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Im really beginning to think some people can not think or listen, simply because

what a relief...

Im sure the rotation of the earth can resume now..
I have a problem with the argument. (In theory) We cant torture, we cant be as bad as the other side, because we wanna be moral.

#1 al queda and iran: are not going to treat our guys well.

#2 we have to be as bad or worse in order to win

#3 war is hell, we shouldnt pretend it isnt.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

you've given up the moral high ground by rationalizing the need to become exactly what you hate.... they can rationalize too..... it is true.
Look hunny, nazi youth, how adorable :)


Christian children:

Christian Violence:

and crazy Christian on Fox:

Truly you are obsessed. You try to say RSR is, but you are way over the top.

The videos I posted prove that fanatics come in all forms, not just the Palestinians.

First of all ActsNobleMartin is being unknowingly some what anti- Semitic by posting this thread against the true chosen people of Israel.

Today most people think of Jews as the people of Israel, but that is not correct. A Jew is properly a Judean. Judea in Jesus’ time was a region of southern Palestine, comprising what is now southern Israel and southwest Jordan. The most direct descendents of the biblical Hebrews are the present day Palestinians. The Palestinians are the true Semites.

About 800 AD there was a kingdom called Khazaria in the Caucasus mountains (Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan), and the King of Khazaria found himself in between the Christians on one side and the Muslims on the other. In order to keep both religions from trying to convert his people and still allow trade between all, the king ordered Khazaria to convert to Judaism. The plan worked for about 100 years. Khazaria eventually fell and the converted Jews migrated north into what is now Russia and west into what is now Poland. The Khazaria that migrated in to Europe became known as “Ashkenaz” because the main centers of learning were located in "Ashkenazi" which is now Germany.

Despite the religious beliefs, there is no direct genetic link between the God’s Chosen Biblical Hebrews (Palestinians) and the Caucasian Ashkenazi.

Those who call themselves Jews today are not the true descendants of the tribes of Israel. They aren’t true Jews in the sense of being descendants of Judea.

The Israeli Government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs defines an Israel as:
"An Israeli is a citizen of Israel, regardless of religion. A Jew is a person anywhere in the world born to a Jewish mother, or converted to Judaism, who is thus identified as a member of the Jewish people and religion. The term Israelite is purely Biblical."

It is the biblical Israelites that are the Semitic Jews. The descendants of the biblical Israelites are the Palestinians.

I reject the label of anti-Semite when directed at me. I do not hate the Palestinians, nor the descendants of Khazaria. I do hate Assholes and that is what the present Zionists are. Zionism is not a race or religion. It is a political philosophy that seeks world domination. Zionism has infiltrated the governments of Israel and the United States. Zionism is the New World Order.

I am a Cyber Paul Revere, and I am warning you, “The Zionists are coming!”

More found here on Khazaria:
The videos I posted prove that fanatics come in all forms, not just the Palestinians.

First of all ActsNobleMartin is being unknowingly some what anti- Semitic by posting this thread against the true chosen people of Israel.

Today most people think of Jews as the people of Israel, but that is not correct. A Jew is properly a Judean. Judea in Jesus’ time was a region of southern Palestine, comprising what is now southern Israel and southwest Jordan. The most direct descendents of the biblical Hebrews are the present day Palestinians. The Palestinians are the true Semites.

About 800 AD there was a kingdom called Khazaria in the Caucasus mountains (Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan), and the King of Khazaria found himself in between the Christians on one side and the Muslims on the other. In order to keep both religions from trying to convert his people and still allow trade between all, the king ordered Khazaria to convert to Judaism. The plan worked for about 100 years. Khazaria eventually fell and the converted Jews migrated north into what is now Russia and west into what is now Poland. The Khazaria that migrated in to Europe became known as “Ashkenaz” because the main centers of learning were located in "Ashkenazi" which is now Germany.

