I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Funny shit Hillary obstructed why wasn't she indicted?
She never took nuclear secrets in Top Secret clearly marked files to an unauthorized location with the intent of keeping them and was never issued a search warrant to give them back. She had no reason to see the kind of spy work a POTUS had access to.
Funny shit
Somewhat true. At least, here in Southern Idaho...a lot of MAGA hats are gathering dust on shelves. I've heard several times that, while a guy is still very much Conservative..the Trump brand is just too hot..comes with too much baggage.
Trump is a blow-hard...and a lot of Idaho Repubs have always had issues with that..seeing a lot of DeSantis swag lately.
She never took nuclear secrets in Top Secret clearly marked files to an unauthorized location with the intent of keeping them and was never issued a search warrant to give them back. She had no reason to see the kind of spy work a POTUS had access to.
Can you prove she didn't take nuclear secrets? She had no authority to do what she did. She obstructed destroyed classified documents and phones bleach bit computer hard drives. So tell me you have proof she didn't do what you claim
Somewhat true. At least, here in Southern Idaho...a lot of MAGA hats are gathering dust on shelves. I've heard several times that, while a guy is still very much Conservative..the Trump brand is just too hot..comes with too much baggage.
Trump is a blow-hard...and a lot of Idaho Repubs have always had issues with that..seeing a lot of DeSantis swag lately.
Dream big little guy dream big
The agency does not send nuclear secrets around on emails. If she had a ‘need to know’ a nuclear secret while Secretary of State She leaves her phone and cameras outside and goes into a skiff to read them.
How do you know since she deleted her emails? And Clinton's home server wasn't in a skiff it was in a home closet
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They took everything they wanted, it wasn't until the heat was on the FBI IRS and DOJ regarding Hunter's financial records court ordered to be turned over the day before did he get suddenly raided instead of another request and visit. "Now we know" why the financial records made them intimidate to obstruct, because they held the clues to unraveling everything. You are supposed to get that now "hello McFly, is anybody home?" This is simpleton stuff, and the news media has the worst investigative reporters ever in the history of broadcast news to miss the obvious or they are in on the corruption and getting paid.
Recap: Hunters records court ordered handed over hours later retaliatory raid to make a statement of off limits on the crime family....Bribe doc to be turned over, same thing next day Trump Indictment retatliation to intimidate abd obstruct the Biden frimes cases...
Even deaf dumb and blind people can see hear and sense what'a going on, so what is your excuse and the medias excuse?

It took a year and a half and raiding Mar-a-Lago to retrieve them because Trump was not cooperating. He was caught hiding documents rather than returning them and caught lying about returning them. That's why he was charged and Pence was not.
It took a year and a half and raiding Mar-a-Lago to retrieve them because Trump was not cooperating. He was caught hiding documents rather than returning them and caught lying about returning them. That's why he was charged and Pence was not.
You say not cooperating only because you were told that by the ones obstructing the Biden corruption case that leads to their missconduct and criminal acts, but sources close say he was cooperating and it wasn't until the Hunter financial records were court ordered to be handed over did this raid become ordered by known perjurer A.G. Garland. I'd like to remind you that those financial documents also lead to corrupt factions of DOJ, FBI, and IRS that burried it for Biden. It did not sit well with them so they had a nothing to lose intimidation response.
You say not cooperating only because you were told that by the ones obstructing the Biden corruption case that leads to their missconduct and criminal acts, but sources close say he was cooperating and it wasn't until the Hunter financial records were court ordered to be handed over did this raid become ordered by known perjurer A.G. Garland.

Imbecile, it doesn't take a year and a half to return the documents when one is cooperating.

Again, according to the indictment, he was intentionally hiding some to avoid returning them. Nauta is going down with him for hiding them for him and lying to authorities about it. Even better, watch Nauta take a deal to flip on Trump.

Imbecile, it doesn't take a year and a half to return the documents when one is cooperating.

Again, according to the indictment, he was intentionally hiding some to avoid returning them. Nauta is going down with him for hiding them for him and lying to authorities about it. Even better, watch Nauta take a deal to flip on Trump.

