Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Leviticus is not Jesus speaking. Remember, I said to read the RED letters.

Leviticus also says that wearing mixed fibers, eating shellfish and planting mixed crops in the field are abominations.


In the OT, it also says that women are not to teach nor have authority over men.

Also it says in the OT

Why follow the parts saying that being gay is bad, but yet not follow the parts about working on the sabbath or women teaching men?

I once saw a bumper sticker or pin that says "fundamentalism stops a thinking mind"
Those laws in Deuternomy, leviticus, in the OT are for the Israelites (jews) to set them apart from the nations around them and to make them holy. The OT laws are NOT for us. THat changed with the New Testament, the NEW covenant.
Jesus said, Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Jesus did not have to talk about homosexuals. He knew and they all knew what the law was regarding sexual sins.

1.Jesus agreed with the law of moses.
2. By mentioning God's design for marriage , he showed how he viewed marriage and who was qualified to be joined in it.
3. Jesus explained what marriage is and he was in agreement with God's design.
4.. Paul was not homophobic. IN ALL the letters he wrote to different churches he only mentions homosexuality three times.
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That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives? Yes, yes I do. However, marriage is supposed to be holy and blessed by God and that's only by a man and a woman so I don't really know how to answer that question.
Perhaps I can help with a solution. Each church can have the right to marry homosexuals or not depending on their beliefs. As far as the state is concerned, everybody has the right to marry and receive the same legal benefits afforded to married couples. How does that sound? Separation of Church and State
The question in your OP good, but is flawed by the commonly used "_______ ophobe," phrase to describe a person with whom you disagree.

Some Christians hate the sin of homosexuality but love the sinner. Some hate the sin and hate the sinner. Some don't think that it is a sin, at all, and hate people who do call it a sin. Some don't think it is a sin at all, but don't have negative feelings about those who do.

None of that implies a phobia, which is an irrational fear, or exaggerated fear that amounts to a mental disorder.

The question that I would ask, that I think your OP implies, is this: Is a Christian correct to reject people who are openly homosexual, given that the Christian religion for the most part believes in universal sinfulness and the value of forgiveness?

Keep in mind that no Christian denomination that I know of believes in universal and unconditional forgiveness of all sin. I've never heard anyone say, "Jesus paid for your sins, so don't stress out about them. Do as you please and when you get to heaven, all will be forgiven."

So, in reality, most of the fundamentalist, conservative Christians that I grew up with are not "homophobes," they just think that living the homosexual lifestyle means that you reject the teachings of God and openly defy them. It is not asking forgiveness for sin, but asking acceptance of it.

A married person having an affair, and ending it, would be forgiven, whether the affair was with a same-sex person or an opposite sex person, but not an ongoing relationship, in which the person brings their paramour to church with them.

The kind of Christian I'm familiar with recognizes their own sinful nature, but does not embrace the sin. Rather, they denounce it, and pray to overcome it. A dude driving his boyfriend around in a VW with a pride sticker on the back is embracing his sin, according to that thought.

So, yes. You can be a Christian and not be pro-gay.
That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives? Yes, yes I do. However, marriage is supposed to be holy and blessed by God and that's only by a man and a woman so I don't really know how to answer that question.
So much for the claim that you do not hate honosexuals. To deprive them of sonmething that others take for granted-marriage-even if you are not sure-is indeed an act of hate
I NEVER EVER said it had to be" learned"
What I did say was it was pure sexual gratification from the easiest source, i.e. hand jobs, to blow jobs by males to other males as that is the prime objective...satisfaction!
My bad. You said "nurtured or learned" Same difference. You are also saying that homosexuality is all about sexual gratification. How is homosexuality about sexual gratification any more than heterosexuality is? Both homo and hetrosexuality is primarily about love and commitment. It is all about relationships and being with the one who you are sexually and romantically attracted to. You really put your foot in your mouth on that one
Now as far as "Epigenetics"... the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.
So using the above, if you live in an environment that encourages sexual relations with the same sex...hmmm your genes might be affected.
Most people like you have this pompous, supposedly "consideration" for these "I gotta be me folks"... and you are so out of touch with reality. The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary. Just a way to justify sexual behavior between males who can't have it with females unless they force the women. Again you don't seem to realize and I am glad to educate you that men have millions of sperms and as a result irrelevant how the ejection occurs. But women having sex with women is one of the safest ways of enjoyment without ANY risks of pregnancy. Very simple folks.
I have a major problem with that ! "The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary" Seriously?

