"I'm Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils"

The dumb shits said, "Vote for Romney because Obama will end the world" or words to that effect.

So they voted for Romney and lost anyway and the world is still here. However, the dumb shits work real hard to convince themselves the world has ended because they can't admit they were fucking wrong. Gasoline is not at six bucks a gallon. The stock market is not in the tank. We are better off than we were eight years ago.

Meanwhile, the GOP received the "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING" message from the dumb shits, and now we have Trump.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Conservatives did not show up to the polls in the last two presidential elections... Because there was no conservative to vote for. Fuck face

And TRUMP is a conservative???

What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

As I pointed out in another thread, Trump is about 10%(+/-) points behind Clinton. Johnson is polling at about 10%(+/-). If Trump supporters are serious about stopping Hillary they'll get behind Johnson and make it a real fight.
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. Idiot. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

So you're saying voting for the known pure evil bitch is better than anything else.
Okay, class. Here is an example of one of the retards I am talking about.

Dipshit manufactured himself a false dichotomy. "If he isn't voting for Trump he must be voting for Hillary." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This is what the voices in their head do.

He should have read my next post. :lol:

Wrong asshole, Trump is the only one with a viable chance of beating the hildabitch. I won't waste my vote on someone who has no viability. The candidates are irrelevant to me, Trumps list of proposed court nominations are way better than anyone the hildabitch might nominate and to me the court is the most important issue, they will effect the country more than the next 3 presidents combined.

Yet Trump is the perfect candidate for Hillary to run against .. and by the GOP running Trump, it ensures the Supreme Court will stay in democratic hands for many years.

Trump is almost single-handedly destroying the Republican Party.
I agree with the OP. Not because I think a Ted Cruz or a Marco Rubio are worth a shit....but I want "Teleprompter Trump" to lose BIGLY so this nation saves face. The world is watching....and wondering how we let an imbecile get so close to the WH.
The largest of fools are the ones who put their trust in a career politician to do the right thing... Lol
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. Idiot. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

So you're saying voting for the known pure evil bitch is better than anything else.
Okay, class. Here is an example of one of the retards I am talking about.

Dipshit manufactured himself a false dichotomy. "If he isn't voting for Trump he must be voting for Hillary." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This is what the voices in their head do.

He should have read my next post. :lol:

Its not a false dichotomy at all. Like it or not, its only going to be hillary or trump that wins. If you want to throw your vote away on someone else, fine, but dont try to pretend that you are doing the rational thing by doing so.
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

As I pointed out in another thread, Trump is about 10%(+/-) points behind Clinton. Johnson is polling at about 10%(+/-). If Trump supporters are serious about stopping Hillary they'll get behind Johnson and make it a real fight.

The only thing that could possibly happen by supporting Johnson is to throw the election of President into the House and Vice President into the Senate.

In that scenario I predict Trump would win.
Can you imagine the screaming from the left if that happens?
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. Idiot. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

So you're saying voting for the known pure evil bitch is better than anything else.
Okay, class. Here is an example of one of the retards I am talking about.

Dipshit manufactured himself a false dichotomy. "If he isn't voting for Trump he must be voting for Hillary." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This is what the voices in their head do.

He should have read my next post. :lol:

Wrong asshole, Trump is the only one with a viable chance of beating the hildabitch. I won't waste my vote on someone who has no viability. The candidates are irrelevant to me, Trumps list of proposed court nominations are way better than anyone the hildabitch might nominate and to me the court is the most important issue, they will effect the country more than the next 3 presidents combined.

Yet Trump is the perfect candidate for Hillary to run against .. and by the GOP running Trump, it ensures the Supreme Court will stay in democratic hands for many years.

Trump is almost single-handedly destroying the Republican Party.
There is no such thing as the Republican Party... Washington is one party rule, the progressive party. Has been that way for the last several years.
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. Idiot. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

So you're saying voting for the known pure evil bitch is better than anything else.
Okay, class. Here is an example of one of the retards I am talking about.