Think about that, they were there with access and they never took documents you say year or more later they wanted, until: Hunters financial docs were to be handed over by "judge order", a file that we see unraveled the very same DOJ & FBI as corrupt, clear cut tit for tat obstruction. Your angry post helps prove you know it, but your ego is deflecting and in denial for the same survival mode the DOJ and factions of the FBI are.
How do you know
No one knows unless Qanon knows. And Trump’s Kremlin based hackers couldn’t find them so I’m good it’s accepted that she didn’t have them. But Trump told you again last night that he took the actual files with the intent to keep them. So prosecutors have all they need to prove Trump’s intent was to keep stolen materials and they have physical evidence with at least one conspirator that proves his actionable intent was to lie to the FBI and try to hide stolen property on his Mar A Lago mansion.

nf.23.06.14 #9,203 to barbnc
No one knows unless Qanon knows. And Trump’s Kremlin based hackers couldn’t find them so I’m good it’s accepted that she didn’t have them. But Trump told you again last night that he took the actual files with the intent to keep them. So prosecutors have all they need to prove Trump’s intent was to keep stolen materials and they have physical evidence with at least one conspirator that proves his actionable intent was to lie to the FBI and try to hide stolen property on his Mar A Lago mansion.

nf.23.06.14 #9,203 to barbnc
Since you love to ignore what you said when you have been corrected I will repost my post that you failed to address
"How do you know since she deleted her emails? And Clinton's home server wasn't in a skiff it was in a home closet"
If you think about it, that doesn't even make sense.

Bed wetter's can not think to begin with, so that's why they rarely if ever make any logical sense. Their entire perspective of reality isn't even rational, they believe in things don't exist, deny the existence of things that do even when they're being crushed by them and create cults of personality beneath criminal pieces of shit.

So there's that.

Think about that, they were there with access and they never took documents you say year or more later they wanted, until: Hunters financial docs were to be handed over by "judge order", a file that we see unraveled the very same DOJ & FBI as corrupt, clear cut tit for tat obstruction. Your angry post helps prove you know it, but your ego is deflecting and in denial for the same survival mode the DOJ and factions of the FBI are.

My post is not anger, it's disbelief that you post such nonsense. They were never there and left classified documents behind. They took every document Trump turned over. But they were told there were no more classified documents even though there were more.
Another aide to a rival presidential campaign, meanwhile, told NBC News that donors to rival campaigns are piling pressure on candidates to be more aggressive in going after the former president.​
However, the operative said that "none of them are taking that advice" for fear of angering Republican primary voters.​
Trump’s primary opponents will be watching polls on the MAGA primary voters as the reality of Trump’s crimes against national security become better known,

The donor class finance the MAGA cult’s devotion to the orange colored white people’s Jesus but they know he’s toast and will be a loser in a real courtroom where bs and lies and whataboutism and conspiracy theories mean nothing against charges that harm the national security if the nation that billionaires want protected and secrets kept close.

The donors will have more influence on wannabees to the replacement of the current GOP cult leader and presidential top contender.

As Trump support in the befuddled minds of MAGA cult mob wanes; the contenders will choose billionaires money over Trump cult love. PENCE JUST STARTED rolling the pebble that will become the avalanche of the political truth that Trump is toast and Jack Smith has the Orange Jesus by his Chinese made strap on balls. IT’s over
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Since you love to ignore what you said when you have been corrected I will repost my post that you failed to address
"How do you know since she deleted her emails? And Clinton's home server wasn't in a skiff it was in a home closet"

So what. She said she didn’t intentionally include any highly classified materials through that server and I believe her. On the other hand Trump told me multiple times he intentionally stole top top top secret files and that he intended to keep them stored next to a toilet.

So intent is everything and Trump has confessed.
Drip Drip Drip Drip

This concern only grew when it was revealed that the former president allegedly stashed many classified government documents at the resort, including top-secret papers related to nuclear weapons capabilities.

Now Forbes reports that foreign agents may have had an easy way into the resort, as it has found that Mar-a-Lago sought to employ 380 foreign workers from the years 2017 until 2022.

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