Imagine an America Based Upon Classic Conservative Principles

What Conservative America would be like

No Civil Rights, Separate but Equal
Limited women’s rights
No worker protections, 40 hr week, OSHA, right to collective bargaining
No Environmental Protections
State centered Government
No universal Healthcare
No public welfare
I'm fine with state-centered government. That's how it should be.
Is releasing hundreds of thousands of career violent felons from prison early to create chaos to win an election a conservative principle?

Is taking away liberties a conservative principle?

Is picking people based upon skin color a conservative principle?
The U.S. is the only democracy in the world that spells out basic freedoms in the Bill of Rights that are guaranteed. These are conservative principals. Whatever happens during despotic democrat regimes doesn't take away from the basic principals (so far).
Name 3 Democrats of the Civil War.
Reverdy Johnson, James Nesmith, Joseph Bailey, Augustus Carpenter Baldwin, Alexander Hamilton Coffroth, James Edward English, John Ganson, John Augustus Griswold, Anson Herrick, Wells Andrews Hutchins, Archibald McAllister, Homer Augustus Nelson, Moses Fowler Odell, William Radford, Samuel Jackson Randall, John Benedict Steele, and Ezra Wheeler.

That's more than three. Sorry.

Now what?
What Conservative America would be like

No Civil Rights, Separate but Equal
Limited women’s rights
No worker protections, 40 hr week, OSHA, right to collective bargaining
No Environmental Protections
State centered Government
No universal Healthcare
No public welfare
I could live with that.
I'm fine with state-centered government. That's how it should be.
50 States looking out for their own interests

The United States became a great country when we stopped being a bunch of States that were united and we became the UNITED STATES
Would there be slavery? No. Society would be based upon the values of Lincoln and those who sided with him.
Yoù couldn't possibly know how they thought. Lincoln destroyed that great wealth creator, slavery and the elite capitalists didn't get the dictatorship they fought for.

Would we have total equality in every aspect of society.
Total equity? You mean republicans control every thing? That's not a dictatorship???
Yes. Not equality of result, but equality of opportunity because each of us are created in the image of God.
No one is created in the image of anyone but their parents. There is no God and if there were, I wouldn't want to be associated with that mass murdering, child killing piece of shit.
God my arse. Wake up to yourself. You've been conned
Would we have a welfare state? No. We’d have a society of citizens expected to help those in need because of only one reason - it’s the right thing to do.
How noble. You have a society with great poverty now but all you do is complain about people on SS. Are you mad with hypocrisy? Why don't you do something about black poverty? Do you ever read the shit you write?
Would we have insupportable national debt? No. Spend what you take in.
The national debt is government debt and will never be repaid. Your private debt is your responsibility.

Would we have out-of-control crime in inner city ghettos? No.
And how do you propose to stop it when you cut off the money to the poor? Shoot them all? I know that's what you'd prefer to I stall your dictatorial utopia but that won't happen.
Would we have open borders and a huge underclass of illegals? No.
No one builds walls for peace. It creates enemies.
There are thousands of illegals coming from Canada every day but you say nothing about them. It always the Mexicans and Muslims.
It appears the illegals coMe here to work even at the exploitation of mongrel farmers poor wages. They are not underclass to anyone on thise terms. Other than you hate them.
Would we have incredible innovation, infrastructure, and the highest standard of living in the world? Yes.
Tell those blacks in no about it.
Btw, Biden is spending money on infrastructure and all you do is complain about him spending money. Yet here you are suggesting the same infrastructure is required to make the country better.
Do you ever think about what you write?
Your hatred has limited your capacity for rational thought. Actually, you don't think at all.
Yoù couldn't possibly know how they thought. Lincoln destroyed that great wealth creator, slavery and the elite capitalists didn't get the dictatorship they fought for.

Total equity? You mean republicans control every thing? That's not a dictatorship???

No one is created in the image of anyone but their parents. There is no God and if there were, I wouldn't want to be associated with that mass murdering, child killing piece of shit.
God my arse. Wake up to yourself. You've been conned

How noble. You have a society with great poverty now but all you do is complain about people on SS. Are you mad with hypocrisy? Why don't you do something about black poverty? Do you ever read the shit you write?

The national debt is government debt and will never be repaid. Your private debt is your responsibility.

And how do you propose to stop it when you cut off the money to the poor? Shoot them all? I know that's what you'd prefer to I stall your dictatorial utopia but that won't happen.

