I'm officially a Democrat

I'm officially a Democrat

Thanks for warning us.
From the git go, I knew there was something not wrapped too tight about you.
You were a democrat all along, you just weren't being honest with yourself.
In light of all of the lying, cheating, obstruction and anarchy of the Left, you finally had to say to yourself: I just gotta git me some of that, too!
I was recently a not a Democrat. Trust me.
Do not let my hundreds of Pro-Democrat posts in this message board make you doubt that I will just now #Walkout of the Republican Party, because after careful consideration, I am a liberal instead of a conservative.

I was recently a not a Democrat. Trust me.
Do not let my hundreds of Pro-Democrat posts in this message board make you doubt that I will just now #Walkout of the Republican Party, because after careful consideration, I am a liberal instead of a conservative.

You've been a left loon since you started posting here.

Good gawd
People who say they're now a liberal instead of a conservative were never conservative to begin with. That's what gives this thread away. Nobody goes back after they take the red pill. Haven't you seen the matrix?
Every single Democrat on here is to the far left.

There are no far left Republicans.

No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
The people who hate you the most are center left and we will destroy you because we actually DO hate you. We are not Flake or Graham. You ARE the enemy to us. If I see a female incel and her bitch boys “protesting” in my area they will all be knocked out cold with internal bleeding from their brains.

You retards aren’t happy just to be the dominant voice in the schools and the media, no, you just had to destroy the right minority and the moderates who used to keep you in check. And now your monopoly on those fields and many more threatens to destroy everything people with our mindset created. You aren’t worthy to be spit on by the creators of western political philosophy.

Instead of threatening violence, why don't you start explaining whatever you feel ails you so much. What in the schools and the media ails you? You have the same voice as everyone else does in this 320+ million country. You have the modern-day equivalent of pen and paper right here on USMB. Why don't you use it to explain your ideas to the public and why they would be better for us. You have a forum right here.

The problem with you right-wingers is that you will not come out and engage with the rest of your fellow Americans. No. We are not coming to you. You come to us and make your case. Remember that the U.S. belongs to all of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin. .

Unless you're white, male, straight,Christian, and/or born in America.

Fixed it for you. You entire statement is a projection of your own party's publicly stated positions. I don't even know how you can argue this. It's literally what they preach every single hour of every single day. The Democrats are the party of racism, sexism, crime and deceit. They literally run on that platform.
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I was recently a not a Democrat. Trust me.
Do not let my hundreds of Pro-Democrat posts in this message board make you doubt that I will just now #Walkout of the Republican Party, because after careful consideration, I am a liberal instead of a conservative.

You are not a liberal, you are a lefty.
I was recently a not a Democrat. Trust me.
Do not let my hundreds of Pro-Democrat posts in this message board make you doubt that I will just now #Walkout of the Republican Party, because after careful consideration, I am a liberal instead of a conservative.

You are not a liberal, you are a lefty.

Eh, I agree with you, but unfortunately, I don't think there's any reclaiming of the term "liberal". It's been soiled into oblivion by the left. They have a history of shitting all over the true meaning of a thing as a tactic to re purpose symbolism and trick people into affiliation with them. Sadly, Liberalism was long ago the victim of this tactic. It's impossible to separate Liberalism with the disease that is leftism today.
I've never been a democrat,except that one time at nineteen where I saw the writing on the wall and wanted to keep my job.
It was a glorious day when I quit and told them Ann Richards was a whacky Cvnt and they were a bunch of freaks.
I'll never forget the sputtering and indignation of the lefty owners.
One of the best days of my life.
No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
The people who hate you the most are center left and we will destroy you because we actually DO hate you. We are not Flake or Graham. You ARE the enemy to us. If I see a female incel and her bitch boys “protesting” in my area they will all be knocked out cold with internal bleeding from their brains.

You retards aren’t happy just to be the dominant voice in the schools and the media, no, you just had to destroy the right minority and the moderates who used to keep you in check. And now your monopoly on those fields and many more threatens to destroy everything people with our mindset created. You aren’t worthy to be spit on by the creators of western political philosophy.

You talk big for a 29 year old punk.
29 is when a person is at their peak, idiot.

The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.

