I'm starting to like Ron Paul more and more everyday

He's a character though, that's for sure. He'll never win Presidency, but he's good CSPAN comic relief.

What do you mean that he is good CSPAN comic relief?

I feel like that's fairly self explanatory. He's more entertaining than most congressmen.

Him and Kucinich.

Perhaps, it is just a disagreement over a word, but I disagree with you that either Paul or Kucinich should be labeled as "entertaining".
They do a lot of work? Thats great who does the fed answer too?

you want to shut down the federal government ? who's government do you want to take its place ?

Here's a hint the federal reserve is not the Federal government.
So who does the fed answer too?

Technically it serves at the whim of congress, but practically The Fed has had enough power stemming from the families who first funded it to run itself from its inception pretty much right up to the Boo-Boo revealed in 2008.

I have no idea how one is appointed to the board. It has to be some sort of good old boys club started by the families who first funded it 100 years ago.
In case you haven't noticed, The Federal Reserve Banking System does a LOT of work. You can't just shut it down.

First politician that declares an understanding that fixing the unfair revenue side is more important than simply slashing spending gets my vote and money.

There is no fucking way to create a spending budget without first getting a handle on how much is in the kitty.

Ask any knitting club. Ask any neighbor hood watch.

The reason We, The People are loosing to China, Inc. is those guys are running their country more like a corporation the size of a huge country while We, The People are running ours like a British Bureaucracy Gone Wild with all the corruption that vision entails, corporate and 'perfectly legal' though that corruption is.

First politician to say "It's the revenue side that needs fixin', y'all." gets my support.

In case you haven't noticed, The Federal Reserve Banking System does a LOT of work. You can't just shut it down.

They do a lot of work? Thats great who does the fed answer too?

That's a tricky question. Alan Greenspan seemed to answer to no one but himself - Bernanke seems to answer to Obama and also to congress.

A central bank is a fantastic tool that a government can use - right now, The Fed is in the hands of the private bankers who use it for loans to themselves at very low interest rates so that they can loan that same money to consumers and producers alike at high interest rates and pocket the spread. A classic example of public risk and private profit.

If The Congress were truly interested in creating jobs, they would turn The Fed into The Credit Union of America for basic banking and loans against durable goods, real property and entrepreneurial means of production and service and let the banksters play with derivatives and whatever else they can put enough lipstick on to get a price worth getting.

Last I heard the fed answers to no one. Ron Paul is asking the questions that few seem to want to ask.
you want to shut down the federal government ? who's government do you want to take its place ?

Here's a hint the federal reserve is not the Federal government.
So who does the fed answer too?

Technically it serves at the whim of congress, but practically The Fed has had enough power stemming from the families who first funded it to run itself from its inception pretty much right up to the Boo-Boo revealed in 2008.

I have no idea how one is appointed to the board. It has to be some sort of good old boys club started by the families who first funded it 100 years ago.

Not sure that the fed serves noone but the Fed. How can it serve congress when it doesn't have to answer to congress?

This guy is amazing. I say that because I have never met a man I could say, yup, what you are saying is correct....yup you are correct, then he says the craziest shit I have ever heard in my life and then I think they are bat shit crazy.

Libertarians are like that. They are logical up to the point where they go off the chain. Weird group really.

Give us a list... And remember, it has to be Ron Paul, not "some other guy" that calls himself a Libertarian.
They do a lot of work? Thats great who does the fed answer too?

It answers to foreign bankers.

Foreign bankers? Its more like a long arm extension of Goldman Sachs and the other big American financial banks.

As for the OP. I admire Ron Paul also, but disagree with him over some social policy. However, his critics will only respond with logical fallacies and ad homs. I have see this happen for well over two years. His critics are either are ignorant of his stances or misrepresent them.

That is why I voted for McKinney. She is virtually lockstep with Paul on foreign and monetary policy but more moderate on domestic issues.
That is why I voted for McKinney. She is virtually lockstep with Paul on foreign and monetary policy but more moderate on domestic issues.

I ended up begrudgingly supporting Bob Barr, the best that the Libertarian Party could muster...yuck.

Actually, I didn't support Barr, but the party. I wanted to reach that magic 5% threshold which frees up third parties from burdensome constraints to run nationally. I supported Nader the last two runs.

I would personally love to see more political discourse and arguments than what we are currently receiving.
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They do a lot of work? Thats great who does the fed answer too?

That's a tricky question. Alan Greenspan seemed to answer to no one but himself - Bernanke seems to answer to Obama and also to congress.

A central bank is a fantastic tool that a government can use - right now, The Fed is in the hands of the private bankers who use it for loans to themselves at very low interest rates so that they can loan that same money to consumers and producers alike at high interest rates and pocket the spread. A classic example of public risk and private profit.

