I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

No I just threw that in about Europe, because it got shuned alot and ended up more insiteful than we gave it credit.
Oh and the stuff I left out even Fox news didn't know about or at least never shared that I know of.
I was on the WH press release email list:
Stuff like this goes unnoticed:
In fact it influenced a present day recent search and rescue effort, because my piece on this info I received in those briefings, embarrassed them to act.

When Joe Biden was a child, he always chose to be the cowboy and never the Indian when playing Cowboys and Indians.

He admitted this to Kamala Harris who replied: "Joe, you do realize I'm a different kind of Indian, right?" *Joke*

Seriously though the Dems glossed over for years Native American Issues:

“From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. Here in our own country, presidents of both parties have tried and failed to find lasting solutions,” Rose Dunleavy writes in U.S. News & World Report.

“To his credit, President Donald Trump has remained committed to our cause.”

Justice remains out of reach for so many Indigenous victims of violence. Scores of families are left to wonder if their mother or daughter will ever be found or their killer apprehended. From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. To his credit, President Trump was committed to The Native American cause. The DOJ under Trump awarded over $560 million in grants to support public safety, crime victims &youth programs in tribal communities.

When Attorney General William Barr visited rural Alaska 2 years or so ago, he took their concerns seriously, joining their efforts by declaring a public safety emergency and devoting tens of millions of dollars to combating crime and assisting victims.

More importantly, he took their plight to the president, who responded by creating Operation Lady Justice, a historic nationwide effort to bring justice to missing and murdered Indigenous people. The job of the task force is to develop protocols to handle unsolved missing or murdered persons cases, and to provide closure to the many families who have gone without it for far too long.

One summer in the Trump Administration, the task force accomplished a major milestone with the opening of a cold case office in Anchorage, Alaska. This new office joined five existing Operation Lady Justice offices in Arizona, Montana and several other important locations. These are tangible resources that represent a long-term commitment to our nation's first peoples.

The former president also had called for much-needed reforms to the Indian Health Service. Last year, then First Lady Melania Trump was briefed on a White House task force's recommendations for eliminating child abuse in a system that serves 2.6 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The task force's 10 recommendations range from annual awareness training conducted by child welfare experts to withholding pay from retired employees convicted of exploiting children. The administration stands ready to implement these common sense solutions to ensure the terrible abuses seen in the past are never repeated.

So while Biden is supporting and protecting the abuses of woman and Children, and his administration shows a contrast between search efforts for missing white woman compared to the efforts given other races, Trump was focused on the plight of these abuses and actually did something about it, protecting the people that the Dems have long forgotten for years.

- - also research
Missing and exploited in ohio saved
Operation Autumn Hope,
Operation Safety Net
Ok, while it is a good thing to protect women and girls from disgusting creatures, I must say that I also always chose to be a cowboy. This is not a racist but a cultural matter, we were kids, it has never been political.
Ok, while it is a good thing to protect women and girls from disgusting creatures, I must say that I also always chose to be a cowboy. This is not a racist but a cultural matter, we were kids, it has never been political.
That's fine because today they'd see it as racist to honor another complexion by trying it on, like Trudeau did.
Yes, but HaShev ’s whataboutism ain’t gonna work when Trump is indicted for the January 6 insurrection and fake electors scheme to overturn the election by disrupting a congressional proceeding. There is no other “what about that” in the history of mankind.

Jack Smith picked a lot of low hanging fruit on the Mar-a-Lago indictment. Even the Trump Judge Trump and A Trump
jury will have to convict.
Only Fear of the Consequences Will Stop These Legalized Assassins
I believe 2 Chinese nationals were apprehended wandering about the building or something a few years ago?
That was in 2019. This simple points out the lack of security at Mar A Lago. Each year thousands of members as well as friends, supporters, business associates visit the property. The secret service is primarily engaged in screening these guests to protect the president. The overall security certainly is a lot less the president's former residence.

By federal law all security documents must be securely stored. Some of these documents were Top Secret SCI requiring special handing, access and storage. According to the indictment unsealed on Friday, documents were found in a storage room, but also in a shower, an office, a bedroom and even a ballroom. It appears Trump paid about as much attention to the safe keeping of America's secrets as he did as he did newspapers and magazines.
Don't be fooled by pictures of boxes, like the scattered papers were proven staged and narrative set to prosecute in the public eye not the court room, so too is the boxes. Everyone has boxes, the only dumped contents we could see were news papers not classified docs. There is no knowledge of the contents of boxes and what they did or did not store or even where they came from since he moved from NY offices too. For all you know the boxes could be bathroom related moved from WH or NY to a spare bath to be sorted. If it were docs that were important, it would have been addressed the first 2 times they came out and they would have required restorage or lock of the bathroom as a storage.
Because they have a track record of fake staging and fake news, one can't trust anything until it's all out in defense or from the lawyers informing us.
Furthermore what thr Media has been calling risk to our security classified docs might have been at one time but the events they depict are long gone and it's no longer classified info, we either did what the papers said we might do at the time or we didn't, and that news already exists openly. If it was classified and security risk then the media would have been sgut down and arrested a while ago. ONCE AGAIN BY CALLING PAST TENSE THINGS PRESENT RISKS IS ALL TACTICAL POLITICAL VENGEANCE. It's all propaganda and intimidation.
It's also a smokescreen when you realize not one outlet covered the Hunter & Burisma terrorist campaign scheme that his fathers loose doc fiasco helped support. Now that there is a security threat being covered by deflection.
Yes pictures of the boxes are without designation. That is how they were stored. However, in the Grand Jury charging document you will find the following in the General Allegations:

2. Over the course of his presidency, TRUMP gathered newspapers, press clippings, letters, notes, cards, photographs, official documents, and other materials in cardboard boxes that he kept in the White House. Among the materials TRUMP stored in his boxes were hundreds o fclassified documents.

