Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Wrong on both of those things as because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross gays can be saved just as much as straight people can and it is totally wrong for you to believe that we aren't supposed to love them as our neighbors. Everything you are saying goes against scripture.

It's not up to me to save faggots. That's up to the Lord.

Everything I'm saying IS scripture. God says fags should be put to death. At least I'm not doing that, so be happy.
I quoted to you that God said gays should be put to death. I do not have to love those who are condemned to death in Gods eyes because of a mortal sin such as homosexuality.

Also, homosexuality is not the unforgivable sin.
Hey Slade, I see what you're saying but please keep this thread on topic as I think it's a really good discussion.
My bad… I guess my reply can also apply to the topic in regards to considering homosexuality a sin just because the Bible says it is… there are many things the Bible says that common sense should tell us isn’t righteous… like removing eyes for lusting or killing homosexuals etc

Kudos on the thread BTW
Also there are churches that are open and affirming.

But one thing that gets me is people who stay in a church that isn't accepting of LGBT people.

If you think a church is accepting, then just ask about their stance on LGBT people or issues or mention a family member who may be LGBT and see what their response is.
Kudos on the thread BTW

No problem, but nothing that I'm saying right now is going against the Bible. I'm going against Christians who are going against the Bible. Also, the whole entire Bible is not meant to be taken literally just as a note.
Also there are churches that are open and affirming.

But one thing that gets me is people who stay in a church that isn't accepting of LGBT people.

If you think a church is accepting, then just ask about their stance on LGBT people or issues or mention a family member who may be LGBT and see what their response is.

I wouldn't stay in a church that was accepting of faggots. Because that church isn't following scripture. They can pray for them, but accept them? Fuck that. Faggots are disgusting filthy human excrement. Period.
I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?:)

To be a “homophobe” means to recognize a depraved, disordered, and immoral sexual perversion for what it clearly is.

There is nothing at all inconsistent between this, and being a Christian.
As a non practicing Catholic/Christian/whatever I have to say I have no hatred for homosexuality since it has absolutely no impact on my life.

I do, however, enjoy how it pisses off right wingers.
I don't hate them as people. I know lesbians and i knew, they're dead now, old homosexuals. They kept their sexual activity to themselves as it should be. now...homosexuality is a sin just like all the other sins. None of us are perfect. But. can't i be annoyed at their pushing their agenda on our children. Can i BE angry at homosexuals that do harm children or put children in harm's way or as Gods word says, 'causing any of these little ones to sin, you'd be better off tying a millstone around your neck and jumping in the ocean.' I paraphrase but you get the idea. The Bible says, you can correct your brother homosexual or sister lesbian..meaning they're a member of the church body but if they ignore you and continue to live in sin, you stay away from them. and i 'm gonna assume that means you keep your children out of their reach also. What do you think?

HAVING SAID THAT: i don't think God intended for us to politely and tolerantly turn our kids over to mentally ill/perverted people for them to indoctrinate? We're supposed to protect our children and our families and each other.

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Because the bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

Read the bible.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
Hating gays is not we are called to do folks. Jesus told us that we are supposed to love our neighbor. Not only if that neighbor is straight or has the same beliefs that we do, just to love our neighbor PERIOD. What we are supposed to do is love our neighbor and hate their sin.

Instead of "hate" the sin, I believe we are called to be concerned. In reading the final chapters of Genesis, the themes focus on lack of discipline, primarily sexual discipline. Nations without discipline fail. Maybe there are no homophobes. Maybe what some have is more like ancestral memories of when homosexuality, etc. become noticeable and publicly shrugged aside, we, a a whole, were living in a society noticeably in decline. This decline did not begin with homosexuals. It began with the lack of discipline in majority (heterosexual) relationships where divorce and sex outside of marriage were shrugged aside long before homosexuality (minority relationships) became an issue.

If the majority are not going to practice sexual discipline, why should the minorities? Does "loving" the sinner mean we should be accepting of all behavior? How many of us accept divorce? How many of us accept sex outside of marriage all in the name of loving the sinner and hating the sin? Until the majority looks at their own behavior and seriously, even sternly, reject our own lack of self discipline, sexual discipline, we have no business sanctimoniously asserting we love homosexuals and hate their sin. If we, the majority fall, guess who falls right along with us. And that is not loving our fellowman.

