I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Not much of a reply to my post. I wrote { nf.23.06.12 #496 } “when Trump is indicted for the January 6 insurrection and fake electors scheme to overturn the election by disrupting a congressional proceeding. There is no other “what about that” in the history of mankind.”

Mr HaShev ignored that point in post { hshv.23.06.12 #497 }. If another indictment comes soon regarding the Jan6 & fake electors crimes by Trump there is no way to rely on bbbbut buuuttt but what about Hillary when she tried to overturn the election she lost.. {nf23.06.12 #498 }

You are on the wrong topic, we aren't discussing the Jan 6 nonsense.

When you say in post { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I am on the wrong topic because we are not discussing January 6 ; I must remind you that it is you who introduced whataboutism into the discussion. I am pointing out that whataboutism will not work on any of Trump’s potential criminal convictions. It won’t work as a defense in the Mar a Lago espionage and obstruction indictment because Biden Pence and Clinton cooperated and didn’t lie to the FBI with regard to classified documents illegally kept.

Trump’s “hiding and hoarding” is not Biden Clinton Pence “cooperating “.

You refuse to acknowledge the simple logical and factual point that “hiding and hoarding from the FBI” is not “cooperating with with the FBI.”

But we can’t discuss the above simple logic because you keep dragging us to Biden’s garage where no fucking “hiding and hoarding” took place when a Biden lawyers found some classified materials and and cooperated with the FBI to give them back.

{nf.23.06.12 #503 }
Not much of a reply to my post. I wrote { nf.23.06.12 #496 } “when Trump is indicted for the January 6 insurrection and fake electors scheme to overturn the election by disrupting a congressional proceeding. There is no other “what about that” in the history of mankind.”

Mr HaShev ignored that point in post { hshv.23.06.12 #497 }. If another indictment comes soon regarding the Jan6 & fake electors crimes by Trump there is no way to rely on bbbbut buuuttt but what about Hillary when she tried to overturn the election she lost.. {nf23.06.12 #498 }

When you say in post { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I am on the wrong topic because we are not discussing January 6 ; I must remind you that it is you who introduced whataboutism into the discussion. I am pointing out that whataboutism will not work on any of Trump’s potential criminal convictions. It won’t work as a defense in the Mar a Lago espionage and obstruction indictment because Biden Pence and Clinton cooperated and didn’t lie to the FBI with regard to classified documents illegally kept.

Trump’s “hiding and hoarding” is not Biden Clinton Pence “cooperating “.

You refuse to acknowledge the simple logical and factual point that “hiding and hoarding from the FBI” is not “cooperating with with the FBI.”

But we can’t discuss the above simple logic because you keep dragging us to Biden’s garage where no fucking “hiding and hoarding” took place when a Biden lawyers found some classified materials and and cooperated with the FBI to give them back.

{nf.23.06.12 #503 }
Glad I could help you have a conversation with yourself and tie you up in this forum, so you aren't in the streets stealing leggings and defacating on the curbs.

Yep, Psaki admitted nothing of the sort. And Mulvaney says Trump is going to prison.
Maybe you are confusing direct naming him and inadvertantly through her standard admitting it.
She said as long as you promote a peaceful protest, not calling for violence (like Maxine Waters or Schumer did) then you are not responsible for inciting. Trump calling for Peaceful protest never incited according to Psaki.
Any other way you would be admitting most of the Dem politicians should have been impeached for inciting riots.
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
Trump is talk. He was all about Venezuelan oil, he confessed proudly. Wants to make countries collapse to steal their oil. Your rights? Freedom? America? These ain´t Trump matters. I strongly advice against supporting Trump, he does the opposite of what he is promising to you.
Not much of a reply to my post. I wrote { nf.23.06.12 #496 } “when Trump is indicted for the January 6 insurrection and fake electors scheme to overturn the election by disrupting a congressional proceeding. There is no other “what about that” in the history of mankind.”