Yep....by then you're either on the road to success or on the bus to prison or poverty.
That was age the Wife and I had our last house payment.
You talk big for a 29 year old punk.
29 is when a person is at their peak, idiot.

The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.
If you didn't know what she was doing at that age then how can you claim that she
You talk big for a 29 year old punk.
29 is when a person is at their peak, idiot.

The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.

If you didn't know what she was doing at 29 how do you know she wasn't the norm?
She is disagreeing with well established fact.

29 year olds are young enough for strenuous physical activity and old enough for strenuous mental activity. The peak of a human’s development before you drop off the cliff.

I wouldnt go that far.
I knew far more about my line of work in my forties than I did in my thirties.
And by then they dont so much value your stamina as they do your experience and knowledge.
I was recently a not a Democrat. Trust me.
Do not let my hundreds of Pro-Democrat posts in this message board make you doubt that I will just now #Walkout of the Republican Party, because after careful consideration, I am a liberal instead of a conservative.

Why would you admit this is public?
Because pretending to switch parties in message boards is trending.

Like Ford is pretending that Kavanaugh assaulted her?

What makes you believe she was pretending? What was her motive, to be attacked by some nobody like you?

Maybe you need to go to church and pray that Jesus forgives you for breaking His Father's Commandment
People who say they're now a liberal instead of a conservative were never conservative to begin with. That's what gives this thread away. Nobody goes back after they take the red pill. Haven't you seen the matrix?
Every single Democrat on here is to the far left.

There are no far left Republicans.

No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
Wrong as all libtrds are always.
From the beginning, I never was a great supporter of a political party. However, the behavior and platform of the republican party since the days of reagan has turned me into a supporter of the Democratic Party. The republicans continue to refuse to account for themselves. Do the republicans have anyone capable of explaining their politics? The republican politicians do not even attempt to explain themselves. With many of them, I cannot tell where their politics leave off from their support of right-wing "religious" cults.

The republicans are entirely responsible for my support for the Democratic Party.

The behavior of the left (Democrats) is equally appalling to me. Accountability is a admirable cause, but the extreme left go way, way too far to try and attain it. I blame university culture for many of the negative things I'm seeing becoming norms in today's society. They portray themselves with the sophistication of toddlers demanding to play with another's shiny new toy, and have grand mal tantrums when they are refused. Identity politics are bullshit. Whenever someone uses the term 'white privilege' the conversation is over. I've been seeing this kind of shit from the left for years now. It's hurting their causes.
People who say they're now a liberal instead of a conservative were never conservative to begin with. That's what gives this thread away. Nobody goes back after they take the red pill. Haven't you seen the matrix?
Every single Democrat on here is to the far left.

There are no far left Republicans.

No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
The people who hate you the most are center left and we will destroy you because we actually DO hate you. We are not Flake or Graham. You ARE the enemy to us. If I see a female incel and her bitch boys “protesting” in my area they will all be knocked out cold with internal bleeding from their brains.

You retards aren’t happy just to be the dominant voice in the schools and the media, no, you just had to destroy the right minority and the moderates who used to keep you in check. And now your monopoly on those fields and many more threatens to destroy everything people with our mindset created. You aren’t worthy to be spit on by the creators of western political philosophy.

Instead of threatening violence, why don't you start explaining whatever you feel ails you so much. What in the schools and the media ails you? You have the same voice as everyone else does in this 320+ million country. You have the modern-day equivalent of pen and paper right here on USMB. Why don't you use it to explain your ideas to the public and why they would be better for us. You have a forum right here.

The problem with you right-wingers is that you will not come out and engage with the rest of your fellow Americans. No. We are not coming to you. You come to us and make your case. Remember that the U.S. belongs to all of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin. .

Unless you're white, male, straight,Christian, and/or born in America.

Fixed it for you. You entire statement is a projection of your own party's publicly stated positions. I don't even know how you can argue this. It's literally what they preach every single hour of every single day. The Democrats are the party of racism, sexism, crime and deceit. They literally run on that platform.

So you actually are unable to give a legitimate account of your positions. You are so juvenile. I never excluded white straight male Christians who were born in America. I would be excluding my own relatives. The only people who are white straight male Christians whom I can't stand are those who act like assholes and use this identity to try and get away with being an asshole.

