Zone1 I'm Not Sure If I Asked This Before, but How Can You Claim To Be A Christian and Be A Homophobe At The Same Time?

Leviticus is not Jesus speaking. Remember, I said to read the RED letters.

Leviticus also says that wearing mixed fibers, eating shellfish and planting mixed crops in the field are abominations.

A couple things.

1. As I'm sure you know, Christians believe the whole bible is God-breathed and authoritative, not just the red letters.

2. You're mixing up different types of biblical laws. There's a big difference between the temporal civil or ceremonial laws, and a moral law. God's moral laws do not change, and are universal. The ceremonial laws applied to the Israelites at that time, and had to do with things like cleanliness, ceremonies, etc.

Plus, homosexuality is described as a sin not only in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament as well. (Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, etc.)
The problem with quoting studies showing things like that two women or two men can raise a child as well as a man and a woman is that no normal person will buy that.

I'm sure there are such studies, and I'm sure that they are peer-reviewed. The peer-review process has turned into a way of vetting studies for political correctness before publication.

Two gay parents is much better than no parent at all, or only one parent. So, I favor adoption by same-sex couples. But one male and one female parent is the optimum, and pretending it isn't only makes the pretenders look foolish.
Well, I will acknowledge that there is conflicting information out there about the importance of having two, opposite sex parents. However, from what I have seen, and I have seen alot, the vast majority of studies de-emphasise the importance of opposite sex parents, while those that claim same sex parents are less than ideal or harmful are often penned by someone with an anti gay bias.

The fact is that most kids -for one reason or another do not grow up in an ideal environment and that includes many with "traditional" families. Ther are many variables to consider in all possible family configurations with gender being just one, and by many estimates, the least important. Therefore, these debates about gay parents are largely useless.

I have asked many times-without ever getting a coherent answer: If it could be shown beyond a doubt that the outcomes for kids with same sex parents was inferior to those with opposite sex parents...then, as a matter of public policy what do we do? How do we ensure that more children have a mother and a father? Ban gay marriage? To me that is just absurd.

There are many social and economic forces at work that result in kids not having both a moter and a father and gay marriage is not one of them. I maintain that most of those who blame gay marriage for kids not having a mother and a father, do not really care all that much about the kids. Rather, they use kids as pawns in their quest to punish gay people in any way that they can.
Phobias are a fear of something. Saying that a person acting out homosexual acts is a sin doesn't fit the definition of a phobia. If a person was fearful of associating with a homosexual because it might be catching, now that would be a homophobia.
Well, I will acknowledge that there is conflicting information out there about the importance of having two, opposite sex parents. However, from what I have seen, and I have seen alot, the vast majority of studies de-emphasise the importance of opposite sex parents, while those that claim same sex parents are less than ideal or harmful are often penned by someone with an anti gay bias.
I'm going to say that that last bit is a guess, either by you or by whoever wrote what you read about that (or said that you heard). If not, please link me to the studies that are penned by someone with an anti-gay bias.
The fact is that most kids -for one reason or another do not grow up in an ideal environment and that includes many with "traditional" families. Ther are many variables to consider in all possible family configurations with gender being just one, and by many estimates, the least important. Therefore, these debates about gay parents are largely useless.
Yes, they are. Everyone will have their own idea about whether same-sex parenting is as optimal as opposite-sex parenting, so quoting biased studies, or pretending that opinion is science will not be helpful.
I have asked many times-without ever getting a coherent answer: If it could be shown beyond a doubt that the outcomes for kids with same sex parents was inferior to those with opposite sex parents...then, as a matter of public policy what do we do? How do we ensure that more children have a mother and a father? Ban gay marriage? To me that is just absurd.
Well, that is a good point. You will get a coherent answer from me, but it will not be that of a person who opposes same-sex parenting due to a hostility toward homosexuality. My answer is that there is no policy that needs be set, based on your hypothetical. I believe that kids with two parents will be better off than kids with one parent, even if both parents are the same sex. I believe that kids of married parents are better off whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex.

I only object to the false claim that studies show the outcomes to be the same.
I'm not sure what else you were talking about in here, but I don't think I ever made any references to the fact that I was pro-gay. Just like somebody else already mentioned,.. Jesus ate with sinners, but that didn't mean that He condoned their behavior.

Agreed, but just curious,.. are you Muslim by any chance? No judging from me just curious is all.

Have you read through the whole entire thread yet?

So what do you think about me hating Satan and evil in general then?

Sad,.. but true.
Since your god actually created Satan, why should you hate him?

Your god has the power to eliminate Satan with a mere thought but has decided to keep him around to torment his other creations so why should you hate another creation of the god that loves you?
Since your god actually created Satan, why should you hate him?

Your god has the power to eliminate Satan with a mere thought but has decided to keep him around to torment his other creations so why should you hate another creation of the god that loves you?

Yours is the hubris of Satan himself, presuming to define by what rules God ought to operate.
I have asked many times-without ever getting a coherent answer: If it could be shown beyond a doubt that the outcomes for kids with same sex parents was inferior to those with opposite sex parents...then, as a matter of public policy what do we do? How do we ensure that more children have a mother and a father? Ban gay marriage? To me that is just absurd.

1. Teach that truth to children, so that as they become adults they can choose paths that are good for their eventual children.

2. Stop celebrating...dysfunction. Don't celebrate single mothers, or other models that are not as good.

3. Trade and immigration policies designed to support the "ideal model", ie male breadwinner and stay at home mom as a viable option.

for starters. Off the top of my head.
Because the bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

Read the bible.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
No it doesn't. But the bible DOES speak against the bearing of false witness like you are doing.
Because the bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

Read the bible.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
And YOU voted twice for a slug who broke Leviticus 20:10 multiple times.

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