I'm the only one with common sense here

such a response reveals a lazy thinker
A simpleton to boot. We are much better off than we were at the end of Bushs reign.

Are we better off than we were four years ago?
Yes. My net worth has actually doubled. Take away for you should be that the POTUS doesnt affect your personal economy. Did you know broke people existed no matter who the POTUS was?

See my edit. So you are one of the few that have a job, but feel like you can speak for those that don't? Who can't put food on their tables because meat prices have gone up what 40%? along with every other foods and other merchandise? Another words you think since you are doing fine everybody else must be? :)

The saying is "In other words" not "Another words" Mr Genius.
Despite being a political genius I have noticed and read everybody's posts some good and some bad, but a lot more complex than they should be, because they lack common sense.

This is a major reason why I'm sticking around here and also because of sugar tits. I'm needed.

You are one of many trolls on this board, we don't need one more of you.
also, asclepias answer my question - What's the difference between 1099 independent contractors and w2 full time employees?
If you dont know then you shouldnt be talking about things like the job market and what governs it.

I want to hear you say it, because i already know. If you say it you will be exposing yourself. Either you can do it or I will. Your choice. Give you a hint - Has to do with Health insurance costs and eligibility.
Thinking common sense fixes even complex problems is not genius it's laziness.

No, it just proves that some things can't and shouldn't be rationalized that a simple yes or no or a sentence long answer concludes and answers the topic without the need for further explanation.

Translation - What you consider complex really isn't if you had common sense.
The world cannot accurately be boiled down to bumper sticker slogan, only lazy thinkers think differently.

Sure it can.

Are you better off than you were four years ago?


By far and away.

I've gotten most of the money back that I had lost the Bush crash and I'm looking at a strong retirement where I doubt I will outlive my money.

Before Obama, I did not have that.

I love exposing these liberals who aren't living in reality and who obviously haven't gone into poverty neighborhoods in there entire life to ask how you are doing. They just go in there to say he you are doing poorly so sign here and vote this way and take advantage of the less fortunate. :)

You have no frikken clue.

You're very ignorant and incredibly blind to anything but your (fox/limbaugh) agenda.

I answered a question.

You didn't like the answer so you sneaked in and changed the question.

If you want to talk about the poor, make that the question. But, don't lie just to make your point and understand that I don't bother with liars.

And you still can't even spell your own user name.

Dumb little chit.

No, it just proves that some things can't and shouldn't be rationalized that a simple yes or no or a sentence long answer concludes and answers the topic without the need for further explanation.

Translation - What you consider complex really isn't if you had common sense.
The world cannot accurately be boiled down to bumper sticker slogan, only lazy thinkers think differently.

Sure it can.

Are you better off than you were four years ago?


By far and away.

I've gotten most of the money back that I had lost the Bush crash and I'm looking at a strong retirement where I doubt I will outlive my money.

Before Obama, I did not have that.

I love exposing these liberals who aren't living in reality and who obviously haven't gone into poverty neighborhoods in there entire life to ask how you are doing. They just go in there to say he you are doing poorly so sign here and vote this way and take advantage of the less fortunate. :)

You have no frikken clue.

You're very ignorant and incredibly blind to anything but your (fox/limbaugh) agenda.

I answered a question.

You didn't like the answer so you sneaked in and changed the question.

If you want to talk about the poor, make that the question. But, don't lie just to make your point and understand that I don't bother with liars.

And you still can't even spell your own user name.

Dumb little chit.


It's not that I didn't like your answer. I'm glad you are working. That's a good thing. That's the goal. However, you don't like being called a hypocrite do you? :) That was apparent by this quoted post above.
also, asclepias answer my question - What's the difference between 1099 independent contractors and w2 full time employees?
If you dont know then you shouldnt be talking about things like the job market and what governs it.

I want to hear you say it, because i already know. If you say it you will be exposing yourself. Either you can do it or I will. Your choice. Give you a hint - Has to do with Health insurance costs and eligibility.
I dont play prove it to me games. I know you dont know and thats why you are asking me.
Despite being a political genius I have noticed and read everybody's posts some good and some bad, but a lot more complex than they should be, because they lack common sense.

This is a major reason why I'm sticking around here and also because of sugar tits. I'm needed.

You are one of many trolls on this board, we don't need one more of you.

