I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

The only thing is Sunniman isn't a real Muslim....The only actual Muslim on this board was BecauseIKnow
well...why not give Sunni Man ...the benefit of the doubt. He says he hates Islamic radical terrorism...I would like to believe him.... until he proves otherwise:dunno:

Hope he means it.

Yeah he means it alright

Black studies is rooted in anger and hostility and see's this as a positive attribute. :cuckoo:

Real Muslims don't spend their time discussing and denouncing another culture. We are all creations of Allah......
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The only thing is Sunniman isn't a real Muslim....The only actual Muslim on this board was BecauseIKnow

Aristotle you have a problem there.... big problem

which is? Or would you like for me to show you more evidence that SunniMan is not demonstrating the etiquette of a 'real muslim?'


Nope. Time to leave you in your quandary. See, so many of you, though, having been "born white", are much too stupid to actually make your privilege work in your favor. Then, for your fellow white men, it becomes a matter of "class" and "smarts". Having little or none, you're ostracized, and are actually "on the outside", much like the minorities you despise.....you are essentially, a "white N-word". Now why would I bitch about that....I'm too busy laughing.
You are the type of negro that gives black people a bad name.

And the "N" word was invented to label negros who have your retrograde mind set.

1. Betters? A skank ho? Hardly my better, you strumpet. I come from a upper middle class family, with members that are known, "globally", for their accomplishments.
2. Know nothing???? Bitch, I'm routinely asked for my services because all of what I do know. And what have you accomplished but presenting a false front, while spending most of your time on your back?
3. Arabic word? Bitch, you're losing it with each successive post you make. Now you're rambling about etymologies and such. You must not know who you're dealing with. I'm an uppity, educated n-word. The kind your daddy warned you about. I will fuck you up, figuratively and literally.
4. Respect? You have to bring some to receive some, you skank ho. And I always counter white conservatives attempts to "co-opt" black conservatives as their standard bearers, in vain attempts to prove they are not racist fucks. You talk out one side of your mouth about black liberals and suck the dick of black conservatives....in return for what? You don't even know. When I want to know what you think, I'll ask. Until then, say nothing, do nothing, until I give you the go ahead. This is a man's world, and I just pulled your chain.
The democratic party plantation house boy nigga has spoken......... :cuckoo: :lol:

Skye you still need more convincing? Most Muslims especially those from the Middle East and those who live among a people in a region of color do not exercise this type of mentality.

In Islam The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and and Blessings be Upon Him) said:

"O people, Remember that your Lord is One. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a black has no superiority over white, nor a white has any superiority over black, except by piety and good action (Taqwa). Indeed the best among you is the one with the best character (Taqwa). Listen to me. Did I convey this to you properly? People responded, Yes. O messenger of God, The Prophet then said, then each one of you who is there must convey this to everyone not present." (Excerpt from the Prophet's Last Sermon as in Baihiqi)

The Prophet said: "Let people stop boasting about their ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. All men are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust." (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).

The Prophet said: "You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian slave whose head looked like a raisin." (Bukhari)

As you can see from the quoted material stated by Sunniman, he is obviously not a true follower of his prophet.
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Most Muslims especially those from the Middle East and those who live among a people in a region of color do not exercise this type of mentality.

Does someone pay you to decide who is and who isn't a "real" Muslim?

Let it go, man. This is a discussion forum, not an apartheid race court.
Most Muslims especially those from the Middle East and those who live among a people in a region of color do not exercise this type of mentality.

Does someone pay you to decide who is and who isn't a "real" Muslim?

Let it go, man. This is a discussion forum, not an apartheid race court.

This has nothing to do with race. I am stating facts which I backed up by previous posts of his. Personally I believe if you subscribe to any faith you ought to follow the principles of that faith as you would do any law of any country to which you reside. It's not only hypocritical to defy the words of Muhammad which by unanimous opinion of the Muslim world, is the best example of a human being, much less a Muslim.

Compared to my close Muslim friends whom I call my friends and who are like me, very accepting of all people regardless of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation we all can accept people for who they are. I'm sorry Saigon I just hate hypocrites. I was once like Skye who I believed that this person was genuine and then I decided to curse myself and read his posts in the race discussion. I would have the same attitude for any Christian who has racist tendencies and yet come here and quote the Bible (I have done that before).

But I will take your advice and let it go
Aristotle -

I don't much like hypcrits myself, but I have known more Catholics who swear, drink and fornicate outside marriage than I can shake a stick at. If they want to consider themselves Catholics, I think that is their call.
Aristotle -

I don't much like hypcrits myself, but I have known more Catholics who swear, drink and fornicate outside marriage than I can shake a stick at. If they want to consider themselves Catholics, I think that is their call.

