Immigrants Grow American GDP

What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
very simple - more workers = lower pay and higher prices
....look at the immigrant capital of the US = California--almost bottom 4th in poverty and most expensive place to live .
New York also

ery simple - more workers = lower pay and higher prices
....look at the immigrant capital of the US = California--almost bottom 4th in poverty and most expensive place to live .
New York also
California poverty levels have one prime driver and it's not the number of migrants in the community:

California ranks No. 1 in poverty once again. Take one guess why.

"Why is California No. 1?

"The main culprit? Experts say it’s the high cost of housing.

"'We do have a housing crisis in many parts of the state and our poverty rate is highest in Los Angeles County,' Caroline Danielson, policy director at the Public Policy Institute of California, told The Sacramento Bee. 'When you factor that in we struggle.'"

Immigrants make up a majority of the neighborhood I've lived in since 1995. At that time the market rent for a single (0 bedroom) apartment was $375/month.

Today the same unit rents for $1350/month AFTER the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression. Do immigrants get the blame for that as well?
Immigrants or ILLEGALS? Big difference-or do BOTH get welfare?
Immigrants or ILLEGALS? Big difference-or do BOTH get welfare?
"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

"Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits
, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

"Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

How much do immigrants of all varieties pay in sales taxes, property taxes, Social Security benefits that illegals will never receive? The US economy is facing declining growth and population rates at the same time 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day. We need more immigrant labor, not less.
"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.
The left and their stupid generalizations....immigrants aren't all equal!

low skilled illgela immigrants create more problems than benefit any society.
High skilled immigrants is what benefits the labor market and overall economy.

You leftists get these things always mixed up and it has to be all you do, is drive an agenda.
So, who is stupid enough to belief you people?

I am an, where I live now, as well as I have been in Canada or Australia....I never jumped a fence or swam through a river.....I brought start capital, a journeyman certificate, a family and legal documentation which enabled me to apply for a visa...simple as....

So, it was up to the nation, Irequested to join, to allow me in....for leftists, this is somehow not a viable option....WHY?
"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.
The left and their stupid generalizations....immigrants aren't all equal!

low skilled illgela immigrants create more problems than benefit any society.
High skilled immigrants is what benefits the labor market and overall economy.

You leftists get these things always mixed up and it has to be all you do, is drive an agenda.
So, who is stupid enough to belief you people?

I am an, where I live now, as well as I have been in Canada or Australia....I never jumped a fence or swam through a river.....I brought start capital, a journeyman certificate, a family and legal documentation which enabled me to apply for a visa...simple as....

So, it was up to the nation, Irequested to join, to allow me in....for leftists, this is somehow not a viable option....WHY?
The left and their stupid generalizations....immigrants aren't all equal!

low skilled illgela immigrants create more problems than benefit any society.
High skilled immigrants is what benefits the labor market and overall economy.
Which jobs qualify as "high skilled" and which are "low skilled?" The US economy needs both as there are currently more job openings than unemployed workers in search of jobs.

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker.

"She has turned away business, declining to manage properties in Fort Myers. 'It’s a staffing void,' she confided during a visit to a memory care center in Broward County. Employment agencies won’t even return phone calls.

"More than a million immigrants enter the United States every year, most of them through authorized channels.

"Altogether, there are more than 44 million immigrants, or 13.6 percent of the population.

"The share is significantly higher than it was in 1970, but below the peak in the 1890s, when millions of Europeans crossed the Atlantic Ocean."

One additional problem besetting the US is the lack of white-skinned immigrants currently seeking employment. Many US conservatives are knee-jerk racists who blame Mexican migrants for shipping their jobs to China; although, such right-wing bigots have less influence on matters like immigration than they once enjoyed
"Immigrants make the country richer, they argue.
The left and their stupid generalizations....immigrants aren't all equal!

low skilled illgela immigrants create more problems than benefit any society.
High skilled immigrants is what benefits the labor market and overall economy.

You leftists get these things always mixed up and it has to be all you do, is drive an agenda.
So, who is stupid enough to belief you people?

I am an, where I live now, as well as I have been in Canada or Australia....I never jumped a fence or swam through a river.....I brought start capital, a journeyman certificate, a family and legal documentation which enabled me to apply for a visa...simple as....

So, it was up to the nation, Irequested to join, to allow me in....for leftists, this is somehow not a viable option....WHY?
So, it was up to the nation, Irequested to join, to allow me in....for leftists, this is somehow not a viable option....WHY?
Because US conservatives have a long, dismal history of basing immigration levels on skin color; was that ever a problem for you?

Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia
very simple - more workers = lower pay and higher prices
....look at the immigrant capital of the US = California--almost bottom 4th in poverty and most expensive place to live ..also

And they keep raising taxes to pay for the perks and pay raises government agencies and labor unions are demanding. Its a vicious cycle and it is stripping wealth from all average workers.
And they keep raising taxes to pay for the perks and pay raises government agencies and labor unions are demanding. Its a vicious cycle and it is stripping wealth from all average workers.
Maybe they should raise taxes on those who aren't paying their fair share?

Corporate Tax Avoidance Remains Rampant Under New Tax Law
the rich pay MORE than their fair share
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
the rich pay MORE than their fair share
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The richest one percent of individuals are paying their fair share of INCOME taxes but they are taking far more than their fair share of US income.

U.S. top one percent of income earners hit new high in 2015 amid strong economic growth - Equitable Growth
Doesn't matter... if you're here illegally, get the phukk out...
Doesn't matter... if you're here illegally, get the phukk out.
Even if that results in a death sentence?

Refugees & Asylum

"Refugee status is a form of protection that may be granted to people who meet the definition of refugee and who are of special humanitarian concern to the United States.

"Refugees are generally people outside of their country who are unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm. For a legal definition of refugee, see section 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."

What evidence do you have that "illegal aliens" are more likely to be rapists than native born Americans? Try thinking (if you can) about the situation like this: how does the US turn "illegal aliens" into legal immigrants, or are you sufficiently ignorant to believe the US is "full"?

We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag. Trump has enforced this method, which Democrats call racist. The bottom line is that Democrats clearly want open borders and to allow anyone to come into the US, legally or not and whether they contribute or not. There is not ONE single sane person who thinks this is a recipe for success. We can't pay for healthcare and welfare for the entire world. That is what the far-left is pushing for, but some are too ignorant to see it.
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag. Trump has enforced this method, which Democrats call racist. The bottom line is that Democrats clearly want open borders and to allow anyone to come into the US, legally or not and whether they contribute or not. There is not ONE single sane person who thinks this is a recipe for success. We can't pay for healthcare and welfare for the entire world. That is what the far-left is pushing for, but some are too ignorant to see it.
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
very simple - more workers = lower pay and higher prices
....look at the immigrant capital of the US = California--almost bottom 4th in poverty and most expensive place to live .
New York also

ery simple - more workers = lower pay and higher prices
....look at the immigrant capital of the US = California--almost bottom 4th in poverty and most expensive place to live .
New York also
California poverty levels have one prime driver and it's not the number of migrants in the community:

California ranks No. 1 in poverty once again. Take one guess why.

"Why is California No. 1?

"The main culprit? Experts say it’s the high cost of housing.

"'We do have a housing crisis in many parts of the state and our poverty rate is highest in Los Angeles County,' Caroline Danielson, policy director at the Public Policy Institute of California, told The Sacramento Bee. 'When you factor that in we struggle.'"

Immigrants make up a majority of the neighborhood I've lived in since 1995. At that time the market rent for a single (0 bedroom) apartment was $375/month.

Today the same unit rents for $1350/month AFTER the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression. Do immigrants get the blame for that as well?
Immigrants or ILLEGALS? Big difference-or do BOTH get welfare?
Immigrants or ILLEGALS? Big difference-or do BOTH get welfare?
"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

"Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits
, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

"Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

How much do immigrants of all varieties pay in sales taxes, property taxes, Social Security benefits that illegals will never receive? The US economy is facing declining growth and population rates at the same time 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day. We need more immigrant labor, not less.
Generally means you bet your ass. Those thieving bastard illegal aliens!
What evidence do you have that "illegal aliens" are more likely to be rapists than native born Americans? Try thinking (if you can) about the situation like this: how does the US turn "illegal aliens" into legal immigrants, or are you sufficiently ignorant to believe the US is "full"?

