Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Since your god actually created Satan, why should you hate him?

Your god has the power to eliminate Satan with a mere thought but has decided to keep him around to torment his other creations so why should you hate another creation of the god that loves you?

You obviously don't know anything about Christianity. Even Jesus hates Satan,.. or He at least hates what he does as that's sort of a gray area that I'm not a hundred percent certain about since I assume since He created the angels he loves them too and Satan is an angel that went rogue,.. but all I know is that there's no use in trying to describe it to somebody who is totally ignorant of the Word of God and even refuses to enlighten themselves with it. Jesus has basically told us in different words that there's no use in trying to speak to brick walls.
Because the bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

Read the bible.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

The Old Testament doesn't apply anymore. Use references from the New Testament.

But the OP makes a good point. Condemning homosexuality does not mean someone is "homophobic'.
Why would He condemn homosexuality only to change His mind about it later?

I think most of those passages against homosexuality were written for a different time.

At the time the Israelis were at war with different peoples and needed enough men who could fight.

They couldn't fight wars and win them if they didn't have enough men.

It's why in some wars, some people muster troops from other countries to help do the fighting for them in wars.
Because the bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

Read the bible.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
Not for you to judge
Societies, cultures and civilizations have been destroyed by rampant sexual perversion. So yes. Millions have died in part because of the degradation of civilizations by the effeminization of men and rampant homosexuality and pedophilia, which are closely tied together by the way.
Societies, cultures and civilizations have been destroyed by rampant sexual perversion. So yes. Millions have died in part because of the degradation of civilizations by the effeminization of men and rampant homosexuality and pedophilia, which are closely tied together by the way.


LGBT i know don't want anything to do with child molesters.

I think most of those passages against homosexuality were written for a different time.

I'm pretty sure that God wouldn't say something and change His mind about it later. There's currently a lot of school shootings going on. Does that make it alright to murder children just because it's with the times? You really need to think before you open your mouth.
I'm pretty sure that God wouldn't say something and change His mind about it later. There's currently a lot of school shootings going on. Does that make it alright to murder children just because it's with the times? You really need to think before you open your mouth.

Well there also been science that suggest that LGBT are born that way

Well there also been science that suggest that LGBT are born that way

I trust God more than I trust science. Scientists still can't seem to figure out if Pluto is a planet,.. God knew that it was one all along because He never makes mistakes unlike scientists.
I trust God more than I trust science. Scientists still can't seem to figure out if Pluto is a planet,.. God knew that it was one all along because He never makes mistakes unlike scientists.

Also back in those days where were the olden days, the punishments back then were people being tortured,whipped and sometimes when a person was whipped they would be killed, and stuff like this.

Also back in those days where were the olden days, the punishments back then were people being tortured,whipped and sometimes when a person was whipped they would be killed, and stuff like this.

So, what's your point? That doesn't have anything to do with the Word of God as that was never one of His commandments.

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