I would never say anything against the likes of President Carter, Al Gore, Archbishop John Shelby Spong, Bruce Springsteen, Morris Dees, etc., or any other of the millions of decent American men. However, there are genuine dickheads like the orange whore, the sex freak from Indiana, mcConnell, cotton, kennedy, jeffress, graham, and the rest, who try to use their identity to screw around with other Americans and abuse others. They are the white-trash folks. I am not responsible for their misbehavior and lack of respect for our country.

I don't have to be preached to by anybody. It is evident from the what comes out of their own mouths and how they behave in public. Watch the little monkeys chanting "lock her up" at the orange whore's rallies. This is all on video. Not all white, straight, Christian, male Americans were this badly brought up. Many had good parents.

The U.S. belongs to all of us, not one particular group of monkeys. Grow up.
From the beginning, I never was a great supporter of a political party. However, the behavior and platform of the republican party since the days of reagan has turned me into a supporter of the Democratic Party. The republicans continue to refuse to account for themselves. Do the republicans have anyone capable of explaining their politics? The republican politicians do not even attempt to explain themselves. With many of them, I cannot tell where their politics leave off from their support of right-wing "religious" cults.

The republicans are entirely responsible for my support for the Democratic Party.

The behavior of the left (Democrats) is equally appalling to me. Accountability is a admirable cause, but the extreme left go way, way too far to try and attain it. I blame university culture for many of the negative things I'm seeing becoming norms in today's society. They portray themselves with the sophistication of toddlers demanding to play with another's shiny new toy, and have grand mal tantrums when they are refused. Identity politics are bullshit. Whenever someone uses the term 'white privilege' the conversation is over. I've been seeing this kind of shit from the left for years now. It's hurting their causes.

I don't know what you mean by "university culture."

The republicans are the ones who sucked up to the "Christian" misogynistic cults and allowed these cults to permeate public policy regarding women's health and reproductive issues. They have been the ones to squander taxpayers' money on the cult-inspired and dirty "abstinence-only education," was designed specifically to denigrate female sexuality.

Ditto for this whole trashy anti-LGBT shit, again courtesy of the cults. Look at the latest G-4 visa regs, designed to split LGBT couples up who work in this country for international agencies like the World Bank. This is pure cult, and the republicans are very happy to do their dirty work.

Then they sent over some trashy piss ant cult "Christian" preacher, who can't open his mouth but to say something disgusting like "Islam is not a religion," to speak at the opening of the Jerusalem embassy, much to the embarrassment of our nation before the world.
Every single Democrat on here is to the far left.

There are no far left Republicans.

No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
The people who hate you the most are center left and we will destroy you because we actually DO hate you. We are not Flake or Graham. You ARE the enemy to us. If I see a female incel and her bitch boys “protesting” in my area they will all be knocked out cold with internal bleeding from their brains.

You retards aren’t happy just to be the dominant voice in the schools and the media, no, you just had to destroy the right minority and the moderates who used to keep you in check. And now your monopoly on those fields and many more threatens to destroy everything people with our mindset created. You aren’t worthy to be spit on by the creators of western political philosophy.

Instead of threatening violence, why don't you start explaining whatever you feel ails you so much. What in the schools and the media ails you? You have the same voice as everyone else does in this 320+ million country. You have the modern-day equivalent of pen and paper right here on USMB. Why don't you use it to explain your ideas to the public and why they would be better for us. You have a forum right here.

The problem with you right-wingers is that you will not come out and engage with the rest of your fellow Americans. No. We are not coming to you. You come to us and make your case. Remember that the U.S. belongs to all of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin. .

Unless you're white, male, straight,Christian, and/or born in America.

Fixed it for you. You entire statement is a projection of your own party's publicly stated positions. I don't even know how you can argue this. It's literally what they preach every single hour of every single day. The Democrats are the party of racism, sexism, crime and deceit. They literally run on that platform.

So you actually are unable to give a legitimate account of your positions. You are so juvenile. I never excluded white straight male Christians who were born in America. I would be excluding my own relatives. The only people who are white straight male Christians whom I can't stand are those who act like assholes and use this identity to try and get away with being an asshole.
I never said that you said those things. I said that is the platform of the Democrat party. My position is 1/Democrats.