Mr HaShev ignored that point in post { hshv.23.06.12 #497 }. If another indictment comes soon regarding the Jan6 & fake electors crimes by Trump there is no way to rely on bbbbut buuuttt but what about Hillary when she tried to overturn the election she lost.. {nf23.06.12 #498 }

When Mr HavShev says in post { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I am on the wrong topic because we are not discussing January 6 ; I reminded Mr HavShev in my post {nf.23.06.12 #503 } that it is you who introduced whataboutism into the discussion. I am pointing out that whataboutism will not work on any of Trump’s potential criminal convictions..

Yes post {nf.23.06.12 #503 } confronts Mr HaShev with the truth that
Trump’s “hiding and hoarding” is not Biden Clinton Pence “cooperating “..

Mr HaShev refuses to acknowledge the simple logical and factual point that “hiding and hoarding from the FBI” is not “cooperating with with the FBI.”

Glad I could help you have a conversation with yourself and tie you up in this forum, so you aren't in the streets stealing leggings and defacating on the curbs.

Now Mr HaShev { hshv.23.06.13 #504 } rejects his earlier complaint in { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I went off topic by going off topic himself by asking the truly absurd whattabout stealing leggings and shitting in the streets which as bad as those crimes are they do not rise to a level of a former US president who steals highly classified nuclear secrets and war plans which causes harm to the entire national security apparatus in multiple ways..

This conversation proves that Mr HaShev has zero facts that could aquit Trump of the crimes against the United States of America that will be read to Trump thus afternoon after being arrested and finger printed in Miami today.,

{ nf.23.06.03 #508 }
Trump is talk. He was all about Venezuelan oil, he confessed proudly. Wants to make countries collapse to steal their oil. Your rights? Freedom? America? These ain´t Trump matters. I strongly advice against supporting Trump, he does the opposite of what he is promising to you.
It is Democrats who have taken and want to take our rights away. It is Democrats who want to take the freedom away of their enemies. America did much better under Trump. Under Biden inflation is bad, people can't afford their rents or mortgages, and income inequality has gotten worse. When one party weaponizes government against their political opponents it is time for a change before it is too late. Democrats are the ones who have changed my mind.
Not much of a reply to my post. I wrote { nf.23.06.12 #496 } “when Trump is indicted for the January 6 insurrection and fake electors scheme to overturn the election by disrupting a congressional proceeding. There is no other “what about that” in the history of mankind.”

Mr HaShev ignored that point in post { hshv.23.06.12 #497 }. If another indictment comes soon regarding the Jan6 & fake electors crimes by Trump there is no way to rely on bbbbut buuuttt but what about Hillary when she tried to overturn the election she lost.. {nf23.06.12 #498 }

When Mr HavShev says in post { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I am on the wrong topic because we are not discussing January 6 ; I reminded Mr HavShev in my post {nf.23.06.12 #503 } that it is you who introduced whataboutism into the discussion. I am pointing out that whataboutism will not work on any of Trump’s potential criminal convictions..

Yes post {nf.23.06.12 #503 } confronts Mr HaShev with the truth that
Trump’s “hiding and hoarding” is not Biden Clinton Pence “cooperating “..

Mr HaShev refuses to acknowledge the simple logical and factual point that “hiding and hoarding from the FBI” is not “cooperating with with the FBI.”

Now Mr HaShev { hshv.23.06.13 #504 } rejects his earlier complaint in { hshv.23.06.12 #499 } that I went off topic by going off topic himself by asking the truly absurd whattabout stealing leggings and shitting in the streets which as bad as those crimes are they do not rise to a level of a former US president who steals highly classified nuclear secrets and war plans which causes harm to the entire national security apparatus in multiple ways..

This conversation proves that Mr HaShev has zero facts that could aquit Trump of the crimes against the United States of America that will be read to Trump thus afternoon after being arrested and finger printed in Miami today.,

{ nf.23.06.03 #508 }
I already won this debate, remember when the Dems opposed their own Jan 6th arguments in the way they accepted and argued the Tennessee State chambers insurrection? I closed the argument using the lefts own standard of admission in handling that incident. What do you think Check mate means?
It doesn't mean you get another go at it, cause it's been closed "by your own arguments". To want to keep going is to admit your own arguments were flawed and it was indeed political against opposition party.