Saigon indeed....I will leave the thread with that axiom my friend.
America views Israel as an ally. As a patriot of America, he should back his countries stand on our Jewish friends.
News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state nor is it mentioned in the US Constitution.

A citizens patriotism towards America has zero to do with their like or dislike of Israel

When I was inducted into the US Army years ago the oath I took was to defend America.......defending Israel wasn't mentioned.

True story......... :cool:
America views Israel as an ally. As a patriot of America, he should back his countries stand on our Jewish friends.
News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state nor is it mentioned in the US Constitution.

A citizens patriotism towards America has zero to do with their like or dislike of Israel

When I was inducted into the US Army years ago the oath I took was to defend America.......defending Israel wasn't mentioned.

True story......... :cool:

You also were required to follow orders and to defend ALLIES of the Country. You are a bald faced liar. You are not against Terrorism unless it is directed at you. You are not opposed to Hezbollah or Hamas and could care less about terror directed at Jews.
America views Israel as an ally. As a patriot of America, he should back his countries stand on our Jewish friends.
News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state nor is it mentioned in the US Constitution.

A citizens patriotism towards America has zero to do with their like or dislike of Israel

When I was inducted into the US Army years ago the oath I took was to defend America.......defending Israel wasn't mentioned.

True story......... :cool:

Thank you for your service to this nation and the constitution.
Sgt -

If there is a conflict between loyalty to the US and to her allies, a soldiers first loyalty must be to the US, no?

No soldier has the right to refuse to follow legal orders. Defending an ally is a LEGAL order.

The point though is Sunni Man is a liar. he claims he is against terrorism when he clearly is not. He is only against attacks against his interests. He fully supports Hezbollah and Hamas and he has no problem with terror attacks against Non US targets especially if those attacks are directed against Israel or Jews in general.
Sgt -

If there is a conflict between loyalty to the US and to her allies, a soldiers first loyalty must be to the US, no?

No soldier has the right to refuse to follow legal orders. Defending an ally is a LEGAL order.

The point though is Sunni Man is a liar. he claims he is against terrorism when he clearly is not. He is only against attacks against his interests. He fully supports Hezbollah and Hamas and he has no problem with terror attacks against Non US targets especially if those attacks are directed against Israel or Jews in general.
If you look at a US Army soldiers uniform it will have an American flag attached to the shoulder.

Not the Star of David.

True story.......... :thup:
Sgt -

If there is a conflict between loyalty to the US and to her allies, a soldiers first loyalty must be to the US, no?

No soldier has the right to refuse to follow legal orders. Defending an ally is a LEGAL order.

The point though is Sunni Man is a liar. he claims he is against terrorism when he clearly is not. He is only against attacks against his interests. He fully supports Hezbollah and Hamas and he has no problem with terror attacks against Non US targets especially if those attacks are directed against Israel or Jews in general.

When were US soldiers ordered to defend Israel?
Sgt -

If there is a conflict between loyalty to the US and to her allies, a soldiers first loyalty must be to the US, no?

No soldier has the right to refuse to follow legal orders. Defending an ally is a LEGAL order.

The point though is Sunni Man is a liar. he claims he is against terrorism when he clearly is not. He is only against attacks against his interests. He fully supports Hezbollah and Hamas and he has no problem with terror attacks against Non US targets especially if those attacks are directed against Israel or Jews in general.

When were US soldiers ordered to defend Israel?

According to the Official blog of the United States Army

"Day 4: Saturday, Jan. 19, 1991:

At least three Scuds explode in Tel Aviv, Israel, injuring about 17. Israel vows to defend itself but refrains. United States rushes in Patriots, making Army crews first U.S. soldiers to defend Israel."

A Timeline of Operation Desert Storm
No soldier has the right to refuse to follow legal orders. Defending an ally is a LEGAL order.

The point though is Sunni Man is a liar. he claims he is against terrorism when he clearly is not. He is only against attacks against his interests. He fully supports Hezbollah and Hamas and he has no problem with terror attacks against Non US targets especially if those attacks are directed against Israel or Jews in general.

When were US soldiers ordered to defend Israel?

According to the Official blog of the United States Army

"Day 4: Saturday, Jan. 19, 1991:

At least three Scuds explode in Tel Aviv, Israel, injuring about 17. Israel vows to defend itself but refrains. United States rushes in Patriots, making Army crews first U.S. soldiers to defend Israel."

A Timeline of Operation Desert Storm

Thank you. The time frame places that during the first Gulf War. The current topic is about US soldiers being ordered to defend Israel against terrorist attacks. Do you believe that war time Scud missile attacks are the same as terrorist attacks and require the activation and deployment of US troops to Israel?

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