I would never say anything against the likes of President Carter, Al Gore, Archbishop John Shelby Spong, Bruce Springsteen, Morris Dees, etc., or any other of the millions of decent American men. However, there are genuine dickheads like the orange whore, the sex freak from Indiana, mcConnell, cotton, kennedy, jeffress, graham, and the rest, who try to use their identity to screw around with other Americans and abuse others. They are the white-trash folks. I am not responsible for their misbehavior and lack of respect for our country.

You just made my point again with all this.

I don't have to be preached to by anybody. It is evident from the what comes out of their own mouths and how they behave in public. Watch the little monkeys chanting "lock her up" at the orange whore's rallies. This is all on video. Not all white, straight, Christian, male Americans were this badly brought up. Many had good parents.

In a good, decent society, she would be locked up. Hopefully she is before all is said and done. You see, Clinton is a criminal. We have an ocean's worth of evidence. Meanwhile you can only throw names at people. The worst thing you can say about Trump is that he loves pussy.

Two + years of investigations, the worst media bias in history, and still, you got nothing tangible on Trump. Not a damn thing but platitudes and moral high horse arguments.

The U.S. belongs to all of us, not one particular group of monkeys. Grow up.

Indeed it does. It also belongs to us (Trump supporters). You got your 8 years of Obama corruption and socialism. Now we get 8 years of Trump to undo that, and hopefully restore justice. It's all about taking turns you see.
No they are all RWN cases. They want to do away with the 1st amendment and only have the 2nd. They want a theocracy and Trump is their god, just like NK and Russia, Putin has a calendar, will Trump get one?
The people who hate you the most are center left and we will destroy you because we actually DO hate you. We are not Flake or Graham. You ARE the enemy to us. If I see a female incel and her bitch boys “protesting” in my area they will all be knocked out cold with internal bleeding from their brains.

You retards aren’t happy just to be the dominant voice in the schools and the media, no, you just had to destroy the right minority and the moderates who used to keep you in check. And now your monopoly on those fields and many more threatens to destroy everything people with our mindset created. You aren’t worthy to be spit on by the creators of western political philosophy.

Instead of threatening violence, why don't you start explaining whatever you feel ails you so much. What in the schools and the media ails you? You have the same voice as everyone else does in this 320+ million country. You have the modern-day equivalent of pen and paper right here on USMB. Why don't you use it to explain your ideas to the public and why they would be better for us. You have a forum right here.

The problem with you right-wingers is that you will not come out and engage with the rest of your fellow Americans. No. We are not coming to you. You come to us and make your case. Remember that the U.S. belongs to all of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin. .

Unless you're white, male, straight,Christian, and/or born in America.

Fixed it for you. You entire statement is a projection of your own party's publicly stated positions. I don't even know how you can argue this. It's literally what they preach every single hour of every single day. The Democrats are the party of racism, sexism, crime and deceit. They literally run on that platform.

So you actually are unable to give a legitimate account of your positions. You are so juvenile. I never excluded white straight male Christians who were born in America. I would be excluding my own relatives. The only people who are white straight male Christians whom I can't stand are those who act like assholes and use this identity to try and get away with being an asshole.
I never said that you said those things. I said that is the platform of the Democrat party. My position is 1/Democrats.

I would never say anything against the likes of President Carter, Al Gore, Archbishop John Shelby Spong, Bruce Springsteen, Morris Dees, etc., or any other of the millions of decent American men. However, there are genuine dickheads like the orange whore, the sex freak from Indiana, mcConnell, cotton, kennedy, jeffress, graham, and the rest, who try to use their identity to screw around with other Americans and abuse others. They are the white-trash folks. I am not responsible for their misbehavior and lack of respect for our country.

You just made my point again with all this.

I don't have to be preached to by anybody. It is evident from the what comes out of their own mouths and how they behave in public. Watch the little monkeys chanting "lock her up" at the orange whore's rallies. This is all on video. Not all white, straight, Christian, male Americans were this badly brought up. Many had good parents.

