I'm neither for nor against

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
For what its worth. A quick peruse of the BLM site tells you its not just the murders. Its the constant violence Black people endure at the hands of the cops. To assume or convey this is just about killings is to minimize and trivialize the problem.

" Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives. "
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

Back shooting murdering cops do exist and that's a fact. Unjustified killings of anyone needs to end.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

You'll be one of the first dragged out and beat to death by the mob, passing around facts like this.

No, I'm not kidding.

You'll still need to ingest a bottle of red pills like this before guys like me step in to save you, though....The first is always the hardest one to choke down.

Not kidding there either.

I'm here to help.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

You'll be one of the first dragged out and beat to death by the mob, passing around facts like this.

No, I'm not kidding.

You'll still need to ingest a bottle of red pills like this before guys like me step in to save you, though.

Not kidding there either.

I'm here to help.

:auiqs.jpg: You are 'help', like injecting syphilis cures cancer. Stay in your wheelhouse.
The media is the cause, here. They search the country over for any interaction between whites and backs involving harm to blacks, ignore the behavior of blacks that CREATED the interaction, rush to judgement against the white person involved and then create a story of victimization while making it a national story instead of local. The facts never matter -- only the agenda of selling whites as the oppressors and blacks the victim.

Adding to this are the efforts of globalists pouring in huge amounts of cash to fund their shock troops to go out and create mayhem to support the narrative, but what their foot soldiers don't realize is that this is not being done out of any actual concern for "social justice" but only to tear apart the fabric of society so as to eliminate national sovereignty and then exploit the results.
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BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

You'll be one of the first dragged out and beat to death by the mob, passing around facts like this.

No, I'm not kidding.

You'll still need to ingest a bottle of red pills like this before guys like me step in to save you, though.

Not kidding there either.

I'm here to help.

:auiqs.jpg: You are 'help', like injecting syphilis cures cancer. Stay in your wheelhouse.
So says the cancer.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

Back shooting murdering cops do exist and that's a fact. Unjustified killings of anyone needs to end.
I agree, unjustified killings need to stop. So tell us how many murders there were in Chicago last month total and how many of those were by cops.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

Great article, Grump. Thanks for posting it. I would not have seen it.
Crime stats in the US during the year 2018 show overall crime was committed by only about .3 % of the population. Violent crime would be even a smaller precentage. Which goes to show that it doesn't take very many criminals to make a place dangerous or feel like hell to live in.

fact of the matter people is that most black people do NOT commit crimes, not at all, its a very small percentage. The same goes for white people and everyone else.
By extension, the same thing would apply to bad cops. Theres over 800,000 cops in the US and if they really were all racists treating black people the way BLM portrays them we would all be seeing it happen around us every day. It doesnt take very many bad people to make a huge impression. Despite all its murders, Chicago doesnt even come up in the most dangerous top ten US cities its down like around 60th.
The crime here is that the News media and Democrat politicians have been playing us all for years, dividing us as enemies.Tenured college professors have been glorifying the violence of communist revolution now to the point that so many young people now longer believe in due process and the rule of law.The news media will gladly portray cops as hunting down black people even though its an infintesimal number. Feels like they have us on the road to throwing away a great place that was once America, as if to them anarchy was something better and its all for nothing. In my personal life, every day, I only see white people and black people getting along and I bet thats true for most people here, but a very small number of radicals on the streets, washington DC and in Acedemia are doing their best to destroy all that, and to destroy real improvements and progress that was begining in many black communities. Feels like its all for nothing except to get rid of the Orange man bad. Fuck all these people who hate this country so much.. that has given them SO MUCH. And they take it for granted.
My 2 cents
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

You'll be one of the first dragged out and beat to death by the mob, passing around facts like this.

No, I'm not kidding.

You'll still need to ingest a bottle of red pills like this before guys like me step in to save you, though....The first is always the hardest one to choke down.

Not kidding there either.

I'm here to help.

I am an ex-cop. I don't need anybody's help.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

Back shooting murdering cops do exist and that's a fact. Unjustified killings of anyone needs to end.

They do. But they are very very very rare. And that is the point of the article.
BLM. However, here are some facts. Data. No emotion. Just facts
Make of it what you will. Ignore the header (in the sense, what is being said is mostly true, but it is to grab the reader). Interesting read.

Back shooting murdering cops do exist and that's a fact. Unjustified killings of anyone needs to end.

Sure. Stop committing crime, and you won't be accidentally killed by police.
For what its worth. A quick peruse of the BLM site tells you its not just the murders. Its the constant violence Black people endure at the hands of the cops. To assume or convey this is just about killings is to minimize and trivialize the problem.

" Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives. "
It’s the wrongheaded notion that there’s something ‘acceptable’ and ‘inevitable’ about young black men dying while in police custody; that it’s an unavoidable consequence of being black and living in a low-income urban community.
They do. But they are very very very rare. And that is the point of the article.

Yep, that's what the LEO propaganda tells us. Reality is way different.

List of killings by law enforcement officers by country

Rate per 10 million people
Burundi 53.9
Democratic Republic of the Congo 47.8
United States 46.6
Iraq 45.1
Nigeria 44
Kenya 43.5
Iran 36.6
Angola 34.7
Colombia 34.1
Mali 32.3
Sudan 32.1
Rwanda 31
Mexico 30
Bangladesh 28.3
Pakistan 25.2
Swaziland 22.1
Argentina 21.6
Egypt 21.2
Malta 20
Luxembourg 16.9
Canada 9.7
France 3.8
Indonesia 2.9
Netherlands 2.3
New Zealand 2.1
Norway 1.9
Finland 1.8
Belgium 1.7
Nepal 1.7
Australia 1.7
Germany 1.3
Hong Kong 1.3
India 1
Portugal 1
Sweden 1
Taiwan 0.8
United Kingdom 0.5​

Law enforcement in the U.S. are killing citizens at more than 90 times the rate UK law enforcement does. By no reasonable standards can that be called "rare". In that egregiously high number of killed citizens, Blacks are still over-represented, despite Black parents having "The Talk" with their kids as they enter the most rigorously profiled age group, so as to prepare them for encounters with the cops, reducing the likelihood to have their kids killed. White parents do not, need not, do that.

Of course, no LEO propaganda can do without pointing to black-on-black crime, as the retarded notion has it, excusing away murderous cops. The conclusion should be that cops do not consistently serve and protect black communities and neighborhoods, neither from the systemic racism with their own ranks, nor from the rampant criminality in those neighborhoods.
It’s the wrongheaded notion that there’s something ‘acceptable’ and ‘inevitable’ about young black men dying while in police custody; that it’s an unavoidable consequence of being black and living in a low-income urban community.

WTF do you mean unavoidable? Of course it's avoidable. Most every death at the hands of police are avoidable. Let me walk you through it to show you how not to be harmed or killed by a police officer:

When you see the flashing red lights in your rear view mirror, you pull over. When the officer asks you for your license, you simply hand him your license. If he asks you any questions about your infraction, you answer him honestly. When he tells you to sign the ticket, you simply sign the ticket. When he tells you to have a good day, you have a good day damn it!

In every case where a person (regardless of color) is harmed or killed by the police, they all have one thing in common: they didn't obey the commands by the officers. So what would have happened if they did? They'd all be alive today.

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