Images of Jewish Muslim Unity


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The rightwing Christer goyim hate this

10 Images Of Jewish-Muslim Unity That Go Beyond The Headlines

And lets not forget history the Christian Crusaders were a common enemy for both Muslims and Jews, Jewish soldiers helped the Muslim leaders during the crusades

Jews and Muslims were pretty much always allies with some arguments in between. The violence started when the Christians turned them against each other around the 19th Century.

The Crusades - My Jewish Learning
The rightwing Christer goyim hate this

10 Images Of Jewish-Muslim Unity That Go Beyond The Headlines

And lets not forget history the Christian Crusaders were a common enemy for both Muslims and Jews, Jewish soldiers helped the Muslim leaders during the crusades

Jews and Muslims were pretty much always allies with some arguments in between. The violence started when the Christians turned them against each other around the 19th Century.

The Crusades - My Jewish Learning

Sorry, guno, but you have to get with the program instead of always trying to divide the Christians and the Jews. Do you live here in the U.S.? If so, you can't be blind to how the Christians and the Jews have been getting along here for ages and ages. If you don't like it, tough on you. Perhaps guno should open his eyes to what is happening in the rest of the Mjddle East. Maybe he likes to see innocent people killed because of their religious beliefs. One would think that there were no good Jewish psychiatrists available to help this meshuganah smendrick with his problems.

Leading Rabbi Praises Zionist Christians: “More Exalted than Cyrus”
By Ahuva Balofsky June 29, 2014

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed of the Har Bracha Yeshiva recently praised Zionist Christians, saying, “Their moral stature is higher and more exalted than that of Coresh [Persian King Cyrus], who assisted the Return to Zion.”

In mid-June, Melamed wrote in his weekly column in the influential Besheva Magazine of Israel’s Zionist Orthodox community, criticizing the community’s tendency to reject Evangelist support for Israel. Responding to claims that Christian Zionist financial support came with strings attached and was the result of efforts to proselytize within Israel’s Jewish community, Melamed said, “It is hard to understand where such a libelous claim sprang from.”

Melamed did take issue with what he saw as a misrepresentation on the part of fundraisers from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), presenting Israel as a poverty-stricken country, but ultimately noted the good their contribution does, adding NIS 36 million (about $10.5 million) to the Ministry of Education’s NIS 260 million (about $75 million) allocated for children’s summer camps.

“After the Evangelists donated their money with kindness of heart and with love for the people of Israel, unconditionally and with no involvement in where the money goes, they must not be insulted by throwing their contribution back in their faces, while accusing them of trying to proselytize Jews,” he explained.

“As for the claim that this contribution could cause the Jewish masses in Israel to view Evangelists – who are Christians who love Israel – favorably, there is no fault in this, because they deserve recognition for their support for us. We must battle missionaries, not moral Christians who respect our religion and support us.”


Top Rabbi Praises Zionist Christians: ?More Exalted than Cyrus? - Israel News

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