I'm Moving

One thing you should know, as a matter of fact all white people should know.....no matter where you go, how far you go, sooner or later nigga's will be right behind you. They are perhaps the only group of people in the world, nobody can escape...not even the rich.....rich rappers ruined most of their hoods.
They don't stick around if you don't feed them.
Kinda wondering where you're going to run to to get away from crime. I live out in the middle of BFE and my neighbors on both sides have had shit stolen and I'm on my 4th mailbox after the first 3 were destroyed by a punk in a truck with a baseball bat.

Crime is everywhere. If you could run from it, everyone would.
not in my small town of 10,000. 98% white. We don't have crime.

I saw the guy who did it, he was white.
This happened just this morning

I see stupid shit all the time in the hood although usually not as bad as that. You haven't lived until you've had a crack whore taken down by a cop in front of your car while waiting for a light first thing in the morning before you've had your coffee. :coffee:

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