It was also never a debate to begin with, when Hillary herself own words admitted the capitol had illegitimate politicians trespassing. Turned out everything she claimed made Trump illegitimate was a deflection of her party participating with foreign actors to manipulate and interfere in an election and then used that same illegal act to try and remove a duly elected president=treason and again manipulate the mid terms through those acts which is where according to Hillary makes the Dem house and senate majority and members illegitimate. According to the Jan 6th committee that made the committee process illegitimate and illegal as well as politicians guilty of what they charged others in tresspassing.
It is Democrats who have taken and want to take our rights away. It is Democrats who want to take the freedom away of their enemies. America did much better under Trump. Under Biden inflation is bad, people can't afford their rents or mortgages, and income inequality has gotten worse. When one party weaponizes government against their political opponents it is time for a change before it is too late. Democrats are the ones who have changed my mind.
I agree that the Democrats have ideologized politics and that this needs to stop. But we have to stay with the facts in politics. To realize that there are no Trump achievements. He even failed to steal the oil.
I agree that the Democrats have ideologized politics and that this needs to stop. But we have to stay with the facts in politics. To realize that there are no Trump achievements. He even failed to steal the oil.
So you are saying your news source managed to hide Trumps many trade deals and impossible peace deals?
His extreme low unemployment and great economy before Covid?
They managed to hide the fact his very first day he obliterated Isis? Did they hide the fact we were in peace and good foreign relations? Did they ever admit he was right about Europes reliance on Russia Oil and Gas? I can go on, but I don't know if you can.
I agree that the Democrats have ideologized politics and that this needs to stop. But we have to stay with the facts in politics. To realize that there are no Trump achievements. He even failed to steal the oil.
If you take the pandemic out of the picture then Trump's presidency was far, far better than Biden's and, you've got to remember that with the pandemic we were dealing with something that was totally knew and was ravaging the entire world, not just the US. Even democrats will tell you that it was the vaccines which rescued us and it was Trump's Operation Warp Speed which got the ball rolling on that. And, during the 2020 campaign, prominent democrats were telling Americans that they should not get the Trump rushed vaccine.

I'm fine with holding Trump accountable as long as the same standard is applied to everyone and you hold everyone else accountable to. You can't weaponize government law enforcement in order to go after political enemies. That's something done in Hitler's Germany and communist countries.
If you take the pandemic out of the picture then Trump's presidency was far, far better than Biden's and, you've got to remember that with the pandemic we were dealing with something that was totally knew and was ravaging the entire world, not just the US. Even democrats will tell you that it was the vaccines which rescued us and it was Trump's Operation Warp Speed which got the ball rolling on that. And, during the 2020 campaign, prominent democrats were telling Americans that they should not get the Trump rushed vaccine.

I'm fine with holding Trump accountable as long as the same standard is applied to everyone and you hold everyone else accountable to. You can't weaponize government law enforcement in order to go after political enemies. That's something done in Hitler's Germany and communist countries.
Did Trump really do good? Or was it natural development? Unemployment went down under Trump but also under Obama. It was a recovering process linked to the Lehman bubble crisis and it was not affected by Trump´s tax cut. You can look it up in any unemployment development chart.
Also, I don´t believe that the vaccines had a general positive effect. Covid was overestimated. Rather the fact that the vaccines caused the politicians to leave us alone with their lock downs.

