I'm nearly 'bout ready to be baptised in Jesus' name...

I was baptized. I think I was maybe 10? 12? I don't remember exactly. I was told I needed to be, otherwise scorpions would sting me to death forever and ever and I would be in hell burning and in pain all the time. So, they dunked me. I felt nothing. Just relief that no scorpions would get me and I wouldn't be burned.

Which is why I avoid all religions right now and found my own path.

With that said...I am happy for you, bill. At least you are old enough to know what's about to happen, why, and the rewards. And I know you will feel whatever it is you are supposed to feel instead of fear.
Because you're too sensible.

And how do I know that?
You're still showing Frank Zappa. :thup:

(Too pranky too)

hey... jes' 'cause I'm lookin' to get baptized in Jesus' name don't mean I'm willing to get turned into a mindless robot...

make no mistake, I'm still gonna tell you to go fuck yourself whenever you deserve it...

but I'll of course do it in a loving way... just as I always have... :)

You mean - you were serious?

One just never knows witch yew. Stay slutty, Bill. You're good people. :thup:

no worries, Pogo...

I'll still be the same smart-ass irreverent pain in the butt whom you know and love...

it's just that, once I'm baptized, I'll have had a huge burden lifted off my shoulders... I have no doubt of this...
I was baptized. I think I was maybe 10? 12? I don't remember exactly. I was told I needed to be, otherwise scorpions would sting me to death forever and ever and I would be in hell burning and in pain all the time. So, they dunked me. I felt nothing. Just relief that no scorpions would get me and I wouldn't be burned.

Which is why I avoid all religions right now and found my own path.

With that said...I am happy for you, bill. At least you are old enough to know what's about to happen, why, and the rewards. And I know you will feel whatever it is you are supposed to feel instead of fear.

I'm afraid you were sold a bill of goods by so-called "Christians", Gracie...

this "fear of the lord" stuff is absolute bullshit...

which is why I think a lot of the Old Testament is a suck-ass load of horse manure...

eta: and which is also why, even after I've been baptized, I'm probably not gonna want to call myself a "Christian"...
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I was baptized. I think I was maybe 10? 12? I don't remember exactly. I was told I needed to be, otherwise scorpions would sting me to death forever and ever and I would be in hell burning and in pain all the time. So, they dunked me. I felt nothing. Just relief that no scorpions would get me and I wouldn't be burned. ...

Sounds familiar.

Following my baptism as a kid, I made up a story about opening my eyes under water and seeing the heavens open up before me. The guilt over lying hounded me until I came clean a couple of days later. :lol:
been a long way getting to this point...

You'll eventually be baptized in God's name, our invisible Creator, when your flesh perishes in this age. Then you won't ever remember being water baptized in this age, which is only a Jewish tradition by men who thought they could wash their sins away on their own without the help of our Creator.
I was baptized. I think I was maybe 10? 12? I don't remember exactly. I was told I needed to be, otherwise scorpions would sting me to death forever and ever and I would be in hell burning and in pain all the time. So, they dunked me. I felt nothing. Just relief that no scorpions would get me and I wouldn't be burned.

Which is why I avoid all religions right now and found my own path.

With that said...I am happy for you, bill. At least you are old enough to know what's about to happen, why, and the rewards. And I know you will feel whatever it is you are supposed to feel instead of fear.

I'm afraid you were sold a bill of goods by so-called "Christians", Gracie...

this "fear of the lord" stuff is absolute bullshit...

which is why I think a lot of the Old Testament is a suck-ass load of horse manure...

eta: and which is also why, even after I've been baptized, I'm probably not gonna want to call myself a "Christian"...

So what the hell's the point?

Me, I was baptized as an infant. I've been trying to wash that stain off ever since.

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