Dipshit manufactured himself a false dichotomy. "If he isn't voting for Trump he must be voting for Hillary." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This is what the voices in their head do.

He should have read my next post. :lol:

Wrong asshole, Trump is the only one with a viable chance of beating the hildabitch. I won't waste my vote on someone who has no viability. The candidates are irrelevant to me, Trumps list of proposed court nominations are way better than anyone the hildabitch might nominate and to me the court is the most important issue, they will effect the country more than the next 3 presidents combined.

Yet Trump is the perfect candidate for Hillary to run against .. and by the GOP running Trump, it ensures the Supreme Court will stay in democratic hands for many years.

Trump is almost single-handedly destroying the Republican Party.
There is no such thing as the Republican Party... Washington is one party rule, the progressive party. Has been that way for the last several years.

:0) Either way, Trump can't win .. democrats control the Supreme Court well into the future.
The dumb shits said, "Vote for Romney because Obama will end the world" or words to that effect.

So they voted for Romney and lost anyway and the world is still here. However, the dumb shits work real hard to convince themselves the world has ended because they can't admit they were fucking wrong. Gasoline is not at six bucks a gallon. The stock market is not in the tank. We are better off than we were eight years ago.

Meanwhile, the GOP received the "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING" message from the dumb shits, and now we have Trump.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Conservatives did not show up to the polls in the last two presidential elections... Because there was no conservative to vote for. Fuck face

And TRUMP is a conservative???

I never said that... He's a businessman.
What could it hurt? The last 100+ years have been an utter failure because of the progressive career politician and their federal government.
The handy work of the progressive career politician and their socialist federal government...
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
You have a chance to send a very loud message to the assholes who gave us Trump.

Or you can do the same thing you always do. You can lose an election and lose a chance to send the message.

That's the thing about lessons. If you don't learn them, you WILL get a chance to learn them again, and each time it will be worse and worse until you do.
Uhm, aren't the people you are chastising in this thread the same assholes who gave us Trump?
The wrong voices are controlling the party right now.

Why they flushed Reagan's 80% rule is a mystery. Cross them on anything, you're a RINO and a commie, and you're under attack.

So they end up with this guy.

The LYING backstabbing arrogant GOP establishment idiots are responsible for Trump winning the nomination. Lets consider a fact, the GOP establishment ran over 60,000 ads espousing Tea Party positions on the issues then after we gave them the win the lying bastards took a giant shit on the Tea Party and collaborated with the Democrats, wtf.
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The dumb shits said, "Vote for Romney because Obama will end the world" or words to that effect.

So they voted for Romney and lost anyway and the world is still here. However, the dumb shits work real hard to convince themselves the world has ended because they can't admit they were fucking wrong. Gasoline is not at six bucks a gallon. The stock market is not in the tank. We are better off than we were eight years ago.

Meanwhile, the GOP received the "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING" message from the dumb shits, and now we have Trump.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Conservatives did not show up to the polls in the last two presidential elections... Because there was no conservative to vote for. Fuck face

And TRUMP is a conservative???

I never said that... He's a businessman.
What could it hurt? The last 100+ years have been an utter failure because of the progressive career politician and their federal government.
The handy work of the progressive career politician and their socialist federal government...
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You must have missed Trumps economic plan...which will explode the debt.
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.
So what you are saying is that you have no knowledge of or interest in any of he issues in this election or where the candidates stand on them so your vote will be based on nothing but partisan loyalty. Sadly, too many Clinton supporters are satisfied to vote this way.
You have a chance to send a very loud message to the assholes who gave us Trump.

Or you can do the same thing you always do. You can lose an election and lose a chance to send the message.

That's the thing about lessons. If you don't learn them, you WILL get a chance to learn them again, and each time it will be worse and worse until you do.
Uhm, aren't the people you are chastising in this thread the same assholes who gave us Trump?

Everyone deserve's a second chance.
Poor Rube5000.....it thinks it's so profound!!

If you don't like hiLIARy or Trump, don't vote for either of them.


