I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Guys this is getting boring and rather tedious.

I started a thread denouncing terrorism.

But you two want to turn it into a hate muslims thread.

Besides it's getting late....so goodnight. .. :cool:
There has been two accusations I have heard over and over on this board concerning American muslims.

#1) When are the American muslim leaders going to stand up and renounce terrorism?

#2) When is the American muslim community going to start policing their own people and turn in radical jihadists.

After the Boston marathon bombing both of these accusations were answered.

1) The muslim community leaders were unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism and those who commit terrorist acts in our nation. With mosques issuing press releases and Imams giving TV interviews soundingly denouncing the people involved in such a horrendous act of violence against innocent people.

2) Tthe muslim community totally cooperated with the police and federal authorities in giving information in order to bring the Boston marathon bombers to justice.

In fact, the muslim community is so incensed with this senseless act. No mosque wants to hold a funeral service for the one bomber who was killed in a shoot out with the police.

Now that the muslim community has shown they are patriot American citizens and are unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism in our country.

You would think a thread pointing these things out would be greeted with a huge round of applause?

Sadly, the answer is No

The thread quickly devolved into just another Islamophobic hate fest and attacks on muslims for everything under the sun.

Very disappointing to say the least........ :doubt:
There has been two accusations I have heard over and over on this board concerning American muslims.

#1) When are the American muslim leaders going to stand up and renounce terrorism?

#2) When is the American muslim community going to start policing their own people and turn in radical jihadists.

After the Boston marathon bombing both of these accusations were answered.

1) The muslim community leaders were unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism and those who commit terrorist acts in our nation. With mosques issuing press releases and Imams giving TV interviews soundingly denouncing the people involved in such a horrendous act of violence against innocent people.

2) Tthe muslim community totally cooperated with the police and federal authorities in giving information in order to bring the Boston marathon bombers to justice.

In fact, the muslim community is so incensed with this senseless act. No mosque wants to hold a funeral service for the one bomber who was killed in a shoot out with the police.

Now that the muslim community has shown they are patriot American citizens and are unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism in our country.

You would think a thread pointing these things out would be greeted with a huge round of applause?

Sadly, the answer is No

The thread quickly devolved into just another Islamophobic hate fest and attacks on muslims for everything under the sun.

Very disappointing to say the least........ :doubt:

What is truly sad is the way you have ignored this post, it's content and the reference material. The following shows a most favorable light upon the American Muslim community. Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US. You clearly do not speak for the American Muslin, you are merely one small biased voice that is drown out by those who truly wish their neighbors to know them, understand them and respect them.

(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists.

Since this topic is much broader than how the author Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, currently a political comedian or one poster Sunni Man feels, I wanted to find a more far reaching reference, poll or study which would shed more light on how Muslims in America feel about bombings.

"Muslims in the US are generally more opposed to suicide bombings than their co-religionists round the world, according to a new report by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life published Tuesday. The report, in the section dealing with US Muslims, concludes: "In their attitudes toward modern society and their relations with people of other faiths, US Muslims sometimes more closely resemble other Americans than they do Muslims around the world."

Neha Sahgal, a senior researcher at the forum and one of the authors of the survey, said: "The report shows that few US Muslims as well as Muslims around the world consider suicide bombing justified. But we do see a few countries where there is a higher level of support for suicide bombings. She added: "Boston was not a suicide bombing but there is some comparability."

Asked about suicide bombings, only 1% of American Muslims in the survey said they were "often" justified in defence of Islam, and 7% "sometimes". Sahgal said the relatively low level of support for suicide bombings in the US fits into a larger pattern showing up differences between US Muslims and their co-religionists round the world. American Muslims are more accepting of the idea that there are various routes to heaven, not just Islam. Fifty-six percent of American Muslims take this view compared with the 18% global median.

According to the survey, Muslims worldwide tend to be friends mainly with other Muslims: the global median for those whose friends are only or mostly other Muslims is a high 95%. In America, though, about half of the Muslims will have friends who are non-Muslim. Only 48% of American Muslims said all or most of their friends were Muslim."

Muslims in US more opposed to suicide bombing than in other countries
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I don't know anything about that situation nor do I care to. .. :cool:

Funny, I have seen dozens of your posts with full knowledge of the events in Israel and the middle east with your analysis and take on it.
And now you claim you know nothing and do not care?
Bull shit.
You POINT OUT what the Jews do and now you claim "I do not care"
Like I said, I don't really know the details of the situation.

But if Israel released the guy then he was most likely innocent in the first place.