You need me more than you think you do.
See my response. While I dont knock a job, knowing what I know and you apparently dont, I dont gauge my worth on working for someone else. If you are doing badly its because you have given up or simply in a transisiton period. There is a natural cycle we all go through. Some people just prolong their bad times by pretending the POTUS messed them up.

People give up because the economic environment is unhealthy and deadly to many industries, which will refuse to hire and expand. Who creates the environment or who can have an effect on the regulations and ability to for banks to hand out more loans that businesses need to be able to hire and offer these unemployed jobs? Jobs like the one you are lucky to have.
I don't have a job. People give up because they are told times are tough and they say what the hell. People that disregard all the BS still make money be it with a job or with a business. The POTUS wont get you wealthier nor will they make you poor. You do that.

Oh! so you aren't in the working industry and haven't seen what's really going on. Makes sense. See I agree that people can always go the self-employment rout if they have the money for start up or they get investors, but in today's environment that usually means switching industries due to government involvement in the ones that are suffering right now. Examples are coal and manufacturing. Also finding investors for a start up is nearly impossible. Nobody wants to invest in this climate in small businesses.
Wrong agian. My business is very closely tied with the job market. You are just making excuses because you are too lazy too do something.

Another contradiction.... So you are working! I own a multi million dollar business and hire 3 weeks of every month and it's because I'm lucky enough to sell a product that everybody needs that's been around for 100 years that is owned by warren buffet. However, since I'm one of the top in the world in my business and the business is world wide since it's in 86 different countries I get invited to small business organizational meetings to talk about how to run a small successful business and explain what it takes. I was promoted to divisional supervisor and I oversee over a hundred franchises and am well known by the president of the parent company.

I'm in th ebest position of anybody here to know exactly what's going on with small business in this country and different industries in this nation.

If you are what you say you are, then all of that money has gone to your head. You are nothing but a power hungry businessperson who flouts his wealth and stature in front of others. No wonder people have a negative view of the rich.

Though, highly doubt you are what you say you are. Your grammar and syntax are atrocious. In the business world, you need to communicate cogently. The use of such grandiose language tells me that you are lying.

Though, I'll retract my statements if you can tell me what business it is you own, and what it's current net worth is. What is your business' ticker symbol? Do they trade stock in the DOW, NASDAQ or S&P 500?
Despite being a political genius I have noticed and read everybody's posts some good and some bad, but a lot more complex than they should be, because they lack common sense.

This is a major reason why I'm sticking around here and also because of sugar tits. I'm needed.

You are one of many trolls on this board, we don't need one more of you.

You need me more than you think you do.

I need you about as much as I need a hernia on my backside. Quiet troll.
See my response. While I dont knock a job, knowing what I know and you apparently dont, I dont gauge my worth on working for someone else. If you are doing badly its because you have given up or simply in a transisiton period. There is a natural cycle we all go through. Some people just prolong their bad times by pretending the POTUS messed them up.

People give up because the economic environment is unhealthy and deadly to many industries, which will refuse to hire and expand. Who creates the environment or who can have an effect on the regulations and ability to for banks to hand out more loans that businesses need to be able to hire and offer these unemployed jobs? Jobs like the one you are lucky to have.
I don't have a job. People give up because they are told times are tough and they say what the hell. People that disregard all the BS still make money be it with a job or with a business. The POTUS wont get you wealthier nor will they make you poor. You do that.

Oh! so you aren't in the working industry and haven't seen what's really going on. Makes sense. See I agree that people can always go the self-employment rout if they have the money for start up or they get investors, but in today's environment that usually means switching industries due to government involvement in the ones that are suffering right now. Examples are coal and manufacturing. Also finding investors for a start up is nearly impossible. Nobody wants to invest in this climate in small businesses.
Wrong agian. My business is very closely tied with the job market. You are just making excuses because you are too lazy too do something.

Another contradiction.... So you are working! I own a multi million dollar business and hire 3 weeks of every month and it's because I'm lucky enough to sell a product that everybody needs that's been around for 100 years that is owned by warren buffet. However, since I'm one of the top in the world in my business and the business is world wide since it's in 86 different countries I get invited to small business organizational meetings to talk about how to run a small successful business and explain what it takes. I was promoted to divisional supervisor and I oversee over a hundred franchises and am well known by the president of the parent company.

I'm in the best position of anybody here to know exactly what's going on with small business in this country and different industries in this nation.
I dont believe you. You dont even know the difference between a 1099 and a W2 employee.
also, asclepias answer my question - What's the difference between 1099 independent contractors and w2 full time employees?
If you dont know then you shouldnt be talking about things like the job market and what governs it.