In a good, decent society, she would be locked up. Hopefully she is before all is said and done. You see, Clinton is a criminal. We have an ocean's worth of evidence. Meanwhile you can only throw names at people. The worst thing you can say about Trump is that he loves pussy.

Two + years of investigations, the worst media bias in history, and still, you got nothing tangible on Trump. Not a damn thing but platitudes and moral high horse arguments.

The U.S. belongs to all of us, not one particular group of monkeys. Grow up.

Indeed it does. It also belongs to us (Trump supporters). You got your 8 years of Obama corruption and socialism. Now we get 8 years of Trump to undo that, and hopefully restore justice. It's all about taking turns you see.

You still have not explained the indecency of your positions and where you came from. Stop trying to convince Americans that all of the U.S. belongs to you and your thug group. It does not. You don't own anything past your driveway, assuming that you have one. You love the white trash of the orange whore and the sex freak. The rest of us don't. They can go fuck as they wish with any woman who will have them. But you folks are trying to bring all of us into it. We are not all white trash or cultheads.
29 is when a person is at their peak, idiot.

The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.
If you didn't know what she was doing at that age then how can you claim that she
29 is when a person is at their peak, idiot.

The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.

If you didn't know what she was doing at 29 how do you know she wasn't the norm?
She is disagreeing with well established fact.

29 year olds are young enough for strenuous physical activity and old enough for strenuous mental activity. The peak of a human’s development before you drop off the cliff.

I wouldnt go that far.
I knew far more about my line of work in my forties than I did in my thirties.
And by then they dont so much value your stamina as they do your experience and knowledge.
The point is the balance.

You are not a dumb teenager anymore and you have spent a considerable amount of time contemplating life, while you are not frail or easily tired out at the same time

At 40 you are literally physically dying already(some people deteriorate much faster than others, but by 35 your cell regeneration no longer keeps up with cell destruction no matter how healthy you are), and your increased knowledge base doesn’t make up for that.
The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.
If you didn't know what she was doing at that age then how can you claim that she
The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.

If you didn't know what she was doing at 29 how do you know she wasn't the norm?
She is disagreeing with well established fact.

29 year olds are young enough for strenuous physical activity and old enough for strenuous mental activity. The peak of a human’s development before you drop off the cliff.

I wouldnt go that far.
I knew far more about my line of work in my forties than I did in my thirties.
And by then they dont so much value your stamina as they do your experience and knowledge.
The point is the balance.

You are not a dumb teenager anymore and you have spent a considerable amount of time contemplating life, while you are not frail or easily tired out at the same time

At 40 you are literally physically dying already(some people deteriorate much faster than others, but by 35 your cell regeneration no longer keeps up with cell destruction no matter how healthy you are), and your increased knowledge base doesn’t make up for that.

It's a given you start to decline physically but the mental breakdown usually happens much later.
Wait till ya get into your forties and fifties and you'll laugh at the thirty year olds who think they know it all.
I can assure you they dont.
The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.
If you didn't know what she was doing at that age then how can you claim that she
The typical 29 year old is on their way to financial stability, has started a family, and is physically stronger than they were for most of their life.

I don’t know what you were doing at that age, but you weren’t the norm.

If you didn't know what she was doing at 29 how do you know she wasn't the norm?
She is disagreeing with well established fact.

29 year olds are young enough for strenuous physical activity and old enough for strenuous mental activity. The peak of a human’s development before you drop off the cliff.

I wouldnt go that far.
I knew far more about my line of work in my forties than I did in my thirties.
And by then they dont so much value your stamina as they do your experience and knowledge.
The point is the balance.

You are not a dumb teenager anymore and you have spent a considerable amount of time contemplating life, while you are not frail or easily tired out at the same time

At 40 you are literally physically dying already(some people deteriorate much faster than others, but by 35 your cell regeneration no longer keeps up with cell destruction no matter how healthy you are), and your increased knowledge base doesn’t make up for that.

It's a given you start to decline physically but the mental breakdown usually happens much later.
Wait till ya get into your forties and fifties and you'll laugh at the thirty year olds who think they know it all.
I can assure you they dont.
It is not about mental deterioration or knowing it all, it is about mental maturation.

Your teen years to your mid 20s is the biggest jump in mental maturation you will ever have.

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