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Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What Trump voters think.​

I live in a suburb of a small city in southwestern New Hampshire. Like many of you, I am a Baby Boomer that grew up during the Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the United States. As I recall most of my schooling was apolitical though there was emphasis on American history. I have no recollections of any of my teachers encouraging me to take strident stands on any issues or get out in streets to attack other people, commit crimes and destroy businesses. There was no trace of the methodology embedded in US education today using children as a captive audience to the branding of Caucasian Americans as enemies of the state. All of this appears to be a tailored distraction to provide a smoke screen for what is really going on.

I guess I should consider myself lucky that my compulsory education was straightforward and delivered to me the basic things I needed to know to survive in the modern world. Most people wouldn’t believe the house I grew up in and only my siblings can testify to the violence, alcoholism and improvident parenting that took place. Our education was not valued or encouraged, but despite these conditions none of us ever committed a crime or spent time in jail. White Privilege was no picnic so my brother, my sister, and I have spent a lifetime in the rat race, but we do not blame the world or others with different physical characteristics or ancestral origins for our lower middle-class circumstances.

All of us voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because he was an outsider not part of permanent Washington. We witnessed the War on Poverty /Great Society growth of government in health, education, and economics in America and watched the misery index expand in all those areas so we along with many others saw Trump’s election as an emergency measure to rein in Washington because it was out of control regardless of which party was in office.

Other Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and a surprising number of minorities, agreed with our assessment and Trump was elected in 2016. It was an unexpected watershed event sending a message to powerful embedded bureaucrats that the people could not be fooled forever and the Congressional sellout of America to China and other global interests would no longer be tolerated. Trump’s pledge to “make America great again” was seen as an attack not on America, but on professional Washington. Washington’s response was swift and predictable.

It immediately mobilized a fellow traveling mass media as a propaganda ally, then mustered intelligence agencies in place to protect the country from foreign threats turning them inward on American citizens. With East German Stasi-like precision it swung into action with accusations and investigations into manufactured crimes and at a time when no one was saying Black lives don’t matter, a Black Lives Matter movement appeared out of nowhere as a contemporary Reichstag to enrage citizens and rally them against an electorate that went against the Washington status quo. Incredibly, former US intelligence officials like James Clapper and James Brennan are now talking heads on American television-see Operation Mockingbird.
Operation Mockingbird - Wikipedia

History will demonstrate that the main beneficiary of Washington’s sellout, the People’s Republic of China, benefitted from what appears to be a released a lab-created, human-engineered, biological weapon in late 2019. The chaos emerging from a global virus allowed Washington to change election laws and jack-leg poll results in crucial areas to install a federal candidate unable to complete a coherent sentence. If the situation were not so serious to America’s future, the rigged outcome stating that the government’s candidate got more votes than any person running for any office in human history would be seen as a joke-and it is in many parts of the world.

Washington is not sitting on its hands after its victory. It is in the process of importing new voters and abandoning national sovereignty to make sure no American can ever again threaten Washington’s pact with China to weaken the US and keep it subservient to the People’s Republic. The chilling development in American education to drop academic rigor and adopt the ideological indoctrination methods of totalitarianism is of great concern to all Americans who value freedom and liberty.

The ugly racial holocaust-inspired ascension of Critical Race theory in America’s schools is a grave attack on democracy and Washington’s betrayal of America to China will make the fall of Rome look like a day at the beach.

This is what Trump supporters believe.
Oh Raymond…there is a lot of truth in that post but then you ruined it all by thinking Trump could or would fix anything. He is a buffoon and had no intention of doing any of the things you hoped for. He’s a total fraud.
Oh Raymond…there is a lot of truth in that post but then you ruined it all by thinking Trump could or would fix anything. He is a buffoon and had no intention of doing any of the things you hoped for. He’s a total fraud.
Trump already did hundreds of good things and the Soros/Clinton/Obama Criminal Triad took it all away. Biden/Harris are simply puppets. Clapper and Brennan are going to face a firing squad and the Triad are going to Gitmo for life. Biden is going to a nursing home and Harris back to the bordello. Bets are on.
Biden and the Dem party are busy RIGGING elections by importing millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans. Those votes purchased from illegals with OUR tax money.
#4: Yes, and pathologically, you did not add that most of them are Catholics. Kamal Goes Back to the Borde(r) Low.
Oh Raymond…there is a lot of truth in that post but then you ruined it all by thinking Trump could or would fix anything. He is a buffoon and had no intention of doing any of the things you hoped for. He’s a total fraud.
Trump already did hundreds of good things and the Soros/Clinton/Obama Criminal Triad took it all away. Biden/Harris are simply puppets. Clapper and Brennan are going to face a firing squad and the Triad are going to Gitmo for life. Biden is going to a nursing home and Harris back to the bordello. Bets are on.
Dream on. Nothing will be done to curtail the deep state. It’s more likely Don goes to Gitmo.

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