Despite the religious beliefs, there is no direct genetic link between the God’s Chosen Biblical Hebrews (Palestinians) and the Caucasian Ashkenazi.

Those who call themselves Jews today are not the true descendants of the tribes of Israel. They aren’t true Jews in the sense of being descendants of Judea.

The Israeli Government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs defines an Israel as:
"An Israeli is a citizen of Israel, regardless of religion. A Jew is a person anywhere in the world born to a Jewish mother, or converted to Judaism, who is thus identified as a member of the Jewish people and religion. The term Israelite is purely Biblical."

It is the biblical Israelites that are the Semitic Jews. The descendants of the biblical Israelites are the Palestinians.

I reject the label of anti-Semite when directed at me. I do not hate the Palestinians, nor the descendants of Khazaria. I do hate Assholes and that is what the present Zionists are. Zionism is not a race or religion. It is a political philosophy that seeks world domination. Zionism has infiltrated the governments of Israel and the United States. Zionism is the New World Order.

I am a Cyber Paul Revere, and I am warning you, “The Zionists are coming!”

More found here on Khazaria:

The fault in your premise is there are no true Palestinians. True Palestinians existed centuries ago, came from the Southern Med, and were assimilated by Arabs. Those falsely claiming to be Palestinians are in actuality, Transjordan Arabs.

So, those currently claiming to be Palestinian could not be "true semites."
The fault in your premise is there are no true Palestinians. True Palestinians existed centuries ago, came from the Southern Med, and were assimilated by Arabs. Those falsely claiming to be Palestinians are in actuality, Transjordan Arabs.

So, those currently claiming to be Palestinian could not be "true semites."

Under your argument, you and I should rightfully give back the land our homes are on to Native Americans. The problems in doing so are that neither you or I took anything from the Native Americans. That was before our time. If we tried to give our land back, were would we find the rightful owners?

The Canaanites were the earliest recorded inhabitants of that area. The migrated there from the Arabian Peninsula in the third millennium BC. Later came Hebrews descendants of biblical Patriarch Eber. Also settling in the area that later became Philistine were Romans, Arabs, and European Crusaders. Due to intermarrying, over thousands of years, this process formed the people that became Palestinians. I don't know at what point you are referring to with TransJordans, but the people that had been there for thousands of years didn't just get up and leave the area to those TransJorans. They were many thousands of years before the Europeans Jews came in in 1948.

Since the creation of Israel (“al Nakba“) by Zionist forces with the aid of the US and Britain in 1948, Israel has continued to expand by illegal land grabs.

Now as in this time frame, the Israelis continue evicting people from the home that they and their families have owned for centuries. The rightful owners are available to have their land returned. If that were to happen and it should, the land would be retuned without the house, as the house has been bulldozed.

I don’t know about you, but if someone stole my home and killed members of my family, I would be angry enough to kill. After being forced in to a slum and deprived of a decent standard of living, I might possibly strike back wanting revenge, even if it meant my own death to take some of the bastards that took my reasons for living away.

We hear about the Holocaust over and over. Right now Israel is committing a Holocaust, and Fox News and all of the corporate media bastards aren’t saying a damn word.

Don’t give me any crap about the media being biased to the left as RSR does. When have you heard one word on the media about the Impeachment Articles filed against Cheney?
Under your argument, you and I should rightfully give back the land our homes are on to Native Americans. The problems in doing so are that neither you or I took anything from the Native Americans. That was before our time. If we tried to give our land back, were would we find the rightful owners?

The Canaanites were the earliest recorded inhabitants of that area. The migrated there from the Arabian Peninsula in the third millennium BC. Later came Hebrews descendants of biblical Patriarch Eber. Also settling in the area that later became Philistine were Romans, Arabs, and European Crusaders. Due to intermarrying, over thousands of years, this process formed the people that became Palestinians. I don't know at what point you are referring to with TransJordans, but the people that had been there for thousands of years didn't just get up and leave the area to those TransJorans. They were many thousands of years before the Europeans Jews came in in 1948.

