I'm sorry, you aren't born with a womb and ovaries, you aren't a woman


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)—LPGA players have voted to allow transgender players to compete on tour in response to a lawsuit filed by a California woman who had her sex changed five years ago.

The players voted to remove the “female at birth” requirement from the tour’s constitution at a year-end meeting at the LPGA Tour Championship, commissioner Michael Whan said. He said steps will be taken in the coming weeks to make the change.

Lana Lawless, a former police officer who had the sex change operation, filed the federal lawsuit in San Francisco in October claiming the “female at birth” requirement violated California’s civil rights law. The 57-year-old Lawless wanted to prevent the LPGA from conducting tournaments in the state until it changed its policy and was seeking unspecified damages.

LPGA to change gender requirement - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

I don't care how they surgically alter you, you aren't a woman. They can't give you a womb, or ovaries or any of the real things that make you a woman. They can only "simulate" it.

And not even very well. Look at the guy (above) He doesn't even look that much like a woman. I mean you can tell that's a guy.

And besides that, this is extremely unfair to REAL WOMEN. There is a reason there are different leagues (or whatever you call it) for Golf (like in any other sport). Men would have an unfair advantage over women, because of their physical strength.

But you surgically alter a man and suddenly this makes all things on an even keel? I don't think so.

If I were the women players in Golf, I wouldn't cowtow to this. They should fight this.

This is just another example of the insanity of political correctness.

Just insane!
I agree that it could be unfair to the other women on the tour. While accuracy is common across both men and women, the big diffrence is distance, especially on driving. I wouldnt be suprised if she outdistanced the other competitiors by a substantial margin.

Notice I have no issue calling her a "she." That isnt the issue, the issue is letting her compete in a sport that is gender segregated for a reason.
I agree.

If you weren't born a woman, you cannot compete in atheletic events with women who were.

I have no problem with transgender folks, but I do not think it fair that a trannie whose bone structure is male gets to compete with authentic women.

It just is not fair.
Nice to see the LPGA has embraced the anti retard discrimination act and has actually put retards in charge.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)—LPGA players have voted to allow transgender players to compete on tour in response to a lawsuit filed by a California woman who had her sex changed five years ago.

The players voted to remove the “female at birth” requirement from the tour’s constitution at a year-end meeting at the LPGA Tour Championship, commissioner Michael Whan said. He said steps will be taken in the coming weeks to make the change.

Lana Lawless, a former police officer who had the sex change operation, filed the federal lawsuit in San Francisco in October claiming the “female at birth” requirement violated California’s civil rights law. The 57-year-old Lawless wanted to prevent the LPGA from conducting tournaments in the state until it changed its policy and was seeking unspecified damages.

LPGA to change gender requirement - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

I don't care how they surgically alter you, you aren't a woman. They can't give you a womb, or ovaries or any of the real things that make you a woman. They can only "simulate" it.

And not even very well. Look at the guy (above) He doesn't even look that much like a woman. I mean you can tell that's a guy.

And besides that, this is extremely unfair to REAL WOMEN. There is a reason there are different leagues (or whatever you call it) for Golf (like in any other sport). Men would have an unfair advantage over women, because of their physical strength.

But you surgically alter a man and suddenly this makes all things on an even keel? I don't think so.

If I were the women players in Golf, I wouldn't cowtow to this. They should fight this.

This is just another example of the insanity of political correctness.

Just insane!

I'm so happy that YOU have been designated as the Arbitrator of such things, TeePee.
These sorts of things aren't limited to transgender issues.

Read a while ago - think it was in Sports Illustrated - about some high school or college guys turning the tables on decisions to allow women to participate in traditionally male sports like football. After a bit of argument some guys were allowed to join a women's field hockey team at some school. They gladly donned the cute little pleated skirt uniforms and proceeded to kick the females' asses all over the field.

Dumb decisions have consequences.
TPS's idea of a real woman


LPGA to change gender requirement - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

I don't care how they surgically alter you, you aren't a woman. They can't give you a womb, or ovaries or any of the real things that make you a woman. They can only "simulate" it.

And not even very well. Look at the guy (above) He doesn't even look that much like a woman. I mean you can tell that's a guy.

And besides that, this is extremely unfair to REAL WOMEN. There is a reason there are different leagues (or whatever you call it) for Golf (like in any other sport). Men would have an unfair advantage over women, because of their physical strength.

But you surgically alter a man and suddenly this makes all things on an even keel? I don't think so.

If I were the women players in Golf, I wouldn't cowtow to this. They should fight this.

This is just another example of the insanity of political correctness.

Just insane!

Are you also against women competing in leagues that have historically only been composed of men?

LPGA to change gender requirement - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

I don't care how they surgically alter you, you aren't a woman. They can't give you a womb, or ovaries or any of the real things that make you a woman. They can only "simulate" it.

And not even very well. Look at the guy (above) He doesn't even look that much like a woman. I mean you can tell that's a guy.

