I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Ahhh, you've adopted the "Doctrine of Taqiyya."

My user name says "Sunni" Man, not Shi'ite Man

That should be your first clue Poindexter.......

Taqiyya is a doctrine of the Shia cult version of Islam.

But not a doctrine of Sunni Islam (which is 85% of all muslims) .. :cool:
Pesky Doctrine of Taqiyya, huh Sunni! (Just say it's a big lie). ;)
The only deceptive liar here is you Irish Ram.

Spouting christianity out of one side of your mouth.....while spewing hate out of the other side.

Please remind us again how Jesus taught you to Love your fellow man....... :cool:
Alll the Jew haters give Sunni boy some reps:clap2:

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
Clear enough numbnuts, Ohh and look on this page I linked them again, exactly what good does it do me to link when you refuse to even look at the posts?

Everyone is entitled to their OPINIONS. Simply having an opinion does not automatically translate into "support". For someone who has quotes about opinions in your own signature you certainly don't seem to be able to recognize one even when it is spelled out for you.

Yes he has opinions. It is his Opinion that Israel is a terrorist State. It is his opinion that Hamas is a resistance group. It is his Opinion that Hezbollah is a resistance group.

Since Israel is the terrorist and Hamas and Hezbollah are resistance fighters then any acts committed by the two are simply acts of resistance to a terrorist State. Meaning that the indiscriminate shelling, bombing and attacks on civilian targets by those two groups are not terror attacks but allowed measures to resist supposed occupation.

In other words, his opinion is that Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terror organizations and their campaigns of terror are just resistance.

Thank you for finally admitting that Sunni Man was NOT lying when you claimed that he was. Instead he was just expressing his opinions. Glad to have cleared that up. Have a nice day.
If a Muslim terrorists goes into Israel and kills women and children in an elementary school do you stand up and cheer him on Sunni or do you side with the Israel court system and want him tried and executed for his crime?
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

Ok no hypothetical.... IS Hamas guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

Is Hezbollah guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

A couple more for you.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli transit bus an act of terrorism.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli Pizza parlor an act of terrorism?

And finally, was the kidnap and murder of Israeli athletes at Munich an act of terror?
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

OK, this one is a REAL situation, NOT hypothetical.

Do you support the release of the terrorist that shot and killed those innocent Jewish girls in Jordan?
What is your hang up with Israel?

Are you an Israeli citizen or an American citizen? .. :cool:

Answer the questions. Or admit you support those actions. YOU claim you do not support terrorism, perhaps if you answer my questions we can see what you consider terrorism to be?

Or are you afraid to answer?
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

Ok no hypothetical.... IS Hamas guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

Is Hezbollah guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

A couple more for you.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli transit bus an act of terrorism.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli Pizza parlor an act of terrorism?

And finally, was the kidnap and murder of Israeli athletes at Munich an act of terror?
What is your hang up with Israel?

Are you an Israeli citizen or an American citizen? .. :cool:
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

OK, this one is a REAL situation, NOT hypothetical.

Do you support the release of the terrorist that shot and killed those innocent Jewish girls in Jordan?
I don't know anything about that situation nor do I care to. .. :cool:
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

Ok no hypothetical.... IS Hamas guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

Is Hezbollah guilty of terrorism when they fire rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli civilian cities?

A couple more for you.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli transit bus an act of terrorism.

Was the act of committing a suicide bomb attack on an Israeli Pizza parlor an act of terrorism?

And finally, was the kidnap and murder of Israeli athletes at Munich an act of terror?
What is your hang up with Israel?

Are you an Israeli citizen or an American citizen? .. :cool:

YOU claimed you do not support terrorism. I am asking about specific acts, are they terrorism or not? Or are you afraid to answer?
I am an American citizen......those things concern Israel.........why should I care?? .. :cool:

You are a bald faced liar. This proves it. Answer the fucking questions. YOU started a thread, this one, claiming you were against terrorism. Were those acts terrorism? Yes or NO?

Further your claim you don't care is a straight u;p lie, shall I quote you again where you claim Jews should be moved to an island and segregated by use of force from the rest of humanity. Or better yet your response IN THIS THREAD, where you claimed the IDF were terrorists?
I am an American citizen......those things concern Israel.........why should I care?? .. :cool:

You are a bald faced liar. This proves it. Answer the fucking questions. YOU started a thread, this one, claiming you were against terrorism. Were those acts terrorism? Yes or NO?

Further your claim you don't care is a straight u;p lie, shall I quote you again where you claim Jews should be moved to an island and segregated by use of force from the rest of humanity. Or better yet your response IN THIS THREAD, where you claimed the IDF were terrorists?
In my opinion, the IDF fits the description of a terrorist organization.

I rarely hear you talk about America....it's always about Israel.

Why do you love Israel more than your own country? .. :cool:
Sorry, but I have a personal policy of not debating or answering hypothetical questions. .. :cool:

OK, this one is a REAL situation, NOT hypothetical.

Do you support the release of the terrorist that shot and killed those innocent Jewish girls in Jordan?
I don't know anything about that situation nor do I care to. .. :cool:

Funny, I have seen dozens of your posts with full knowledge of the events in Israel and the middle east with your analysis and take on it.
And now you claim you know nothing and do not care?
Bull shit.
You POINT OUT what the Jews do and now you claim "I do not care"
You do not care because it is MUSLIMS that are doing these deeds.
Double standard based on nothing other than religion.
Silence in the Muslim world is what fuels the terror.
If they strike anywhere in the world they should be condemned.
Fear is what motivates the silence and that is the tactic of the terrorists as the fear in the Muslim world to condemn anything they do SOMEWHERE ELSE is their plan.
Similar to the Klan and what they did and the silence of the white communities in other states. When people finally spoke up it ended.
Divide and conquer with apathy is their plan.
And apparently it is working well in the Muslim world.
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I am an American citizen......those things concern Israel.........why should I care?? .. :cool:

You are a bald faced liar. This proves it. Answer the fucking questions. YOU started a thread, this one, claiming you were against terrorism. Were those acts terrorism? Yes or NO?

Further your claim you don't care is a straight u;p lie, shall I quote you again where you claim Jews should be moved to an island and segregated by use of force from the rest of humanity. Or better yet your response IN THIS THREAD, where you claimed the IDF were terrorists?
In my opinion, the IDF fits the description of a terrorist organization.

I rarely hear you talk about America....it's always about Israel.

Why do you love Israel more than your own country? .. :cool:

Israel are terrorists, but you just said you don't care about Israel. Answer the questions.

I already know why you won't answer. YOU support Hamas and Hezbollah and think any attack on a Jew is a good one.
OK, this one is a REAL situation, NOT hypothetical.

Do you support the release of the terrorist that shot and killed those innocent Jewish girls in Jordan?
I don't know anything about that situation nor do I care to. .. :cool:

Funny, I have seen dozens of your posts with full knowledge of the events in Israel and the middle east with your analysis and take on it.
And now you claim you know nothing and do not care?
Bull shit.
You POINT OUT what the Jews do and now you claim "I do not care"
Like I said, I don't really know the details of the situation.

But if Israel released the guy then he was most likely innocent in the first place.

It really has nothing to do with me. .. :cool:

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