Since the creation of Israel (“al Nakba“) by Zionist forces with the aid of the US and Britain in 1948, Israel has continued to expand by illegal land grabs.

Now as in this time frame, the Israelis continue evicting people from the home that they and their families have owned for centuries. The rightful owners are available to have their land returned. If that were to happen and it should, the land would be retuned without the house, as the house has been bulldozed.

I don’t know about you, but if someone stole my home and killed members of my family, I would be angry enough to kill. After being forced in to a slum and deprived of a decent standard of living, I might possibly strike back wanting revenge, even if it meant my own death to take some of the bastards that took my reasons for living away.

We hear about the Holocaust over and over. Right now Israel is committing a Holocaust, and Fox News and all of the corporate media bastards aren’t saying a damn word.

Don’t give me any crap about the media being biased to the left as RSR does. When have you heard one word on the media about the Impeachment Articles filed against Cheney?

"Under my argument," Transjordan becaem spoils of war for the victors after WWI. The victors sliced up Transjordan, and included a a homeland for the Jews. It was about as far away from the UK as they could get them.

The US and the UK did not physically help the Jews establish Israel. The UK balked and did nothing, and the US opposed it. Israel expanded by occupying strategic portions of land as the result of acts of aggression against Israel.

Arabs do not recognize borders in the ME except as an excuse to kill each other. No one was forced into slums. Those Arabs were free to hop on their camels and go pitch their tents wherever they wanted.

If members of your family tried to kill me and they got killed instead, I wouldn't give a rat's ass What you thought. You could just be "next."

The "holocaust" you claim Israel is committing is bullshit. They aren't trying ot wipe Arabs from the face fo the Earth. You conveniently ignore who is waging a suicidal war of genocide against who.

I don't know about youo, but my people had bee the victims of attempted genocide in Europe and religious persecution world-wide, and somebody gave me a chunk of land to call my own, I'd destroy anyone-and-thing that tried to destroy me and mine and/or take what is mine.

The media has covered that nutjob Kucinich's articles of impeachment quite well. Has nothing to do with this topic.
"Under my argument," Transjordan becaem spoils of war for the victors after WWI. The victors sliced up Transjordan, and included a a homeland for the Jews. It was about as far away from the UK as they could get them.

The US and the UK did not physically help the Jews establish Israel. The UK balked and did nothing, and the US opposed it. Israel expanded by occupying strategic portions of land as the result of acts of aggression against Israel.

Arabs do not recognize borders in the ME except as an excuse to kill each other. No one was forced into slums. Those Arabs were free to hop on their camels and go pitch their tents wherever they wanted.

If members of your family tried to kill me and they got killed instead, I wouldn't give a rat's ass What you thought. You could just be "next."

The "holocaust" you claim Israel is committing is bullshit. They aren't trying ot wipe Arabs from the face fo the Earth. You conveniently ignore who is waging a suicidal war of genocide against who.

I don't know about youo, but my people had bee the victims of attempted genocide in Europe and religious persecution world-wide, and somebody gave me a chunk of land to call my own, I'd destroy anyone-and-thing that tried to destroy me and mine and/or take what is mine.

The media has covered that nutjob Kucinich's articles of impeachment quite well. Has nothing to do with this topic.

I do agree with "I don't know about youo, but my people had bee the victims of attempted genocide in Europe and religious persecution world-wide, and somebody gave me a chunk of land to call my own, I'd destroy anyone-and-thing that tried to destroy me and mine and/or take what is mine."

I tape NBC new each evening, there has been no mention of Impeaching Cheney yet.