I want to hear you say it, because i already know. If you say it you will be exposing yourself. Either you can do it or I will. Your choice. Give you a hint - Has to do with Health insurance costs and eligibility.
I dont play prove it to me games. I know you dont know and thats why you are asking me.

Ok, I'll expose you. Independent contractors aren't considered employees despite working more than 40 hours. Only w-2 full time employees are. This is the number one reason why big companies are dropping full time employees and hiring 1099 independent contractors. They don't have to offer them health care and these independent contractors will do more work and work longer hours for less pay than a full time employee. Now independent contractors have a huge problem if they have 2 or more employees can get small business private medical coverage but since they have small qty of employees they have to pay huge rates making it just not worth it.
Despite being a political genius I have noticed and read everybody's posts some good and some bad, but a lot more complex than they should be, because they lack common sense.

This is a major reason why I'm sticking around here and also because of sugar tits. I'm needed.
Total bullshit

I am the only one with common sense here
People give up because the economic environment is unhealthy and deadly to many industries, which will refuse to hire and expand. Who creates the environment or who can have an effect on the regulations and ability to for banks to hand out more loans that businesses need to be able to hire and offer these unemployed jobs? Jobs like the one you are lucky to have.
I don't have a job. People give up because they are told times are tough and they say what the hell. People that disregard all the BS still make money be it with a job or with a business. The POTUS wont get you wealthier nor will they make you poor. You do that.

Oh! so you aren't in the working industry and haven't seen what's really going on. Makes sense. See I agree that people can always go the self-employment rout if they have the money for start up or they get investors, but in today's environment that usually means switching industries due to government involvement in the ones that are suffering right now. Examples are coal and manufacturing. Also finding investors for a start up is nearly impossible. Nobody wants to invest in this climate in small businesses.
Wrong agian. My business is very closely tied with the job market. You are just making excuses because you are too lazy too do something.

Another contradiction.... So you are working! I own a multi million dollar business and hire 3 weeks of every month and it's because I'm lucky enough to sell a product that everybody needs that's been around for 100 years that is owned by warren buffet. However, since I'm one of the top in the world in my business and the business is world wide since it's in 86 different countries I get invited to small business organizational meetings to talk about how to run a small successful business and explain what it takes. I was promoted to divisional supervisor and I oversee over a hundred franchises and am well known by the president of the parent company.

I'm in the best position of anybody here to know exactly what's going on with small business in this country and different industries in this nation.
I dont believe you. You dont even know the difference between a 1099 and a W2 employee.

See above post. Also you just admitted ones an employee and the other isn't without even knowing it. Thank you. :)
[QUOTE="natrualgas, post: 10050535, member: 51938]

Ok, I'll expose you. Independent contractors aren't considered employees despite working more than 40 hours. Only w-2 full time employees are. This is the number one reason why big companies are dropping full time employees and hiring 1099 independent contractors. They don't have to offer them health care and these independent contractors will do more work and work longer hours for less pay than a full time employee. Now independent contractors have a huge problem if they have 2 or more employees can get small business private medical coverage but since they have small qty of employees they have to pay huge rates making it just not worth it.[/QUOTE]

You can call someone an independent contractor all you want. If they work only for you the company will eventually be fined for incorrectly employing that person.
Despite being a political genius I have noticed and read everybody's posts some good and some bad, but a lot more complex than they should be, because they lack common sense.

This is a major reason why I'm sticking around here and also because of sugar tits. I'm needed.
Total bullshit

I am the only one with common sense here

I hope you prove me wrong. This thread is a great place to start.
[QUOTE="natrualgas, post: 10050535, member: 51938]

Ok, I'll expose you. Independent contractors aren't considered employees despite working more than 40 hours. Only w-2 full time employees are. This is the number one reason why big companies are dropping full time employees and hiring 1099 independent contractors. They don't have to offer them health care and these independent contractors will do more work and work longer hours for less pay than a full time employee. Now independent contractors have a huge problem if they have 2 or more employees can get small business private medical coverage but since they have small qty of employees they have to pay huge rates making it just not worth it.

You can call someone an independent contractor all you want. If they work only for you the company will eventually be fined for incorrectly employing that person.[/QUOTE]

Not at all. There are companies that hire no one but 1099 independent contractors. There's also legal advantages.
Independent contractors can also do work for multiple companies. That's a financial benefit.

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