I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Previously you were asked to provide support for these allegations. Do you have any links proving that he is a liar and supports terrorism? Failure to substantiate your allegations does not help your position.

I see, after having your ass handed to you on the issue by none other then Sunni man himself you go silent. Sunni man supports terrorism as long as it is against Jews or not in the US. he said so IN this thread himself.

Your imagination is no substitute for actual links.

Already linked to HIS POST here dumb ass. Or are you to stupid to go back and look?
I see, after having your ass handed to you on the issue by none other then Sunni man himself you go silent. Sunni man supports terrorism as long as it is against Jews or not in the US. he said so IN this thread himself.
I have Never said that I support terrorism you nitwit.

If you can find any post saying that I do then please link it.

Otherwise quit your blatant lying....... :cool:

LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?
What I support is the self determination of people in foreign countries to decide their own political destiny without outside interference from western nations with a sordid history colonialism.

RetiredGySgt can't seem to understand that people of many countries do not want to be occupied and told what's best for them. So they rebel against the governments and brutal puppet dictators that have been forced on them by the western powers in the name of democracy.

That is not supporting terrorism; but championing freedom for oppressed people.

Something all patriotic Americans should loudly applaud. .. :cool:

Here ya go again since you are incapable of manipulating the board mechanism.
Is there a contradiction in being a loyal, patriotic American and being anti-Semitic?

Plenty of US presidents seemed to have managed it.....
Many Americans can't distinguish the difference between being anti-semitic and being against zionism.

And think if you oppose Israel, than you must be anti-semitic. .. :cool:

Another for you. he claims Hezbollah and Hamas are resistance fighters and not terrorists. he does not think firing missiles rockets and mortars at day care centers schools, shopping malls are acts of terror, nor does he think suicide attacks against pizza parlors or transit buses are either. Well at least not if they happen to be in Israel.
I see, after having your ass handed to you on the issue by none other then Sunni man himself you go silent. Sunni man supports terrorism as long as it is against Jews or not in the US. he said so IN this thread himself.

Your imagination is no substitute for actual links.

Already linked to HIS POST here dumb ass. Or are you to stupid to go back and look?

There are 300+ posts in this thread alone. The onus is on you to provide the links to the actual posts that you claim support your allegations.
I see, after having your ass handed to you on the issue by none other then Sunni man himself you go silent. Sunni man supports terrorism as long as it is against Jews or not in the US. he said so IN this thread himself.
I have Never said that I support terrorism you nitwit.

If you can find any post saying that I do then please link it.

Otherwise quit your blatant lying....... :cool:

LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?
In my opinion, Israel and the IDF are the terrorists in that region. .. :cool:
I have Never said that I support terrorism you nitwit.

If you can find any post saying that I do then please link it.

Otherwise quit your blatant lying....... :cool:

LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?
In my opinion, Israel and the IDF are the terrorists in that region. .. :cool:

Clear enough numbnuts, Ohh and look on this page I linked them again, exactly what good does it do me to link when you refuse to even look at the posts?
Your imagination is no substitute for actual links.

Already linked to HIS POST here dumb ass. Or are you to stupid to go back and look?

There are 300+ posts in this thread alone. The onus is on you to provide the links to the actual posts that you claim support your allegations.

Let me get this right, since your post asking for links, I provide several, you obviously have not bothered to read the posts after your last post asking for links which is JUST one page back, further I posted it again and again on this page.
he does not think firing missiles rockets and mortars at day care centers schools, shopping malls are acts of terror, nor does he think suicide attacks against pizza parlors or transit buses are either.
Please provide a :link: to a post where I have said that or admit you are lying. .. :cool:

You support Hezbollah and Hamas. They both do that. You called then resistance fighters and the IDF terrorists. What more proof do I need?
I see, after having your ass handed to you on the issue by none other then Sunni man himself you go silent. Sunni man supports terrorism as long as it is against Jews or not in the US. he said so IN this thread himself.
I have Never said that I support terrorism you nitwit.

If you can find any post saying that I do then please link it.

Otherwise quit your blatant lying....... :cool:

LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?

New page, since you proved you are to stupid to read the new material and just go to the last page...
I have Never said that I support terrorism you nitwit.

If you can find any post saying that I do then please link it.

Otherwise quit your blatant lying....... :cool:

LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?
In my opinion, Israel and the IDF are the terrorists in that region. .. :cool:

Clear yet?
he does not think firing missiles rockets and mortars at day care centers schools, shopping malls are acts of terror, nor does he think suicide attacks against pizza parlors or transit buses are either.
Please provide a :link: to a post where I have said that or admit you are lying. .. :cool:

You support Hezbollah and Hamas. They both do that. You called then resistance fighters and the IDF terrorists. What more proof do I need?
I will try one more time......

