I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

AGAIN moron...ONE media outlet (a British one at that) got the race of the victims wrong and you use that asa blanket condemnation of AMERICAN media


A poster on this forum the other day actually said Rittenhouse armed himself and purposely went there to “hunt down black people”. I shit you not.

I can’t say he got this idea from the media but, he got it from somewhere. At the very least I think it’s safe to say that the general anti-Rittenhouse narrative pushed by the media encouraged him to arrive at this conclusion.
They would still be alive if they had stayed home too.
Blaming victims is typical of your tribe. The boy was way too much of an undisciplined coward to be where he was and it cost lives. Somehow his utter lack of common sense and self-discipline is entirely forgivable to the hard right who loved the vicarious thrill of killing leftists in the street.
Nope Kyle appointed himself judge and jury.

This is not apt and is a real stretch. He did not go there to stop rioters and looters, he went to protect one business from looting and burning.
He had no business going to Kenosha,

Whether he had any business there is irrelevant. He had a right to be there.
carrying a weapons, passing himself off as an EMT or defying the curfew.

He didn’t pass himself off as an EMT, all he said was he had a first aid kit to help injured people.
Idiots like Kyle prevent the police from doing their job.. They are in the way and add to the chaos and confusion.

The police weren’t doing their job in the first place, which is why Kyle and the others were there to protect a business.
This is not apt and is a real stretch. He did not go there to stop rioters and looters, he went to protect one business from looting and burning.

Whether he had any business there is irrelevant. He had a right to be there.

He didn’t pass himself off as an EMT, all he said was he had a first aid kit to help injured people.

The police weren’t doing their job in the first place, which is why Kyle and the others were there to protect a business.

He told them he was an EMT and he was not asked to protect any business.. Kyle was breaking the law the same as the other hooligans who were breaking curfew. Arsonists and looters are no better than vigilantes. Do you want law and order, or not?
That's right, Grosskreutz was also defying the curfew.
So then, I have to ask why people keep harping about Kyle having no business being there, being armed or violating curfew when NONE of them had any business being there, Grosskreutz was also armed and they were all violating curfew? Why does Rittenhouse warrant special attention regarding these issues?
He told them he was an EMT

Told who?
and he was not asked to protect any business..

Irrelevant. That doesn’t change the fact that he never appointed himself “judge and jury”, as you put it.
Kyle was breaking the law the same as the other hooligans who were breaking curfew. Arsonists and looters are no better than vigilantes. Do you want law and order, or not?

Do you?

If you do then why no condemnation of the city and state governments keeping law enforcement on a leash?

If they had responded quickly and decisively to the riots from the beginning, people would not have felt the need to go protect businesses.

Democrat leaders have no one to blame but themselves for the Rittenhouse shooting. It was an inevitable eventuality when you have authorities allowing rioters free rein for two years.
So then, I have to ask why people keep harping about Kyle having no business being there, being armed or violating curfew when NONE of them had any business being there, Grosskreutz was also armed and they were all violating curfew? Why does Rittenhouse warrant special attention regarding these issues?

Exactly.. There were 32 Boogaloo Bois there.. All these guys.. Oathkeepers, Proud Boys.. are vigilantes , anti government, Trump nuts and hoodlums. The protesters went home at dark because of the curfew.

Special attention? He killed two people and maimed another.. No one else shot anyone.

He was acquited and he'll be in trouble again. Wait and see.. He's riding a high and he likes it.
Told who?

Irrelevant. That doesn’t change the fact that he never appointed himself “judge and jury”, as you put it.

Do you?

If you do then why no condemnation of the city and state governments keeping law enforcement on a leash?

If they had responded quickly and decisively to the riots from the beginning, people would not have felt the need to go protect businesses.

Democrat leaders have no one to blame but themselves for the Rittenhouse shooting. It was an inevitable eventuality when you have authorities allowing rioters free rein for two years.

Something is wrong with the police in Kenosha..They were chatting up the hoodlums and militia nuts.
A poster on this forum the other day actually said Rittenhouse armed himself and purposely went there to “hunt down black people”. I shit you not.

I can’t say he got this idea from the media but, he got it from somewhere. At the very least I think it’s safe to say that the general anti-Rittenhouse narrative pushed by the media encouraged him to arrive at this conclusion.
What "encouraged him" was his online buddies
Exactly.. There were 32 Boogaloo Bois there.. All these guys.. Oathkeepers, Proud Boys.. are vigilantes , anti government, Trump nuts and hoodlums. The protesters went home at dark because of the curfew.

Special attention? He killed two people and maimed another.. No one else shot anyone.

He was acquited and he'll be in trouble again. Wait and see.. He's riding a high and he likes it.
I think you're wrong. I hope so.

He's not Zimmerman
Biden could admit he was wrong, call out the media for lying and put an end to all this.

If he wasn't a sleazy Democrat.
So you have to have a parent or a judge sign off when a minor wants an abortion, but a minor can give money to an adult who'll buy them a semi-auto rifle and hold it for them till they turn 18?
Do you know for a fact that Rittenhouse's parents were not fully aware that he was purchasing a gun and going to take possession of it when he turned 18, in accordance with the law? If not, where's the beef?
Do you know for a fact that Rittenhouse's parents were not fully aware that he was purchasing a gun and going to take possession of it when he turned 18, in accordance with the law? If not, where's the beef?

His father is an alcoholic deadbeat so he's never been in the picture.

Kyle Rittenhouse has withdrawn from online college due to all the Left wing protests, yet the protests persist. They chant to keep the murderer off their campus, even though a court of law found he murdered no one, and despite the fact that Kyle was no their campus, just taking classes online.

Kyle should never have backed down and withdrawn from school, just like he should never have destroyed his AR 15. Kyle needs to understand that there is no appeasing evil, just ask Hitler. These Leftists will see to it that they will make his life hell no matter what he does, and no matter what he really did in the past. These people are incapable of reason, and have no real desire for reason. Their mission is life is socialism, and the article states, which is not constructed on reason since they blindly ignore the history of socialism.


It's a hard lesson for the kid, but now it's time to become a man.

I loved this quote from the article

“University campuses are synonymous with free speech, an environment for the vigorous discussion and debate of ideas. Differences of opinion, from all sides, should be explored in a peaceful exchange,” spokesman Jay Thorne wrote in an email to the news outlet.

What a bold faced lie. Colleges are synonymous only with Left wing speech, all other speech is either shouted down or censored.

What Kyle has to realize, along with the rest of the country, is that they are fighting fascist Brown shirts.
It shows the damages done by Biden’s slander. All for the upcoming lawsuit against Brandon.

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