Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Leviticus is not Jesus speaking. Remember, I said to read the RED letters.

Leviticus also says that wearing mixed fibers, eating shellfish and planting mixed crops in the field are abominations.

Are you sure those are "abominations"?

Civil law, ceremonial law, moral law in the OT. Important to know the difference. I'm not advocating anything re: gay people here; I'm just commenting on Biblical interpretation. As I have said before. Interpreting the OT law all one way is like saying your parents gave you equally pertinent advice when they said "Bedtime is at 7:30 PM" and also "Do not lie to your loved ones".

One is for a time

One is for a lifetime

In the OT, it also says that women are not to teach nor have authority over men.

Also it says in the OT

Why follow the parts saying that being gay is bad, but yet not follow the parts about working on the sabbath or women teaching men?

I once saw a bumper sticker or pin that says "fundamentalism stops a thinking mind"

"Teach or have authority over a man" is in the NT actually, and those are rules for the church only. And although it is very not PC for our times--look at the Spiritual health of churches mostly led by women v. the Spiritual health of churches mostly led by men.

I will tell you many of the women churches have given over totally to Sexuality as Idolatry.
"Homophobe" is just a liberal slur. No one is afraid of the light-in-the-loafers gang and hardly anyone "hates" them.

Christians hate the sin of homosexuality and call on homos to repent.

But they love the sinner, and hopes that he will turn away from his sin.

/ thread. That pretty much sums it up.
No you didn't because you weren't quoting the Bible. Nowhere in there does it say we're supposed to hate gay people,.. just hate homosexuality. When Jesus told us to love our neighbor He wasn't stuttering.
So what's the problem???

Since I'm going to put this right out here right now,.. I am NOT a homophobic,.. I don't believe that somebody can hate gays and say they love Jesus Christ and claim to follow Him at the same time. Hating gays is not we are called to do folks. Jesus told us that we are supposed to love our neighbor. Not only if that neighbor is straight or has the same beliefs that we do, just to love our neighbor PERIOD. What we are supposed to do is love our neighbor and hate their sin.

So, I hate homosexuality, but I don't hate homosexuals. Now, here's another problem that comes up. People often get this confused with promoting homosexuality and this isn't okay either. Accepting people for who they are is not the same thing is doing what Disney is currently doing for example and putting LGBT stuff into all of their movies and our faces and children's faces and Walt is probably rolling in his grave right now because of it. So what I'm basically saying is we can cross the line with this both ways. We need to be in the middle where we're not hating gays, but we're not celebrating gay pride either. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)
If you are a Christian why do you hate at all?

HAte is nothing but judgement and judgement is your god's duty to mete out not yours
Seriously! " primary objective is sex." If it were not for the readily available blow jobs, etc. do you REALLY believe the VAST VAST majority of gays would spend time together? Really? Oh yes...right... it is the companionship. It is the caring. Really?
This is why I usually avoid zone 1. I can't tell you what I think of this sort of absurd garbage and those who post it
That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives? Yes, yes I do. However, marriage is supposed to be holy and blessed by God and that's only by a man and a woman so I don't really know how to answer that question.
Marriage is a religious act and institution.

What the state is recording and calling marriage is a civil contract and should be labelled as such.

Tearing marriage down with all the same sex bs has been an attack on religion and traditional family which in turn degrades the very fabric of society.

I'm pretty sure neither of those things are being done in this thread.
That was not intended to be limited to a thread but in general. We are not suppose to embrace or celebrate wickedness, sin or evil that are known.

Bob Blaylock covered that portion well.
I remember when it was about “consenting adults”.

But then they wanted to drag all of society into their depraved perversions, and now they are openly going even after children.
Tearing marriage down with all the same sex bs has been an attack on religion and traditional family which in turn degrades the very fabric of society.
How has marriage been "torn down" marriage? Same sex marriage has made it more inclusive. It has broadened the base and strengthened it as an institution. Same sex couples have a lowew divorce rate, and provide stable homes for children. They are an accepted addition to the community and thus have expanded the definition of traditional.

Marriage is a religious institution for some but gay marriage is not an attack on religion. Many religious institions are inclusive of gats, and many gays are part of those institutions.mSo to you I say hog wash.
Marriage is a religious act and institution.

What the state is recording and calling marriage is a civil contract and should be labelled as such.

Tearing marriage down with all the same sex bs has been an attack on religion and traditional family which in turn degrades the very fabric of society.

That was not intended to be limited to a thread but in general. We are not suppose to embrace or celebrate wickedness, sin or evil that are known.

Bob Blaylock covered that portion well.
As far as the state is concerned, marriage is a property contract.
If you are a Christian why do you hate at all?

HAte is nothing but judgement and judgement is your god's duty to mete out not yours
Interesting. So you are saying that if a man decided to fondle a 10 year old girl, it isnt up to us to judge him but God's(notice big G not little g).
How has marriage been "torn down" marriage? Same sex marriage has made it more inclusive. It has broadened the base and strengthened it as an institution. Same sex couples have a lowew divorce rate, and provide stable homes for children. They are an accepted addition to the community and thus have expanded the definition of traditional.

Marriage is a religious institution for some but gay marriage is not an attack on religion. Many religious institions are inclusive of gats, and many gays are part of those institutions.mSo to you I say hog wash.
Same sex marriage has made it more inclusive.
Same sex marriage just doesnt work , as there cannot be an offspring brought forth by both parties involved in that marriage, and if they adopt, the children will end up being screwed up over time, because there wont be either a mother or father. Which is necessary for a normal childhood development. It is settle science that has proven this.

