Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there. Why- because the claim that children suffer in some way by not having a mother and a father is a ridiculous argument against same sex marriage. Even if you could prove that children need a mother and a father, you then still have to show that -by not allowing gay marriage, more children would have both a mother and a father. I am will to bet that no one can actually do that.

Lesbians who have a child or who want a child are not going to marry a man if they can't marry a woman

Children who are adopted by same sex couples are free for adoption because they had NO legal parents

Gay and lesbian couple andindividuals will havechildren whether or not they can marry. The difference is that the child will not have the security, legal protections and financial benefits of having two legal parents

ONne last thing to consider. If you could show that children raised by same sex couple do not do as well as others, who else should discourage or prohib from having children.

Children living in poverty may not do as well as others
Children with poorly educated parents may not do as well

How far are we willing to go in determining who shoulsand shold not have kids?
Prove it. And you are such a hypocrite! Evidently you had "poorly educated parents" as evidence by your IGNORING the little red dotted line of your comment....says volumes about you!
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Truly pathetic example of lack of scholarship from a person with "poorly educated parents"!
Had to go all the way to Australia to dig up some fossil? Dont worry though, i am an equal opportunity hater, as i hate all progressive slaves because they are so willing to give up their freedom.
Yes, those children will be much better of growing up as wards of the state with NO mother or father. THINK about that!
There are plenty of "normal" people out there wanting to adopt a child, but our fucked up government makes it really hard to adopt, but if you are queer as a three dollar bill, then this admin jumps through hoops to allow the queers access to young kids for their pleasure. Hmmm, something does seem amiss here.
Prove it. And you are such a hypocrite! Evidently you had "poorly educated parents" as evidence by your IGNORING the little red dotted line of your comment....says volumes about you! View attachment 662996
Truly pathetic example of lack of scholarship from a person with "poorly educated parents"!
Really? That is the best that you can do? Criticize my spelling( which are actually typos)? I do not have to prove anything . I presented a logical argument as to why the issue of children is a poor argument against samesex marriage-EVEN IF you could prove that the outcomes for children of those marriages was poor.. Now calm down and try to deal with it. And how the hell am I a hypocrit? Do you even understand what that means?
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Really? That is the best that you can do? Criticize my spelling( which are actually typos)? I do not have to prove anything . I presented a logical argument as to why the issue of children is a poor argument against samesex marriage. Now calm down and try to deal with it. And how the hell am I a hypocrit? Do you even understand what that means?
You really have a problem with anger it also appears as well as paying attention to details as well as spelling..."hypocrit"? Again with the red dotted line! See details matter. Plus you DO have now even more to prove. Who in the hell do you think YOU are that we should just take your word as TRUE?
You presented zero! YOU hypothesized NOT proved! And any dummy can make an hypothesis!
It takes a real "dummy" though to THINK just because YOU hypothesized something oh...that makes it TRUE! Quit showing your intelligence and do a little homework least do some searching on the Internet! Proof LIKE this:
Drawing on population data from the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), this study found that 163 adult children (ages 18–35) who retrospectively reported that their mothers ever had a same-sex romantic partner had higher rates of marijuana use, cigarette use, and depression
Now here is the link for you to study!
These studies have also demonstrated the negative psychological, educational, and social effects on children who have been deprived of growing up in a home with both biological parents who are married to each other.
Now go back to your hypothesis!
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Really? That is the best that you can do? Criticize my spelling( which are actually typos)? I do not have to prove anything . I presented a logical argument as to why the issue of children is a poor argument against samesex marriage-EVEN IF you could prove that the outcomes for children of those marriages was poor.. Now calm down and try to deal with it. And how the hell am I a hypocrit? Do you even understand what that means?
Lets go back to the original intent of queers. What is done behind closed doors is no ones business. Once you faggots opened the door, it has been shoved in everyone else's face let alone the church and BSA, which had to go bankrupt because of impropriety of queers with young boys. You dick suckers just cant leave little kids alone, which is why you wanted "Marriage" so you could then get your hands on kids that way.
You really have a problem with anger it also appears as well as paying attention to details as well as spelling..."hypocrit"? Again with the red dotted line! See details matter. Plus you DO have now even more to prove. Who in the hell do you think YOU are that we should just take your word as TRUE?
You presented zero! YOU hypothesized NOT proved! And any dummy can make an hypothesis!
It takes a real "dummy" though to THINK just because YOU hypothesized something oh...that makes it TRUE! Quit showing your intelligence and do a little homework least do some searching on the Internet! Proof LIKE this:
Drawing on population data from the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), this study found that 163 adult children (ages 18–35) who retrospectively reported that their mothers ever had a same-sex romantic partner had higher rates of marijuana use, cigarette use, and depression
Now here is the link for you to study!
These studies have also demonstrated the negative psychological, educational, and social effects on children who have been deprived of growing up in a home with both biological parents who are married to each other.
Now go back to your hypothesis!
Holy shit!! I have anger problems? Listen to yourself. Not only do YOU have a problem with anger, you also have a problem with basic comprehension. You don't seem to realize that by presenting more "evidence" about gay parenting you are not actually responding to the agrument that I presented. Let me try to help you out oce again. The point that I made is that trying to show that children of gay parents do not do as well as others -as a way to discredit gay marriage -DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AND IT DOES NOT WORK LOGICALLY. Now calm down and try again. How would banning same sex marriage result in more kids having a mother and a father?
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Holy shit!! I have anger problems? Listen to yourself. Not only do YOU have a problem with anger, you also have a problem with basic comprehension. You don't seem to realize that by presenting more "evidence" about gay parenting you are not actually responding to the agrument that I presented. Let me try to help you out oce again. The point that I made is that trying to show that children of gay parents do not do as well as others -as a way to discredit gay marriage -DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AND IT DOES NOT WORK LOGICALLY. Now calm down and try again. How would banning same sex marriage result in more kids having a mother and a father?
" agrument" ??? Don't you ever pay attention? The little red dotted line is there to HELP you which you ignore.

