"i'm not worried, we'll get a speaker"GOP Rep James Comer says they cant yet elect house speaker because GOP are not puppets on a string like the Dems

No Rep. James Comer, we Democrats are not puppets on a string but we do put the greater good of the American people before petty grievances

The GOP has always been about bigger government, massive spending, open borders, etc. while they give lip service to the opposite.

But now people are sick of it, so you have a problem.

For the first time a new party is emerging, that will get crushed by the Swamp.

Now for the first time, there will be no Speaker of the House

See, this is why we can' have nice things.
basquebromance said:
No Rep. James Comer, we Democrats are not puppets on a string but we do put the greater good of the American people before petty grievances

yeah. we busted our butts to get mostly conservatives into office but it benefitted the sorry repunks. We didn't say we wanted that ass McCarthy though.
yeah. we busted our butts to get mostly conservatives into office but it benefitted the sorry repunks. We didn't say we wanted that ass McCarthy though.
The DNC was funding Trump candidates to the tune of $20 million

Now does that sound like a bunch worried about Trump ending democracy?


This is all by design to split the GOP and it worked.

There is no room for anything in the Swamp except Swamp creatures.
The DNC was funding Trump candidates to the tune of $20 million

Now does that sound like a bunch worried about Trump ending democracy?


This is all by design to split the GOP and it worked.

There is no room for anything in the Swamp except Swamp creatures.
What can be done? The tea party started as something honorable. It was infected as it was dangerous to the globalist end game. This is beyond anything the founding fathers started. We are the enemies we fought against in battles and wars now. I can never watch a war picture with Prog actors as they are the enemy they portray to fight against.
Boehner on House Freedom Caucus: “They can’t tell you what they’re for. They can tell you everything they’re against. They’re anarchists. They want total chaos...”
No Rep. James Comer, we Democrats are not puppets on a string but we do put the greater good of the American people before petty grievances

Some might put the good of the country before petty grievances, but Marjory Taylor Green is furious because there was "NOTHING FOR ME" about 1:10
What this actually shows is that Republicans can’t negotiate and compromise within their own party let alone across the aisle.

This party is incapable of governing the country. That’s what it shows.
Some might put the good of the country before petty grievances, but Marjory Taylor Green is furious because there was "NOTHING FOR ME" about 1:10

McCarthy should have told them to fuck off on the first day and get there own candidate and have an internal vote for leader..

What will come out is the leader for the GOP or fuck off to another party and chucked out on your ass in 2 years...

But the GOP likes to dance with the crazies..

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