Fox News website:

You said, "If members of your family tried to kill me and they got killed instead, I wouldn't give a rat's ass What you thought. You could just be "next." If you are refering to Palestinians/Israeli's, I can understand your bias and mistaken views because you rely on the Zionist controlled media.
Okay I hear you snorting and whatever, you can hem and haw all you want, or watch this proof -I really don't believe a man with a closed mind will, but if that is not you, then watch this:

You said, "The "holocaust" you claim Israel is committing is bullshit. They aren't trying ot wipe Arabs from the face fo the Earth. You conveniently ignore who is waging a suicidal war of genocide against who."

No they aren't try to Arabs of the face of the Earth, they are trying to drive them out of their land. And the Arabs/Iranians aren't trying to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. That was a lie. We can spin our wheeld discussing this again but that would be a waste of my motorcycle riding time. So believe what ever you want.

Here are some of your so called Palestinian terrorists:


OOPS! That one is Fake!

Let's try again











Their homes destroyed



















No Slums????

They weren't born with Hatred, Their Hatred was Created by Israeli treatment.


Mossad Motto 'By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War'

Mossad - The Israeli
Connection To 911
By Christopher Bollyn
Exclusive to American Free Press

U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of evidence pointing to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, being involved in the terror attacks of 9/11.

From the very morning aircraft smashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon, news reports have indicated Israeli intelligence being involved in the events of 9/11 - and the planting of "false flags" to blame Arab terrorists and mold public opinion to support the pre-planned "war on terror."

Shortly after the destruction of the twin towers, radio news reports described five "Middle Eastern men" being arrested in New Jersey after having been seen videotaping and celebrating the explosive "collapses" of the WTC.

These men, from a phony moving company in Weehawken, N.J., turned out to be agents of Israeli military intelligence, Mossad. Furthermore, their "moving van" tested positive for explosives.

Dominic Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems, the phony "moving company," fled in haste, or was allowed to escape, to Israel before FBI agents could interrogate him. The Israeli agents were later returned to Israel on minor visa violations.

The Assistant Attorney General in charge of criminal investigations at the time was Michael Chertoff, the current head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. Chertoff, the son of the first hostess of Israel's national air carrier, El Al, is thought to be an Israeli national.

One of the Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent to "document the event" - the event which took the lives of some 3,000 Americans.

Despite the fact that the Israelis arrested in New Jersey evidently had prior knowledge or were involved in the planning of 9/11, the U.S. mainstream media has never even broached the question of Israeli complicity in the attacks.
MORE....... http://www.rense.com/general64/moss.htm
You should be fucking banned for causing me to have to scroll down through that lot, wasting valuable seconds of my fucking life.......bastard.
why does paul ignore the fact that palestinian terrorists live in high civilian areas. Thus using civilians as human shields, Then, after civilians die, the palestians terrorists use the kids, and women, as political propaganda to swey many, some who already have a bias against israel.

Also, what is israel supposed to do, wait around for palestinian terrorist and arab and islamic terrorists (who kill jews, christians and muslims, in other countries) to blow up their kids, women and children?. I understand that no army, or country is perfect, but to act as if the israeli army is going out to kill innocent people is intellectually dishonest, and factually incorect.

Why isnt paul revere concerned with innocent christians killed and kicked out of lebanon, other muslims countries, and the palestinian territories, why isnt he concerned with innocent jews being killed by homicide bombers.

This is the most one-side blatantly false proganda, ive ever seen, I might as well go on the neo-nazi sites.

How about you answer my questions paul
you tell it like it is, Gunny. bravo.

the towns of Nazareth and Akko, for example, are populated by arab muslims and christians who are Israeli citizens. They have representation on the Knesset....they are players in Israeli politics. That is because, along about 1948, when the arab league told them to leave their homes and go spend a few weeks in Damascus while the arab world made short work of those silly jews and then they could come back, the folks in Nazareth took a pass, stayed where they were and are now Israelis.... arab muslim and christian israelis. and the ones that did go to damascus for a few weeks died there and their families are still there and israeli jews are farming their land for them. Bottom line: if you bet the farm and lose, you lose the farm. tough shit.

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