Zone1 I'm racist, but I'm not racist.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
I think there are a lot of people like me in America that are racist, but not racist. I'm curious to see if anyone here is in the same boat as me.

In the past year or so there has been a rise in blacks and browns in my area and I find myself quite often seeing them and wish they weren't here. It's not some irrational hatred or anything.

So I started think, why do I not like them living here and I came to a conclusion after a while of considering it.

My conclusion is, it's not what I'm used to. I grew up in an area that is almost all blue collar, conservative, white people. I don't even like being around white people from like new York City, Chicago or los Angeles.

I like being around blue collar, Republican conservatives, country people that are white because I spent the first 25 years of my life around them during my formative years.

They speak like I do, have a similar mentality, same customs, similar viewpoints, look similar to me, and so on. I know where I stand with them and vice versa. We have a unspoken familiarity between us.

But all these new people that come in, especially blacks and browns show no signs of wanting to conform to their new home or community. That goes for white people from cities as well.

I think that's a big reason why countries like Switzerland have such a high rate of education, high employment, very little to no violent crime and overall a happier society. You can't even get into Switzerland unless you pay, speak the language fluently and understand their customs. It ensures a society of people who are similar to each other so they feel more comfortable with less friction.
I think there are a lot of people like me in America that are racist, but not racist. I'm curious to see if anyone here is in the same boat as me.

In the past year or so there has been a rise in blacks and browns in my area and I find myself quite often seeing them and wish they weren't here. It's not some irrational hatred or anything.

So I started think, why do I not like them living here and I came to a conclusion after a while of considering it.

My conclusion is, it's not what I'm used to. I grew up in an area that is almost all blue collar, conservative, white people. I don't even like being around white people from like new York City, Chicago or los Angeles.

I like being around blue collar, Republican conservatives, country people that are white because I spent the first 25 years of my life around them during my formative years.

They speak like I do, have a similar mentality, same customs, similar viewpoints, look similar to me, and so on. I know where I stand with them and vice versa. We have a unspoken familiarity between us.

But all these new people that come in, especially blacks and browns show no signs of wanting to conform to their new home or community. That goes for white people from cities as well.

I think that's a big reason why countries like Switzerland have such a high rate of education, high employment, very little to no violent crime and overall a happier society. You can't even get into Switzerland unless you pay, speak the language fluently and understand their customs. It ensures a society of people who are similar to each other so they feel more comfortable with less friction.
the truth is everyone is racist,, the big question is are you a racist in a negative way,,
I think there are a lot of people like me in America that are racist, but not racist. I'm curious to see if anyone here is in the same boat as me.

In the past year or so there has been a rise in blacks and browns in my area and I find myself quite often seeing them and wish they weren't here. It's not some irrational hatred or anything.

So I started think, why do I not like them living here and I came to a conclusion after a while of considering it.

My conclusion is, it's not what I'm used to. I grew up in an area that is almost all blue collar, conservative, white people. I don't even like being around white people from like new York City, Chicago or los Angeles.

I like being around blue collar, Republican conservatives, country people that are white because I spent the first 25 years of my life around them during my formative years.

They speak like I do, have a similar mentality, same customs, similar viewpoints, look similar to me, and so on. I know where I stand with them and vice versa. We have a unspoken familiarity between us.

But all these new people that come in, especially blacks and browns show no signs of wanting to conform to their new home or community. That goes for white people from cities as well.

I think that's a big reason why countries like Switzerland have such a high rate of education, high employment, very little to no violent crime and overall a happier society. You can't even get into Switzerland unless you pay, speak the language fluently and understand their customs. It ensures a society of people who are similar to each other so they feel more comfortable with less friction.
While I agree with your points on why you feel comfortable with people who "look and act like you." I also understand why brown and black people feel the same. The disconnect seems to be when one attempts to force their culture on the other and an unfortunate fact of life is that all of these cultures try to do it to varying degrees. It is a conundrum that society has been wrestling with for a long time. I am a proponent of live and let live with a government that treats ALL cultures and ethnicities with EXACT EQUALITY.
I think there are a lot of people like me in America that are racist, but not racist. I'm curious to see if anyone here is in the same boat as me.

In the past year or so there has been a rise in blacks and browns in my area and I find myself quite often seeing them and wish they weren't here. It's not some irrational hatred or anything.

So I started think, why do I not like them living here and I came to a conclusion after a while of considering it.

My conclusion is, it's not what I'm used to. I grew up in an area that is almost all blue collar, conservative, white people. I don't even like being around white people from like new York City, Chicago or los Angeles.

I like being around blue collar, Republican conservatives, country people that are white because I spent the first 25 years of my life around them during my formative years.

They speak like I do, have a similar mentality, same customs, similar viewpoints, look similar to me, and so on. I know where I stand with them and vice versa. We have a unspoken familiarity between us.

But all these new people that come in, especially blacks and browns show no signs of wanting to conform to their new home or community. That goes for white people from cities as well.

I think that's a big reason why countries like Switzerland have such a high rate of education, high employment, very little to no violent crime and overall a happier society. You can't even get into Switzerland unless you pay, speak the language fluently and understand their customs. It ensures a society of people who are similar to each other so they feel more comfortable with less friction.
I am not racist I hate all humans
affirmative action is an example of negative way,,

it doesnt help those its supposed to help but makes them more dependent on handouts and special treatment and they never learn to stand on their own feet or teach their children to do the same,,,
Is it simply when things are supposed to help a "race" but doesn't?

If so, I don't think that's what you truly mean, so again, how's "racist in a negative way" defined?
Is it simply when things are supposed to help a "race" but doesn't?