And besides that, this is extremely unfair to REAL WOMEN. There is a reason there are different leagues (or whatever you call it) for Golf (like in any other sport). Men would have an unfair advantage over women, because of their physical strength.

But you surgically alter a man and suddenly this makes all things on an even keel? I don't think so.

If I were the women players in Golf, I wouldn't cowtow to this. They should fight this.

This is just another example of the insanity of political correctness.

Just insane!

Are you also against women competing in leagues that have historically only been composed of men?

If we're going to HAVE such a thing as sports limited by gender, then it behooves us to actually limit those events to people of the same gender, don't you think?

Of course, the question of whether or not we should have women's and men's sports is entirely a different question.

Personally, I think we ought to have gender-specific sports.

And for those who think that such a thing is an abomination and sexist?

Well let them play in leagues where gender is NOT an issue.

There's no reason whatever we cannot offer both options, is there?
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If we're going to HAVE such a thing as sports limited by gender, then it behooves us to actually limit those events to people of the same gender, don't you think?

Of course, the question of whether or not we should have women's and men's sports is entirely a different question.

Personally, I think we ought to have gender-specific sports.

And for those who think that such a thing is an abomination and sexist?

Well let them play in leagues where gender is NOT an issue.

There's no reason whatever we cannot offer both options, is there?

I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. I think gender-specific sports often create a situation where the male league has way more funding than the equivalent female league. By preventing women in competing in men leagues, the consequence is that women are also excluded from organisations with more funding.

Anyways, if the argument is one of fairness (as to why there should be gender based leagues), it seems to me that weight and height must play an even bigger role. I'm not sure a blanket gender rule is very precise either.
If we're going to HAVE such a thing as sports limited by gender, then it behooves us to actually limit those events to people of the same gender, don't you think?

Of course, the question of whether or not we should have women's and men's sports is entirely a different question.

Personally, I think we ought to have gender-specific sports.

And for those who think that such a thing is an abomination and sexist?

Well let them play in leagues where gender is NOT an issue.

There's no reason whatever we cannot offer both options, is there?

I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. I think gender-specific sports often create a situation where the male league has way more funding than the equivalent female league. By preventing women in competing in men leagues, the consequence is that women are also excluded from organisations with more funding.

Anyways, if the argument is one of fairness (as to why there should be gender based leagues), it seems to me that weight and height must play an even bigger role. I'm not sure a blanket gender rule is very precise either.

The 50th ranked mens basketball team would annihiate the top womens basketball team
Even in the same sport the games are drastically different. 99.99999% of competative women atheletes would never be able to make a men's team in an equivalent sport. If you wanted to have women play on mens teams you would need a quota.

The only real gender neutral sport is shooting.

Civil Rights issue?!?!


So once the all mighty penis is removed you stop having the strength of a man? hahahahah

So Sampson didn't get a hair cut then but a penis cut? hahahahaha

oh man, stoopid is as stoopid does
If we're going to HAVE such a thing as sports limited by gender, then it behooves us to actually limit those events to people of the same gender, don't you think?

Of course, the question of whether or not we should have women's and men's sports is entirely a different question.

Personally, I think we ought to have gender-specific sports.

And for those who think that such a thing is an abomination and sexist?

Well let them play in leagues where gender is NOT an issue.

There's no reason whatever we cannot offer both options, is there?

I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. I think gender-specific sports often create a situation where the male league has way more funding than the equivalent female league. By preventing women in competing in men leagues, the consequence is that women are also excluded from organisations with more funding.

Anyways, if the argument is one of fairness (as to why there should be gender based leagues), it seems to me that weight and height must play an even bigger role. I'm not sure a blanket gender rule is very precise either.

Womens soccer is WAY more famous than the mens.
Womens tennis and golf are on equal footing.
Womens volley all is tops over the mens

Only football and basketball are dominated by men. [ok baseball too, but I don't think they have a league]

If we made all things equal, which is impossible. Imagine a 260 pound running back with boob implants playing in womens football.

Civil Rights issue?!?!


So once the all mighty penis is removed you stop having the strength of a man? hahahahah

So Sampson didn't get a hair cut then but a penis cut? hahahahaha

oh man, stoopid is as stoopid does

I guess you aren't aware of all the hormone therapy that goes on long before that last operation.

And strength (even diminished) is not everything in golf.

Civil Rights issue?!?!


So once the all mighty penis is removed you stop having the strength of a man? hahahahah

So Sampson didn't get a hair cut then but a penis cut? hahahahaha

oh man, stoopid is as stoopid does

I guess you aren't aware of all the hormone therapy that goes on long before that last operation.

And strength (even diminished) is not everything in golf.


Then why are there 2 different laegues?

It's b/c men are stronger and can therefore hit the ball further. At least on the pro level.

Are you honestly supporting this goon? Do you truly beleive that getting it cut off stops you from being a man?

This is Riplies Bleive it or Not kind of news.
My sister in law doesn't have a uterus or ovaries, is she not a woman?

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