe I've misrepresented his statements....I can't rewind any farther to catch it.)
  • "The best way to serve the Republican party is to serve the country and it all works out." -- He was remarking on why he voted for Obama's SCOTUS nominees....He said he did because they were qualified.
  • "There's a difference between his mother [pointing at a Muslim immigrant in the audience] and the guy who killed his son [pointing at an audience member who lost his son, presumably either a Muslim terrorist or radical...I don't know which]. I've seen that for decades." -- LG was commenting on immigration, safety and terrorism.
  • "About the enemy [ISIS]...You may be tired of fighting them. They're not tired of fighting you."
  • "It's not a war against Islam. It's a war against nutjobs."
  • JM --"Military commanders on site in Iraq, A-stan, etc. should be given the authority to prosecute the war based on their judgment" -- Don't take the quotes on this one to mean it's literally what he said; I paraphrased this one.
  • "You are never going to win [the war on ISIS/terrorism] with just military force."
  • "John asked me to support him for President. You know I did? Because he asked. Nobody ever asked me before."
  • "If JM has to stand up to his party for the country, so be it."

And here's what inspired this post:

"Fix Medicaid by making sure that a Medicaid person doesn't have to go to an emergency room when they get sick. If you smoke, you ought to pay a bit more.I want to tie outcomes to our own behavior. Here's how you fix "it" [not sure which "it" he meant, there were quite a few nouns in the intervening sentences]. Younger people you're going to have to work a little longer because we all live longer. People in my age group, you're going to have to pay a little more and take a little less."
The italicized part of that is what caught my ear and made me look up and create this thread. The italicized comments are among the hard but honest truths that Trump should be telling people instead of the pandering, vague and ambiguous "happy path -- it's all going to be perfect and the best you've ever seen" BS that Trump has been spewing.

At one point in the discussion, LG and JM remarked that we've been cutting back on our military. Now I know they should know better than anyone, but I know they are both "hawks." I also know that when I look at the spending over the past few years, all I see is the amounts being spent increasing, so I'm not as keen on their comments about military spending. Indeed, I think "Lucy got some 'splain' to do in that regard." Maybe they will clarify their comments on a later date. I'm good with their comments on how to use and how not to use the military.and on what they describe as the limit of what the military can accomplish.

Why do I think it worth bothering to create this thread and share what I heard? Because what I heard from LG is my idea of "straight talk" and because he had the integrity to say things that I know damn well most people don't want to hear but that they need to hear. That's what we need in a POTUS, not that guileful, self-centered, self-aggrandizing and just plain selfish SoS that we got. Truly, it galls, embarrasses and disappoints me to no end that the American people put that man in the WH. LG's not as entertaining as DJT, but he's a man of integrity, and that matters more than everything else.

Graham is two-faced. I don't trust him - even when he's saying things I agree with.
Washington Redskin, you do realize theat career politicians fuck the American people constantly?
Graham is a scumbag. I couldn't stand that fuck when I lived in South Carolina.
Thanks for the thread, I will look up the video and watch.

I didn't like a lot of his positions because I'm a progressive, but I actually felt that Graham was one of the better GOP candidates and was disappointed to see him pushed out of the race so soon - he's very smart and could have keep putting pressure on the others to discuss substantive policy issues in mature ways.
Your sig line is most excellent :thup:
Thanks for the thread, I will look up the video and watch.

I didn't like a lot of his positions because I'm a progressive, but I actually felt that Graham was one of the better GOP candidates and was disappointed to see him pushed out of the race so soon - he's very smart and could have keep putting pressure on the others to discuss substantive policy issues in mature ways.
Your sig line is most excellent :thup:
Thanks, I like that it becomes more true with each passing day!
Spineless McCain and cross-dressing gram are the very definition of RINOs...

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