If so, I don't think that's what you truly mean, so again, how's "racist in a negative way" defined?
those were never intended to help anyone,,

who are you to tell me what I think???
I think there are a lot of people like me in America that are racist, but not racist. I'm curious to see if anyone here is in the same boat as me.

In the past year or so there has been a rise in blacks and browns in my area and I find myself quite often seeing them and wish they weren't here. It's not some irrational hatred or anything.

So I started think, why do I not like them living here and I came to a conclusion after a while of considering it.

My conclusion is, it's not what I'm used to. I grew up in an area that is almost all blue collar, conservative, white people. I don't even like being around white people from like new York City, Chicago or los Angeles.

I like being around blue collar, Republican conservatives, country people that are white because I spent the first 25 years of my life around them during my formative years.

They speak like I do, have a similar mentality, same customs, similar viewpoints, look similar to me, and so on. I know where I stand with them and vice versa. We have a unspoken familiarity between us.

But all these new people that come in, especially blacks and browns show no signs of wanting to conform to their new home or community. That goes for white people from cities as well.

I think that's a big reason why countries like Switzerland have such a high rate of education, high employment, very little to no violent crime and overall a happier society. You can't even get into Switzerland unless you pay, speak the language fluently and understand their customs. It ensures a society of people who are similar to each other so they feel more comfortable with less friction.
Hell even I love it when I go up to Trump country because there aren't a lot of blacks up there. Isn't that horrible? It's their country too. Why can't they be up there? They can. But the fact is, when a lot of blacks move in, it changes things for the worse. It becomes a big city with problems. If just a few blacks move in, no problem.

I think the secret is, keep your town small. If there are no jobs for people to get, then new people won't move up to your area. But all these towns have mayors and city counsels that want to see business' move in and development. Next thing you know you need low income apartments like we have in my area. We need people to work at the strip mall business' and supermarkets. So if your town is growing, expect people from Detroit to want to get a job and move away from Detroit.

Keep in mind this though. Those people up there wouldn't even like it if my dad moved in. Because he has an accident. But me, I have assimilated so when I go up to Trump country, I fit right in. I'm white. Until they see my long Greek last name.
Hell even I love it when I go up to Trump country because there aren't a lot of blacks up there. Isn't that horrible? It's their country too. Why can't they be up there? They can. But the fact is, when a lot of blacks move in, it changes things for the worse. It becomes a big city with problems. If just a few blacks move in, no problem.

I think the secret is, keep your town small. If there are no jobs for people to get, then new people won't move up to your area. But all these towns have mayors and city counsels that want to see business' move in and development. Next thing you know you need low income apartments like we have in my area. We need people to work at the strip mall business' and supermarkets. So if your town is growing, expect people from Detroit to want to get a job and move away from Detroit.

Keep in mind this though. Those people up there wouldn't even like it if my dad moved in. Because he has an accident. But me, I have assimilated so when I go up to Trump country, I fit right in. I'm white. Until they see my long Greek last name.
Even the Obama's moved to a predominantly White area.
Even the Obama's moved to a predominantly White area.
Blacks only make up 20% (at most) of our population. Typically any city that has 20% blacks or less is a good city with a lot of family values blacks. Middle class. I think of Farmington Hills, MI or West Bloomfield.

So there is no predominantly black area in America that great.

Washington DC has the highest income blacks in America I believe. 41% black 38% white. High crime there.

Atlanta is a pretty nice city with a lot of blacks. The largest racial groups are white (45.7%), Black or African American (33.4%), two or more races (9.5%), and Asian (6.3%).

When I go up to Trump Country, I can't deny it. I love it. I'm white. White enough. I know the KKK wouldn't accept me but I have assimilated into white society. My father was a Greek immigrant. Can't shake the accent. But his sons today pretty much walk around and people assume we are "white". I may not agree with conservatives in Trump country when it comes to politics but that's because I live in a big city. They know nothing about that. So up in Trump country, they are right. Their politics make sense. There was no welfare in Mayberry. No major crime. Leave your doors unlocked. And no black boys dating your daughters.
It seems natural to want to live around people you are comfortable with, who look like you and share your views.

Being wary of people who look or act different wss probably built into us in our earliest days. A way to help us stay safe, and avoid potential enemies.

In view of the incredibly high number of crimes committed by blacks, it seems natural, and wise, to want to stay as far away from them as possible. That's not racist, it's using some common sense.
It seems natural to want to live around people you are comfortable with, who look like you and share your views.

Being wary of people who look or act different wss probably built into us in our earliest days. A way to help us stay safe, and avoid potential enemies.

In view of the high crime committed by blacks, it seems natural, and wise, to want to stay as far away from them as possible. That's not racist, it's using some common sense.
Knowing that if lots of them start moving in, there goes the neighborhood. Hopefully in my area whites don't move out and take all the economic opportunity with them. That happened to where I was born on 6 and Evergreen. Detroit. You know 8 mile is the dividing line between Detroit and the Burbs? As long as blacks stay only 20% of the population, things should be fine. Any more, there goes the neighborhood.
It seems natural to want to live around people you are comfortable with, who look like you and share your views.

Being wary of people who look or act different wss probably built into us in our earliest days. A way to help us stay safe, and avoid potential enemies.

In view of the incredibly high number of crimes committed by blacks, it seems natural, and wise, to want to stay as far away from them as possible. That's not racist, it's using some common sense.
And criminals are being emboldened by lib NYC’s soft-on-crime approach. Just this morning - a 55-year-old was stabbed to death in a bus after getting into an argument.

My advice: If you MUST be in NY and out on city streets, speak to nobody, look nobody in the eye, and stay off of public transportation. Travel in groups. Carry a $20 bill in case a thug wants some money. Be home before dark.
Racists who try to rationalize their racism are not only vile, but also ridiculous.

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