There are many thousands of studies which have appeared over the past four to five decades showing quite clearly how absolutely important biological mothers and fathers are to the well-being of their children. Study after study has shown that no other factor is more vital to the healthy development of children than having a mum and a dad.

Why Children Need a Mother and a Father - CultureWatch

Same sex marriage just doesnt work , as there cannot be an offspring brought forth by both parties involved in that marriage, and if they adopt, the children will end up being screwed up over time, because there wont be either a mother or father. Which is necessary for a normal childhood development. It is settle science that has proven this.

There are many thousands of studies which have appeared over the past four to five decades showing quite clearly how absolutely important biological mothers and fathers are to the well-being of their children. Study after study has shown that no other factor is more vital to the healthy development of children than having a mum and a dad.

Why Children Need a Mother and a Father - CultureWatch

Totally agree 100%. Historically Moms were the arbitrators and Dads the authority figures.
According to 2021 U.S. Census Bureau, 4 out of about 11 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers. Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority. About 4 out 10 children were born to unwed mothers.Mar 12, 2022
Totally agree 100%. Historically Moms were the arbitrators and Dads the authority figures.
According to 2021 U.S. Census Bureau, 4 out of about 11 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers. Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority. About 4 out 10 children were born to unwed mothers.Mar 12, 2022
Most of the recent shooters were boys that didnt have a father figure around.

The question in your OP good, but is flawed by the commonly used "_______ ophobe," phrase to describe a person with whom you disagree.

Some Christians hate the sin of homosexuality but love the sinner. Some hate the sin and hate the sinner. Some don't think that it is a sin, at all, and hate people who do call it a sin. Some don't think it is a sin at all, but don't have negative feelings about those who do.

None of that implies a phobia, which is an irrational fear, or exaggerated fear that amounts to a mental disorder.

So, yes. You can be a Christian and not be pro-gay.

I'm not sure what else you were talking about in here, but I don't think I ever made any references to the fact that I was pro-gay. Just like somebody else already mentioned,.. Jesus ate with sinners, but that didn't mean that He condoned their behavior.

I remember a while ago, that what was done in someone's bedroom was nobody's business. I accepted that. Once it came out the front door and was forced down my throat, then i had issues with that. Give a prog an inch, they take a foot, give them a foot they take a mile....Fuck em all, may Allah find them and do what is needed.
View attachment 662703

Agreed, but just curious,.. are you Muslim by any chance? No judging from me just curious is all.

So what's the problem???


Have you read through the whole entire thread yet?

If you are a Christian why do you hate at all?

HAte is nothing but judgement and judgement is your god's duty to mete out not yours

So what do you think about me hating Satan and evil in general then?

Most of the recent shooters were boys that didnt have a father figure around.

Sad,.. but true.
Most of the recent shooters were boys that didnt have a father figure around.

Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there. Why- because the claim that children suffer in some way by not having a mother and a father is a ridiculous argument against same sex marriage. Even if you could prove that children need a mother and a father, you then still have to show that -by not allowing gay marriage, more children would have both a mother and a father. I am will to bet that no one can actually do that.

Lesbians who have a child or who want a child are not going to marry a man if they can't marry a woman

Children who are adopted by same sex couples are free for adoption because they had NO legal parents

Gay and lesbian couple andindividuals will havechildren whether or not they can marry. The difference is that the child will not have the security, legal protections and financial benefits of having two legal parents

ONne last thing to consider. If you could show that children raised by same sex couple do not do as well as others, who else should discourage or prohib from having children.

Children living in poverty may not do as well as others
Children with poorly educated parents may not do as well

How far are we willing to go in determining who shoulsand shold not have kids?
Same sex marriage just doesnt work , as there cannot be an offspring brought forth by both parties involved in that marriage, and if they adopt, the children will end up being screwed up over time, because there wont be either a mother or father. Which is necessary for a normal childhood development. It is settle science that has proven this.

There are many thousands of studies which have appeared over the past four to five decades showing quite clearly how absolutely important biological mothers and fathers are to the well-being of their children. Study after study has shown that no other factor is more vital to the healthy development of children than having a mum and a dad.

Why Children Need a Mother and a Father - CultureWatch


Bill Muehlenberg is an American-Australian Christian and homophobic/transphobic hate leader.
Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there. Why- because the claim that children suffer in some way by not having a mother and a father is a ridiculous argument against same sex marriage. Even if you could prove that children need a mother and a father, you then still have to show that -by not allowing gay marriage, more children would have both a mother and a father. I am will to bet that no one can actually do that.

Lesbians who have a child or who want a child are not going to marry a man if they can't marry a woman

Children who are adopted by same sex couples are free for adoption because they had NO legal parents

Gay and lesbian couple andindividuals will havechildren whether or not they can marry. The difference is that the child will not have the security, legal protections and financial benefits of having two legal parents

ONne last thing to consider. If you could show that children raised by same sex couple do not do as well as others, who else should discourage or prohib from having children.

Children living in poverty may not do as well as others
Children with poorly educated parents may not do as well

How far are we willing to go in determining who shoulsand shold not have kids?
Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there.
Bwaaahhaaaaaaaa.....So you are saying that the science isnt settled?

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