Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Yet, Jesus would not advocate hatred of any person. If Jesus would hang out, eat etc. with sinners, I believe he would want us to do the same. That did not mean he CONDONED the actions of those sinners. There IS a difference
Jesus loved sinners while teaching them to repent of their sins. Most likely they didn't even understand that they were sinful.
My opinion is homosexuality is a "nurture" or learned experience and NOT a genetic as the I got to be me crowd crow!

Massive Study Finds No Single Genetic Cause of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior
Analysis of half a million people suggests genetics may have a limited contribution to sexual orientation
and the "I've got to be me"... statement is NOT a nature, i.e. genetic as a real study shows... but "nurture" or learned!
Ask "gay" subjects if encouraged, easy to obtain sexual gratification was a prime motivator?
CONSIDERABLE PORTION OF THE population, perhaps the major portion of the male population, has at least some homosexual experience between adolescence and old age.
In addition, about 60 per cent of the pre-adolescent boys engage in homosexual activities, and there is an additional group of adult males who avoid overt contacts but who are quite aware of their potentialities for reacting to other males.

Easiest way to get sexual gratification. ... NURTURE....
About 3% of American men—or 1 in 33—have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.5; 1 out of every 10 rape victims are male.

Sex gratification performing or performed on is EASIER with men on men!
NOT a genealogical but LEARNED (NURTURE) behavior!
Forced sex by a man on a woman is is on a man by a man.
but on average, men retain more desire than women, so we would expect men in gay couples to feel the most desire, and women in lesbian couples the least, with the men in mixed-sex couples expressing more libido than the women. But in the survey, sexual desire was pretty much the same for all couples,
with gay men and lesbians expressing slightly more desire than heterosexuals.
And this was one of the few.
There apparently is very little interest in this principle:
A) Young people especially males are more sexually driven than females.
Sex drive in males with a receptacle is not as important and climaxing and spewing thousands of sperm...
Sex drive in females though more conservative, i.e. life time egg ovulation by female" only 300 to 400 during a woman's reproductive lifetime.
B) So males don't care when, where, who they climax with....female, male in the male's hand? Climax!
So "I got to be me" to a gay male is not the driving and frequency is!
Religion is not genetic either. It's clearly a choice. Lets do away with religios rights
Wrong on both of those things as because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross gays can be saved just as much as straight people can and it is totally wrong for you to believe that we aren't supposed to love them as our neighbors. Everything you are saying goes against scripture.
A word of caution. Don't conflate loving (agapeo) someone with liking (phileo) someone. Some people just aren't likable.
My opinion is homosexuality is a "nurture" or learned experience and NOT a genetic as the I got to be me crowd crow!
In my opinion it is beyond stupid to say that homosexuality has to be learned, or a choice in the absence of a gey gene. Human sexuality is far more complex than that. For starters -Google empigenetics
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Lets do away with religios [sic] rights

The most brutal and murderous tyrants across all human history agree with you. As do the arrogant space aliens from one of your own bizarre fantasy pieces

Scenario: We are contacted by an alien life form-far more wise and advanced than we- and offered the chance to achieve universal peace and prosperity, if we agree to a few conditions. This is not in the form of a threat. If we decline, they will go on their way and we will be left as we are and they will not give us another chance for 10,000 years. At the same time, if we accept, we will be bound by their conditions for 10,000 years, enough time for us to evolve into a peaceful species. If asked to, they would leave sooner but there would be consequences- much of which will be of our own making-such as when the US left Iraq.

The conditions:
1.All religious expression and thought of religion-yes thought- will be abolished. They have developed a drug to cleanse the mind of all such primitive thought patterns which, they know, causes so much strife in our world. Houses of worship will become centers for performing arts, or museums funded by the government. Some will be converted to housing.

2.All weapons of all kind must be destroyed. Militaries will be for use in natural emergencies only.

3.Hording of wealth is strictly prohibited. Everyone need not be equal in this respect and there will still be private property, but disparity will be very limited

4.Capitalism will be allowed, but business will be strictly regulated to ensure that people are put before profit, and that the environment is protected.

5.All forms of discrimination against any group will be strictly prohibited. They don’t have a pill for that, we’ll just have to get over it.

