‘I'm very afraid’: Alexandra Pelosi believes U.S. has hit a breaking point

we either love each other...or we all die!

So she's pissed off she will have to spend some of Mommy's stolen wealth on security instead of shoes and wine? Wah.

Move to Bermuda or Dubai. Oh wait, those criminals also extort money from refugees.
I'm a little more hopeful after the election deniers were slaughtered in the mid terms. Plus the Qanon Caucus™ is demonstrating what absolute clowns they are, loud and clear.

There's still a long way to go, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. We still sure do need a strong third party, though.
I'm a little more hopeful after the election deniers were slaughtered in the mid terms. Plus the Qanon Caucus™ is demonstrating what absolute clowns they are, loud and clear.

There's still a long way to go, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. We still sure do need a strong third party, though.
Yes, when you have nothing, habitual lying is always your fallback, just as it is with your PArty of kiddie groomers and career criminals.
Wasn't she the one who tweeted that the Epstein case was going to take down many Democrat faves?

Wanna know what Democrats are pedos? Ask a Democrat who their favorite Democrats are.
I'm a little more hopeful after the election deniers were slaughtered in the mid terms. Plus the Qanon Caucus™ is demonstrating what absolute clowns they are, loud and clear.

There's still a long way to go, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. We still sure do need a strong third party, though.

Q…. BOO!
With all due respect, now that her beloved mother is no longer the Speaker, maybe there is finally some hope for the country.

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