I do not support terrorism or terrorists here or anywhere in the world.

I am finished responding to your lies RetardedGySgt.

Bye .. :cool:
LIAR, shall I link again where you claim Hezbollah and Hamas are "freedom fighters"? That their indiscriminate mortar rocket and missile attacks on Israeli civilian targets are not, according to you, terror attacks?
In my opinion, Israel and the IDF are the terrorists in that region. .. :cool:

Clear enough numbnuts, Ohh and look on this page I linked them again, exactly what good does it do me to link when you refuse to even look at the posts?

Everyone is entitled to their OPINIONS. Simply having an opinion does not automatically translate into "support". For someone who has quotes about opinions in your own signature you certainly don't seem to be able to recognize one even when it is spelled out for you.
Please provide a :link: to a post where I have said that or admit you are lying. .. :cool:

You support Hezbollah and Hamas. They both do that. You called then resistance fighters and the IDF terrorists. What more proof do I need?
I will try one more time......

I do not support terrorism or terrorists here or anywhere in the world.

I am finished responding to your lies RetardedGySgt.

Bye .. :cool:

So repeat for us how Hamas and Hezbollah are resistance fighters, and the IDF are terrorists. I have you quoted. Now if dumb ass would simple read material on pages since he last posted.
Sunni-Man, I'm not so much a hater, as a realist:
A truly devout Muslim who believes that every word in the Quran is the truth must believe the following:
You cannot take the people of the book (Christians/Jews) as friends, for he is friends with them, is of them (bigotry).
A truly devout Muslim who believes that every word in the Quran is the truth, must believe the following:
Make war upon the people of the book and non-believers.
Wage on them, every type of ambush.
Cut off their heads and hands.
Per the Doctrine of Taqiyya, it is permissible to lie to the infidels to protect the religion (of course, a true deity wouldn't need anyone to lie to non-believers, simply because a deity cannot be defeated, of course and thus doesn't need you to cover for it. Then there's the pesky issue of, if the deity is all-powerful, all-knowing, he really doesn't need your help at all in anything, especially in hurting non-believers, he could take care of that all by him(her?)self.
As for Islam today, I, for the life of me, cannot understand why anyone would willingly go into a religion founded by a person who was clearly a pedophile (lusted after a six-year old named Aisha and married her when she was nine). Any middle-aged man who looks at a six year old, or even nine-year old and thinks, sex....well that's a pedophile, no matter what year you live in.
Sunni-Man, I'm not so much a hater, as a realist:
A truly devout Muslim who believes that every word in the Quran is the truth must believe the following:
You cannot take the people of the book (Christians/Jews) as friends, for he is friends with them, is of them (bigotry).
A truly devout Muslim who believes that every word in the Quran is the truth, must believe the following:
Make war upon the people of the book and non-believers.
Wage on them, every type of ambush.
Cut off their heads and hands.
Per the Doctrine of Taqiyya, it is permissible to lie to the infidels to protect the religion (of course, a true deity wouldn't need anyone to lie to non-believers, simply because a deity cannot be defeated, of course and thus doesn't need you to cover for it. Then there's the pesky issue of, if the deity is all-powerful, all-knowing, he really doesn't need your help at all in anything, especially in hurting non-believers, he could take care of that all by him(her?)self.
As for Islam today, I, for the life of me, cannot understand why anyone would willingly go into a religion founded by a person who was clearly a pedophile (lusted after a six-year old named Aisha and married her when she was nine). Any middle-aged man who looks at a six year old, or even nine-year old and thinks, sex....well that's a pedophile, no matter what year you live in.
You are incorrect on soo many levels it's pathetic. .. :cool:
In my opinion, Israel and the IDF are the terrorists in that region. .. :cool:

Clear enough numbnuts, Ohh and look on this page I linked them again, exactly what good does it do me to link when you refuse to even look at the posts?

Everyone is entitled to their OPINIONS. Simply having an opinion does not automatically translate into "support". For someone who has quotes about opinions in your own signature you certainly don't seem to be able to recognize one even when it is spelled out for you.

Yes he has opinions. It is his Opinion that Israel is a terrorist State. It is his opinion that Hamas is a resistance group. It is his Opinion that Hezbollah is a resistance group.

Since Israel is the terrorist and Hamas and Hezbollah are resistance fighters then any acts committed by the two are simply acts of resistance to a terrorist State. Meaning that the indiscriminate shelling, bombing and attacks on civilian targets by those two groups are not terror attacks but allowed measures to resist supposed occupation.

In other words, his opinion is that Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terror organizations and their campaigns of terror are just resistance.

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