Imagine If Kari Lake Wins Her Case, And A New Redo/New Election Is Demanded?, At Least In Person Voting Only. Mail In Ballots Double Checked.

Fortunately in Maricopa County we don't have precincts and can vote at election centers throughout the county. I believe the Republicans in charge of the election here ran things fairly. On Monday (12/19) I expect Hobbs and the county to come to court armed with audited figures and detailed processes which will easily outmatch Lake's hearsay.
Those who want Hobbs to prevail of course want Kari Lake to be discredited and identified as evil in every way. The mostly non-objective and malicious leftwing media is portraying here exactly that way.

But wouldn't honorable people want to be sure that their election process was honest, fair and accurate? Why do some so resist having that looked at and a verdict rendered? I don't KNOW whether Hobbs or Lake legitimately won that election. So I am watching with interest as this plays out.

The media who are not surrogates and propaganda machines for the Democrat Party are presenting the case very differently than is the huge lion's share of the MSM. They aren't afraid to report on the questions the whistle blowers have raised.

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Those who want Hobbs to prevail of course want Kari Lake to be discredited and identified as evil in every way. The mostly non-objective and malicious leftwing media is portraying here exactly that way.

But wouldn't honorable people want to be sure that their election process was honest, fair and accurate? Why do some so resist having that looked at and a verdict rendered? I don't KNOW whether Hobbs or Lake legitimately won that election. So I am watching with interest as this plays out.

The media who are not surrogates and propaganda machines for the Democrat Party are presenting the case very differently than is the huge lion's share of the MSM. They aren't afraid to report on the questions the whistle blowers have raised.
You make an important point. The willingness of democrats to accept the dubiousness of elections because their side won only exposes their own abject dishonesty.
You make an important point. The willingness of democrats to accept the dubiousness of elections because their side won only exposes their own abject dishonesty.
Not dishonesty so much as maybe desperation? Honorable people want to BE right, not just have public opinion think of them as right. A person would not strongly resist examination to determine facts and truth if he/she was confident that no error or wrong doing would be found.

In Adam Schiff's bogus Russia/Ukraine collusion investigation, everything was kept strictly out of sight. Again and again he claimed to have irrefutable truth of "Trump crimes"--claims to this day that he has never substantiated with a shred of evidence. And coached and groomed witnesses were brought before the House to depict Trump as an out-of-control evil person. And every single one was shot down under cross examination and every single one admitted they knew of no crime or legal impropriety committed by Donald J. Trump.

No wonder the Jan 6 committee would allow no cross examination of their witnesses and the media desperately tried to deep six all those who came forward challenging some of the supposed 'testimony' presented.

And we now have the constant mantra of 'there is no evidence' of election fraud or impropriety. But the Democrats sure work very hard to prevent or discredit any investigation that would prove that. Recounting possibly fraudulent ballots really accomplishes nothing but increase suspicious that foul play is in effect.
Fortunately in Maricopa County we don't have precincts and can vote at election centers throughout the county. I believe the Republicans in charge of the election here ran things fairly. On Monday (12/19) I expect Hobbs and the county to come to court armed with audited figures and detailed processes which will easily outmatch Lake's hearsay.
After the 2020 election Maricopa's credibility is 0. This is the second time in consecutive elections they have been called out. Give Lake the chance to prove just how corrupt they are. Anything else is not justice.
Those who want Hobbs to prevail of course want Kari Lake to be discredited and identified as evil in every way. The mostly non-objective and malicious leftwing media is portraying here exactly that way.

Your premise is false. What's the worse you've heard about Kari Lake's personality?

But the evidence should warrant investigation.

Yes it should. That's why on Monday if a judge finds just reasonable evidence of election fraud in what Lake presents, there will be a trial later in the week.
After the 2020 election Maricopa's credibility is 0. This is the second time in consecutive elections they have been called out. Give Lake the chance to prove just how corrupt they are. Anything else is not justice.
Yeah, even the Cyber Ninjas eventually called the vote for Biden.
Fortunately in Maricopa County we don't have precincts and can vote at election centers throughout the county. I believe the Republicans in charge of the election here ran things fairly. On Monday (12/19) I expect Hobbs and the county to come to court armed with audited figures and detailed processes which will easily outmatch Lake's hearsay.

That is fantastic that you can vote at any election center in the county.
Your premise is false. What's the worse you've heard about Kari Lake's personality?

"Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake, a Christian nationalist, conspiracy theorist, and Big Lie promoter. . ."--New Civil Rights Movement

Yes it should. That's why on Monday if a judge finds just reasonable evidence of election fraud in what Lake presents, there will be a trial later in the week.

The MSM typically disparages any Republican or non-Democrat who criticizes any process or system or implementation Democrats put into place or that favor Democrats. Most get in a dig at Lake in reporting the upcoming hearing/trial. They did not do this to Stacy Abrams who has yet to concede her 2018 loss in the GA governor's race. (They say she did concede in 2022.)

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It would absolutely prove that Trump was right about 2020.... and he is the rightful president.... whether anything gets reversed or not the people will know.... cheat in one election means you probably did it before....
I'm really glad Kari Lake is fighting, regardless of the outcome. Nothing will change our fukked up Arizona election process unless the perpetrators get dragged out into the light. And the other thing is, she is young and will hold high office whether it's governor or in Congress.

Nazis support other Nazis. The Arizona election process is not fucked up. You are the ones who are fucked up just because you lost.
I'm really glad Kari Lake is fighting, regardless of the outcome. Nothing will change our fukked up Arizona election process unless the perpetrators get dragged out into the light. And the other thing is, she is young and will hold high office whether it's governor or in Congress.

We don't need any more Nazis in Congress.

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