6.Necessities of life-food, shelter, medicine and clothing-will be recognized as universal human rights and will not be rationed based on a person’s ability to pay.

7.Nations will retain their autonomy, culture and language but be must be organized into a federation of cooperative states who share all natural resources. National leaders will be selected by direct elections in all countries but the Supreme Council of Extra Planetary rulers will have the power to impeach and remove from office, anyone who violates or undermines any of these conditions. Strict term limits will be established and two members of the same family cannot hold high office within 20 years of one another.

8.All creatures of the earth and the earth herself will be treated with respect and care. The systematic destruction of the planet and it’s life forms in the name of profit, power or sport will end.

9.Capital punishment and most prison terms will be abolished worldwide. Minor offenses will be treated as behavioral health and educational issues with the emphasis on rehabilitation. Serious crimes such as violent offenses and white collar theft will be dealt with as described in # 10 below.

10.While these aliens will be inconspicuous in our daily lives-they may even live among us in human form- they will be vigilant, and take action when needed. Anyone not complying with these conditions-or who commits a serious crime- will be banished to a distant war like planet where many live under Spartan conditions and subject to a small wealthy ruling class( which they will not be part of) and the rule is survival of the fittest-in other words, much like earth is now, but much, much worse

No problem, but nothing that I'm saying right now is going against the Bible. I'm going against Christians who are going against the Bible. Also, the whole entire Bible is not meant to be taken literally just as a note.
I agree and I applaud your premise of not hating homosexuals. If you believe it’s a sin, something I’d take issue with, but if that is your belief then respecting and loving the person and not then”sin” is the right way to interpret those beliefs. IMO
We are to put off sin not join in with it or celebrate it.


I also notice they seem to pick and choose what they like from the bible.

Like they justify their hatred of LGBT people based on scriptures in Leviticus, Deut,exodus and such.

But in those same passages are parts talking about killing a son who dishonors their father and mother,killing someone who works on the sabbath, saying tattoos are a sin against the lord god,saying that no women are to teach or have authority over men, saying people can own slaves(an evil that no one approves of today) saying that mixing meat and dairy is considered detestable to the lord,saying that those who practice other religions are to be killed(yes it is in there)

and going to worship other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven—which I have forbidden—…

Doesn't that sound a lot like a certain Muslim sect that talks about killing non-believers?
The evangelicals were terribly impressed by how quickly the Taliban subdued Afghanistan in spite of our best efforts to secularize their society. They hate Islam as much as anything but they damned sure took notes.
In my opinion it is beyond stupid to say that homosexuality has to be learned, or a choice in the absence of a gey gene. Human sexuality is far more complex than that. For starters -Google empigenetics

I don't get why Christian types feel that LGBT choose to be that way.

I certainly didn't choose to be attracted to both men and women.

Why would anyone choose a lifestyle where they can be arrested,beat up or even murdered or denied basic human rights based simply on who they love?

It isn't a choice.

I also notice they seem to pick and choose what they like from the bible.

Like they justify their hatred of LGBT people based on scriptures in Leviticus, Deut,exodus and such.

But in those same passages are parts talking about killing a son who dishonors their father and mother,killing someone who works on the sabbath, saying tattoos are a sin against the lord god,saying that no women are to teach or have authority over men, saying people can own slaves(an evil that no one approves of today) saying that mixing meat and dairy is considered detestable to the lord,saying that those who practice other religions are to be killed(yes it is in there)

and going to worship other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven—which I have forbidden—…

Doesn't that sound a lot like a certain Muslim sect that talks about killing non-believers?
Like they justify their hatred of LGBT people based on scriptures in Leviticus, Deut,exodus and such.
I hate queers because they indoctrinate young kids to be like them. Talk about self destruction, just put your dick in a HIV asshole.
I don't get why Christian types feel that LGBT choose to be that way.

I certainly didn't choose to be attracted to both men and women.

Why would anyone choose a lifestyle where they can be arrested,beat up or even murdered or denied basic human rights based simply on who they love?