No one builds walls for peace. It creates enemies.
There are thousands of illegals coming from Canada every day but you say nothing about them. It always the Mexicans and Muslims.
It appears the illegals coMe here to work even at the exploitation of mongrel farmers poor wages. They are not underclass to anyone on thise terms. Other than you hate them.

Tell those blacks in no about it.
Btw, Biden is spending money on infrastructure and all you do is complain about him spending money. Yet here you are suggesting the same infrastructure is required to make the country better.
Do you ever think about what you write?
Your hatred has limited your capacity for rational thought. Actually, you don't think at all.
Thanks for displaying how ignorant the left is of history.
I couldn’t possibly know what our leaders in the past thought.
Except for the thousands of documents and communications they had….
50 States looking out for their own interests

The United States became a great country when we stopped being a bunch of States that were united and we became the UNITED STATES
I know what is best for me better than the government does.

My town knows what is better for it than the federal government does.

A state knows what is best for the state than the federal government does.

The federal government should be intruding on our lives as little as possible. Enemy invasion, getting my mail from Point A to Point B, interstate commerce, treaties, etc.
Yoù couldn't possibly know how they thought. Lincoln destroyed that great wealth creator, slavery and the elite capitalists didn't get the dictatorship they fought for.

Total equity? You mean republicans control every thing? That's not a dictatorship???

No one is created in the image of anyone but their parents. There is no God and if there were, I wouldn't want to be associated with that mass murdering, child killing piece of shit.
God my arse. Wake up to yourself. You've been conned

How noble. You have a society with great poverty now but all you do is complain about people on SS. Are you mad with hypocrisy? Why don't you do something about black poverty? Do you ever read the shit you write?

The national debt is government debt and will never be repaid. Your private debt is your responsibility.

And how do you propose to stop it when you cut off the money to the poor? Shoot them all? I know that's what you'd prefer to I stall your dictatorial utopia but that won't happen.

No one builds walls for peace. It creates enemies.
There are thousands of illegals coming from Canada every day but you say nothing about them. It always the Mexicans and Muslims.
It appears the illegals coMe here to work even at the exploitation of mongrel farmers poor wages. They are not underclass to anyone on thise terms. Other than you hate them.

Tell those blacks in no about it.
Btw, Biden is spending money on infrastructure and all you do is complain about him spending money. Yet here you are suggesting the same infrastructure is required to make the country better.
Do you ever think about what you write?
Your hatred has limited your capacity for rational thought. Actually, you don't think at all.
Open borders Leftard and he thinks Brandon is an infrastructure builder. What a hoot!
Would there be slavery? No. Society would be based upon the values of Lincoln and those who sided with him.

Would we have total equality in every aspect of society. Yes. Not equality of result, but equality of opportunity because each of us are created in the image of God.

Would we have a welfare state? No. We’d have a society of citizens expected to help those in need because of only one reason - it’s the right thing to do.

Would we have insupportable national debt? No. Spend what you take in.

Would we have out-of-control crime in inner city ghettos? No.

Would we have open borders and a huge underclass of illegals? No.

Would we have incredible innovation, infrastructure, and the highest standard of living in the world? Yes.
sorry we have civilization now, not potters fields and poor houses and misery and death. read the good old days, they were terrible. you are clueless and ignorant. the question is, why do we not have a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country...
Would there be slavery? No. Society would be based upon the values of Lincoln and those who sided with him.

Would we have total equality in every aspect of society. Yes. Not equality of result, but equality of opportunity because each of us are created in the image of God.

Would we have a welfare state? No. We’d have a society of citizens expected to help those in need because of only one reason - it’s the right thing to do.

Would we have insupportable national debt? No. Spend what you take in.

Would we have out-of-control crime in inner city ghettos? No.

Would we have open borders and a huge underclass of illegals? No.

Would we have incredible innovation, infrastructure, and the highest standard of living in the world? Yes.
Slavery was a conservative principle.
sorry we have civilization now, not potters fields and poor houses and misery and death. read the good old days, they were terrible. you are clueless and ignorant. the question is, why do we not have a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country...
CApitalism cured those problems, not government.
sorry we have civilization now, not potters fields and poor houses and misery and death. read the good old days, they were terrible. you are clueless and ignorant. the question is, why do we not have a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country...
America is the greatest nation for one reason.
The EPA is vital. Imagine the air and water without it. Imagine what industry would do if they could. They'd pollute everything.

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