I’m Trying To Raise My Kids As Homosexuals( I Never Have To Say ‘Gay’)

Mental feelings, like I said NORMAL.

Mental feelings are what puberty creates.
They do not exist until then.
And if the hormone balance has changed, then mental gender will not match physical gender.
Being anything is "natural".
Being straight is not more natural than being gay, but is just more common.
Survival is the key to nature.
You cant survive when your species isnt reproducing.
Humans arent starfish.
I did not say that it was. You seem to have missed that whole point. Everyone should just let the kids be who and what they are . No homosexual "grooming" and no "heterosexual grooming " Leave the kids alone!
You let magaturds troll you so easily. The 'grooming' horseshit belongs to them. Huge straw man argument they've built to tar anyone who dares disagree.
We have had this discussion before. I see that you have not gotten any smarter since

I see you still deny reality. Denying heterosexuality is the default human condition is like that anthropologist denying you can tell the difference between male and female skeletons, or denying acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 at sea level. (ignoring atmospheric resistance of course)
Well, considering homosexuals make up 5% of the population, there’s a 95% chance you’ll be raising the poor kid contrary to their actual orientation.
Explain "noemal" and why it matters

The people know history, they saw what happened at Sodom as well as as Gomorrah when you make homosexuality the norm.

There were a number of protests against VP Harris during her African junket because the people in deepest, darkest Africa are reviled by it. Remember, these are people who live in a jungle, they aren't subject to liberal indoctrination on TV. They just know their natural feelings and adversions to taking it in the Caboose.
I see you still deny reality. Denying heterosexuality is the default human condition is like that anthropologist denying you can tell the difference between male and female skeletons, or denying acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 at sea level. (ignoring atmospheric resistance of course)
The question of whether or not heterosexuality is the "default" position is pointless and idiotic. It servesno legal or sociological purpose. Gay and Straight people are what they are and gay people function in life pretty much in the same way as anyone else when allowed to . That includes having children and more importantly having families and being parents.
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The question od whether or not heterosexuality is the "default" position is pointless and idiotic. It servesno legal or sociological purpose. Gay and Straight people are what they are and gay people function in life pretty much in the same way as anyone else when allowed to . That includes having children and more importantly having families and being parents.

Yes, it does. Denying it is denying reality, and lines up with other bullshit sociological constructs such as measuring skulls for racial identification.

This just shows that progs want forced acceptance instead of just tolerance. Homosexuality can be tolerated in a developed society where people aren't fighting for survival every day. What it shouldn't be is accepted as the "normal" condition for people, just like severe nearsightedness isn't the default condition or missing an arm at birth is the default condition.

They are not equal choices to each other for our species, one is inherent biologically, the other isn't.
96 % of humans may be heterosexual ( maybe) but that is not the same as believing that heterosexuality is the only "normal" Give others equal time. What are you people so afraid of?
Heterosexual=Normal and CORRECT in G-d's eyes because since He created humans as sexual beings, He has every right to set rules and govern behavior.

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