Immigrants are bad whether legal or illegal

what skills?

Tech skills for one. There are lots of Asian immigrants making six figures in Silicone Valley. If we don't allow them to bring their families here then the money they earn is going to leave the country but who expects you MAGAts to understand simple socioeconomic realities? You're the uneducated whites.
You people are stupid and don't think so well. The reason for that policy is because we want those skilled immigrants to stay and not take their education and money back to their home countries where their families are. Allowing their families to come makes it more likely that the sum of their labor remains in this country rather going back home to them.
Thats a tiny minority of the immigrants we get under the current law

Admitting the wife and children is ok

But not grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and all their children

under the ted kennedy chain immigration scam we are getting millions of immigrants who have never seen the inside of a college much less graduated with skills that benefit America

Btw: a total dufus like you should avoid calling anyone else stupid
Thats a tiny minority of the immigrants we get under the current law

Admitting the wife and children is ok

But not grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and all their children

under the ted kennedy chain immigration scam we are getting millions of immigrants who have never seen the inside of a college much less graduated with skills that benefit America

Btw: a total dufus like you should avoid calling anyone else stupid
That's the story of America you dumb Bingo. Do you want to be a dying country who people only come to take resources from? :dunno:
That's the story of America you dumb Bingo. Do you want to be a dying country who people only come to take resources from? :dunno:

Some kid from a 3rd world cesspool busts his ass in high school and earns a college degree in America

Unless he’s an absentee dad like obama’s father, chances are he’s not going to want to return to his home country if he has a chance to immigrate to America

And the ones who do decide to leave are not the sort of people - again like obama’s father - that we want anyway

Some kid from a 3rd world cesspool busts his ass in high school and earns a college degree in America

Unless he’s an absentee dad like obama’s father, chances are he’s not going to want to return to his home country if he has a chance to immigrate to America

And the ones who do decide to leave are not the sort of people - again like obama’s father - that we want anyway
It's doesn't seem like you want anybody considering your party just spent a couple weeks making up a story about hard working legal immigrants just so you could have someone to smear. But hey, I support you being a ever shrinking insular circle of bigots and Bingos.
It's doesn't seem like you want anybody considering your party just spent a couple weeks making up a story about hard working legal immigrants just so you could have someone to smear. But hey, I support you being a ever shrinking insular circle of bigots and Bingos.
That wasnt a made up story

The obama/biden/harris junta flooded a city of 59,000 with 20,000 Haitian migrants and they are causing all sorts of trouble
Of course not

If they were it would have crashed on takeoff
So then what is your actual big boy argument? That they allowed people to legally immigrate here from Haiti and that those people moved to Ohio and built a thriving Haitian community that's contributing to the economic growth of the city? Is that what you claimed to want earlier? :dunno:
So then what is your actual big boy argument? That they allowed people to legally immigrate here from Haiti and that those people moved to Ohio and built a thriving Haitian community that's contributing to the economic growth of the city? Is that what you claimed to want earlier? :dunno:
That biden/harris flew the Haitians into the US
That biden/harris flew the Haitians into the US
I don't know what that means. I asked you if Obama or Biden was flying earlier and you shrugged it off as a joke. Which is it? You really think Obama had a plane pick people up in Haiti and deliver them to Ohio as some secret master plan? For what? If you fucking meek bastards don't want any immigration just say so, what's with these stupid arguments?

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