I have no idea if Trump raped a woman, if he treated classified documents irresponsibly. All I can see is that these accusations always come up prior to elections and that is a point I fully share with you. This is weaponizing the system against a political opponent, regime behavior.
So you are saying your news source managed to hide Trumps many trade deals and impossible peace deals?
His extreme low unemployment and great economy before Covid?
They managed to hide the fact his very first day he obliterated Isis? Did they hide the fact we were in peace and good foreign relations? Did they ever admit he was right about Europes reliance on Russia Oil and Gas? I can go on, but I don't know if you can.
I can´t agree to any of your arguments. Also, it can´t be the US´ decision where Europe buys its stuff. Did you know for example that most pipelines where made by the West back then to buy SOVIET oil and gas?
If you take the pandemic out of the picture then Trump's presidency was far, far better than Biden's

The pandemic can’t be taken out of the argument after January 20, 2021 when the inauguration of Biden took place after Trump tried to use fake electors and mobocracy to disrupt the congressional proceeding to stop that transfer of power from happening.

The pandemic was not over. Your argument has a deadly flaw for lacking in reason and promoting irrationality. nf #517 to thnkr.23.06.13 #514
I can´t agree to any of your arguments. Also, it can´t be the US´ decision where Europe buys its stuff. Did you know for example that most pipelines where made by the West back then to buy SOVIET oil and gas?
No I just threw that in about Europe, because it got shuned alot and ended up more insiteful than we gave it credit.
Oh and the stuff I left out even Fox news didn't know about or at least never shared that I know of.
I was on the WH press release email list:
Stuff like this goes unnoticed:
In fact it influenced a present day recent search and rescue effort, because my piece on this info I received in those briefings, embarrassed them to act.

When Joe Biden was a child, he always chose to be the cowboy and never the Indian when playing Cowboys and Indians.

He admitted this to Kamala Harris who replied: "Joe, you do realize I'm a different kind of Indian, right?" *Joke*

Seriously though the Dems glossed over for years Native American Issues:

“From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. Here in our own country, presidents of both parties have tried and failed to find lasting solutions,” Rose Dunleavy writes in U.S. News & World Report.

“To his credit, President Donald Trump has remained committed to our cause.”

Justice remains out of reach for so many Indigenous victims of violence. Scores of families are left to wonder if their mother or daughter will ever be found or their killer apprehended. From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. To his credit, President Trump was committed to The Native American cause. The DOJ under Trump awarded over $560 million in grants to support public safety, crime victims &youth programs in tribal communities.

When Attorney General William Barr visited rural Alaska 2 years or so ago, he took their concerns seriously, joining their efforts by declaring a public safety emergency and devoting tens of millions of dollars to combating crime and assisting victims.

More importantly, he took their plight to the president, who responded by creating Operation Lady Justice, a historic nationwide effort to bring justice to missing and murdered Indigenous people. The job of the task force is to develop protocols to handle unsolved missing or murdered persons cases, and to provide closure to the many families who have gone without it for far too long.

One summer in the Trump Administration, the task force accomplished a major milestone with the opening of a cold case office in Anchorage, Alaska. This new office joined five existing Operation Lady Justice offices in Arizona, Montana and several other important locations. These are tangible resources that represent a long-term commitment to our nation's first peoples.

The former president also had called for much-needed reforms to the Indian Health Service. Last year, then First Lady Melania Trump was briefed on a White House task force's recommendations for eliminating child abuse in a system that serves 2.6 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The task force's 10 recommendations range from annual awareness training conducted by child welfare experts to withholding pay from retired employees convicted of exploiting children. The administration stands ready to implement these common sense solutions to ensure the terrible abuses seen in the past are never repeated.

So while Biden is supporting and protecting the abuses of woman and Children, and his administration shows a contrast between search efforts for missing white woman compared to the efforts given other races, Trump was focused on the plight of these abuses and actually did something about it, protecting the people that the Dems have long forgotten for years.

- - also research
Missing and exploited in ohio saved
Operation Autumn Hope,
Operation Safety Net
Maybe you are confusing direct naming him and inadvertantly through her standard admitting it.
She said as long as you promote a peaceful protest, not calling for violence (like Maxine Waters or Schumer did) then you are not responsible for inciting. Trump calling for Peaceful protest never incited according to Psaki.
Any other way you would be admitting most of the Dem politicians should have been impeached for inciting riots.
You are trolling when you get confused again. DonaldtheHoax is in terrible trouble.

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