But it very accurately describes your again lack of proving your point! Why don't you do a little research, i.e. use the Internet! Prove to me as I proved to everyone else I guess that gay parents are not good for children.
Remember I showed this proof (and you have not shown any support for your POV)!

Drawing on population data from the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), this study found that 163 adult children (ages 18–35) who retrospectively reported that their mothers ever had a same-sex romantic partner
had higher rates of marijuana use, cigarette use, and depression.
Now here is the link for you to study!
These studies have also demonstrated the negative psychological, educational, and social effects on children who have been deprived of growing up in a home with both biological parents who are married to each other.
" agrument" ??? Don't you ever pay attention? The little red dotted line is there to HELP you which you ignore.

But it very accurately describes your again lack of proving your point! Why don't you do a little research, i.e. use the Internet! Prove to me as I proved to everyone else I guess that gay parents are not good for children.
Remember I showed this proof (and you have not shown any support for your POV)!

Drawing on population data from the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), this study found that 163 adult children (ages 18–35) who retrospectively reported that their mothers ever had a same-sex romantic partner
had higher rates of marijuana use, cigarette use, and depression.
Now here is the link for you to study!
These studies have also demonstrated the negative psychological, educational, and social effects on children who have been deprived of growing up in a home with both biological parents who are married to each other.
It is always the way of progressives to ignore...
Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there. Why- because the claim that children suffer in some way by not having a mother and a father is a ridiculous argument against same sex marriage. Even if you could prove that children need a mother and a father, you then still have to show that -by not allowing gay marriage, more children would have both a mother and a father. I am will to bet that no one can actually do that.

Lesbians who have a child or who want a child are not going to marry a man if they can't marry a woman

Children who are adopted by same sex couples are free for adoption because they had NO legal parents

Gay and lesbian couple andindividuals will havechildren whether or not they can marry. The difference is that the child will not have the security, legal protections and financial benefits of having two legal parents

ONne last thing to consider. If you could show that children raised by same sex couple do not do as well as others, who else should discourage or prohib from having children.

Children living in poverty may not do as well as others
Children with poorly educated parents may not do as well

How far are we willing to go in determining who shoulsand shold not have kids?
The problem with quoting studies showing things like that two women or two men can raise a child as well as a man and a woman is that no normal person will buy that.

I'm sure there are such studies, and I'm sure that they are peer-reviewed. The peer-review process has turned into a way of vetting studies for political correctness before publication.

Two gay parents is much better than no parent at all, or only one parent. So, I favor adoption by same-sex couples. But one male and one female parent is the optimum, and pretending it isn't only makes the pretenders look foolish.
But it very accurately describes your again lack of proving your point! Why don't you do a little research, i.e. use the Internet! Prove to me as I proved to everyone else I guess that gay parents are not good for children.
Holy Shit! That is not the point !True or not-it is NOT THE POINT! Whay can't you understand that?

And if true WHAT would YOU do -as a matter of law or public policy -to ensure that those kids had a mother and a father. Spell it out!
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Leviticus is not Jesus speaking. Remember, I said to read the RED letters.

Leviticus also says that wearing mixed fibers, eating shellfish and planting mixed crops in the field are abominations.

I missed this post before. Even if Jesus isn't speaking, how does that change the Word of God?
Well folks , there is also considerable evidence that having parents of the oppposite sex is the least importanr factor in a childs development and emotional well being. But I am not even going to go there. Why- because the claim that children suffer in some way by not having a mother and a father is a ridiculous argument against same sex marriage. Even if you could prove that children need a mother and a father, you then still have to show that -by not allowing gay marriage, more children would have both a mother and a father. I am will to bet that no one can actually do that.

Lesbians who have a child or who want a child are not going to marry a man if they can't marry a woman

Children who are adopted by same sex couples are free for adoption because they had NO legal parents

Gay and lesbian couple andindividuals will havechildren whether or not they can marry. The difference is that the child will not have the security, legal protections and financial benefits of having two legal parents

ONne last thing to consider. If you could show that children raised by same sex couple do not do as well as others, who else should discourage or prohib from having children.

Children living in poverty may not do as well as others
Children with poorly educated parents may not do as well

How far are we willing to go in determining who shoulsand shold not have kids?
Love sinner hate we waz tort wen we was kids..............................and???

Since I'm going to put this right out here right now,.. I am NOT a homophobic,.. I don't believe that somebody can hate gays and say they love Jesus Christ and claim to follow Him at the same time. Hating gays is not we are called to do folks. Jesus told us that we are supposed to love our neighbor. Not only if that neighbor is straight or has the same beliefs that we do, just to love our neighbor PERIOD. What we are supposed to do is love our neighbor and hate their sin.

So, I hate homosexuality, but I don't hate homosexuals. Now, here's another problem that comes up. People often get this confused with promoting homosexuality and this isn't okay either. Accepting people for who they are is not the same thing is doing what Disney is currently doing for example and putting LGBT stuff into all of their movies and our faces and children's faces and Walt is probably rolling in his grave right now because of it. So what I'm basically saying is we can cross the line with this both ways. We need to be in the middle where we're not hating gays, but we're not celebrating gay pride either. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)
Phobias are a fear of something. Saying that a person acting out homosexual acts is a sin doesn't fit the definition of a phobia. If a person was fearful of associating with a homosexual because it might be catching, now that would be a homophobia.

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