And if you really studied epigenetics, you would understand that those environmental influences are primarily pre -natal , but in any case, so what? The fact is that homosexuality is innate and immutable. That should be respected. I really do not need you to educate me about anything. And what is that "people like me" shit? To make an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics is idiotic
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That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives? Yes, yes I do. However, marriage is supposed to be holy and blessed by God and that's only by a man and a woman so I don't really know how to answer that question.

Exactly! And if Jesus told us that we should hate gay people then He would be contradicting Himself and that isn't what He said at all. It frustrates me when people keep twisting around His words and putting words into His mouth and making it seem like all gays are condemned no matter what. What if a gay person wanting to turn to Christ right now was reading this thread and they truly believed that there was no hope for them? Do you guys ever stop and think about that? (Not you specifically, the people who are saying this nonsense and making it seem like homosexuality is the unforgiveable sin when that's not what Jesus said at all and if it was He would have specifically mentioned it.)

True, as I was just going to point out that I don't really like how liberals behave and it's their behavior I hate. Do I like them as people? Sometimes, it just depends how far left they are. Slade is right in the middle and we get along just fine. I don't really love them like I should for the most part though as it's difficult for me to love somebody who hates this country and is destroying it or wants to.

Agreeing to disagree seems to be our biggest strength. :)

I'm pretty sure neither of those things are being done in this thread.
That's a really gray area for me because do I believe that everyone should be able to live their own lives?
I remember a while ago, that what was done in someone's bedroom was nobody's business. I accepted that. Once it came out the front door and was forced down my throat, then i had issues with that. Give a prog an inch, they take a foot, give them a foot they take a mile....Fuck em all, may Allah find them and do what is needed.
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My bad. You said "nurtured or learned" Same difference. You are also saying that homosexuality is all about sexual gratification. How is homosexuality about sexual gratification any more than heterosexuality is? Both homo and hetrosexuality is primarily about love and commitment. It is all about relationships and being with the one who you are sexually and romantically attracted to. You really put your foot in your mouth on that one
How is homosexuality about sexual gratification any more than heterosexuality is?
Before i answer your question, i have one for you. Do you know what it takes to be a woman?

Now to answer you question...Babies...of course two women rubbing against each other cannot produce a baby, two men poking each other in the Anus, can not produce a baby.
More bigoted bullshit ! "The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary" How stupid are you?!

And if you really studied epigenetics, you would understand that those environmental influences are primarily pre -natal , but in any case, so what? The fact is that homosexuality is innate and immutable. That should be respected. I really do not need you to educate me about anything. And what is that "people like me" shit? To make an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics is as stupid as stupid gets
Fudge packing is disgusting....
Stuff i have read is that LGBT are born that way.

But if you are born gay, how can you then go straight? Doesnt that work against your DNA? Some where in your life, a traumatic incident happened and caused you to hate the opposite sex.

I remember a while ago, that what was done in someone's bedroom was nobody's business. I accepted that. Once it came out the front door and was forced down my throat, then i [sic] had issues with that. Give a prog an inch, they take a foot, give them a foot they take a mile.

I remember when it was about “consenting adults”.

But then they wanted to drag all of society into their depraved perversions, and now they are openly going even after children.

I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?​

It's called HYPOCRISY.
I have a major problem with that ! "The gay community primary objective is sex. Everything else is secondary" Seriously?

And if you really studied epigenetics, you would understand that those environmental influences are primarily pre -natal , but in any case, so what? The fact is that homosexuality is innate and immutable. That should be respected. I really do not need you to educate me about anything. And what is that "people like me" shit? To make an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics is idiotic
Seriously! " primary objective is sex." If it were not for the readily available blow jobs, etc. do you REALLY believe the VAST VAST majority of gays would spend time together? Really? Oh yes...right... it is the companionship. It is the caring. Really?
I don't get why Christian types feel that LGBT choose to be that way.

I certainly didn't choose to be attracted to both men and women.

Why would anyone choose a lifestyle where they can be arrested,beat up or even murdered or denied basic human rights based simply on who they love?

It isn't a choice.
Right... You gotta be me"... no sex required, just plain love and companionship. Right?
Hard right Christians are in it for the self-righteous hatred. Look at some of the mean ass bible bastards you've known. No love in them whatsoever but they still manage to find a warm spiritual home in any church you care to name.

I am more accepting of homosexuals--and much less hateful--than you are of Christians. Much. Most of my Christian friends are.

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