I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

You have established that you are incapable of admitting that you are wrong when it is clearly demonstrated that you are. Furthermore you persist in lying about Islam. This means that you have no credibility when it comes to religion. Have a nice day.

How am I wrong?

My post was a reply to Irish Ram, not you.

The Constitution, THE LAW in this nation mentions religion NO WHERE.

The Constitution explicitly mentions religion TWICE.

Article VI - no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office
1st Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

Muslim countries Islam IS the law and written into the law in most all of them.
If you do not know that you are ignorant.

Your erroneous assumptions about others are your problem.

We are nation of laws, not religion.
The Constitution respects the rights of the minority whereas in most all Muslim countries only the majority of the population that goes by one religion only can worship freely.
If you do not know those facts you are in serious denial.

Why do you mindlessly persist in making these erroneous assumptions about others when you have no basis whatsoever for making them?

Which is obvious from the start.
I have many Muslim friends and clients. As indicated here in many posts I have always stated:
They are good citizens, hard working and good family folks. They make good neighbors here. I have no problems with them.
But I know the facts about Muslim countries where RELIGION ONLY controls the entire country.
None is so blind as those that refuse to see.

But I know the facts about Muslim countries where RELIGION ONLY controls the entire country.
I see nothing wrong with that.

It's their country... Their laws.... Not our business. .. :cool:

How generous of you to endorse political and religious fascism when that fascism is applied in favor of the politico-religious ideology you converted to. How convenient that you have safely ensconced yourself in a nation where the framework of law is not is not based upon an ancient theocratic code used as an instrument of oppression against those not part of the “state” religion. :cool:

I would think it’s everyone’s business to speak out against politico-religious fascism. :cool:

You need to understand we have 1,400 years of islamist history with which to make judgments about Islamism. Islam has never been embracing or accepting of Western values of individualism and personal freedoms. What we do have is a 1,400 year historical record of war, conquest, colonialism and subjugation of the infidel. The primary reason this behavior is a part of the historical record is because the early Muslims recording these events took no exception to the ideas of war, conquest, colonialism, subjugation of the infidel, sexual slavery, genocide and piracy as part of spreading the religion. These behaviors were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were recorded in the effort of preserving the Sunnah of islam’s inventor as an example for all later Muslims. :cool:
^^^ Nurse Ratchet is looking for you.....she said it's time for your daily meds. :cuckoo: :lol:

Yes, yes, sunni boy. The neg-rep whore who is incapable of actually responding to challenges aimed at political-ideological fascism.
^^^ Nurse Ratchet is looking for you.....she said it's time for your daily meds. :cuckoo: :lol:

There is nothing is islamist sharia that even remotely allows for the personal freedoms and human rights that are a hallmark of liberal democracies. In fact, democracies are staunchly opposed to the hatred, xenophobia, and all-around intolerance that is inherent to a religious ideology which has remained static since medieval times. Such an ideology is antithetical both to human rights and to the illuminating spirit of inquiry and openness which led us... well, most of us, out of the darkness of theocracy and totalitarianism.

There is nothing in a democracy that is even remotely requiring of the top-to-bottom life-defining enterprise that begins with God and ends with the death of the Muslim who has scrupulously attended to every minute detail of his life according to the innumerable precepts of Islam. There is literally nothing that a Muslim does in the course of his day that isn't covered in the koran and hadith. Food, personal hygiene, war, government, sex, economics, human relations--everything must be done in accordance with unyielding traditions. To get an idea of what an unyielding proscription of totalitarianism really is, have a look at Ask-Imam.com Fatwas for an impressive, but not exhaustive list of Islamic rulings (fatwas) on all manner of behavior, comportment, and thinking. One begins to see that the scope of Islam's dominance over its adherents extends far beyond that of any other religious creed. :cool:

Ask Imam Online Islam Fatwa Questions and Answers
^^^ Sounds like you are envious .. :eusa_angel:

^^^^ Sounds like you're as befuddled as usual. :cool:
^^^ You go girl with ya bad self!! :thup: :badgrin:

At least my bad self doesn’t make me a total joke for subscribing to a political-religious ideology which precepts I refuse to live under. :cool:

Well gee whiz, sunni. I was expecting you might respond with the usual fantastical notions of the imposition of an imperialistic, neoconservative hegemony (throwing in blood for oil, Zionist agenda, or Halliburton which will earn you extra wannabe points). The wannabes are often people who have never known anything but the Western freedoms they pretend to despise so much that they dedicate their lives to protecting islamist / fascist / totalitarian regimes from democracy's boundless evil. They will walk around all day spewing conspiratorial claptrap about an evil American corporate scheme, while availing themselves of a lifestyle that is only dreamt of by the oppressed people in totalitarian states which they employ as handy one-liners in their half-baked polemics. :cool:

Or, more often, the wannabes will simply exploit the freedoms of Western, liberal democracies while pretending something other than cowardice prevents them from actually living in their islamist utopias. :cool:
Well gee whiz, sunni. I was expecting you might respond with the usual fantastical notions of the imposition of an imperialistic, neoconservative hegemony (throwing in blood for oil, Zionist agenda, or Halliburton which will earn you extra wannabe points). The wannabes are often people who have never known anything but the Western freedoms they pretend to despise so much that they dedicate their lives to protecting islamist / fascist / totalitarian regimes from democracy's boundless evil. They will walk around all day spewing conspiratorial claptrap about an evil American corporate scheme, while availing themselves of a lifestyle that is only dreamt of by the oppressed people in totalitarian states which they employ as handy one-liners in their half-baked polemics.
I bet you can't say all of that 3 times really fast without messing up....... :cool:
Well gee whiz, sunni. I was expecting you might respond with the usual fantastical notions of the imposition of an imperialistic, neoconservative hegemony (throwing in blood for oil, Zionist agenda, or Halliburton which will earn you extra wannabe points). The wannabes are often people who have never known anything but the Western freedoms they pretend to despise so much that they dedicate their lives to protecting islamist / fascist / totalitarian regimes from democracy's boundless evil. They will walk around all day spewing conspiratorial claptrap about an evil American corporate scheme, while availing themselves of a lifestyle that is only dreamt of by the oppressed people in totalitarian states which they employ as handy one-liners in their half-baked polemics.
I bet you can't say all of that 3 times really fast without messing up....... :cool:

And I knew all along you would not have a single, rational comment to offer.


There is evil in the world. Real, heartless, and ruthless evil that breaks the body and debases the human spirit. We call it politico-religious fascism. :cool:

What gives it an ineffably tragic quality is how it so often appears by way of self-loathing islamists who have little regard for the wishes of those who would choose to take a roll in how their lives are directed. For the wannabes and self-haters, it's just easier and requires less thought and ethical consideration to blame their self inflicted failures on America and the West... while avoiding any possibility of actually living in their islamist paradises. :cool:

Does that remind you of anyone you know? :cool:
Totally agree.
And we have many Christians that define themselves by their religion first and their loyalty for their country 2nd same as many Muslims.
Don't you see how that will destroy us in the long term?

But it is only obvious that someone who believes in God and a certain path to glory and eternal life will listen to that holy idea over ideals only based on human values. It's absolutely logical and coherent. We could almost say that anyone who says differently is failing to be honest, either to the self or to those listening.

Believing in God makes one a better citizen how?

Well, charity for one thing thing. Believers contribute much more money and time than seculars. And morality for an other.
A test was given to a group and the ability to cheat was worked into the test. They all cheated. Then the subjects were told to stop and mull over the 10 Commandments.
When the test resumed, not one cheated. :eusa_angel:
I am an American citizen......those things concern Israel.........why should I care?? .. :cool:

You never miss an opportunity to trash Israel. Why so shy now Sunni?