It isn't a choice.
Oh so you are a bi-sexual, because you cant be satisfied either way. You should just pleasure yourself , that would be much cheaper than going both ways.
Choices are made every day. No one says it will be easy to follow the narrow path. By and through the spirit we can learn to overcome the evils of this world.
Now getting back to the issue of who and what you hate and don't hate, I am left wondering where you stand on LGBT rights. For starters, is has recently been suggested that Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges be overturned. Your thoughts.

That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives? Yes, yes I do. However, marriage is supposed to be holy and blessed by God and that's only by a man and a woman so I don't really know how to answer that question.

Jesus loved sinners while teaching them to repent of their sins. Most likely they didn't even understand that they were sinful.

Exactly! And if Jesus told us that we should hate gay people then He would be contradicting Himself and that isn't what He said at all. It frustrates me when people keep twisting around His words and putting words into His mouth and making it seem like all gays are condemned no matter what. What if a gay person wanting to turn to Christ right now was reading this thread and they truly believed that there was no hope for them? Do you guys ever stop and think about that? (Not you specifically, the people who are saying this nonsense and making it seem like homosexuality is the unforgiveable sin when that's not what Jesus said at all and if it was He would have specifically mentioned it.)

A word of caution. Don't conflate loving (agapeo) someone with liking (phileo) someone. Some people just aren't likable.

True, as I was just going to point out that I don't really like how liberals behave and it's their behavior I hate. Do I like them as people? Sometimes, it just depends how far left they are. Slade is right in the middle and we get along just fine. I don't really love them like I should for the most part though as it's difficult for me to love somebody who hates this country and is destroying it or wants to.

I agree and I applaud your premise of not hating homosexuals. If you believe it’s a sin, something I’d take issue with, but if that is your belief then respecting and loving the person and not then”sin” is the right way to interpret those beliefs. IMO

Agreeing to disagree seems to be our biggest strength. :)

We are to put off sin not join in with it or celebrate it.

I'm pretty sure neither of those things are being done in this thread.
In my opinion it is beyond stupid to say that homosexuality has to be learned, or a choice in the absence of a gey gene. Human sexuality is far more complex than that. For starters -Google empigenetics
I NEVER EVER said it had to be" learned"
What I did say was it was pure sexual gratification from the easiest source, i.e. hand jobs, to blow jobs by males to other males as that is the prime objective...satisfaction!

Now as far as "Epigenetics"... the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.
So using the above, if you live in an environment that encourages sexual relations with the same sex...hmmm your genes might be affected.
Most people like you have this pompous, supposedly "consideration" for these "I gotta be me folks"... and you are so out of touch with reality. The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary. Just a way to justify sexual behavior between males who can't have it with females unless they force the women. Again you don't seem to realize and I am glad to educate you that men have millions of sperms and as a result irrelevant how the ejection occurs. But women having sex with women is one of the safest ways of enjoyment without ANY risks of pregnancy. Very simple folks.
All a person needs to do is get a red letter bible and read the red letters. If homosexuality is as important as people make it, don't you think Jesus would have railed against it? He didn't say a word.
I NEVER EVER said it had to be" learned"
What I did say was it was pure sexual gratification from the easiest source, i.e. hand jobs, to blow jobs by males to other males as that is the prime objective...satisfaction!

Now as far as "Epigenetics"... the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.
So using the above, if you live in an environment that encourages sexual relations with the same sex...hmmm your genes might be affected.
Most people like you have this pompous, supposedly "consideration" for these "I gotta be me folks"... and you are so out of touch with reality. The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary. Just a way to justify sexual behavior between males who can't have it with females unless they force the women. Again you don't seem to realize and I am glad to educate you that men have millions of sperms and as a result irrelevant how the ejection occurs. But women having sex with women is one of the safest ways of enjoyment without ANY risks of pregnancy. Very simple folks.

Stuff i have read is that LGBT are born that way.

All a person needs to do is get a red letter bible and read the red letters. If homosexuality is as important as people make it, don't you think Jesus would have railed against it? He didn't say a word.

Leviticus 18:22 "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman. That is detestable."
Leviticus 18:22 "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman. That is detestable."
Leviticus is not Jesus speaking. Remember, I said to read the RED letters.

Leviticus also says that wearing mixed fibers, eating shellfish and planting mixed crops in the field are abominations.

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