I'm not boycotting Bud Light. At least they back peddalled... and then there's this


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
When you boycott a company, and it loses in a big way

the only ones hurt are the little people who depend on that company for employment. The company is so big a lot of the time, it will suffer its losses but never... The CEOs and etc... shall we say... will never end up homeless on the streets wondering where they can take a leak

If you boycott Bud Light because of the picture on a can, and not the actual taste of the beer, I wonder about you.
If you boycott Bud Light because of the picture on a can, and not the actual taste of the beer, I wonder about you.
you shouldn't.

I wouldn't be caught dead w/ a pic of a trans nut on anything I own... Sorry if that makes me nuts (to you)

which btw... Why do lib or lib leaning people always act like their opinions are FACT and you'd best not disagree or you are crazy?



truly, objectively nuts
Anheuser-Bush is a gigantic brewing company. Nobody is going to lose their jobs because you stopped buying Bud Lite.
you shouldn't.

I wouldn't be caught dead w/ a pic of a trans nut on anything I own... Sorry if that makes me nuts (to you)

which btw... Why do lib or lib leaning people always act like their opinions are FACT and you'd best not disagree or you are crazy?



truly, objectively nuts

I don't drink much anymore. But when I did, Bud Light was not in my fridge. It tastes like beery water. There are so many better beers out there. I can't understand why Bud Light is still popular at all.
I don't drink much anymore. But when I did, Bud Light was not in my fridge. It tastes like beery water. There are so many better beers out there. I can't understand why Bud Light is still popular at all.
I don't drink beer as often as I used to but I didn't think it was half bad

I'm glad they didn't do the Dodgers thing... pulled the invite to the drag queen "nuns", then invited them back

I will definitely boycott the Dodgers from here to eternity

But can't say I was really into baseball anyhow...
Most people find Transexual's used to advertise products, to be in bad taste.

I have to wonder about you when you question most peoples sensibilities

I have not. I simply pointed out that Bud Light is shitty beer. People are welcome to buy whatever they want based on the pics on the can.
which btw... Why do lib or lib leaning people always act like their opinions are FACT and you'd best not disagree or you are crazy?

THAT is truly, objectively nuts

Evil is like that, always dishonest, always pretentious, always arrogant, always wrong, ultimately.
Look at the White House, the current state of American politics and transgender insanity, all led by the Left.

````Nazis and Democrats.png
I've always thought of Bud Lite as a chick's beer. It's been years since I tasted it on a date. Beery water, as WinterBorn stated.

I guess it has the same amount of alcohol, without the "gross" beer taste? I don't know, I don't drink beer when I want to feel it.

I'm guessing that's why A-B thought this marketing idea would work. Maybe they thought Dylan would remind women of their gay friend. But trans friend wouldn't serve the same function as gay friend. If there were some role for a trannie in a woman's lineup of friends, why pick Mulvaney when he is so obviously fake?

I would not be caught dead carrying a case of Bud Lite out of a store now, even if it were free, and my wife was having a beer party with all her lady friends. I'll pay for whatever else they want.
PRIDE goeth before a fall. -Proverbs 16:18

Brilliant, Sir. Absolutely brilliant.
Perhaps you did not originate it, but in any case, thank you for that.
I am sending messages such as this to my City Council, A-B executives, Target, Boeing, Microsoft, Bill Gates personal residence,
and as many other cowards as I can.
I urge each of you to make your voices heard.
Most people find Transexual's used to advertise products, to be in bad taste.

I have to wonder about you when you question most peoples sensibilities
some people just have a need to feel superior... sigh

Sales went down 17% not 30%

I got it wrong because I was thinking %, not billions of dollars (30 bilion, I believe)

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