It really has nothing to do with me. .. :cool:

Israel never had the guy. Happened in Jordan and he is in prison now and the public and politicians are demanding his release.
Thought the purpose of your thread was that you condemn terrorism.
That was terrorism.
You do not care that teenage kids were gunned down?
Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:
Funny, I have seen dozens of your posts with full knowledge of the events in Israel and the middle east with your analysis and take on it.
And now you claim you know nothing and do not care?
Bull shit.
You POINT OUT what the Jews do and now you claim "I do not care"
Like I said, I don't really know the details of the situation.

But if Israel released the guy then he was most likely innocent in the first place.

It really has nothing to do with me. .. :cool:

Israel never had the guy. Happened in Jordan and he is in prison now and the public and politicians are demanding his release.
Thought the purpose of your thread was that you condemn terrorism.
That was terrorism.
You do not care that teenage kids were gunned down?
Once again, this thread is about American Muslims and their rejection of terrorism in the U.S.

Please try to keep on topic and not derail the thread with extraneous questions about events and issues in other countries. .. :cool:
Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Maybe you could start a thread that tell everyone what Muslims actuallyt believe and why? I've been more than open with my own faith. I actually feel that what I say comes from my faith. So, perhaps you need to explain what Muslims believe. Do you have differing denominations or sects? How do you feel about missionary work, etc..? Just a thought.
Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Note the word "solely". You just just seeking attention and you got it.
Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Maybe you could start a thread that tell everyone what Muslims actuallyt believe and why? I've been more than open with my own faith. I actually feel that what I say comes from my faith. So, perhaps you need to explain what Muslims believe. Do you have differing denominations or sects? How do you feel about missionary work, etc..? Just a thought.
Thanks, but I have tried to do that before.

By the 10th post it totally devolves into a vicious muslim/Islam hate fest.

Not worth the effort....... :cool:
Note the word "solely". You just just seeking attention and you got it.
One of the tell-tale signs of a person who is caught in deception is stuttering.

Just saying......... :cool:

Challenge the post, challenge the source or challenge the premise. Without any of that you are just blowing smoke.

What I posted is supportive of Muslims. Why will you not address the post?
There has been two accusations I have heard over and over on this board concerning American muslims.

#1) When are the American muslim leaders going to stand up and renounce terrorism?

#2) When is the American muslim community going to start policing their own people and turn in radical jihadists.

After the Boston marathon bombing both of these accusations were answered.

1) The muslim community leaders were unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism and those who commit terrorist acts in our nation. With mosques issuing press releases and Imams giving TV interviews soundingly denouncing the people involved in such a horrendous act of violence against innocent people.

2) Tthe muslim community totally cooperated with the police and federal authorities in giving information in order to bring the Boston marathon bombers to justice.

In fact, the muslim community is so incensed with this senseless act. No mosque wants to hold a funeral service for the one bomber who was killed in a shoot out with the police.

Now that the muslim community has shown they are patriot American citizens and are unanimous in their condemnation of terrorism in our country.

You would think a thread pointing these things out would be greeted with a huge round of applause?

Sadly, the answer is No

The thread quickly devolved into just another Islamophobic hate fest and attacks on muslims for everything under the sun.

Very disappointing to say the least........ :doubt:

that's the way things get viewed. a group of people who happen to be muslims resort to terroism = all muslims bad. a few nuts kill with guns, all gunowners = bad. it doesn't matter that only .000036% of the guns in America are used in a murder. all guns are bad

we tend to lose focus on what the problems are and generalize the blame.
All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Yea! reminds me its time to start another thread pointing out the quran is bunk.

It's not only the Americans who object to having terror attacks like 9/11 and Boston.
Do not forget us Brits, we have had a taste. I for one Englishman, side with America.

Muslims have effectively made it dangerous to speak against Islam in public. They kill people for doing it all over the world, and steal from us our great tradition of freedom of speech. Remember Theo Van Gogh, they killed him. Remember Salman Rushdie, had to go into hiding for a decade.
All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Yea! reminds me its time to start another thread pointing out the quran is bunk.

It's not only the Americans who object to having terror attacks like 9/11 and Boston.
Do not forget us Brits, we have had a taste. I for one Englishman, side with America.

Muslims have effectively made it dangerous to speak against Islam in public. They kill people for doing it all over the world, and steal from us our great tradition of freedom of speech. Remember Theo Van Gogh, they killed him. Remember Salman Rushdie, had to go into hiding for a decade.
try being pro christian in america these days. before long we will start being fed to the lions again i'm sure
Yea! reminds me its time to start another thread pointing out the quran is bunk.

I happen to think the Book of Mormon is fairly silly as well - but that doesn't prevent me treating Mormon people with respect and dignity.
Yea! reminds me its time to start another thread pointing out the quran is bunk.

I happen to think the Book of Mormon is fairly silly as well - but that doesn't prevent me treating Mormon people with respect and dignity.

i'm calling bullshit. i saw you trashing romney

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