This thread is about America and American muslims.......not Israel or any other country.

Although, I have noticed among you and christians in general.....keeping verses and other things in context isn't one of your strong points. .. :cool:
There is evil in the world. Real, heartless, and ruthless evil that breaks the body and debases the human spirit. We call it politico-religious fascism.

Does that remind you of anyone you know?
Yes it does.....You

Strange, that. Unlike you, who would like to see the fascism of sharia brought to the U.S., I see nothing to be gained from the imposition of totalitarianism under the guise of religion.

Understandably, you don't either which is why you choose not to live under the tyranny of the very politico-religious ideology you claim to adhere to.
Unlike you, who would like to see the fascism of sharia brought to the U.S., I see nothing to be gained from the imposition of totalitarianism under the guise of religion.
My oh my.....aren't you special.... :lol:

I appreciate that you think I’m special. :cool:

It’s a remarkable thing to see that you’re basically clueless regarding the wave of dictator displacements that has gripped the islamist Middle East. The Arab Spring™ has been little more than a mechanism whereby moslems have replaced emerging Medieval dictatorships with theocratic totalitarians screeching the islamist politburo party line. The Salafi Islamist replacements are likely going to be just as extreme Dark Age addled as the Iranian mullahs. Make no mistake – theocratic Crusades (of the Salafi kind), are on the march across the Middle East. That prospect should send a chill to the very core of any non-islamist in the Middle East unfortunate enough to be staring into the gaping maw of 7th century islamism. :cool:

Unfortunately, what many Westerners are not taking away from these theocratic Crusades is that islamic social mores and sharia “law” are seen as the preferred (and legitimate), societal construct as opposed to Western values of equality under the law, rule of law, separation of church and state and principles whereby the rights of the few are not usurped by the will of the majority. To put a finer point on the matter, Muslims by and large want to be ruled by Islamist regimes, this, in spite of their propensity for economic malaise, social inequities, denigration of religious / secular minorities and gender apartheid! :cool:

The King is dead. Long live the Islamist theocrat. But, not to worry. Living in the U.S., you're actually safely protected from the waking nightmare of islamist sharia you rattle on about... but refuse to be subjected to. :cool:
But I know the facts about Muslim countries where RELIGION ONLY controls the entire country.
I see nothing wrong with that.

It's their country... Their laws.... Not our business. .. :cool:

How generous of you to endorse political and religious fascism when that fascism is applied in favor of the politico-religious ideology you converted to. How convenient that you have safely ensconced yourself in a nation where the framework of law is not is not based upon an ancient theocratic code used as an instrument of oppression against those not part of the “state” religion. :cool:

I would think it’s everyone’s business to speak out against politico-religious fascism. :cool:

You need to understand we have 1,400 years of islamist history with which to make judgments about Islamism. Islam has never been embracing or accepting of Western values of individualism and personal freedoms. What we do have is a 1,400 year historical record of war, conquest, colonialism and subjugation of the infidel. The primary reason this behavior is a part of the historical record is because the early Muslims recording these events took no exception to the ideas of war, conquest, colonialism, subjugation of the infidel, sexual slavery, genocide and piracy as part of spreading the religion. These behaviors were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were recorded in the effort of preserving the Sunnah of islam’s inventor as an example for all later Muslims. :cool:

Interesting how you ignore the most important period of those 1400 years when Islam was a beacon of enlightenment and education while the western world was suffering under the despotism of the Christian church during the dark ages. Was keeping of millions people subjugated by ignorance an embrace of the "values of individualism and personal freedoms"? Furthermore the Christian church has been fully supportive of warmongering and was instrumental in instigating the wars (AKA "crusades") against Islam.
Sunniman stop trying to convince people you are a true follower of Islam. You are not. You may fool people like Skye but I think its pretty clear even those who are not Islamophobes like myself, who have Muslim friends you are not a true Muslim.

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