3. The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods.
The number of documents and their classification is listed in various sections of the charging document below.

You do realize Bush and Obama and Clinton archives have 0 secret service, right? And Biden's Library not only doesn't have protection, but it's financed by China donations. 🙆
Evidence shows the University of Pennsylvania has received donations from China. However, the claim that the Penn Biden Center is directly Chinese-funded is somewhat misleading. The Center is paid for by the university, of which funding from donors makes a fraction of total contributions, and donations from China are an even smaller fraction of that. Currently, there is no public evidence that the Penn Biden Center is directly funded by donations from China.

Fact Check: Is Penn Biden Center "China-funded" as Donald Trump claims?
HaShev is trying too hard. Trump is toast.
I don't think Trump is toast but I think the republican chances of wining in 2024 are if they nominate Trump again. Biden is beatable but not by Trump. Biden beat Trump significantly in 2020 and there is nothing Trump has done that will make him more attractive to voters. His January 6th behavior shows he is not fit to be president and his mishandling of classified documents show he can't be trusted with the security of the country. Trump simply has too much baggage to be elected. He is the only republican' nominee that will cause republicans to stay home on election day and democrats turningout in large numbers..

I guess as a democrat, I should be hoping for a Trump nomination but I just can't do that.
Biden is beatable but not by Trump. Biden beat Trump significantly in 2020 and there is nothing Trump has done that will make him more attractive to voters.
There is something Trump has done that makes him very unattractive to a very serious number of general election women voters - appointed the three additional Catholics on the USSC who overturned Roe’s reproductive rights for women when they live in white extremist Christian MAGA Red states.
Yes pictures of the boxes are without designation. That is how they were stored. However, in the Grand Jury charging document you will find the following in the General Allegations:

2. Over the course of his presidency, TRUMP gathered newspapers, press clippings, letters, notes, cards, photographs, official documents, and other materials in cardboard boxes that he kept in the White House. Among the materials TRUMP stored in his boxes were hundreds o fclassified documents.

3. The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods.
The number of documents and their classification is listed in various sections of the charging document below.

Which boxes where? Old classified now declassified or now open info that you would have to charge MSM for divulging on air? According to this word play, you must be illegally storing classified docs because you have "boxes" in your house and you are drawing those false narrative parallels. Once again the only proof of contents of that specific group of boxes was news papers and the feds already scoured and removed the docs it wanted, so that's a false premise.
The Presidential records act makes it as only can be a civil not criminal charge.
The DOJ knows this therefore it's a tactic like the others to 1)intimidate 2) obstruct
3)trial in the public opinion with their controlled narrative 4)and tie him up from proper campaigning thus manipulate and hijack the democratic process.
Hence my meme:

Now about your boxes in your attic and basement, any coctail napkins we need to report? 😄
Which boxes where? Old classified now declassified or now open info that you would have to charge MSM for divulging on air? According to this word play, you must be illegally storing classified docs because you have "boxes" in your house and you are drawing those false narrative parallels. Once again the only proof of contents of that specific group of boxes was news papers and the feds already scoured and removed the docs it wanted, so that's a false premise.
The Presidential records act makes it as only can be a civil not criminal charge.
The DOJ knows this therefore it's a tactic like the others to 1)intimidate 2) obstruct
3)trial in the public opinion with their controlled narrative 4)and tie him up from proper campaigning thus manipulate and hijack the democratic process.
Hence my meme: View attachment 794954

Now about your boxes in your attic and basement, any coctail napkins we need to report? 😄

The PRA isn't Trump's problem. Not returning classified documents is. As is sharing them with others.
The PRA isn't Trump's problem. Not returning classified documents is. As is sharing them with others.
They took everything they wanted, it wasn't until the heat was on the FBI IRS and DOJ regarding Hunter's financial records court ordered to be turned over the day before did he get suddenly raided instead of another request and visit. "Now we know" why the financial records made them intimidate to obstruct, because they held the clues to unraveling everything. You are supposed to get that now "hello McFly, is anybody home?" This is simpleton stuff, and the news media has the worst investigative reporters ever in the history of broadcast news to miss the obvious or they are in on the corruption and getting paid.
Recap: Hunters records court ordered handed over hours later retaliatory raid to make a statement of off limits on the crime family....Bribe doc to be turned over, same thing next day Trump Indictment retatliation to intimidate abd obstruct the Biden frimes cases...
Even deaf dumb and blind people can see hear and sense what'a going on, so what is your excuse and the medias excuse?
Good. The more that support him, the bigger he loses in 2024.

what you said makes no sense unless you're saying democrats cheat.
"The more that support him the bigger he loses in 2024"
More proof of democrat cheating.
Common sense is the more support him the bigger the win.
Do you think Trump did not mishandle government documents? I have been watching Fox this morning and several Trump followers have said...Biden...Hillary...Obama and on and on, but no one has said he did not do what he is accused of.
It's moot since Clinton never was indicted for doing far worse and with no presidential authority. And let's not forget senator Biden with no authority to have any documents in his home. It's all moot
Why not? So's everyone else.
Who has obstructed Justice by stealing something and then getting caught red-handed lying to the FBI that he sent all the highly sensitive classified documents back to their rightful owner and then told his employees to move the stolen stuff around so his lawyers couldn’t find them? Who else did that? nf.23.06.14 #539
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Who has obstructed Justice by stealing something and then getting caught red-handed lying to the FBI that he sent all highly sensitive classified documents to their rightful owner and then told his employees to move the stolen stuff around so his lawyers couldn’t find them? Who else did that?
Funny shit Hillary obstructed why wasn't she indicted?

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