My guess is we are going to continue to accept divorce and sex outside of marriage, therefore we can be safely ignored by the minorities who are only practicing the freedoms (lack of discipline) the rest of us follow. We have no authority to cluck over minorities. None.
I wouldn't stay in a church that was accepting of faggots. Because that church isn't following scripture. They can pray for them, but accept them? Fuck that. Faggots are disgusting filthy human excrement. Period.

To be a “homophobe” means to recognize a depraved, disordered, and immoral sexual perversion for what it clearly is.

There is nothing at all inconsistent between this, and being a Christian.

Wow, I don't usually disagree with you folks but there's a first time for everything,.. and how is homosexuality different from any other sin? Airplane,.. with all due respect, you need help brother.

Disgusting POS

Wow, I thought I'd never see the day when I would actually agree with you, but here we are.
Instead of "hate" the sin, I believe we are called to be concerned. In reading the final chapters of Genesis, the themes focus on lack of discipline, primarily sexual discipline. Nations without discipline fail. Maybe there are no homophobes. Maybe what some have is more like ancestral memories of when homosexuality, etc. become noticeable and publicly shrugged aside, we, a a whole, were living in a society noticeably in decline. This decline did not begin with homosexuals. It began with the lack of discipline in majority (heterosexual) relationships where divorce and sex outside of marriage were shrugged aside long before homosexuality (minority relationships) became an issue.

If the majority are not going to practice sexual discipline, why should the minorities? Does "loving" the sinner mean we should be accepting of all behavior? How many of us accept divorce? How many of us accept sex outside of marriage all in the name of loving the sinner and hating the sin? Until the majority looks at their own behavior and seriously, even sternly, reject our own lack of self discipline, sexual discipline, we have no business sanctimoniously asserting we love homosexuals and hate their sin. If we, the majority fall, guess who falls right along with us. And that is not loving our fellowman.

My guess is we are going to continue to accept divorce and sex outside of marriage, therefore we can be safely ignored by the minorities who are only practicing the freedoms (lack of discipline) the rest of us follow. We have no authority to cluck over minorities. None.

I see what you're saying, but accepting in this case doesn't mean actually accepting the behavior itself,.. it means accepting people make their own choices and we still have to love them anyways is what it translates to.
I see what you're saying, but accepting in this case doesn't mean actually accepting the behavior itself,.. it means accepting people make their own choices and we still have to love them anyways is what it translates to.
The concern is for our society as a whole and where we are heading as a nation. Loving our fellowman, even as we go down the drain or over the cliff, is not a blessing we should forgo for any reason.
Exactly! Also what Christians SHOULD be doing is spreading the good news to them instead of just hating on them. However, you can only sow the seeds and I find there's absolutely no point in talking to people who don't care about starting a relationship with Christ or making an effort to change their lifestyle as homosexuality only becomes a sin if acted upon. Saved gays are still saved, but they need to practice restraint if becoming straight is not an option.
Dude trying to change their lifestyle, which I assume means mass gay sex hookup culture, would be the most "hateful homophobic" thing in the world. Even policing gays hooking up in public restroom is called homophobic.
flan327 said:
Disgusting POS

well.... what will it take to satisfy you?? He (airplanemechanic) just said he is not killing anyone and indeed God doesn't want us doing that. Why do you call him disgusting. What can he do to make you happy?
The concern is for our society as a whole and where we are heading as a nation. Loving our fellowman, even as we go down the drain or over the cliff, is not a blessing we should forgo for any reason.

And that's why I said we shouldn't be bystanders and at least attempt to share the good news with them.

Dude trying to change their lifestyle, which I assume means mass gay sex hookup culture, would be the most "hateful homophobic" thing in the world. Even policing gays hooking up in public restroom is called homophobic.

So if you saw a child trying to steal something and didn't know that it was against the law to do,.. would you consider it hateful for an adult to correct them because that's basically the same thing.
well.... what will it take to satisfy you?? He (airplanemechanic) just said he is not killing anyone and indeed God doesn't want us doing that. Why do you call him disgusting. What can he do to make you happy?

He was calling homosexuals filthy animals. How is homosexuality different from any other sin? Especially in God's eyes.

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