If The Congress were truly interested in creating jobs, they would turn The Fed into The Credit Union of America for basic banking and loans against durable goods, real property and entrepreneurial means of production and service and let the banksters play with derivatives and whatever else they can put enough lipstick on to get a price worth getting.

Last I heard the fed answers to no one. Ron Paul is asking the questions that few seem to want to ask.

And that I agree with - there are questions that need to be asked. The secret is to question, create true transparency and use The Fed as the useful tool a bank owned by 'The Public' can and should be.

Simply scrapping it would serve only to cause problems because the market has nothing to take its place - and since a public bank is by definition non-profit, I don't think the private market wants to work the tasks.
Here's a hint the federal reserve is not the Federal government.
So who does the fed answer too?

Technically it serves at the whim of congress, but practically The Fed has had enough power stemming from the families who first funded it to run itself from its inception pretty much right up to the Boo-Boo revealed in 2008.

I have no idea how one is appointed to the board. It has to be some sort of good old boys club started by the families who first funded it 100 years ago.

Not sure that the fed serves noone but the Fed. How can it serve congress when it doesn't have to answer to congress?

Like I said, 'Technically' -vs- 'Practically'.

Technically The Fed was created by congress and congress can dissolve it.

Practically it was funded by some very wealthy and powerful families and they'll not give up their little money-making toy until they're good and ready to, congress be damned.

Public risk / Private profit.
One of the most disturbing facts is that graduate (and undergraduate) economics teach us that the Fed is this independent organization that acts on behalf of the American populace to attain economic growth, low inflation, and full employment.

Independent, my ass.
I'm with Grace. I see a guy who almost has a handle on the problems but has brought no solutions to the game other than "elect me".

So restoring then enforcing the Constitution (1787) is not a solution? Or is it that as a Marxist, you hate the solution?


In logic, this is called a false dichotomy.

Plus, righties don't want to restore the Constitution. They just argued that corporations are natural citizens through the 14th Amendment.

However, they have no problem attacking illegals over the 14th, but at the same time, support the 14th over corporations.

Your attempts to be sincere and "American" are most laughable.
I'm with Grace. I see a guy who almost has a handle on the problems but has brought no solutions to the game other than "elect me".

So restoring then enforcing the Constitution (1787) is not a solution? Or is it that as a Marxist, you hate the solution?


In logic, this is called a false dichotomy.

Plus, righties don't want to restore the Constitution. They just argued that corporations are natural citizens through the 14th Amendment.

However, they have no problem attacking illegals over the 14th, but at the same time, support the 14th over corporations.

Your attempts to be sincere and "American" are most laughable.

Well , may be righties don't. But Libertarians, such as Ron Paul, do.

So restoring then enforcing the Constitution (1787) is not a solution? Or is it that as a Marxist, you hate the solution?


In logic, this is called a false dichotomy.

Plus, righties don't want to restore the Constitution. They just argued that corporations are natural citizens through the 14th Amendment.

However, they have no problem attacking illegals over the 14th, but at the same time, support the 14th over corporations.

Your attempts to be sincere and "American" are most laughable.

Well , may be righties don't. But Libertarians, such as Ron Paul, do.


Proof? Because, many libertarians also strongly reject your position.
In logic, this is called a false dichotomy.

Plus, righties don't want to restore the Constitution. They just argued that corporations are natural citizens through the 14th Amendment.

However, they have no problem attacking illegals over the 14th, but at the same time, support the 14th over corporations.

Your attempts to be sincere and "American" are most laughable.

Well , may be righties don't. But Libertarians, such as Ron Paul, do.


Proof? Because, many libertarians also strongly reject your position.

Excuse me Vernon. Corporations are entities created by the almighty state, not the market place.

Well , may be righties don't. But Libertarians, such as Ron Paul, do.


Proof? Because, many libertarians also strongly reject your position.

Excuse me Vernon. Corporations are entities created by the almighty state, not the market place.


Ahh....I might like you after all.

Yes, corporations are the product of statedhood. However, many righties argue for corporate statehood.

So, I assume that you are against corporate personhood.
Proof? Because, many libertarians also strongly reject your position.

Excuse me Vernon. Corporations are entities created by the almighty state, not the market place.


Ahh....I might like you after all.

Yes, corporations are the product of statedhood. However, many righties argue for corporate statehood.

So, I assume that you are against corporate personhood.

I am against any entity which was created pursuant to force or fraud.


Ahh....I might like you after all.

Yes, corporations are the product of statedhood. However, many righties argue for corporate statehood.

So, I assume that you are against corporate personhood.

I am against any entity which was created pursuant to force or fraud.


IOW, you are a hack who supports corporate personhood.


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