What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

As I pointed out in another thread, Trump is about 10%(+/-) points behind Clinton. Johnson is polling at about 10%(+/-). If Trump supporters are serious about stopping Hillary they'll get behind Johnson and make it a real fight.

The only thing that could possibly happen by supporting Johnson is to throw the election of President into the House and Vice President into the Senate.

In that scenario I predict Trump would win.
Can you imagine the screaming from the left if that happens?

Not if Trump supporters voted Johnson, instead of for a candidate who can't win. As Trump's numbers slip, that will become even more obvious.
The dumb shits said, "Vote for Romney because Obama will end the world" or words to that effect.

So they voted for Romney and lost anyway and the world is still here. However, the dumb shits work real hard to convince themselves the world has ended because they can't admit they were fucking wrong. Gasoline is not at six bucks a gallon. The stock market is not in the tank. We are better off than we were eight years ago.

Meanwhile, the GOP received the "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING" message from the dumb shits, and now we have Trump.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Conservatives did not show up to the polls in the last two presidential elections... Because there was no conservative to vote for. Fuck face

And TRUMP is a conservative???

I never said that... He's a businessman.
What could it hurt? The last 100+ years have been an utter failure because of the progressive career politician and their federal government.
The handy work of the progressive career politician and their socialist federal government...
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You must have missed Trumps economic plan...which will explode the debt.
Like I said I'm writing in my candidate... Elmer Fudd
I am against any sort of debt for any reason, I live debt free, I expect the the government to do the same...
What a retarded fucking gambit. Voting for the lesser of two evils.

When you vote for a lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL.

When you vote for a lesser evil, do you think the asshole fuckwads you voted for interpret your vote as, "I only voted for you because you stink less than the other guys?"

No. Idiot. That is NOT what they hear.

Now get this through your head. It is very important.

What the fuckwads you vote for hear is, "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!"

Got it?

How's that been working out for you?

Especially Republicans. How's that been working out? You voted for a lesser evil, and STILL LOST.

You know why? Because you have been telling the GOP to "KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"

You dumb fucks.

So, yeah. Go ahead and vote for Trump, get your asses kicked AGAIN, and then wait until you see the fucking freak show retard mongoloid rolling train wreck who is put on the plate for you in 2020.

So you're saying voting for the known pure evil bitch is better than anything else.
Okay, class. Here is an example of one of the retards I am talking about.

Dipshit manufactured himself a false dichotomy. "If he isn't voting for Trump he must be voting for Hillary." BWA-HA-HA-HA!

This is what the voices in their head do.

He should have read my next post. :lol:

Wrong asshole, Trump is the only one with a viable chance of beating the hildabitch. I won't waste my vote on someone who has no viability. The candidates are irrelevant to me, Trumps list of proposed court nominations are way better than anyone the hildabitch might nominate and to me the court is the most important issue, they will effect the country more than the next 3 presidents combined.

Yet Trump is the perfect candidate for Hillary to run against .. and by the GOP running Trump, it ensures the Supreme Court will stay in democratic hands for many years.

Trump is almost single-handedly destroying the Republican Party.

I think your optimism is a bit premature, Trump might turn it around if he stays on message, his Detroit speech was pretty compelling.
Poor Rube5000.....it thinks it's so profound!!

If you don't like hiLIARy or Trump, don't vote for either of them.


If you can't distinguish between the two you just haven't taken the trouble to learn about the issues or their positions on them.
Poor Rube5000.....it thinks it's so profound!!

If you don't like hiLIARy or Trump, don't vote for either of them.


If you can't distinguish between the two you just haven't taken the trouble to learn about the issues or their positions on them.

The contrast between Trump and Hillary is staggering. McCain vs Obama and Romney vs Obama were liberal vs liberal light, hardly any contrast at all. Voters have a clear choice this election, Trump's far from a perfect candidate he isn't a professional politician but Hillary is arguably the most corrupt lying filth candidate the Dem's could have nominated.

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