I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Challenge the post, challenge the source or challenge the premise. Without any of that you are just blowing smoke.

What I posted is supportive of Muslims. Why will you not address the post?
I did on post #367 .. :cool:

This is not a challenge at all.

Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:
Challenge the post, challenge the source or challenge the premise. Without any of that you are just blowing smoke.

What I posted is supportive of Muslims. Why will you not address the post?
I did on post #367 .. :cool:

This is not a challenge at all.

Yet you still wish to perpetuate the myth that the Muslim community is portrayed solely as a negative element in the US.
Surely you jest..... :lol:

All one has to do read the dozens of Islamophoboc threads started almost daily on this forum.

To see that the vast majority of Americans view muslims in a negative light. .. :cool:

Who cares what Sunni man thinks, he admits he supports terrorists in Palestine.
What is your hang up with Israel?

Are you an Israeli citizen or an American citizen? .. :cool:

Answer the questions. Or admit you support those actions. YOU claim you do not support terrorism, perhaps if you answer my questions we can see what you consider terrorism to be?

Or are you afraid to answer?

For Pete's sake don't anyone tell RetiredGySgt that there are also Jews who hate Israel. :cool:
Islomophobia. A great catchphrase, I distrust and question Muslims. And much deeper than that, really. Islam is emotional and irrational , like any religion. Where in the 21st century, is condemning non-believers to death acceptable? In Muslim culture it is .Islamoaphobia, my sweet bippy. Might as well call it..STUPIDAPHOBIA. Freedom? Allowing Sharia law in the west? Where does ANY Muslim country allow Christian/non Muslim laws to be an valid alternate? Never. Not that that matters. Let’s be rational here. Islam is a cult. Over the years, it has helped do a few good things, but, but Islam is STILL a cult like Judaism or Christianity.
OK, it is a lot more complicated than most of us know as this is the reality in many parts of the Muslim world especially the monarchies:
I am not letting Sunni Man completely off the hook but this is my take on the facts so let us look at Saudi Arabia as an example:
Good friend of mine for 30 years trained Saudi pilots over there at Riyadh Air Base. He says the problem is that most Muslims are caught in the middle in this as they live in a country that is a monarchy that dictates their rules over a religious population. So if he sides with the monarchy which is really a dictatorship he is opposed by the kooky religious fanatics in country and the monarchy does pay off many of those kook clerics and looks the other way on how they run their districts many times. On the other hand if he supports the religious leaders in the district he lived in he falls under the scope of the secret police that keep an eye on all the activities of the religious leaders in all of the country.
So they catch hell from both sides and stay the hell out of things unless it directly involves them.
But this guy has more Muslim acquaintances than I do as he was a fighter pilot for 18 years and is a Delta pilot now. He says that yes, many Muslims are scared to speak up but he sees many Muslims speak out even in their own mosques here openly here opposing terrorist activities and wanting to speak even louder in support of their fellow Muslims overseas to speak out against it in their neighborhoods. He says that has to happen first.
So my question to you Sunni is if you saw Muslim opposition to terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq do you side with the Sunnis or do you side with the peace movement to condemn all suicide bombings?
Recent polls in Iraq have 45% supporting suicide bombings, 40% in Jordan.
Shocking as violence is becoming a way of life over there.
And the overwhelming majority of deaths are Muslims themselves.
Sunni versus Shiite.
^^^ Saudia Arabia is just 1 of 59 muslim majority countries and has it's own unique culture and traditions.

I personally know many religious Saudi's that love their country as it is and wouldn't live anywhere else. .. :cool:
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^^^ Saudia Arabia is just 1 of 59 muslim majority countries and has it's own unique culture and traditions.

I personally know many religious Saudi's that love their country as it is and wouldn't live anywhere else. .. :cool:

You are a coward, you refuse to answer a simple enough question. Do you believe Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations?
^^^ Saudia Arabia is just 1 of 59 muslim majority countries and has it's own unique culture and traditions.

I personally know many religious Saudi's that love their country as it is and wouldn't live anywhere else. .. :cool:

They love a dictator running their country is totally under the rule of a royal monarchy family?

They do not recognize religious freedom and the practice of any religion other than Muslim is strictly prohibited. Saudi police detain Shiite pilgrims calling them infidels.
All religious symbols other than Muslim are banned there.
All media is censored. Mass jailings of political prisoners. Any criticism of the government is banned.
11 of the 911 terrorists were Saudi and 9 were college graduates, most with advanced degrees.
The entire country is ripe for terror as the American base which protects them is labeled as infidel and there have been many attempts on the royals' lives.
As I say, Muslims themselves will be the first and last ones to die if terror is not fought ALL OVER the world and by a unified front.
^^^ Saudia Arabia is just 1 of 59 muslim majority countries and has it's own unique culture and traditions.

I personally know many religious Saudi's that love their country as it is and wouldn't live anywhere else. .. :cool:

This is a key point.

I think its easy for Americans and Europeans to think of the Muslim World as one huge country teeming with riots, murders and wailing women.

In reality, cities like Kuala Lumpur are safe, sophisticated and western - a million miles from the images of Islam we see on TV. I've been to maybe 20 Islamic countries - no two are alike anymore so than any two EU countries are alike.
^^^ Saudia Arabia is just 1 of 59 muslim majority countries and has it's own unique culture and traditions.

I personally know many religious Saudi's that love their country as it is and wouldn't live anywhere else. .. :cool:

This is a key point.

I think its easy for Americans and Europeans to think of the Muslim World as one huge country teeming with riots, murders and wailing women.

In reality, cities like Kuala Lumpur are safe, sophisticated and western - a million miles from the images of Islam we see on TV. I've been to maybe 20 Islamic countries - no two are alike anymore so than any two EU countries are alike.
Exactly, it's like judging all of the 47 European countries by one country.

Going to Poland and then saying all european nation are exactly like Poland. .. :cool:

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