We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag. Trump has enforced this method, which Democrats call racist. The bottom line is that Democrats clearly want open borders and to allow anyone to come into the US, legally or not and whether they contribute or not. There is not ONE single sane person who thinks this is a recipe for success. We can't pay for healthcare and welfare for the entire world. That is what the far-left is pushing for, but some are too ignorant to see it.
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
"What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?"
An informed opinion knows, first of all, that "informed opinions" have no idea what the "competitive wage" is. But the market does. An informed opinion also knows there is no such thing as a "labor shortage". To say there is a labor shortage in the United States is as absurd as saying the US doesn't have enough Americans.
An informed opinion knows, first of all, that "informed opinions" have no idea what the "competitive wage" is. But the market does. An informed opinion also knows there is no such thing as a "labor shortage". To say there is a labor shortage in the United States is as absurd as saying the US doesn't have enough Americans
If there are currently 7.3 million job openings and only 6 million unemployed workers seeking a job, how many more Americans should the US import?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
There is a big difference between migrant workers and immigrants and ILLEGAL ALIENS!
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag. Trump has enforced this method, which Democrats call racist. The bottom line is that Democrats clearly want open borders and to allow anyone to come into the US, legally or not and whether they contribute or not. There is not ONE single sane person who thinks this is a recipe for success. We can't pay for healthcare and welfare for the entire world. That is what the far-left is pushing for, but some are too ignorant to see it.
We aren't "full". I have no problem legally allowing immigrants into our country that can make a contribution. They don't all have to be MDs, but they must show the ability to ecomically stand on their own 2 feet, otherwise, they are simply a drag
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
"What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?"
An informed opinion knows, first of all, that "informed opinions" have no idea what the "competitive wage" is. But the market does. An informed opinion also knows there is no such thing as a "labor shortage". To say there is a labor shortage in the United States is as absurd as saying the US doesn't have enough Americans.
An informed opinion knows, first of all, that "informed opinions" have no idea what the "competitive wage" is. But the market does. An informed opinion also knows there is no such thing as a "labor shortage". To say there is a labor shortage in the United States is as absurd as saying the US doesn't have enough Americans
If there are currently 7.3 million job openings and only 6 million unemployed workers seeking a job, how many more Americans should the US import?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Don’t have any issue with legal immigrants, we don’t need illegal immigrants. Big difference and since it is illegal to hire illegal immigrants they are no help to this country and only a drain.
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
Automate dummy.
Any one considering that there may be better solutions some where between the extremes offered by both ends of the political landscape.
What happens when you have 1.3 million more job openings than unemployed workers seeking jobs?

Economic Antidote for a Shrinking America: Immigrants

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed. That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers...."

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day, and US birth rates are at a three decade low:

"Using census data, the investment company the Blackstone Group estimates that without immigration, the working-age population between 25 and 64 years old would drop by 17 million by 2035.

"'We really need immigrants,' Byron R. Wien, vice chairman of Blackstone’s Private Wealth Solutions group, said during the company’s quarterly webcast last month. 'If we have a shrinking population, it’s going to be tough to have rising G.D.P.,' or gross domestic product."

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November. In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"
It would be great and the working conditions and pay would increase if they would work for a pay check. Problem they like to work for cash....No taxes taken out. So what is the point...A liberal one I bet.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
There is a big difference between migrant workers and immigrants and ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Not as far as jobs are concerned.
"There is no way to figure out precisely how many more immigrants the national economy could easily absorb without a lot of guessing. Powerful forces like technology, globalization and the decline in union strength can heave economies around willy-nilly, benefiting some workers and hurting others, regardless of immigration."

How many migrants are too many?

"This past tomato season, DiMare Fresh, a family-owned distributor with farms in Florida and California, had scores of unfilled jobs..."

"Tomato season in Florida doesn’t resume until November.

"In the meantime, Mr. DiMare shakes his head when asked about detentions at the border and deportation raids.

"'They want to send all these people back,' he said. 'Who the hell is going to do all this work?'"

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
What do farmers do when there are not enough cows to meet demand for milk?
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage.
Tell the asshole he could get all the workers he needs if he paid a competitive wage
What would a competitive wage for farm work be in your informed opinion?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers

"At the moment, there are 7.3 million job openings nationwide and six million people unemployed.

"That gap is expected to widen as the number of retirees grows faster than the number of new workers.

"'In every market that we’re in, we’re dealing with staffing shortages,' said Pilar Carvajal, the founder and chief executive of Innovation Senior Management, which manages seven assisted-living centers in Florida. Entry-level workers in the area make from $10 to $12 an hour — the same as a dishwasher and slightly more than a farmworker."
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage.
The market determines what competitive wages are. When employers can fill their positions, they are paying a competitive wage
If it's true there are currently 7.3 million job openings in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, how do employers determine a competitive wage?

Is Immigration at Its Limit? Not for Employers
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
They keep increasing the wage they offer until all their positions are filled. How do you imagine grocery stores determine a competitive price for milk?
What do farmers do when there are not enough cows to meet demand for milk?
Raise their prices.
Why are we even having this national debate?

We owe nothing to Illegal Aliens.

This is our country... our home... our rules... we can let-in whomever we like, and deny whomever we like, and for no better reason than because we can.

And if any dumb-ass international protocol gets in our way, we dump the protocol over the side.

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